With the Sharingan in the MCU

Chapter 55: Chapter 53: Watcher

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I woke up early in the morning and got ready to visit Shuri.

She informed me yesterday that Vision had finally woken up so I wanted to check him out.

After going through my morning routine, I walked back into my room, where Wanda was still sleeping.

She moved into my room soon after the ex-Avengers left the house and we all calmed down a bit.

Pietro was forced by her to move upstairs into her old room, which was too small for us two.

Afterwards she made Pietro's room a guest room.

She wanted to have one floor for us to be undisturbed in the night, to work on our relationship...

He tried to complain, but she silenced him with a deadly glare, which made him sulk all day.

From there on out, he started to sigh every time he saw us in the house being lovey-dovey and all, but he didn't say anything to me, because Wanda was happy.

After I kiss her on the cheek, I leave a tiny raven behind that will inform her where I am and walk out of the house.

Outside I could see Pietro training on the open plains, trying to get in shape again.

If he continues to train, I wonder what his speed limit will be someday. It would be interesting to find out in the future.

When he saw me, he appeared before me.

"Where are you going this early? No training today?" he asked, looking confused at me.

Because I usually train at that time too.

"No, Shuri called me yesterday and said Vision woke up and I wanted to visit them." I say while waving at him, as I begin walking away.

"Wait! I will come with you." he said and appeared again next to me.

I raise an eyebrow and say, "Are you sure? I'm pretty sure Okoye will beat you up someday to prevent you both from meeting each other."

"Yes, I want to see her."

He ignored the Okoye comment?

"Fine, let's go." I say and shrug.

But he makes a pose as if he would start running any moment and says with a grin, "How about a race? When I win, I will get my room back."

My first thought was that it would be too troublesome, but then I thought I could teach him a lesson.

"Ok and if I win, you will stop sulking and sighing all day. Deal?"

He nods and we get ready.

"The goal is Shuri's lab. No mind tricks or anything like that, understood?"

I nod this time and take out a penny. "When it hits the ground, we start."

"Got it, be ready to lose." he says, while grinning from ear to ear...

Throwing the penny into the sky, I activated my Sharingan.

I could see tiny vibrations on his body, which meant that he had activated his powers already.

His chakra was white with a yellow touch, which was different from any other I had seen before.

It was also very different from Wanda. Hers was a dark scarlet color that started to turn violet over the past few days for some reason.

Before the coin hits the ground, I concentrate my chakra in my body and we started to run.

If possible, I wanted to beat him without my Raiton armor and only use it when he got the upper hand.

But from the beginning of the race I recognized that it was impossible to succeed without it. Even when I pushed myself to the limit, he was still far ahead of me in terms of speed.

We rushed through the streets of the Golden City while ignoring the people.

This fucker then slowed down to taunt me and then ran relaxed next to me.

"What's up, old man? Is that all you got?" He asked with a shit-eating grin.

"Hmm? Wasn't that a warm-up?" I replied and activated my Raiton armor.

That boosted my speed to another level and I dashed forward, leaving him behind.

He looked shocked, but then collected himself and ran at full speed after me.

Within a few seconds, we could see the mines and Shuri's lab.

I reached the open entrance of the lab a nose length ahead of him, but I couldn't celebrate it yet.

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Because we could see Shuri fall on her butt.

When we suddenly stopped at the entrance, it created a shockwave that blew her away since she was close to it.

She gets up, looks bewildered for a moment, then presses something on her wrist and screams, "What the hell?! Was this another attack? Activate the defense protocols!"

All of a sudden, we were surrounded by weapons made of Vibranium. Which came out of the ceiling.

We raised our hands and I said, "Shuri! Wait! You are not under attack."

She looks at us and then blinks a few times.

"What the hell are you two idiots doing? Do you want to give me a heart attack?"

"It was only a small race." said Pietro, still raising his hands because she hadn't deactivated the weapons yet.

"That I won." I said proudly while the weapons started to charge up.

"Don't you have something to say? Because of you, I hurt my butt."

"We are sorry!" we said together and then the weapons disappeared.

"You better remember that next time, if you try something like that again." she says and then walks to a workbench and Pietro follows her.

Suddenly Vision appeared from the ground and said, while rubbing his chin, "This was an interesting interaction. I will make sure to remember it."

"Well, forgetting it would also be fine." I say and start to inspect him with my Sharingan.

One thing is for sure. The Mind Stone chakra was running completely through his body now. But in a really peaceful way.

"It feels strange to be inspected like this." says Vision.

So I stopped staring at him and said, "I'm sorry, I wanted to verify something. So are you still serving Tony Stark?"

I wouldn't have done it before either... but when he created this body, he noticed that I had started to develop consciousness.

Therefore, he made sure to block that by playing around with my cybernetic brain.

The only thing he wanted was a weapon that would do what he said without thinking twice. But thanks to Wanda, that is all over now."

I already thought something like this had happened.

"Should we still call you "Vision" or do you want another name?"

"Yes, I like to keep it, because I got it when I came into this world." he says with a complex look.

Even though Tony basically enslaved him, he is still thankful to him for bringing him into this world.

"I can respect that and did you already decide what you wanted to do next?"

"Hmm... I am not sure yet. I might stay here and assist Shuri with her research. She has a very interesting personality and I would like to see more of it."

"No! You will not stay here! You are touching too much." we heard Shuri screaming from the other side of the lab.

"Or maybe not... I could also travel the world for a bit." he says and transforms into his human form and starts to read something on a modern tablet.

That thing belonged to Shuri, for sure too...

When I saw him like this, I knew he wasn't a danger to us anymore. He seems at peace with himself and doesn't appear to care about the former Avengers or me.

It seems like he simply wants to live....

So after confirming that everything is fine, I leave him alone and say my goodbyes to the new Vision and to Shuri, while Pietro stays behind with them.

After leaving the lab, I ran into Okoye, who gave me the tea leaves she promised and then entered the lab herself.

Hopefully, Pietro's soul will still find peace in heaven after she is done with him...

Arriving at our house, I could sense that Wanda was up, which made me smile since I could spend some time with her now.

But suddenly, I could feel that someone was watching me.

Looking up, I could see a raven with golden eyes sitting on our roof. It looked at me for a while before flying away.

What the hell was this? This chakra and the golden eyes... it was an Asgardian.

But not just any Asgardian. I was pretty sure that was Odin himself watching me... this is not good.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, I opened the door and walked inside.



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