Wizard King

Chapter 131: 115: Peter Pettigrew

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Today, tomorrow, and the day after expect 2 chapters a day. So stay tuned!

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so please go check it out!

"Peter Pettigrew as in the one... you know...." Tonks asked hesitantly unsure how she should address the issue.

"Yes, the same man who sold out my parents, who were his best friends, and lead them to their death. Also, the same man who had an innocent man imprisoned for crimes he did not commit," Harry finished for her. Not having the same hesitation as she did as he put everything out in the open.

"I got some valid confirmation that he rejoined his master and is hiding out here in this manor with Voldermort. So it is going to be our mission to apprehend him at all cost and make sure he does not escape. If I know that fucking little rat well enough, then he will be hightailing it out of here after seeing all this fighting going on."

"So you are telling me the same man who got an Order of Merlin, First Class is a Death Eater and backstabber?" the dark skinned Auror voiced with a shake of his head. "Man, you can not trust anyone these days."

"Yes," Harry said, "now let's go and capture him!"

Harry was prepared to see Peter captured before he came here today. Pulling out the magic item he withdrew from his Family vault, Harry held out an old antique compass. It had only one use ferreting out Animagus and honing in on them.

Harry never wanted the same thing that happened to him before were all these years he had been sharing a room with an Animagus he had no clue about to happen ever again. His safety was paramount and was something that can not be overlooked, he had so many people counting on him and he just couldn't die from unforeseen circumstances that he did not expect. So he had to be ready.

That is why he had this magic item on person.

As much as he wished to have on his Magic Sight every day of every single minute it wasn't possible not only did he view things not in the normal way, the vision took a lot out of him both magically and mentally.

One day he might be able to achieve a balance with plenty of practice, but for now he could only use this ability sparingly.

Anyways with this item on hand, he would be able to track down Peter where ever he might have gone within a several mile radius.

"Stick close to me," Harry called out as he opened the compass out. The first thing it did was point at him since he was the closest Animagus at hand. Tapping on it twice, he made it hone on in on the second nearest Animagus and quickly the compass needle spun around until it pointed due north.

"Got you," Harry muttered as his eyes light up.

"Let's go," Harry waved to the others with a nod of his head.

"You heard him," Tonks said as she clapped her hands together, "let's move people!" Following behind them, Tonks made sure to stick real close to him as he focused solely on the compass making turns and twist here and there along the way.

It wasn't long before they came upon the perimeter that Amelia set up so that no one could escape. Harry wasn't surprised when he saw that the needle still pointed ahead into the woods behind the manor and graveyard. Clearly, Peter got past the perimeter unstopped.

Those that could achieve an Animagus form in Great Britain are rare, so rare that there really isn't much of a plan of action that the Aurors have to follow to handle them.

"Hey where are you going?" the Auror standing guard asked them as he came forward to block their path. He kept on fidgeting in place as his eyes darted ahead where most of the fights were going on, here you could still hear the clashes especially between Voldermort and Dumbledore who were battling high up above in the sky.

"We are chasing after a criminal that got past you, Erick," the gothic Auror replied to the man with a eye roll.

"I thought that," the man said with a scuffed. "Now you heard Department Head Amelia no one can get past, including you all," he said as he held out his hand.

"I can understand if you guys are just making this up to get away from all that!" he added as he looked back at the battles going on.

"We are not fleeing in fear!" Tonks growled in anger.

"Hey, no one said yo-...." before the man could even finish his sentence he dropped unconscious to the floor.

Everyone turned to look back at the young lord who had his wand raised. "What he was wasting our time," Harry shrugged his shoulder.

"You... You.. you just can't attack an Auror like that!" the petite Auror stumbled out in shock.

"Don't worry, I will be willing to pay the fine after all has been said and done. What, doesn't the going fine of attacking an Auror of the government go at? 1,000 2,00 Galleons?"

"Let's just go!" Tonks shook her head, she knew how rich he was or had a general idea that he was just filthy rich and the fine would be nothing for him to pay. And the misdemeanor would be waved for unforeseen circumstances.

Entering the woods, Harry caught a scuffling noise coming from up ahead. He knew that there couldn't be any wildlife nearby for dozens upon dozens of miles around. Thanks to Voldermort's dark aura seeping through the surrounding area those small critters must have been scared off.

Holding his hand out from everyone to come to a stop, Harry activated his Magic Sight now and smiled a very cold and empty smile that exposed more teeth than any warmth. He honed in on the form of a rat trying to stand stock still in the underbrush as it didn't even dare to move a single muscle. It might have worked on others, but for Harry, he could see the form of a man overlapping with that of the rat.

Seemingly sensing him staring at him with malicious intentions, the rat begin to flee. It ran headlong into a log and just as it came out the other way, Harry tossed the spell he prepared.

Quickly the Animagus reversal spell went into effect with a snap a grown man stood stuck inside the log with his head sticking out.

"Peter, Peter, Peter," Harry whispered in a disappointed tone as he came up to the traitor with his hate and disgust on full display on his face. "Where were you going in such a hurry?!"

"Harry, child..." he pleaded as he put on a simmering smile on his face.

Before he could get another word out of his traitorous mouth, Harry was upon him with his wand pointed at his face. "Don't you EVER dare to say my name with your filthy mouth!" he growled as he looked like a savage wild beast ready to tear into him.

Eyes going crossed-eyed as he stared at the wand pointed at his face, he whimpered back like the coward he was as he shivered in fear and terror, hiding his face as best he could.

"Give me that," Harry snarled as he took the coward's wand away from him. He didn't even try to put up a fight as the only thing on his mind was to flee instead of standing his ground.

"Let's go," Harry ordered as he pushed the rat man in front of him not so gently. "You already wasted more time than there is," he said pushing the traitor again to get him walking forward.

Seeing that he wasn't getting any mercy or pity from Harry, the rat man begin to plead and beg with the others. However he seem to forget who he was dealing with, Aurors. They were trained and used to this as every scum on the earth promised them riches beyond their wild imagination if they let them go or pleaded just like him for mercy as they wept how sorry they were for what they did.

Still Harry was getting sick and tired of hearing his annoying whining voice and barked out, "SHUT IT! If I hear one more word from you, you fucking traitor then I will make sure you never, ever get to say one more damn word from your traitorous!

"Are we clear!" Harry shouted as he stared down at him with eyes that promise no mercy at all.

After that threat of violence, they finally got peace and quiet and could carry along their way without hearing another word from the rat's mouth.

They meet the Auror that Harry cast a stunning spell, he wasn't too happy to see them at first but when he saw who they were dragging along, he couldn't say anything else.

Still, the man glared at Harry's back as they headed back up the hill, Harry really didn't care what he thought of him and whatever he filed in his report. Peter was going to escape if the man held them back any longer, and he just couldn't have that happen again.

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Coming up to where the Manor used to be, all Harry saw was a ruin. The twisted and warped house was no more as only rubble and ruin remained. Amilia was ordering about people, setting the injured to the side and having emergency healing administered so that they could be stabilized. While she had the rest deal with the last few remaining undead, and some people check around the place sniffing out traps and other spells that might have been left in place.

As they walked into the clearing, Peter whimpered in fear as he stared about all the Aurors walking around with their wands held tightly in their hands.

"I see that you captured the accused," Kingsley came up to them, he had a long gash across his cheek where splinters of the monster house must have gotten to him in the fight.

"Yes, he tried to make a run for it, but he didn't get far," Harry answered as he pushed the traitor forwards as he started to gain cold feet.

"Mr. Shacklebolt," Peter whined, "I am innocent. I have been wrongfully subjected to unlawful treatment and been apprehend for no reason at all."

"If that is true then tell me this," Kingsley said, "why were you hiding in your unlawful Animagus form for over 13 years! And why did you try to run right now, if you are as innocent as you claim!"

"I.. I..." he tried to squeak, but then Amelia came towards them and with just a glance from her, he swallowed whatever lie he was about to utter.

"Secure him! I want him to stand trial when we get back," the witch directed two Aurors over to arrest him and keep him in custody.

"Make sure you hold on tightly to him," Harry spoke up as he came behind the traitor's back. "He is so very much like a rat and might slip between your fingers if you allow him so!"

"Will do Sir," the Aurors nodded their head to him. And what they did not notice was Harry silently casting a spell on the rat man, what it's use was no one really knew yet. Then without a word, he slipped a wooden figurine of a cowering rat into his inner pocket.

Acting natural as if he wasn't up to anything suspicious, Harry asked both Amelia and Kingsley Shacklebolt, "So how does your Auror force stand at right now?" Harry asked both Amelia and Kingsley Shacklebolt.

"We got a couple of injured men, but other than that we are fine," Kingsley answered. 

"If you are thinking, what I think you are then no," Amelia shook her head. "It is not going to happen."

"Hey," Harry said, "I didn't even tell you what my plan was!"

"I know you very well," Amelia shook her head, "You are so like him in so many ways to count. One of them being reckless and heedless of anything in your way!"

"Okay, are we even on the same line?" Harry asked. 

"Yes," the older woman said as she craned her neck back to look up at the battle happening high up in the sky. "You want to interfere with that!" Both Voldermort and Dumbledore were going at it as they let spew all their skills and powers against each other. 

They were more akin to two gods clashing against each other while the rest of us were just mere mortals only bearing witness to their awesome might. And it really wasn't so great for their health, spells kept on rating down to the ground and everyone had to give it their all to either dodge or put up shields which were flimsy against these powerful spells. 

To make matter worse Harry noticed that the giant dome that Dumbledore put up to insulate this fight only to this village was slowly breaking under the onslaught of the two wizards.

Still this was indeed a true awaking for Harry, finally he got to bear witness to the true strength of a Sorcerer. And he knew that he was nothing compared to them as they showed such power he could never imagine matching up to them. 

Nevertheless, it presented him a goal to reach, somewhere to aim for. Now he knew where he was going, and one day, very soon, he would reach it and go toe to toe with the both of them and surpass them as well. 

"Well first of all we will need brooms to get there," Harry clarified for her. "And anyways," he said as he got a glare from the older witch, "I wasn't thinking that. Even I know that is so far out of my league. No, I want to interfere in that," he said. 

Pointing to the two creatures battling it out in the ruins of the village, Harry looked at them with an obnoxious grin. Fawkes and the giant snake had laid ruin to the village that used to be there, instead of the homes and shops that used to be there now there were only ash and noxious clouds of poisons in the air. 

The village was totally leveled like barrages of missiles had been dropped on it them chemical warfare was waged on it. It was nothing but barren land as the two mightily creatures battled it out. 

"You can't mean..." Kingsley said as he looked between him and the battle going on between the two giant creatures.

"Yes, exactly!" Harry nodded his head. Then sighing when he saw how hesitant everyone was, Harry voiced, "I can't say exactly why, but we need to make sure that giant snake is defeated! All I can really say is that it is paramount we do so somehow!"

"I agree with Harry," Tonks stepped up besides him, even though he hadn't told her why, she was still willing to back him. Smiling at her, he was glad that he had her always at his back. 

"Come on guys," she said, "we are our nerves of steel and bravery. Are we not Aurors!"

Staring long and hard at him, Lady Bones finally uttered, "I will want an explanation once everything is said and down!"

"Deal," Harry said, willing to explain to her this Horcrux secret. 

"Everyone let's move out," the witch ordered. "I want a few to remain behind with the injured and the rest of you with me!" 

Quickly following through with her commands, Tonks whispered to him, "If we die, I am so blaming you!"

Chuckling, there was no humor in Harry's voice, he knew that was a very high risk. These creatures, both Fawkes and the giant snake were on a whole nother level, but still he needed to see Voldermrt's Horcrux destroyed if he wanted any chance of killing the snaky bastard. 

"Can we bring along, Peter?" Harry asked the older witch. 

"Why?" she asked, as she turned to look at the rat man in disgust and hate. Noticing her stare, the cowards shivered back in fear hiding behind the two Aurors flanking him. 

"Well aren't snakes and rats best of friends?" he joked. 

Crossing her hands over her chest and staring at him as his joke didn't seem to get across to her, she didn't utter a peep. 

"Okay, I have a plan," Harry simply answered. "And it would need him," he said as he glanced at the back-stabber's back with not so kind eyes. 

"Alright, let me hear," Amelia said as she listened up to him tell her his plan. 

"Mmm," she said, "it might work."

"It might? More like it will absolutely work out like I planned!" Harry boasted. 

"Hey Peter," Harry called out to the coward, "how would you like to be bait for us!"


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