Wizard King

Chapter 132: 116: Clash of Giants

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"Hey Peter," Harry called out to the coward, "how would you like to be bait for us!"

Not liking the look on his face one bit, the traitor trembled in fear and squeaked out, "W-what... what do y-you mean?"

"Don't worry," Harry said as a cruel malicious smile spread across his face. He could be a right bastard when he wanted to! However, you have to deserve it, and no one other than Peter deserve what was coming his way.

"You will only be doing what you do best, running!" he chuckled, it wasn't a friendly laugh, not at all, as he watched Peter shiver in fear from him.

"Bring him forward," Amelia said, waving to the Aurors that flanked him to either sides. Unlike him she didn't toy with him. But that didn't mean she had any pity or mercy for him.

"Kneal," she ordered as the Aurors shoved him to his knees.

"Look at me," she then ordered the traitor who had no choice but to crane his neck up to her. "I have a job for," Amelia simply said, "fulfill it and I might give you some leniency in your punishment!"

"But... but... I am innocent," Peter began to weep, "I did nothing. I... did not harm anyone...."

Before he could even get another lie out of his mouth, Amelia snapped her wand out and shoved it into his chest. With a word uttered, lightning rushed out of her wand and begin to electrocute the rat man. All he could utter was a wordless scream as his muscle contractions and his body spasmed in shock.

Amelia effectively used a taser gun on him!

Once the electric current ceased from jutting out of her wands, she shoved her wand below his chin and raised his head to face her. "If I hear another lie from out of your mouth then I will be very disappointed, and that would be the least of your worries," she whispered to him in a calm, reasonable tone that chilled the rat-man to his bones.

"Am I understood?" she asked as no one in the premises dared to saw a word, only the roars of the two creatures filled the air.

Nodding his head as quickly as he could, showing his assent, the rat man tried out a different tactic. "Anything for you, my lady!" he bootlicked, sniffing and snorting. "And if I do undertake this mission for you, what sort of leniency can I expect."

"For one, you won't be getting the Dementor's Kiss like so many of your close associates have," Amelia answered simply, though there was no doubt he would be spending a very long time in Azkaban for all that he had done.

"Thank you, thank you," the man begin to weep, for a traitor like him this was the best he could wish for and for a coward as well he would do anything to preserve his life. "I promise I will do as you command my lady," he promised as he bowed his head low.

"Meh, like I would trust your word," Amelia snorted. "Open up," she commanded as she grabbed his jaw and made him open his mouth, muttering a spell under her breath a red and orange light slipped into his mouth and down his throat.

With that the witch let him go, wiping her hand on her sleeves in disgust for having to do anything with him.

"W-what did you do?" he asked in fear.

"Nothing, but place a Bombarda inside of you," Amelia answered, simply stating the truth. "If you try anything the spell will go off and explosive Charm will go off inside your body. Try to unravel it and it would go off, go too far and it will go off, be gone for too long and it would go off.

So basically don't do anything that you think might set off the spell and cause you to explode from the inside."

"Don't thank us yet until you have heard what you need to do," Harry spoke up as he smiled a very happy and pleased smile.


"Fawkes," Harry sent a telepathic message to the flaming bird that went all gigantic mood on everyone. "Back off from the snake," he instructed the Phoniex.

Getting back a telepathic response of a loud shrill cry of confusion, Harry reiterated, "just trust me, please! I got a plan to help us defeat that snake!"

Answering back with a telepathic answer of acknowledgment, Harry watched through the foliage of the trees from within the woods as Fawkes took to the air. He heard a loud angry hiss as the Phoniex wasn't within the giant snake's reach however that did not mean it didn't try as it flung itself up and kept coming down with loud booms that shook the earth all the way here. 

"Bird in the air," Harry reported in to Amelia with a fooling around in his tone. He could tell he was nervous and was trying to use amusement to settle his nerves. He was after all planning on going toe to toe with this homegrown snake by the most evil wizard around, so there was plenty of room to doubt his actions now. 

"Stop fooling around," Amelia replied back to him in a no nonsense. Harry did always wonder how two people so different could be attracted to themselves, Sirius and Amelia couldn't be as far different from each other and yet here they were engaged. 

Maybe the saying opposites attract has some truth in it after all. 

"And we let loose the traitor, so he is heading your way like planned," she added. 

"Good," Harry said seeing as everything was going as planned, and it didn't make him anymore comfortable. 

"Kingsley," he called out to the Head Auror with his mind.

"Yes," the man replied back. 

"Are your men in position?" 

"Yes, we are all here and the trap has been laid out!"

"Excellent," Harry muttered to himself, "no it's my turn."

Taking off his shirt as setting it aside, Harry did not want to ruin it for what he was about to do. Listening closely Harry could hear trees collapsing to the ground and the earth shaking as something very big came in very fast towards his direction. 

Suddenly a very large and frightful rat broke through the clearing as it run headlong towards him. It was Peter who was panting from the exertion and effort of running away from his predator. 

What was unusual about him was that he was very very massive near to the size of a truck. And it was all Harry's idea, he got the notion from the Death Eater who he fought during the World Cup that made himself a giant. 

He knew if he wanted to attract the attention of the giant snake and get it into the position he wanted then he would need to wave something very juice before it. And what better attraction than a giant delicious rat!

Coming in behind Peter was Voldermort's little pet snake that was drooling on to the ground as it broke past everything in its path. 

Seeing him standing on top of a giant boulder on a slight rise, Peter's eyes light up as he ran towards his direction. 

"Activate the traps," Harry called out to Kinsley. 

"But... isn't the convict in the way?" the wizard asked. 

"I don't care about some traitor, we need to defeat this snake no matter what and if the cost comes at one backstabber life then I would gladly make the exchange. NOW DO IT!!!"

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"Alright," he heard back from Kinsley after a brief pause. 

As the giant rat and snake came within striking distance all of a sudden, the traps laid out were activated. Dozens upon dozens of magic circles light up as the traps set up painstakingly were no in effect. 

Then to add to the wild mix, Aurors came out of the undergrowth and trees. Leading them was Kinsley who shouted at the top of his lungs, "ATTACK!" In a flash, dozens upon dozens of deadly spells were fired off from wands attacking the two creatures in a barrage of spellfire. 

Under the multitude of spells raining down and traps going off, Harry could hear the loud squeak of pain and the hiss of anger. The two creatures were utterly covered in a light show of spells that had numerous deathly effects. 

There was no mercy at all or no grounds given as well. The Aurors showed their full unstoppable force as they raised the whole clearing until there was nothing but dust picking up and the earth scorched into ruin. 

Even now there was the lingering effects of spells hanging in the air as clouds of lightning racked against the ground and pillars of earth collapsed to the ground. 

"STOP," Kinsley called out as he held out his hand for a cease fire. They no longer had the clear range of fire and couldn't risk their spells going wild and harming allies. The Aurors quickly withdrew their wands back and stood on standby as the surrounding area begin to clear up. 

There was just no way something could survive under all that rain of spells, but it said something as everyone stood around nervously ready to go into action at any moment. Especially Harry who unclenched his fist and clenched it back, Fawkes also came over as he swopped around in the air keeping a close eye out. 

Abruptly there was a loud boom as something collapsed to the ground also causing the air to part and allow everyone to lay eyes on the scorched middle ground. 

The first thing Harry picked up on was all the blood, there was so much of it covering everywhere that you nearly had a little lake. Floating on the pool of blood where large flanks of meat torn off and ripped asunder. And laying in the middle of the pool was the dead carcass of the giant snake with its tongue lulling out of its mouth. 

There was no sign of the giant snake but with all the shredded meat floating about with fur on it and the giant tail laying on the wayside you could imagine what happened to him. 

"It's dead!" someone called out. Then another person let loose their shrill joy. Aad that was just the flood gates as more people whooped and cheered at their victory. Even Fawkes landed on the ground spreading its wings wide as it kicked the snake with one of its taloned feet. 

Harry on the other hand narrowed his eyes as he stared at the thing. It looked like it was very much dead indeed, but somehow he had the underlying suspicion that not everything seem to be how it looked. 

This was a beast that was able to go toe to toe with Fawkes a legendary creature! There was just no way Fawkes could die to this even though it might be devastating it should be able to still take more punishment. 

His mind drifted to the possum as it liked to play dead. 

"Fawkes, everyone, get back from IT," Harry shouted. Promptly one of the creature's eyes twitched and before they knew it it was coiling forward.  It went snapping towards Fawkes who tried to flap into the air but the beast bit into him. 

And the foolish Aurors that came towards what they thought was a dead carcass were crushed in a pulp. 

Harry knew it was time... to Dragon Up!

Limps slowly stretching out as they each gained gleaming sharp claws on each end, tail slowly growing out of his back, dorsal plate jutting out of his spin, teeth transforming into sharp rows of wicked teeth, nose slowly elongated as he gained a snot, neck stretching out into a serpentine thing, horns growing out of his head, wings growing out of his shoulder blades, skin turning into black hard metallic scales - Harry experienced all sorts of transformation within the minute.

Then Harry let out a loud grunt of pain as his bones and body twisted about which then slowly became into that of a primeval beast of antiquity that echoed through the area.

Harry grew, and grew and grew until his body was reaching high above the tallest trees and he looked down upon the tiny wizards who were all in a panic as they were nothing but ants before his gaze. 

Letting his wings stretch out to either side, Harry let out a primeval ROARED that shook the very air to announce his presence.

Everyone including the Aurors and the two giant creatures which matched him in size stopped what they were doing and stared at him. 

Sending one telepathic message to every Auror down below, Harry simply uttered, "Move!" This was not a battle for them, but giants like them. 

Picking up speed, Harry ran into the giant snake making it let go of Fawkes who was finally able to get away. He could see from the clouds of poison sticking to Fawkes and the veins of green running along it right half of its body, that he was badly injured when the snake was able to get the jump on him. 

Falling to the ground as its tumble sent up rocks and dust into the air, Harry did not let the creature recover as he pounced on it with his claws racking long gashes across its body. 

The snake knew it couldn't have that as it weakly raised its head at him and green smoke started to build up in its throat. Matching attack for attack, a deep red glow started to form along his chest and neck and then he let out a long bright red breath of flames, or more accurately a bout of Dragon flames.

His attack was able to quickly over power it as his flames licked up at its jaws and neck causing the flesh the flake off thanks to the seeing heat. Let loud a loud hiss of agony, the snake was able to slither through his grasp, fleeing away from him. It knew it was already tired and weary from its battle with Fawkes, and was seriously injured thanks to the ambush, now it knew it couldn't survive a tussle from him.

Before it could get far however, Fawkes let out a loud shrill cry as he swooped in with his talons and racked the hide of the snakes back. 

Now it was desperate as both he and Fawkes double teamed it, him sending bouts of Dragon flames at it and Fawkes swooping in and injuring it even more with its talons. 

It wasn't long before they reached the edge of the shield that Dumbledore put up, effectively cornering the beast. Seeing that it was trapped the giant snake kept on lashing out at them and Harry and Fawkes had to keep on jumping back in fear of the beast trying to take them down with it. 

While it did that, the smart little burger kept on banging against the shields more and more sacks run along it with its effort as it was trying to flee away from them. 

Unable to allow that, Harry called out to Fawkes with his mind, "Fawkes let's combine attacks and finally end this once and for all!"

Replying back to him with a piercing cry, Harry begin to flap his wings and slowly take to the air. Coming to level with the Phoniex, he commenced with his attack, a large funnel of flames spewed out of his gullet in continuous streams, Fawkes also joined him as he to let loose his own attack. 

Both of the Dragon and Phoniex flames combined wonderfully as they headed towards the giant snake who could only put up a flimsy defense. However it was unable to stand against the might of the combined attack as the onrush of flames enveloped the creature. 

All he could hear was the loud high pitched scream of the beast as it was surrounded and swallowed up. Slowly its screams died down and there was nothing but quiet as the flames started to settle down

Harry flew down to the ground alongside Fawkes as he transformed back into his human form and Fawkes went back to his slightly large bird size instead of its colossal one. It was so weak that it had no choice but to perch on his shoulder to which Harry allowed. 

He came to the sight of where the giant snake was but all he saw was flames still licking the ground as they refused to go out. He looked up at the shield which finally collapsed as the combined attack from him and wakes finally did the trick. 

Nudging him with his beak, Fawkes pointed ahead and Harry scratched the bird's chin as the flames did nothing to him since he was immune to them and asked. "What is it, buddy?"

But he quickly got his answer as he came to a sight that drew him short. Laying on the ground was a backed woman, and one he knew... She was the one she spotted with his Magic sight somehow within the giant snake. 

"What the hell!" Harry said and just then he heard a loud boom, looking up into the sky Harry saw Voldermort fleeing as he could finally get away with the shields now down. 

"Shit," Harry swore under his breath. 


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