Wizard King

Chapter 133: 117: Devastation

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"We hear you talking any more shit, Mark, you are really going to get it!" uttered a big stocky, brown hair boy wearing some gangster clothing and a golden fake chain around his neck, kicked the kid on the ground in the stomach.

The kid recoiled in pain as the gathered group of boys surrounding him laughed out loud at his pain.

"Get out of here," a scrawny boy who had a face more akin to a rat pushed the kid away as he unsteadily got up from the ground.

"Better not see your face around, you little punk," a black-haired narrowed boy shouted at the fleeing kid's back as he waved his fist at him.

"Look at him run," the last remaining boy of the group laughed out loud, he was blonde haired with hair that looked more like a wig then anything else.

All four boys laughed out loud together under the darkening sky. They were the members of the Dudley Dursley's gang which were now cut short their leader. Malcolm the brown haired boy, Piers Polkiss the scrawny boy, Dennis the black haired boy, and Gordon the blonde haired boy. All of them were big and bullies and idiots, and no good useless punks.

"Little bitch ass punk," the scrawny boy, Piers, uttered, "bad mouthing Big D like that!"

"Absolutely," Malcolm agreed with him, "they all forget their places beneath us, and now they think they could do and say whatever they want. Ha, we will remind them why they should show us respect!"

"Yeah mate, but my mum has been going about having nothing to do with Big D these past few months," Dennis voiced.

"And none of the girls even want anything to do with us," Gordon nodded his head.

"So you both want to forget about everything?!" Piers shouted as he waved his scrawny hands around.

"You want to forget Big D's legacy just like that?" Malcolm asked.

"No mates, but Big D is gone, and he might never be coming back," Dennis shook his head. "You remember how these child services people came to pick him up after all that happened."

"Mhm, and what is he... comes for us?" Gordon whispered not daring to say whoever's name they were talking about, but they all knew who it was.

"My Da says he is like real life noble," the blonde boy continued. "What if you know he tosses his money and weight around to even the score for what did!"

"That is bad," Piers nodded his head in agreement. 

"Guys," Malcolm said in a shaky voice. 

"What are you trembling Malcolm just thinking what he could do to you?" Dennis joked, though from his tone you could tell he was the one worried about that. 

"Come on, Malcolm, there is no way he could do anything to us. He still must be still bruising from all the beatings we gave him," Piers laughed out loud, but it was a hallow thing that no one took part him. 

"Just shut up and look," the boy snapped as he pointed his finger off into the horizon. 

"Oh, my god," Dennis exclaimed as he put his hand to his gaping mouth.

Gordon expressed himself more aptly as he said, "What the hell!?"

Staring at the scene of an expanding second sun appearing far off into the distance, silence held each and every single one of the boys.

The light was blinding as you more or less had to shield your eyes or go nearly blind, and it wasn't some regular light show as somehow it was both half pure white and also pitch black in nature as if two opposing forces of nature were clashing together. 

Then came the defeating super sonic sound as the two forces exploded spectacularly together, and even form all the way here they could each hear the whooshing sound as the winds stirred up. The very clouds parted for miles and miles around as the explosion was the center of everything. 

"Isn't that where Great Hangleton is located?" Piers asked, to which he got no answer at all. 


"What the hell!" Harry said and just then he heard a loud boom, looking up into the sky Harry saw Voldermort fleeing as he could finally get away with the shields now down.

"Shit," Harry swore under his breath as he watched the dark wizard flee while the old man quickly gave chase. Now that there was nothing blocking Voldermort's path, he was able to quickly cover many miles in just a few moments. 

"You got to be kidding me," Harry muttered under his breath. During the battle in the sky, Harry always had an eye on it. Even though Voldermort put up a good fight and cheated from time to time as he tried to annihilate every Auror down below, Dumbledore still had the upper hand. 

The old man was very skilled with countless years on the dark wizard he had plenty of more experience and accumulated knowledge. Plus Voldermort was very much weakened in that state he was in, in the past Harry had no doubt that the two of them stood toe to toe as they knew there was no point in fighting since all it would become is a dogfight of whoever can throw around the most power. 

Anyways, Voldermort was left on the losing end of things as the old man slowly got a handle on him. The dark wizard had no room to maneuver at all or escape for that matter this unlikely fight that he wasn't going to win, until Harry along with Fawkes finally destroyed the shield that kept him henned in ready to be slaughtered by the old man. 

As soon as those shields all but fell apart into a magical light show, Voldermort hightailed in out of here. 

Harry watched helplessly as he literally let the worst criminal in recent history and the murderer of his parents get away. He so wanted to take to the air in his dragon form and help the old man bring back the snaky bastard, but he knew he would only be a hindrance. 

And just at that moment, he heard a moan come from the nacked woman on the ground as she stirred. 

"HARRY," someone shouted as over the rise, then Tonks came into view along with her squad. When she saw him standing there with Fawkes perched on his shoulder, she ran up to him and hugged him tightly. "I am so glad you are alive," she whispered in his neck. 

"Me too," Harry smiled down at her, looking over he saw many more Auror heading down along with Kingsley and Amelia who must have joined with him. 

"Here," Tonks said as she handed him the shirt he left behind. 

"Thank you," Harry said as he took it from her and the first thing he did was check if the wooden figurine which it thankful was, smiling to himself as he was glad at least one thing went his way, Harry turned to face Amelia. 

"Did you get it?" she immediately asked about the giant snake, cutting to the chase right away. 

"I don't know if I should say I got it," Harry answered as he stepped aside letting her see the woman on the ground. 

"Who is that?" the blonde haired witch asked. 

"And why is she naked?" Tonks added as she narrowed her eyes on him.

"Both good questions... and I don't," Harry answered with a shrug, "Maybe I do the second one since it was me in my dragon form and Fawkes who blasted the creature with combined dragon and phoenix flames."

"You said you combined your dragon flames with Fawkes flames?" Kinsley spoke up. 

"Yes," Harry nodded his head as he turned to look at the man. 

"Now that is something very rare indeed! It is said that the Dragon and Phoenix make a harmonious relationship, a balanced partnership of two. To combine their flames will of course create a miraculous thing!"

"So you are saying, that somehow the giant snake got transformed into a woman," Tonks said in a disbelieving tone as she knelt over and covered the woman with her coat.

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"No," Harry shook his head, "I think we somehow cured her! When I first laid eyes on the snake I saw her trapped inside of it somehow."

"A woman who is trapped as a beast," Kinsley mused, then he saw as realization spread across the man's face. "It could only be a Maledictus!" 

"Whatever it is, we will have to bring her in and question her!" Amelia said. Snapping her finger at some Aurors and pointing at the woman, the Aurors quickly put her into custody. 

Just then there was a loud sonic boom in the air causing everyone to turn to the horizon. Still the two powerful wizards were battling it high above in the sky, Dumbledore refusing to let Voldermort escape from him. 

They were now a couple miles away from them as they were now nearing the town over, Great Hangleton. Unlike Little Hangleton you could still see the lights on the larger community as the swell of people were up through most of the day. 

Seeing that he wouldn't be able to break away from the old man, Voldermort began to cackle out loud in the air. At first, Harry thought the dark wizard lost his mind, but Harry knew he must have done that long ago as he has given himself to the deeper dark magics. 

Like all beasts when they are cornered, they lash out in anger and fear and that is exactly what Voldermort did. Raising his wand and hands high above his head, a black mass of writhing shadows and pitch darkness gathered into a giant ball the size of a car. 

Harry could feel the wild and dark power roiling in a turbulent state, it was like a furnace was licking his face from all the way here. 

Now cackling uncontrollably like a mad man, Voldermort kept on gathering power for the horrendous spell in the making. 

"What are you doing, Tom," Dumbledore boomed as his voice was like thunder booming across the sky. 

"Why don't you save those muggles you love so much, you old fart!" Voldermort answered as he waved his hands downward to the town below. 

Acting as quickly as can, Dumbledore constructed countless barriers that shimmered and glowed in the air between the spell and the town below. Harry could see the massive effort it took as sequences after sequences of magical shields were put into place. 

However slowly each one was destroyed as the massive ball of pure death and evil made its descent down. Nothing seemed to stop it as it broke through one shield after another.

Seeing that Dumbledore gave a loud shout of exertion as he pointed his wand at the massive ball and sent a giant beam of light at it. The two were of each opposing forces and when they clashed they created negatively to each other and exploded. 

It was indeed a very spectacular sight, Harry noted until he went deaf for a moment as the very reverberation of the explosion then the winds started being sucked in as if there was a vacuum on. 

All he was able to hear was a call to put up shields as the trees were stirred up as the winds howled and shook. Harry was too far gone to participate in the group effort as he watched the town of Great Hangleton with its lights still on. 

Even though the explosion went off high above into the air, the town was still devastated. All those giant all encompassing shields could do was basically nothing against that fiery explosion of light and dark. They were all destroyed in a matter of seconds as the full brunt of the spell struck the town below. 

Harry wondered how many souls were living there; 10,000, 50,000, 100,000!

He would never be sure and would never want to ever know how many people did live there. But he would always remember for the rest of his life as a watched a town get utterly and completely annihilated!


"Master are you alright," Rem asked in a worried tone as he appeared from the fireplace and into his family home. He had a haunted look on his face as if he had seen something that he could never remove from his mind. 

"Yes, I am fine, Rem," Harry lied right through his teeth.

"You don't look so... well, Master," Rem uttered in an unsure tone as she stared up at him. 

Collecting himself as best he could, Harry gave her a wane smile, "I am perfectly alright, Rem. Could you please send a message to Sirius to come here as soon as he can. And could you get me a drink, a strong one at that!" 

"Yes, Master," the blue haired maid bowed her head. 

"And bring out the Mirror Telly, would you! I will be in my office." 

Taking a seat in his chair that he collected from Ser Gimbal's keep, it wasn't long before Rem arrived with everything he asked of her. 

Setting the tumbler down Rem was about to pour him a drink before he asked her to just leave aside for him. Dismissing as her as he uncorked the bottle for himself, Harry was left all alone in his office by himself. 

He turned his sight to the latest Mirror Inc. invention the Mirror Telly or as the Americans like to call it the TV. 

Turning it on, Harry was able to switch to a muggle news channel, this was a function that he added since the wizarding networks weren't a thing yet. However he was already in the works with different magical newspapers to begin that and soon he planned to have entertainment networks created. 

Sitting back on his chair as he took a swig of his drink, Harry watched as the BBC news anchor started. 

'Just in right now, but the town of Great Hangleton has been wiped off the map!' the man exclaimed as a picture of nothing but a gaping hole with structures and homes all obliterated appeared on the side.

'Investigators say that an old WW2 bomb that has been undiscovered for all this time has unexpectedly gone off. Today is indeed a very dark day, experts say that approximately 64,000 people lived in the town of Great Hangleton and now all of them are just gone like that.'

'With me here is Dr. Tomas from the University of Oxford to comment.'

'Dr. Tomas what are your thoughts on today's....'

Turning it off, Harry did not want to hear any more of it. 

Really it was only by luck and the miracle of whatever god was out there that they made it out of that catastrophe. Even at several miles away from where the two spells went off, still they had to deal with the aftermath. 

Nevertheless they at least made it through with their own lives while those poor people in Great Hangleton were snuffed out like that. 

To make matters worse, Voldermort escaped, there was no sign of him even after they searched and searched. The monster must have escaped after he dropped his giant bomb, not turning back to look at the damage he wrought.

All they came through with their operation was just a naked woman and a rat. 

At that thought, Harry took out the wooden figurine of the rat he still had in his pocket and set it on his desk. 

"Well Peter, anything you have to say for yourself?" Harry asked as he peered at the figurine.


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dumbledore vs voldemort: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/392235448800366349/

Old enemies through the ages: https://www.deviantart.com/palecaesar/art/Lord-Voldemort-s-request-658185577


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