World Gauntlet – A LitRPG Apocalypse

World Gauntlet – A LitRPG Apocalypse

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World Gauntlet – A LitRPG Apocalypse

Review: 10/10 from 9 ratings

A vote is cast by the 500 most influential people on earth. For what? Perseus did not know. He mostly ignored it, though instincts of his younger days did take over. Knife in suit jacket and dress shoes polished he went to his meeting despite it.

He did not know that the world was just about to end. The vote Passed, and the System, Prometheus, integrated with humanity. It grabbed Earth and mushed it with the Super planet Garin. And the World Gauntlet begun. The world has ended and a fight for survival and superiority and whatever else may come starts.

Perseus is quick to adapt, abandoning one path to power for another, much more direct. Read along and follow his journeys and godlike feats.

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