World Ixion/SAGA: Alter Road

Chapter 7: Chapter 05 ─ Pirate Hunter vs. Pirate Knight

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A week ago before the duel began.

Barbro went to the academy late at night.

There was Viscount Ressel there going over what he would be teaching the next day.

"'Excuse me? Do you want me to give you information on one of my students?"

"That's right viscount-sama. We are sorry to bother you with that, but the situation is disadvantageous to us for not having any information on a certain individual that we will have to eliminate."

"And that individual is one of my students, right?"

"Are you out of your minds?"

Viscount Ressel was defending Rudel, despite his poor teaching, he was proving to be a good teacher.

"I won't let them harm one of my special boys! The other brats can touch them, but not one who could be used to generate connections in the future!"

Or so he thought until he proved to be just as trashy as Derrick.

Barbro corrected him before taking a sip from his cup of tea.

"You are wrong about something viscount-sama. He's not one of your privileged students, from what we found out, he's just an ordinary student."

"His private information is in their embassy and we can't enter since they have fortified their security, at the same time, only the academy that received information from the student is left."

Peter thought for a while and after sighing he said.

"I need the name of that boy, if he is not among my boys, then I will give you his information."

"Understood, his name is..."

After giving him Rudel's name and spending some time, the viscount came out with good news.

"It seems that everything is in order. You must return this to me as soon as possible, it would be bad if they found out there is a connection between us. right?"

"Don't worry. We'll have everything ready before you know it. By the way, I'd like to get some information from a commoner student, we only know that about her."

"Commoner student? Commoners disgust me, just imagining I have to see them here makes me nauseous, take it away if you want."

"Thank you."

That was how all this future tragedy originated.

At this moment I was in a bad situation.

A huge amount of armor was surrounding me.

Ixion counted that there are more than 100 of them.

This is a very low number compared to the soldiers of the war.

My original goal was not to kill Derrick but to humiliate him, but now I feel that plan went down the drain.

The purple armor pointed at me, from the voice it seems to be Derrick.

"Hey third world scum, I heard in your trash of a country you were a pirate hunter."

"What do you think? All these guys are listed as a knight and they're pirates to boot! Therefore, they are, pirate knights! Gyahaha!"

"You're going to be killed by those poor devils you were hunting, don't you feel stupid for provoking this?"

It really was unbearable to listen to him, but it was worse the guy next to him.

"Count Bradford, wasn't it?"

"This happened because of you. You stuck your hands in Bartolini Family affairs, besides messing with us it seems if you were an annoying threat."

"In the private information we saw that you wiped out Count Rossini's house. The Rossini's were our rivals, but even with that rivalry, we had respect for each other."

"I will avenge the Rossini and your corpse will be sent to your house as a threat to the kingdom to show them what happens when they mess with people they shouldn't."

"Wait a second Bartolini-dono. I have one last thing to tell you before I kill you."

"Go ahead."

Derrick gestured to the armed unit which belonged to Lucy.

"I remembered that bitch at last, she's the stupid bitch that got into defending some foreign pests last year."

"The dumb bitch was saved by the other busty bitch Sara, then by Jude. Thanks to the Banfield Household maids hating her for possibly being his sex partner, it was easy to pay them off and get them to say it was the idiots of the kingdom who were the kidnappers."

"Gyahaha! I'm a genius! I caused an international war over a stupid bitch and a stupid peasant!"

"Derrick-sama is number one! Derrick-sama is the smartest in all of Aster! Gyahahaha!"


Every word this jerk said only made me angrier, Ixion informed me more bad news.

"Master, the situation is worse at the port."



A holographic screen appeared in the air.

There in the harbor I saw my Schwert airship at anchor, also other attached airships were setting sail at high speed.

The drone recording everything turned the camera and I observed a horrifying surprise.

"You've got to be kidding me..."

A large fleet was approaching.

The direction was from the east, where the Herring Household was located.

The ships numbered about 30, but they were not the only ones, behind them other airships were approaching, there were 50 of them.

The front ships were light cruisers, while the rear ships were heavy cruisers.

If I am not mistaken, the flagship was a Super Fortress Class.

The strongest type of airship in all of Aster, built in the Exner territory's weapons factory.

After that unnecessary mention, I put my hand to my forehead.

"This is the worst."

"I'd say it's worse than it is."

"I intervened in a communication and found out that the guards and military won't do anything. What's worse is that they heard that even the kingdom's embassy will be attacked."

"To what extent will this guy be such an idiot?"

"I wouldn't know, Derrick's level of stupidity seems to be higher than Liam's."

My hands shaking, I asked Derrick just one thing.

"Why didn't the sacred tree oath blow your head off after lying?"

"Hah? That's obvious, I didn't lie."

"One who swears by using the emblem of the sacred tree cannot violate the fulfillment."

"Before using it I asked in a low voice that the place of the duel would be held wherever I wanted and you would be obliged to stay in that place, otherwise you would lose your head."

"That's what you get for not having someone who knows the rules and having told you to ask for details before asking for a duel, gyahaha! Fucking asshole!"

"I see."

I muttered those words and quickly grabbed the cockpit where Lucy was, opened the hatch and grabbed her hands.

"N-No! Let me please!"

"Please come in."

She was crying, she seemed to think I would do something to her.

But I didn't care in this situation.

After forcing her inside, Ixion sat her on a spare chair and with some wires tied her up.

It wasn't necessary for him to tape her mouth, but it seems that her screams really bothered him.

After releasing the armor, I asked Derrick one last time.

"Why did you want to use Lucy?"

"Actually, Bartolini-dono thought you fell in love with that bitch, that's why we used her as a decoy. If you killed her thinking she was me, you'd end up depressed so it would be easier to play with you."

"But the bitch is still alive, once I kill you..."

The repulsive way he spoke only generated a disgust in me worse than the memory of Klein.

"I'll make sure to first use those big tits of hers. Then I'll take her virginity and make these idiots have fun with her gyahaha. It's not the first time I've done it, I'd also hang her naked in the square for all to see gyahaha."

"After all, thanks to Bartolini-dono and the illegal sales we make of magic stones, they will help me take the position of heir from my older brother and I will be the heir to the Herring Household."

"I won't just kill my brother and father, I'll take over every territory in Aster, then marry Sara's bitch and treat her like the toy she is!"

"I'll finally take over her house and I'll be the total king of Aster and everyone will worship me!"

"The great Derrick was born to conquer this world!"

"Derrick-san, you talk too much."

"Hah? What does it matter what I say, this third world bitch won't get out of here alive."

After mentioning how I would be killed without a problem, I kept thinking about something.

(Isn't it really horrible how I try so hard not to lose my humanity?)

(These guys are human scumbags who don't deserve to live, I killed many in the war, from obvious criminals to possible innocents).

(I took a lot of lives and was treated like a hero.)

(But seeing this guy and how I would allow him to live... after saying the dreadful things he would do to Lucy and Sara... what he was going to do to the kingdom and this country...)

(I can only say this...)

"I'm a complete idiot."

"Was I really thinking of leaving this scum alive?"

"That damn black knight was also a bigger threat than I thought."

"For sparing his life, many died, I lost my armor and airship and almost died. I even endangered the girls and the idiots."

"For that, I'm sorry Ixion."

"What are you sorry for?"

I didn't want to tell him, because he knows what I mean, but there's no other way.

"For thinking that killing is not the response these scum deserve."

I will assume the role I was given at home, I will be a hero, I will be a killer.

For that reason, I will be again...

"I will show them why they call me the Demon of the Kingdom."

"I will kill every one of you without mercy!"

"Ixion, take care of those rats and don't let any of them escape alive!"

"On command. I'll leave you alone for now, but I don't think you need my help."

After proclaiming my elimination target, Ixion severed his connection to the sphere-shaped terminal and went to take control of Schwert.

Let's show these idiots what a hero is!


After cutting off communication with Rudel, Ixion took control of a robot that was cleaning the airship.

"Attention, drop everything you are doing and prepare for attack."

"We will be fighting nearly a hundred enemy. Prepare shields and cannons."

Schwert meant sword, so on the bow it had a large horn similar to a gun.

Some called it the horned monster.

The ship took off and was slowly rising.

From the flagship named Buckler, Barbro was talking to a captain with a long nose and big belly.

This is the same man who spat at Ixion when they arrived.

"I thank you for your help captain for this."

"There is nothing to thank, indeed, we should be the ones thanking you."

"We can enter a war finally. It has been several years since my blood ran through my veins at great speed."

"Even though the kingdom is a small country, it is still a small nation that serves as an excuse for us to have fun."

"But was it necessary to bring so many ships and a fortress class?"

Barbro lit his cigar.

"We will attack the kingdom's embassy as well, they will obviously defend themselves."

"I understand, Derrick-sama said to show no mercy to them and we support the next head of the house."

"Sounds good to me, my boss will also be pleased with this result. We all won."

Barbro was singing victory before his time.

The helmsman reported.

"The kingdom's airship is rising, is it... retreating?"

Both the captain and Barbro did not understand this action.

"Are they planning to flee?"

"They are idiots without a doubt, you have to look at the rear as there are many enemies."

"Maybe they are abandoning their own at the embassy?"

"In that case it's useless, anyway, they won't be able to flee as we won't allow it."

"We will destroy that airship first and then the embassy."

Barbro sent a glance at the kingdom's embassy.

It struck him as odd that they are not fleeing, they seemed to be upset about something.

"Why aren't they trying to flee? This gives the impression that they are rather afraid of the actions of the ship's crew than of us."


A report came in.

"What's going on?"

The ensign hesitated at what he heard.

"A report just came in from the forward fleet...they say..."

"What do they say?"

From his position, impossible to see with good visibility what was going on, to make it worse there was haze.

The ensign reported.

"They're going down!"

"Forward fleet reports they're being shot down like flies!"

"The airship's guns are so powerful it destroys a ship and the shock wave reduces those next to it to ashes!"

The captain's cigar fell out.

"I-Impossible. That's ridiculous, no airship has the power to do that."

At that moment, the ship beside it exploded, causing the super fortress-class super to shake as if it were a small boat.

"N-No way. This far away it's impossible for anything to attack us."

In the distance it could be seen as Schwert was piercing through the mist.

He had two cannons joined together forming one.

Ixion in the cockpit commented to himself.

"Umm, the heavy caliber ammunition is still very weak."

"The burst time as well as the impact delay time are less than expected."

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"Getting to complete ammunition that is faster and more lethal is necessary for when powerful and resilient enemies attack us."

Ixion looked through his visor at the Buckler flagship.

"Then there are the ringleaders, I must thank them properly."

The cannon moved in Buckler's direction.

"Prepare super heavy artillery, the energy movement must increase threefold so that the velocity and rotation goes so fast that it can hit without damaging any structures should it fall."

"Master said we were to eliminate these idiots and that's what we'll do."

The ammunition was ready, Ixion took his time doing calculations.


Two thin, but long length missiles were sent at high speed against Buckler.

The captain wanted to run, while Barbro opened his eyes in panic.

"B-Boss... it is indeed true the rumors. Pirate hunters are terrible."

Were his last words before the explosion completely devoured the top of Buckler and it exploded falling on the empire's embassy.

The naval battle was about to conclude.


Before the battle against Barbro began, Rudel heard something impossible to believe.

"... What did you say?"

Derrick laughed at him.

"Are you deaf?"

"I said..."

His words made Rudel so angry, he squeezed the controls tightly.

"We went to your house and the mansion looking for the sapling, get it before anyone else, but we found nothing except a stupid animal on the floor."

"How I got angry, I mistook it for shit repeatedly."

"My shoes were expensive and I had to get rid of both."

"Shut up."

Rudel said quietly.

His eyes were bloodshot.

"I don't want to hear any more fucking shit out of your mouth!"

From the backpack Battler had on his back, two huge axes shot straight into his hands.

"I won't let any of you escape aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

After saying that, Rudel accelerated and went against the armed units in front of him.

These pulled out their rifles.

"Don't kill him! Just hurt him a lot gyahaha."

Derrick laughed seeing how ridiculous Rudel was in going forward.

Or so he thought.

In less than the blink of an eye, Battler smashed through the five suits of armor that were firing at them, similar to a vehicle on the train tracks.

Battler went straight into a wall shattering it.

Everyone was shocked to see how at the speed of light for them, their allies turned to scrap metal.

Battler peered into the hole he opened and that cloud of dust coming out couldn't cover the glow in his red eyes.

Enzo shouted.

"Fire with everything you've got!"

The armor pulled out their rifles and everything from armor piercing bullets to magic bullets were fired.

The resistance to the original Battler's attacks were so strong that almost nothing could hurt him, Ixion didn't want this Battler to lose to the original.

He installed a magic shield to deflect all attacks.

His resistance was good, but he didn't want to be left behind with a second-hand item as a replacement.

Bullets had no effect on Battler.

Rudel threw his axes to the ground and then something flew out of Battler's backpack.

He used both his hands to grab it and it was a huge machine gun with two magazines of five meters each.

"Didn't I tell you, I'm going to kill you all!"

Rudel pressed a button and Battler's hand did the same.

A sound similar to a blizzard that could cut down light poles was heard by all present.

The bullets flew faster than the blink of an eye and their destructive power was 10 times higher than average.

In less than a minute more than 85% of the enemy was destroyed and their remains fell to the ground.

Enzo was sweaty, he received a sudden message.

He didn't want to respond because of the situation, but fear made him press the button.

"Boss, we've got trouble!"

"W-what's wrong?"

"The ship! The enemy airship you told us to destroy is more dangerous than we thought!"

"It wasn't a lie the information that he wiped out the Rossini, it's also true the information that he killed that black knight!"

Enzo remembered his name, Bandel, the name of the most dangerous man in the world.

"So... that Bandel really is dead... and it was because of him?"

"No doubt about it! Even underboss Montserrat is dead!"

"Barbro is...?"

"Ninety percent of our forces were destroyed, we're running away─ Huh?"

"Turn to starboard! It's going to reach us!"

"No... I don't want to die yet. help────!"

The communication was cut off when a strange sound he heard.

Enzo thought after seeing that Rudel got bored of using his machine gun.

(This is bad.)

(At this rate, not only will we end up like Barbro, the Bartolini Family will be eliminated and that would leave the job open to them.)

(I must beg for defeat, I must propose a deal that will make him spare our lives.)

"Don't panic you idiots! Just because he killed a few doesn't mean he's invincible!"

"Remember I have the blessing of the sacred tree and we can win!"

The back of Derrick's right hand glowed.

A huge magic circle materialized on the ground.

Tree roots grew and wrapped around Battler.

"Gyahaha! Now attack!"

The armors used magical attacks to destroy them.

Enzo felt relieved.

(That's right, this guy possesses the emblem and its strange blessing. We can win!)

With all the confidence in the world, Enzo and the others went to attack Battler.

Even Derrick used a bazooka launcher against him.

"Gyahaha! You can't win as long as the blessing of the holy tree protects me with this emblem."

"I am invin─"

"I told you to shut your damn mouth."

Battler leapt from that sea of flames and went straight for some nearby armor.

Despite his size, he ran at great speed.

Using only his bare hands, he crushed the armors instantly.

Either shattering the cockpit or plunging the armored unit's head against the center.

The defeat of all armor other than Enzo or Derrick lasted seconds.

Enzo tried to escape, but Battler grabbed his leg and threw him against the ground ripping it off.

That left only Derrick.

Battler glared at Derrick and Rudel said.

"You know, until a few moments ago I would have enjoyed beating you and even humiliating you, but not now."

"I'll kill you quickly so I can go get something to eat and laugh with the guys about how pathetic you were."

Derrick was so angry, even in this disadvantageous situation, he had his goal in sight.

"Don't fuck with me! The great Derrick won't lose to a third world bitch!"

"My life goal is to be the best, number 1!"

"A scumbag like you won't do it to me─"

"You're wrong."

Rudel commented as Battler's arm went up.

"You're just a big piece of shit who dared to go against us for racist and stupid reasons."

He brought his right arm down repeatedly and began punching Derrick.

Due to his armor, Derrick took no damage, but the armor did.

Dents were marked everywhere, which made the inside shrink.

"No. Wait."

"Stop please!"

Derrick was a scaredy-cat, that's why he used violence.

To think he was superior to everyone.

He was so inferior, he always ducked his head in front of everyone.

Even when he talked to Sara he shielded himself by using his father's name.

Derrick was a vermin, a scum of a human being.

For that reason and more, Rudel had no remorse when he heard Derrick's crying childish voice.

"I'm begging you. Stop please."

"I won't do it again. I promise to apologize to you if you'll let me live!"

"Fine. If you promise it'll be fine."

Rudel stopped hitting Derrick and walked towards Enzo.

Enzo tried to convince Rudel to let him live.

"H-Hold on a moment, Count Bradford-sama."

"If you let me live, I promise you that I Enzo, head of the Bartolini Family, will give you all my property and wealth, I will even be your subordinate."

"I would make sure that you would be the most important and famous man in the world."

Rudel stood listening to him, Enzo thought it worked to beg his forgiveness.

He was really planning to do it, he wanted to live.

Ducking his head and wagging his tail was normal in the criminal world.

His father got his position by doing that, then Enzo killed him for being an embarrassment to the family. But now he understands why his father kept his head down.

(When you are in front of a threat greater than you, your survival instinct tells you to live even as his whore.)

Rudel raised his hand, seeming to be extending it to Enzo.

Signifying Rudel's acceptance of the deal.

"Fucking third world scum, dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

But Derrick jumped on Rudel and thrust his sword close to his head.

The sword broke of course.

Battler's hand grabbed the sword that was near Enzo and hit Derrick with it.

He then moved his hand to grab Enzo and the sword he had he threw it at a suit of armor that was survived and was now without the ability to flee.

Battler walked towards the surviving armor and grabbed it, he now had two lives in his hands.

He placed them both in opposite directions and muttered.

"Crime is bad. Only scum would want to live a criminal life, besides, my beautiful and wonderful fiancées would cry if they saw me taking dirty money. Rot in hell as all criminals deserve to end up."

Rudel pressed a button and a light manifested in Battler's palm.


Enzo shouted one last time along with his subordinate before they were wiped off the face of the earth.

Rudel looked at Derrick and went for him.

Derrick tried to run away.

"I knew you would try something, vermin will always look to cheat. They're vermin for a reason."

This time Derrick tried to use his family's name to get out of this one.

"Do you even know what trouble you'll cause the Herring Household with this!"

"Even if my father doesn't care about me, he won't forgive you for killing someone with his family name. The great nobles won't let you get away with this and return to the kingdom!"

Battler's hand glowered and he pointed it towards Derrick.

"You know... I was thinking about that, and even Lucy's problem with the capture targets. And I thought about this."

The light shone brightly, Derrick tried to run away, but because of his shattered legs he couldn't.

"I don't care. I'll make sure to avoid the bad ending in my own way, even if it's by doing things that don't go along with the plot. That's why you'll die now, I don't give a shit about your family."

"I'll destroy them if they'll be a pain in my ass."

"Noooooooooooo! Derrick-sama can't die! The great Derrick will be the king of Aster!"

Rudel pressed the button.

"You're such an outrageous bitch, you're certainly a scumbag that outdoes Klein. Just die already."

The gamma ray light shot out, swallowing Derrick and all his surroundings.

It was mere seconds and Derrick's existence was erased forever.

Rudel opened the hatch and saw the sun.

Looking up at the sky he saw Schwert approaching and Ixion's voice spoke to him.

"Master, it looks like trouble is coming."

"Never mind, you have the recording right?"

"Of course."


Rudel looked at Lucy who was trembling.

"The real trouble starts now. What a pain in the ass this will be."

And so the duel ended.

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