World Ixion/SAGA: Alter Road

Chapter 8: Chapter 06 ─ Gratitude

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Just as I expected, the situation with Derrick escalated quite a bit.

First came that the duel was not fulfilled at the agreed time.

Then came that I killed Derrick, it seems that there are people who were negotiating with the Bartolini's and now that I killed them they are not taking it well.

The sapling is hidden in a secret place and only Ixion and I know about it.

At this moment the military police came and took me to jail.

I was laughing out loud as a Herring Household official tried to extort money from me, I took out the tape recorder I had in my hands and told him to listen to the recording.

After hearing it, he knew the problem they were in.

Apparently many knights, officials, family members, supported Derrick and now with this evidence I will be able to destroy them.

I heard giant footsteps, Sara came in almost destroying the door.


"I'm fine, don't scream."

Her scream almost burst my eardrums, but it was understandable.

I said to reassure her.

"I'm going to get out of this, after all, I have an ace up my sleeve. I also have the sapling stashed away, so these idiots won't be able to do anything to me."

Sara wanted to say something, but kept quiet.

"I'll just tell you one thing, my father is very patriotic and won't let you go quietly... unless it's you. In that case it will be a weakness."

"I don't understand you?"

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough. Just don't bother the other great nobles."

"The real problem is the Herrings. They'll protest using any excuse."

"I told you I'll be fine, what's more. I'm looking forward to it."

"You better be right."

She trailed off after that.


The great nobles gathered after a few hours after the trouble happened.

They were all angry, even Randolf himself.

But his anger was with his daughter.

(Sara. Why do you make such a big deal about a foreigner?)

(Is it because of his name or... because he is interested in Lucy?)

He did not understand his daughter's actions.

He only knew that as a politician he must put his nation before his family or his pride.

At the same table were Randy and Cliff sulking.

He could understand Randy, but with Cliff it was different.

(Why are you so angry Banfield?)

(I don't think it's for defeating a super class fortress.)

The door opened, and everyone saw a boy carrying a capsule with a sapling inside.

"Good afternoon everyone, my dear great nobles. I have come to negotiate."

After taking a few steps, Randolf's serious expression disappeared for one of surprise.

"I-It can't be..."

"Acting Chairman?"

Linus spoke to him to see if he was all right. Randolf nodded.

"I'm fine."

Randolf's look at Rudel was just like seeing a ghost.

(No. It can't be...)

(Sara... now I think I understand you. I'm sorry.)

The negotiations began.

Of course, Randy was the one who demanded ridiculous things like financial compensation and other absurd things.

He wanted the humiliation his house received to be cleaned up.

Rudel asked if the other great nobles wanted something more.

No one commented, not even Cliff who wanted to know something about Lucy.

Randolf was the only one who spoke.

"What Herring-dono says is partly true."

"We demand compensation and an apology for what happened."

"But, if you give us the sapling, we will not only forget the compensation. The letter of apology from you to him would be the only thing that would be enough to close this problem."

"Randy-dono! Something like that is...?"

"Quiet, Randy-dono. Do you remember thanks to whose son all this happened?"

Randy couldn't argue anything because the culprit of it all was Derrick.

Rudel was chewing gum.

After finishing all the flavor, he put it away in its wrapper.

"That's all the shit they'll say?"

"Really you guys are idiots. You demand something that I have to pay for when it was all the fault of the stupid son of the fat man over there, are you really that stupid?"

"...!" (x6)

Evidently the great nobles were offended by that answer.

Cliff stood up angrily.

"A brat like you has no idea how the world works. You should be thankful we didn't cut off sales of magic stones to your country in retaliation."

"Do it."

Rudel said with a dark expression on his face.

"From what I heard, this thing can produce the same as a normal tree. I should only wait a couple of years to make it grow, or maybe days. The technology of my lost item can perform miracles and growing this child would be one of them."

Cliff was so angry that he accepted that threat.

"Very well, if that's what you want─"

"Banfield-dono you should keep quiet."

Linus interrupted the conversation being the only one who understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Count Bradford, can you explain where you get that confidence from?"

Rudel replied without interest.

"It's simple really, you people, or rather that pig over there. He's responsible for all this."

"Your son triggered all this trouble, I just defended myself and found this."

"According to the laws of my country, this sapling is mine and I can cook it if I wish."

The discontent on everyone's faces was mirrored.

"Why would you go to such extremes?"

"It's simple. That pot-bellied jerk thinks I'm as big an idiot as he is."

"His stupid son is not only responsible for all this, he also caused other internal problems and he doesn't want to admit it."

"You're lying through your teeth to make me look bad!"

"Don't listen to him, he just wants the Herring Household to be looked down upon by everyone!"

"I was hoping you'd say that, pig."

Rudel grinned and played back the contents of the recorder in his hand.

"Gyahaha! The great Derrick will take over this country! The great Derrick will be king of Aster!"

"What was that?"

Randy asked sweating like a pig.

Rudel settled back and said.

"I will audibly show you the truth."

Rudel proceeded to show the evidence.


Having heard everything, Randolf was super pissed.

"Randy-dono, we'll have to talk later."

"For now count. I would first like to apologize to you for the trouble one of the six families caused."

Randolf ducked his head.

"As Acting Chairman, the responsibility for each of them is mine."

"I'll be sure to repay you, but that only makes us want the sapling more eagerly."

"Could you give it back to us?"

"I won't. You guys are really idiots for thinking I'll just give it back to you just like that."

Randolf understood that thanks to Randy, Rudel thought everyone was like him.

(The bad impression one generates is something that another thinks everyone acts the same.)

Randolf sighed and then said.

"Please join me tomorrow night at my home with my family for a dinner. I would like to have the confidence of you to come to an agreement."

"Umm, sounds good to me. The others are idiots and if we talk in a place where there are no idiots the better."

"Then we agree tomorrow night. A limo will come to see you."


Rudel left the room but not before teasing Randy.

"Randolf-dono this is without disrespect to me, to us great nobles and all of Aster!"

"Shut up please."

Randolf looked at Randy with enraged eyes.

"What we just heard everything is without a doubt a serious offense from your house. If that boy hadn't killed Derrick, I would have made sure I would have done it."

"Worst of all, your dirty dealings we already know about. You can't escape this one, I'll make sure you use every penny you have to pay back what you lost."

After uttering that, Randolf became depressed.

"It really sucks that this happened. The worst part was seeing that face again."

The night came before I knew it.

I arrived at Erselica's mansion, I don't want to go to my house yet.

Besides, that I already arranged my room of this mansion and I'm comfortable.

But I know that living with Erselica under the same roof is bad because my fiancées whom I still can't contact will be sad.

Today's dinner for my victory was going to be chops dipped in honey.

Of course, I would cook them because of Chlust's ability to eat them on his own.

I gave Allen the money to go buy them, but when he returned he said.

"Count, you have a visitor."

I went to see who it was and Diana was at the door angry.

"Why the angry face?"

"You should know why I am."

I sighed and pointed to the adjoining room.

"Let's go talk somewhere private."

I led her into the adjoining room and after closing the door I asked her again.

"Why the angry face?"

"You still don't get it?"

"Not only did you go looking for the sapling that was none of your business to do so, you also murdered Derrick, who was a key player in my sister's romantic development."

"To make it worse, the Bartolini were also enemies of the second year of the sequel and you destroyed them. You ruined the event where the priestess first unleashes her powers!"

(It's a bit similar to last year's sky pirates event. But I don't care.)

I said to Diana as I made some tea.

"I decided this on my own, I'll interfere with the plot."

"You... what?"

Evidently she was not pleased with that answer.

"I will interfere in the plot. If the Bartolini and Derrick were important to the plot, I'm sorry."

"Seeing your sister's psychological state, she would have died at any time. You had no idea that inside Banfield Household itself there were people who wanted to hurt her!"

After the duel some officials came to take Lucy away, she was a key witness to everything that had happened.

She is currently in the kingdom's embassy for safety.

Diana looked at me with blazing eyes.

"Do you understand what you are doing?"

"If the plot of the game changes, bad things will happen."

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"That's what you think."

I said staring at her.

"Last year I fought Bandel twice, that damn black knight."

"The first time because I hesitated I didn't kill him, but the second time we met was when Erselica told me that this world was a game world."

"The damned bastard I don't know what he did that turned his armor into a hideous monster. I lost several things, many died and I almost lost my loved ones for letting the plot move forward."

Diana understood what I was referring to.

"I-I can understand that Bandel was very dangerous, after all, the first game involved too many dangers in the saint's life."

"Even without those dangers, there were very dangerous people behind some of them. In this case the Herring Household is almost my enemy."

"If I must go to war against them or the great nobles, I will hesitate no longer."

"I will make sure that the world is not destroyed because that would be equivalent to the end of the kingdom as well, thus my death."

"Even if you say that! The priestess is important in this game!"

"We must rebuild our house that evil Randolf destroyed!"

"About that, I'll have a family dinner with him tomorrow."

"... Your what?"

Diana was very confused, her neck made a strange noise.

"It's mostly a private matter to sort this out. But as you say, he's a villain. So, I'll take action and make sure to see how dangerous he is."

"Possibly he's my enemy..."

Despite saying that, I remembered Sara's words and how she helped me.

I really hope Sara's family is not like the ones Diana mentions.

"I see... in that case I will withdraw."

"I will inform you if they are enemies or not."

She left, I was left alone and took a sip of the tea leaves Erselica bought.

"It tastes like shit."


Walking out of the mansion, Diana was trembling.

"No way... that guy is crazy."

"His look was the worst... those eyes..."

For Diana, Rudel's black eyes which showed a cold feeling when he mentioned "killing" his enemies, made her skin freeze.

She clutched both arms as she trembled.

"That boy is dangerous."

"The way he thinks, the way he acts, worst of all, he's looking for fights with others."

"Onee-chan is in danger, I must ask Lugh for help so he can talk to his father and convince that bastard Randolf."

A limousine was in front of the mansion, Diana got in and there inside was a boy the same age as her, slim, a little taller than her and with eyes like navy blue hair with a pleasant look.

He was one of the capture targets, Lugh Eliol Lunor.

Lugh handed Diana a blanket.

"Did you finish what you came here to do? You were shivering out there, was it that cold?"

"It was nothing."

She took off the blanket he gave her.

After sitting comfortably, she said to him.

"Please take me to your father, I must tell him something important."

"To my father? Something important?"

"Please just take me to your house and let me talk to your father, Lugh."

Lugh didn't understand why Diana was like this, but it was rare a request from her. He nodded and they went straight to his house

The evening of the next day came.

I was in a limousine inside the Rosenberg’s territory.

First they came to pick me up in a limo, then I went to a luxurious boat until I reached their territory and finally again in a limo.

Wealthy people are amazing.

We entered the mansion, which was more like a huge castle.

A servant opened the door and everyone greeted me.

The only downside to all of this was everyone's expression when they saw me.

They looked at me like I was a ghost or a freak.

I was left waiting in a guest room.

Ixion said he went to check the food if it wasn't poisoned.

He came back and said no.

"It's a normal dinner then."

"It seems to be so. But still don't let your guard down, you never know what they might be up to."

"I know."

"Rudel-sama, dinner is served. Please accompany me to lead you to the dining room."

That was the definite time call.

I left the room and went straight to the dining room.

It was huge.

There in addition to servants were three elegant people.

One of them was Randolf of course.

"Good evening Count Bradford, I hope this dinner is to your liking."

"T-Thank you for the invitation."

He was nervous, even if it's a trap, I can't sense malice in his words.

"You know my daughter, let me introduce you to my wife, Marian Ciel Rosenberg."

Mrs. Marian is a woman similar to Sara, but in her early 30's most likely.

One would put her down as the mature version of Sara.

The detail that did not escape my view, were her large maternal breasts that stood out in her dress.

Sara also wore a dress that revealed her cleavage.

According to Alisa, dresses that show cleavage are relaxing for women, meaning that their breasts are so large that they suffocate them.

What a wonderful world this is.

After being thankful to be alive, everyone thought it was a strange gesture from the kingdom.

Dinner began.

I won't lie, it was very delicious.

Or so I thought as I struggled to eat a type of Aster's pea.

I'm not picky about vegetables, but I can't eat it.

I grew up in the country and am part farmer, refusing vegetables is an insult to my way of life.

"Could it be, you don't like peas count?"

"Huh! I-It's not that... it's just..."

"You don't like the taste of them, do you?"

Not wanting to seem disrespectful, I unintentionally averted my eyes from everyone's gaze.

Sara commented something strange.

"Even the way of denying things is identical..."

I looked at her to see and she began to cry.

"Excuse me please..."

She got up from the table and ran away.

"Huh? Did I disrespect her?"

Sara's mother, Marian looked at the plate carefully and then said to me.

"You see count, a long time ago in this house there was a certain knight with black hair and eyes like yours."

"He was a foreigner who came to this country along with his father. The father died and since we took that boy as a knight, we felt that he was almost a relative of ours."

"Despite being a buffoon and a bad swordsman. We were all fond of him."

"We were happy to have him with us."

"Even Sara, who won't admit it, had developed feelings for him at a young age."

"Excuse me, I don't understand what you're getting at, I'm confused."

"I'm so sorry, dear, give him that."

Randolf stood up and handed me something, it was a photograph.

Looking at it, I understood everything as Marian continued talking.

"That knight one day when Vermillion Household organized an all-out search for the sprout, he ended up dying in the dungeon."

"His name was... Rudel."

Listening to Randolf who was behind me, and seeing this picture where a man similar to me, but with a beard was.

A shiver ran down my spine.

"It's not a joke is it?"

"It's not."

"Count. The reason Sara was so interested in you was because you remind her of our Rudel."

"For that reason, even I hesitated several times to say something to you at the meeting."

"I'm sorry to bring something personal into all this, but that's just the way it is."

"The sapling and other matters we'll talk about another day, but what I wanted to tell you as a matter of priority was this."

"What do you wish to do with that Lucy girl?"

Randolf's question, based on Erselica's information, generated only one answer.

"I explained it to Sara, didn't she tell you?"

"She did, but I wanted to hear it from her own mouth."

"I see."

I told him the same reason I told his daughter, word for word.

"I understand. In that case count, you can take that girl away."

"At this time... the best thing for them is to disappear from this country."

I did not mention Diana, but Randolf's expression indicated that it was something to do with knowing about their existence.

In the end, the dinner ended like that and I didn't get to say goodbye to Sara.

Besides, Romeo didn't come down either, he seemed to be studying hard.


The next day, a certain person arrived at Rudel's house.

It was Lucy who was brought by Rosenberg Household officials.

They handed her a document and he was to sign it.

(This looks like Lucy is an object.)

Rudel thought as Erselica watched the girl shiver and mutter in the embracing sun.

"I have to go back soon, or else Jude-kun will get angry. Jude-kun is a lonely person, so I have to be by his side... If I'm not there, he'll be very angry..."

Erselica muttered to Rudel.

"Hey, this girl is really bad no matter how you look at it. Are you sure she's the heroine?"

"Diana said so."

"You want a traumatized girl to be living in a house with an unknown man! Are you crazy? Why don't we go back to the mansion?"

"In the mansion there are 5 idiots causing trouble, she needs peace and quiet, which there isn't in that house, besides Chlust would walk around half naked and Frey like Clovis would ask her strange things about her or her hair, not to mention Liam or Warren who would try to cheer her up by doing dangerous things."

Erselica understood that to be true.

"But still, onii-chan. don't you think it's risky of you to have a frightened girl in your house alone?"

"What would those two think?"

"Leave them out of it, besides, Ixion will be sure to take care of her."

Rudel pointed as robots with the fake bodies of sexy nurses grabbed Lucy's suitcases and her shoulders to carry her inside.

Erselica looked at Lucy's grim expression as she noticed her walking away from Jude.

"I hope she gets better, the priestess is important to Aster."

"I hope so too, well, I'll go get the food ready, see you later."

Erselica thought as she saw Rudel walk in.

(Are you sure you're not planning on doing anything?)

(You're not even asking me to help talk to her.)

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