World Of Sync

Chapter 25: Open Arms

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Everyone continues to stare surprised at the 3 that just showed up.


Lewis: You… You!!

Nilph: ...

Lucas: You must be Lewis and Nilph. I've heard many things about you!

Lewis: Luke!? You told him about us!?

Luke: Listen, guys. You can trust me on this-

Lewis: What did you brainwash him with!?

Luke: I'm not brainwashed! We talked for a bit-

Lewis: I want to know what you did to him!

Luke: Lewis! Lucas isn't gonna arrest us! He wants to hear us out!


Lewis and Nilph's eyes widened a little from hearing this.


Lucas: I understand that you, and your entire group have been put through harsh trials, due to the system that my predecessor had left me. I made a promise to him. Before he unexpectedly resigned, he wanted me to do better than him. He wanted me to pick up the shards of glass he left behind on the floor. I've tried to handle the act of bringing this District into the vision of peace that I can see it in. But I can't do that alone-


A tall blue and purple bird mutant suddenly appears behind everyone. And riding it was a blue and purple humanoid mutant with rock-like fists.


Lewis: I created these in a field within the city! Took a lot out of me, but I'm ready to use it!!

Luke: Lewis!

Kruger: Young Man!-


Lucas raises his hand to stop them from engaging. He slowly walks towards the 2, passing the 3 rookies in the process, who look at him with confusion and intrigue.


Lewis: You keep walking over here, and I'll target those 2 on ya!


Lucas stands at an almost close difference from them. He pulls out his Sync, a Golden Sword inside a shield.


Lewis: Alright, then. You asked for it!-


Lucas drops his Sync to the floor.


Lewis' You-... What are you doing!?

Lucas: I have no want, or interest, in fighting either of you.

Nilph: But, we're destroying this city. We did this to-

Lucas: You felt you were pushed by the world my predecessor left you in to make you revolt. I would be a failure of a District Leader, if I didn't acknowledge your right to fight for a better world.


He starts to walk a little bit closer.


Lucas: And I would be even worse than that, if I didn't hear out the ideas you had for making this world a better place. I stand here, now. Because I want to work with you!


He gets within arm reach distance between them.


Lucas: You can cease your cries, because I am here to listen. Please…


He raises his hand out.


Lucas: Help me pick up the pieces. We can work together, to live peacefully together!


Silence fills the air. No one makes any movements.


Nilph: …Lucas.

Lucas: Yes?

Nilph: Are you aware of the Cona District Leader?

Lucas: I'm good friends with him, actually. And I've heard your story, about why you're doing this.

Nilph: What!?

Lucas: I'm very sorry that such a thing happened to you. But I want to assure you, if he had known what was happening, he would've put a stop to it.

Nilph: I-...

Lucas: Will you join me to make sure the tragedy that happened to you, won't ever happen to anyone again?

Lewis: Don't fall for it, Nilph! There's no way he isn't tricking us!

Lucas: I understand that you're scared. But I assure you-

Lewis: No! I refuse! You listen here, fraud! Watch countless offers reject you for having a Power everyone says belongs in the Guardian Brigade! Have everyone call you a freak for wanting things to be different! Become an outcast! Tell me you would immediately give in to someone who says he wants to help!

Lucas: Lewis… Your Power is amazing, and has incredible potential. I want you to know that I see that. I want to give you the opportunity you were unrightfully stripped from!

Lewis: I… I don't wanna hear it!!

Nilph: …Luke!

Luke: Yeah?

Nilph: Do… Do you trust him!?

Luke: Yeah! I do!


Nilph lets this response sit in his head.


Nilph: …I believe him


Lewis looks over to Nilph in shock.


Lewis: What!?

Nilph: I… feel sincerity from his words. Like he… genuinely means what he says.


Lewis takes a quick step to get in Nilph's face.


Lewis: Do you mean to tell me you're immediately ready to just give up and get arrested!?

Lucas: I'm not here to-


Lewis turns his head back.


Lewis: Shut up!!


He turns it back to his friend.


Lewis: Don't you remember what you're doing this for!? If you fall for his trick, he'll lock us up for doing all of this! You just wanna let what happened to you happen to a bunch more people!? I thought you wanted to be a hero, not a monster!

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Nilph: No, I…


Nilph looks down in sadness.


Nilph: I'm not saying I'm going to abandon those in need.


Kai visibly twitches at this, as if it's bringing up familiar memories.


Lewis: Then don't listen to his bullshit! The moment you take his hand, he'll push you through a portal that leads right into a cell!


Lewis begins to get watery eyes and grabs Nilph's arms.



need you here! We were supposed to do this together! You're not just gonna ditch me, right!?

Nilph: No! I wouldn't!

Lewis: I don't want to see you make such a stupid decision, when we're so close to finally getting our goals! You want to live in peace, right!?

Nilph: Yes! It's just-

Kai: Stop that!


Everyone's attention then turns to Kai, who looks serious. He starts to walk towards the 3 slowly.


Kai: I know what you're doing, I've dealt with it myself for a long time! Look, I get it. You're afraid, and you have every right to be! But… Why are you forcing someone else to believe there isn't any hope!? Why are you pushing your emotions into him just so he can stay by your side!? He… We all want a better future! What's clouding ourselves gonna do about it!?


Nilph walks past Lewis, and stands in front of Kai, getting on one knee yet again.

Nilph: Kai… You said earlier that you wanted to save us. What do you mean by that?

Kai: Oh… I guess just, save you from feeling the pain I felt as a kid.

Nilph: …Do you truly believe, even now, that I can still be saved? From the goal that I created out of pure rage and self hatred?

Kai: I… Don't think it's ever too late..

Nilph: …


Nilph stands back up, and turns his head back to Lewis.


Nilph: Lewis, I think we should follow Lucas.

Lewis: …You can't be serious!

Nilph: I had listened to you many times. About how I was right to feel like I was a creature, and that I should reroute that hatred to the District Leaders who would let something like me happen. But… I don't want to go through with a plan that would make someone as confused as I am in charge.

Lewis: You're saying you'd put your trust in people who're just gonna walk all over us!?

Nilph: I-… I'm saying I want to put out trust in someone who… could be trusted.


Lucas walks over to Nilph.


Lucas: I want to earn that trust from you, first. Building it goes a long way.


He once again raises his arm. This time, Nilph takes a brief minute to look at the decision he's making.


Nilph: If I do this…. If I join you… Will I truly be making a difference?

Lucas: It won't just be you… it'll be all of us.


And then, he shakes Lucas's hand.


Lewis: NOOO!!


Lewis immediately causes the 2 giant mutants to get ready to attack, and they jump into the air and prepare to launch multiple strikes. But suddenly, pink Thread is quickly formed above the 2, and a giant hammer made out of mass thick Thread slams the 2 mutants down to the ground. Zeke and Ano immediately get out of the way with Kai, Lucas and Nilph leaping back. The blade mutant tries to slash at the hammer, but a giant mirror appears in the blade's path, stopping it in it's tracks. Then, several mirror shards appear around the blade mutant, and several small blades shoot out of them, piercing the mutant from several angles, killing it. The bird mutant flaps into the air, but it's wings are held in the air by a green gust of wind surrounding them. And suddenly, a beam of plasma shoots through the bird's head.


???: Hey! Hope we didn't miss anything too important!


A black, black curly haired woman with a gray shirt, black pants and a mirror necklace (Angel) waves towards everyone as they stand on the dissolving mutants. A tall man with an angular fringe hair cut of light teal-white color, and white on the outside, black on the inside coat holding a black rod that leads into a long cone with blue, gray, yellow and red stripes slides down to the bottom of the bird's wing (Liam). A woman with similar looks to Saiko stands on its shoulder (Sarah). And a man with soft black spiky hair, and a small green robe with a button in the shapes of wings hovers in the air with green glowing wings on themselves (Kaeden).


Lucas: No! You all were actually right on time!

Kai: Who… who are they?

Lucas: Including your Captain, and Captain Rose. They're a specific team that I handpicked for their amazing skills as fighters, and as people… They're… the Elite Guardians.


During the staring in awe, Lewis screams in desperation, and charges Lucas with a blade formed out of his shoulder. But is stopped by Sarah, who quickly wraps him in Thread, and he falls over with his head hitting the ground. Nilph runs over to him and picks him up.


Nilph: He's… knocked out…


Nilph hugs him, not fully sure on why.


The dust and mutant dissolve clears from the air. The citizens stay within the safe areas Ruby had appointed, waiting for the clear to be allowed to leave. Still in the same place we watched all of this unfold. Team Aura and Beast stand next to each other as Lucas and Ruby stand across from them, and the Elite Guardians and the Anti-Guardians stand next to each other behind them.


Lucas: My friends and comrades, thank you for helping us in a flash crisis like this. You can all except an accomodation for your acts, today.

Hera: What happens next, sir?

Lucas: Me and Ruby are going to have a long conversation with the Anti-Guardians. And we should have the results of finally communicating with each other in a few days.


Everyone feels a relief from tension hearing this.


Nilph: Excuse me, Lucas.


Lucas's attention is turned to behind him.


Nilph: Where will Nilph be taken too?

Lucas: As unfortunate as it is for me to say this. He attempted to strike a District Leader, which is a very big crime. He'll be taken to our prison facility off the continent, where he'll be receiving help. I'll let you keep in contact with him. We can discuss the details later.


Lucas brings his attention back to the teams.


Lucas: For now, I'd like for everyone to go home and rest. I'm sure we've all… had a long day.

Everyone: Yes sir!


The sun finishes setting, as night falls on the city.


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