World Of Sync

Chapter 26: An Occasion To Smile

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A few days have passed since the incident. Aura and Beast have gone back to their usual schedule of school and patrolling. But once Saturday comes around. Captain John calls the kids to the kitchen counter for a special announcement.


Captain John: We're going to a celebration party tonight!

Everyone: …What!?


Captain John hands them a piece of paper with special writing signed by Lucas himself.


Kai: I'm reading this correctly, right? A celebration?

Captain John: Yep! Lucas wants us and Beast to come to some sort of party at the Capital's rec room. Something about celebrating a new step forward for the District.

Saiko: It says here that the Elite Guardians will be there. Along with the Anti-Guardians.

Ano: Are you gonna be alright with your sister there?

Saiko: I'll be fine. The last time we talked was when we got in trouble after the Shadow Sun mission.

Kai: You didn't talk to her after the riot ended?

Saiko: No. We weren't exactly permitted too.

Zeke: I'm sure she'll be happy to see you!

Saiko: Thanks, Zeke.

Captain John: Don't worry, Thread Queen. I'm sure she'll have cooled off on that whole thing… Maybe.

Saiko: I hope she doesn't relentlessly pinch you, coast man.

Captain John: *chuckles*. The invitation says we don't have to perform any duties, today. So go make sure you're ready with clean clothes and emblems, and stuff.


The team heads back to their rooms in preparation for the party.


Lucas, Ruby, Kruger and the Anti-Guardians continue a long conversation in a small warm room as they all sit at a table with Ruby writing down notes on a pad.


Luke: What about adding a public bouncy house somewhere for the kids?

Terra: How exactly is that going to help the economy?

Luke: It's not, it's for the kids.

Terra: You mean mainly for your baby, hah.

Nilph: I believe what he's trying to say is; We should construct more buildings that can serve as a safe place for kids to receive care. Either while their parents are at work or they themselves are in… trouble.

Lucas: We do only have 2 mental health pharmacies in the District. And the open positions they have are slim. This is an excellent idea! Ruby?

Ruby: Already writing it down…. Hey, I've been meaning to ask. Who was the Granite Sync guy in your group?

Nilph: Oh, Keith? Lewis found him. He was a wanted man who took great pleasure in brutally defeating Guardians and wearing their emblems as trophies… Lewis had convinced him that we could use his strength against Guardian Society.

Luke: We agreed having a brute in battle would be helpful. Though, I kinda wish we did a second thought on him.

Lucas: Well… No matter how he was, that doesn't take away from your core cause.

Nilph: Oh, and I believe it would be wise to have people of a variety of Elemental Powers to have the opportunity to work at the new pharmacies. Like, those with Fire Power can simply warm blankets and such.

Lucas: Ah, simple jobs that can be done by many people who need them. Like the type of jobs you helped realize for the coffee shop Terra worked at? Noted

Nilph: I'm… simply thinking how I think Lewis would feel.

Lucas: …I always thought there was more to the way we used our Power. I'm very grateful to finally see these thoughts released into the world with your help.


Lucas gets up from the chair and walks over to the window, to look at the District he runs.


Lucas: It gives me… Great joy, to feel like I'm finally making progress with the goal I had. To make this world step forward into a peaceful time…


He looks back to his comrades.


Lucas: And I never thought for a second I could do that by myself.

Terra: You're a lot more… emotional than I'd thought.

Ruby: Keeping the perfect balance of emotion and professionalism is key to being a District Leader. I believe Lucas has been excelling in the department for the few years he's already run! Although I do wish he'd remember to fold his paperwork properly.

Lucas: Er, yes. I should definitely work on that-

Ruby: And you should rehearse your public speeches for more than 2 hours! You end up Ad-libing for most of them!

Lucas: Well, I generally prefer speaking from the heart-

Ruby: Is that torn fabric on your robe, mister!?

Lucas; *nervously chuckles* Ruby, I swear I didn't tear it.


An alarm rings on one of the individual's phone. Terra pulls out hers, and turns it off, and stands up grabbing her purse.


Terra: Sorry guys, I gotta pick up Shawn from school. I promised him we'd go suit shopping for the party.

Luke: How's he doing, by the way?

Terra: Better than I'd thought, actually. I'm surprised, since I stopped trying to homeschool him when he turned 14… I'm just really happy he can do stuff like school, again.

Luke: Yeah… us too.


Terra exits the room.


Lucas: I suppose we can all call this meeting short, and end it now. Me and Ruby have a party room to finish decorating.

Nilph: I can't help but feel surprised you would help decorate the room yourself.

Lucas: Are you kidding? I love decorating!

Ruby: I only agreed to let him help as long as he doesn't cause a mess. Which, judging by his robe's tear. I'll probably regret it.

Lucas: *nervously chuckles*

Ruby: But… since it's a good day. I'll let you off the hook. Just one time.

Lucas: Phew, thank you Ruby.

Luke: You're his Vice Leader slash assistant, right? What do you do to him when he messes up? Like with that tear?

Ruby: Usually, I'll make him help me repair it. And we'll redo the oath he swore when he accepted the position of District Leader, but add in the promise of not tearing his precious robe.

Lucas: You're leaving out the details where you add 2 signing assignments to my schedule.

Ruby: I do whatever it takes to make sure you're perfect at your job! So when I take over, I'll have a model predecessor to have notes from!

Lucas: Trust me, Ruby. You're already well on your way.


The city falls into night as Aura walks to the Capital. Everyone wears a black formal outfit with a red tie. Zeke quickly notices Beast waiting for them at the front door.


Hera: Hey! You guys are on time!

Captain John: Lemme guess. Captain Rose wanted you to wait for us?

Captain Rose: It's an invitation for the both of us. It would be mindful to arrive with you.

Saiko: You guys seem pretty dapper.


Captain Rose wears a red dress with black boots and flower earrings, Vanessa wears a black sweater, tennis shoes and dark blue shorts, Felt wears a simple black suit and tie, as well as Gira, and Hera wears her usual clothes with darker colors and a clip on tie.


Zeke: I like your outfits guys!

Hera: Thanks! You don't look too bad in that suit, yourself!

Ano: *leans over to Zeke's ear and whispers* she's talking about your guy, what're you gonna do about it?

Zeke: *whispers* I will zap you.

Saiko: *holds back small laughter*

Kai: What're you guys talking about?

Ano: Don't worry, it's not about how you forgot to comb your hair.

Kai What!? Aw dang it!

Captain John: Don't sweat it. I'm sure they'll have a brush in there, somewhere.

Vanessa: Does your Sync have a little bow and tie?

Kai: Huh? Oh, I talked to Talin about it, but he preferred to just stay in my pocket.

Vanessa: Hm…

Captain Rose: I think we've stood out here long enough.

Felt: Let's get this party started, eh?

Kai: Sounds good to me!


The teams head into the Capital and are greeted by Ruby, who walks them up the stairs and into the rec room. The walls are draped with decorations, the ceiling has blue and red balloons. There's one long table with food and drinks on the left side and chairs on the right with Lucas, who's holding a drink, the Anti-Guardians and Kruger on his left, and Elite Guardians on his right, all standing on the other side of the room.


Lucas: Team Aura! Team Beast! Welcome!

Aura&Beast: We are welcomed, sir!

Lucas: Managing to communicate and recruit those who can help change the future of our District, are huge feats that should not only be commended, but celebrated! So a showcase of gratitude and respect from our Elite Guardians, and the District Helpers is fitting! Don't you think?

Captain Rose: You changed their names?

Lucas: Of course! The name "Anti-Guardians" didn't really seem to fit them, so I gave them a new nickname. We are using their minds to build a stronger basis for our society, after all. Now, for a proper introduction.


Lucas raises his hand for the Elite Guardians, gesturing to them to stand next to him, with 2 on both sides.


Lucas: Team Aura and Team Beast, I'd like to introduce you to Guardian Liam, you might've heard of him as the White Reaper. Guardian Sarah, head of the Surredo family. Guardian Kaiden, Captain of Team Lily and Guardian Angel, head of the Mirrora family

Captain John: *snickers*

Angel: You find the phrase Guardian Angel funny, don't ya?

Captain John: I'm never ready for it.

Captain Rose: I'm assuming our blade wind boy still hasn't been seen?

Lucas: No, unfortunately not. But I'm sure he's… fine. Let's not let it damper our celebration. Everyone, have fun!


Everyone applauds, and begins celebrating. Grabbing a plate of food and a cup of punch. Everyone starts talking to each other. Lucas talks with Nilph, Kruger and Luke. Terra and Shawn talk to Felt and Gira. Saiko is in the middle of a discussion with Captain Rose, Kai and Hera before Captain Rose greets Sarah, who's walking over to them. She quickly turns around.


Saiko: Sarah! It is very great to see you! I am glad you could make it.

Sarah: If it means acknowledging my little sister's growth, prison duty can wait.

Kai: Wait, you work at a prison!?

Sarah: Yes, but talk of work isn't appropriate at a time like this.

Kai: Right, sorry.

Saiko: So… how are you doing?

Sarah: I am feeling fine, not anything to complain about. How are you?

Saiko: Oh! Well, my studies are going well. I'm practicing my Thread abilities and agilities. I-


Sarah flicks her fingers on Saiko's forehead.


Sarah: I didn't ask about your studies! I asked how have you

! Are you eating properly? Have you kept your hygiene in check? Are you getting along with those in your team?

Saiko: Um… I'm getting along with my friends, yes. They're very capable in battle, as well as interesting people to talk to. Captain John has even taught me how to create an Aura Skill.


Sarah looks over at Captain John, who walked over once the 2 started talking.


Sarah: You


Captain John: She was a natural at it. Don't limit what she can do.

Sarah: I'm not limiting my sister, I am making sure that while she is out during dangerous missions she is not affected by her-

Saiko: Sarah… It's fine. Honestly. I want to develop my skills outside of my box.

Sarah: I… I didn't mean to offend you. Just... Be careful, okay?

Saiko: ...Yes ma'am.


Sarah looks back over to Captain John.


Sarah: Well, Captain John. It appears you're doing rather fine in this position.

Captain John: What can I say, I'm a miracle worker. Certainly wouldn't have gotten this good at it with a different batch of kids.

You are reading story World Of Sync at

Hera: Are you implying you wouldn't want to deal with someone as awesome as Team Beast?


Captain John quietly sips on his drink in response.


Ano and Vanessa sit next to each other on the chairs, watching the others.


Ano: I really don't think it's that big of a deal.

Vanessa: You have to be kidding me! Your own brother doesn't have a Power but has an ability that's never been documented before, and you just treat it like he found shoes on the sidewalk!

Ano: I'm happy he unlocked something within himself. I don't really think there's anything else to it.

Vanessa: And his Sync. It talks to him! And you're okay with that?

Ano: I thought it was weird. But I also don't really know what he and our… I don't understand what he has. And I never had a chance to ask about it, so I just assume it's normal.

Vanessa: For all you know, it's gonna tell him to kill all of you.

Ano: Talin seems like a good guy. I'm not sure how we're gonna get his memory back.

Vanessa: Wait, you wanna

that thing?

Ano: Well, yeah. He's Kai's Sync and I'm his brother, I wanna help them. I just hope it doesn't end up being complicated bs.

Vanessa: Yeah, whenever you figure out the mystery of the powerless pal over there, let me know.

Ano: I probably won't.

Vanessa: Excuse me?

Ano: It's not really much of your business, is it? He doesn't owe you an explanation.

Vanessa: I'm literally the only one questioning

he is! If he finds out-



Vanessa: Whatever. The point is, I wanna know. And I'll be the first to know if he finds out.

Ano: We're changing the subject.

Vanessa: Who said you could do that?

Ano: You walked over here. You don't have much of a say.

Vanessa: …So, what's the worst mission you had to go on?

Ano: This old lady lost her glasses in an amusement park and we were the closest team-

Vanessa: Pfft!-


Kai notices Zeke's stressed face and walks over to him who's standing by the door.


Kai: Hey, you okay?

Zeke: It's just, a little too crowded.. in here.

Kai: Wanna step outside for a bit?

Zeke: Yes, that'd be great.


Kai opens the door and holds it open for Zeke who walks out of it and sits on the wall a bit down from where the door is.


Kai: Want me to stay?

Zeke: Yeah!


Kai sits down next to Zeke.


Kai: Having a good time so far?

Zeke: The party's okay. But, I don't really know who to talk to when everyone else is already talking to someone.

Kai: I can see that. I just walked over to Hera who was already talking to Captain Rose. They weren't bothered by it and included me in their conversation. No one's gonna explode cause you wanted to join, we're all friends here.

Zeke: I guess… Hey, Kai? Can I ask you something?

Kai: Of course!

Zeke: …What would you think if 2 people on a team dated?

Kai: Huh?

Zeke: What would you think? It wouldn't be healthy, right?

Kai: Uh… I guess. I don't really think about that kind of stuff. Why?

Zeke: Just asking.

Kai: Did anything happen to a team from school recently?

Zeke: No, i-i was just curious what you would say.

Kai: Oh… okay.

Talin: You're really not gonna pick up on that?

Kai: Pick up on what?

Talin: …Nevermind.

Kai: …So, me and Ano are thinking about what food to send to the Thompsons, what do you think we should send?

Zeke: The meat puffs definitely!

Kai: Oh, absolutely!


Sarah walks over to Liam sipping from his cup who's standing near the corner on the other side from the door inside the room.


Sarah: Liam, glad to see your arrogance hasn't gotten you killed yet

Liam: Sarah, your love for discipline isn't clouding your mind?

Sarah: without your power to manipulate matter, you would've been dead 4 times over. But, I'm impressed you've managed to keep your head on your body.

Liam: Have you come over here to give tough hearted respect?

Sarah: Maybe… I heard you had a run in with


Liam: Rumors, I haven't found it yet.


Liam quickly glances over at Lucas, unaware of the conversation he's having.


Sarah: If you do, and I happen to be around, I won't mind assisting you in taking it down for good

Liam: I'll remember that, thank you. But, I'm sure Angel will be with me when the moment happens.

Sarah: Right.


The party continues to go well. After a while, Terra and Shawn leave, bidding everyone a good night. Vanessa and Gira head home, as they've spent their social battery. Kruger tells everyone to have a great time as he leaves. And Kaeden leaves, wanting to hurry back to his team.


Kai walks over to Lucas who's chatting with Ruby.


Kai: Um, District Leader Lucas?

Lucas: Hm? What is it, Kai?

Kai: Can I ask something?

Lucas: Yes, of course!

Kai: …Have you ever heard of a being without any type of Power?

Lucas: Yes, I have!

Kai: Wait, really!?

Lucas: Yes. He's brave, heartfelt and very tenacious.

Kai: Who is he!?

Lucas: You, of course!

Kai: …Seriously!?

Talin: I can't believe I fell for that!

Lucas: Kai… You have worth. No matter who you are, trust me. You've already showcased that after all!

Kai: ...Yes sir!

Lucas: One day, you'll become strong enough for the answers you seek. Keep growing.

Kai: I will!


Ano walks up to Kai.


Ano: Hey Kai, I'm gonna eat one of the sweets from your plate, is that fine?

Kai: What? Of course it is- hey! That one's my favorite flavor!


Kai and Ano walk away as Nilph walks over to stand next to Lucas.


Nilph: You have yet to surprise me with your abilities.

Lucas: Huh? All I did was simply talk to him.

Nilph: Hmph.


The 2 take a minute to look at the others continuing to talk. Captain Rose and John are telling a story to the remaining rookies about a science project they were made to do together.


Nilph: I… feel wrong for being here.

Lucas: What do you mean?

Nilph: I mean… I went along with Lewis' plans, despite not wanting to cause violence. I… am not really sure if I should be allowed to stand here.

Lucas: …While I don't necessarily agree with the actions that would result in destruction. I'm not the one who lived in isolation and fear of what tomorrow would bring. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to fighting for your right to a good life, especially if you've been pushed into a breaking point. No matter what… There has to be a leader willing to listen, and people willing to stand. We can't move forward as a society without that.

Nilph: …That is strongly profound, Lucas.

Lucas: Oh, sorry. I think I went rambling again!

Nilph: No, it's quite alright

Lucas: Hehe! … I'm sure those kids understand that…. I have to have faith that we're leading them to a better future.


Aura and Felt and Hera laugh with each other as Captain John and Captain Rose continue their story.



The next morning, In an abandoned building, Sui walks through a door holding a newspaper, and throws it onto the table in the middle of the worn down room.


Sui: Lucas is supposed to hold a big conference about Villson District's going through systematic changes, soon. Anyone going?

Quin: Are you actually asking that?

Sui: What? Just curious.

Naria: I wonder if it would make dad change his mind on his plan.

Wallus: I doubt it.


Xaylan walks through the door.


Xaylan: Good morning, I trust you have all slept well?


Everyone gives a variant of yes.


Xaylan: Sui, are you ready to begin preparations for the new plan?

Sui: Yep! All you need to do is say the word!

Xaylan: Well then, let's begin.



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