World Of Sync

Chapter 29: New Girl

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With the sky being bleached in sunrise. Naria wakes up on the floor, wrapped in her bed sheet and face planted on the dirt stained pillow. As she slowly gets up, the noises of shuffling out of her sheet makes the only noises she hears in the hauntingly, quiet, tall and abandoned building Shadow Sun has taken refuge in.

She stands up, already in her mission suit, being the only clothes she has, stretches while yawning and walks over to the window and takes off a board to look at the sunrise. Then, almost against her better judgment, she gazes her eyes downward and looks at the city. Questioning what it would be like to live there, and not have to fight a battle every day. She rests her shoulders on the window still and her hands on her face. After a few seconds, she gets off the window and silently looks at her worn down boots. Then looks over to her bed, being the floor, a sheet and a pillow. With nothing but contempt, she sighs.

Suddenly, the doorknob on her room's door starts giggling. She composes herself, prepared to greet who she's assuming is her father. But instead, Sui opens the door gleefully.

Sui: Morning, Naria!

Naria: Oh, it's you. Good morning, Sui.

Sui: So, how'd ya sleep? Any termites I need to take care of, again?

Naria: No, it was fine. How about you?

Sui: It was pretty good! I'm just excited to get more parts for my combat weapon, today.

Naria: Right, isn't Quin supposed to help you with that?

Sui: Yeah, lucky me. Ugh, I much would've preferred Slain for a stealth and steal mission. But…

Naria: Well, if it's any consolation, I'm sure you'll keep Quin in place. At least, I hope so. He's been more… Have you noticed he's been a little unhinged, recently?

Sui: Eh, I'm sure he's fine. Anyways, Xaylan said he was going into town a few hours ago-

Naria immediately swells In anger.

Naria: What!? Why didn't he invite me!?

Sui: Relax! He was just gonna swipe breakfast for us!

Naria: Still… I would've liked to tag along, at least.

Sui: I'm sure he just didn't want to endanger you.

Naria looks down, holding back a sad expression.

Naria: …What's so dangerous about wanting to spend some time with him for once…

Sui notices her restrained emotions, and decides to move their day along.

Sui: Come on, let's head down to the meeting room!

Sui grabs her wrist, pulling her with her as they walk out of the room. They head downstairs and enter a decently sized, empty room, where Wallus and Quin are.

Sui: Morning, fellas!

Wallus: Sui, Naria, Good morning.

Quin: Hey.

Naria: Hey, guys.

Wallus: I trust that you slept well?

Sui: No complaints! Were you guys talking about anything important?

Wallus: Just discussing what our plans are for today. Xaylan went out pretty early.

Quin: Last time he did that, we fought against those brats when we were evacuating. And the weapon raid.

Sui: Must mean it's pretty important! You up to the task, Mr whiplash?

Quin: Tch, don't forget who's supposed to accompany you today while you grab stuff for your mechanical trash.

Wallus: That's enough, you two. You should have each other's backs when you're out there.

Sui: I know, I know. I just wish we could grab something from Wynus District instead of having to go for the stuff here!

Wallus: Traveling to a completely different District and back isn't on our schedule, unfortunately. I'm sure you'll make due with whatever you can find. You are a prodigy of Mental Power, after all.

Sui: Aw, thanks!

Quin: Don't butter her up, Wallus. I don't need to hear more snark than I already am.

Sui: Hey! I'll have you know I only throw back what you give me! And quite skillfully, I might add.

Quin: How about I just let you go alone?

Sui: I don't knooow. I might run into that blue haired boy you have a grudge against. But you won't be there to get your score settled.

Quin: You're really daring to mock me about that?

Wallus: Why can't either of you just work and have that be the end of it?

Quin: You're not one to talk, you fought those rookies the most and you still haven't had a single win over them!

Wallus: First of all, one of those losses was on purpose. Second of all, I don't let them affect my sanity.

Sui: Hey Wallus, you think if you tried, you could bench press a truck?

Wallus: Wait, what?

Sui: I'm just kinda curious.

Quin: Well, Wallus? Or are you simply not strong enough?

Naria continues to watch these 3 converse. Feeling too emotionally distant to even think about attempting to join in. Suddenly, everyone goes silent as they hear noises coming from downstairs. They move to the middle of the room and line up next to each other. And after a bit, Xaylan walks through the door with a sack of food in one hand, and a smaller bag in the other.

Xaylan: Good morning everyone, I apologize for being late.

Wallus: It's quite alright. Do you need help with any of that?

Xaylan: No, everything is prepackaged. I managed to leave a piece of paper that ordered takeout from the restaurant on the drive through counter without being seen. It was difficult staying hidden, but I managed. Thankfully it's still early in the morning, so not many people were out.

He places the bag of food on the floor and everyone begins to eat the various pastries and drink the bottled waters. After everyone's finished. They line back up.

Xaylan: I trust everyone rested well?

Everyone responds with a variation of yes.

Xaylan: Good. Now for today's schedule. Quin, you will accompany Sui to the recycling center and lab center within the city in order for her to gather more tools for her tinkering safely. You are to watch her back at all costs.

Quin: With all due respect, sir. She-

Xaylan: Do I make myself clear?

Quin: …Yes sir.

Xaylan: Wallus, you will accompany me as we search for a new Portal Power user. Even with the disadvantages of someone not already being acquainted with our locations. It would still be beneficial to find a new member.

Wallus: Yes sir.

Xaylan: And Naria… today, I have the most important mission for you.

Everyone gets a little surprised. He takes the other bag in his hand and reaches inside. He pulls out clothing wrapped in plastic. He hands it over to her and she holds it in pure astonishment.

Naria: Are these… new clothes?

Xaylan: Our plan is going to need a bit of a push in terms of how many will willingly assist. And to do that, we need to play with the psychological aspect of those in the District. Therefore, Naria. I am assigning you the role of heading to Vilson District's high school and get people interested in the history of their Powers and Syncs.

Naria: I… get to go to school?

Xaylan: Sui told me that garnering attention via school clubs and communication among faculty members and classmates will benefit in our plan. And I trust you to do the important task of getting In there and getting out. An informant of mine has helped in scheduling a visit with someone who makes fake IDs. You'll meet with them in 2 hours before heading to the school. This will only go on for a week at most.

Xaylan then places his hands on her shoulders, and gets on one of his knees to look at her eye to eye..

Xaylan: I want you to be very… very careful. Do you understand?

Naria: …Yes sir.

Xaylan stands back up.

Xaylan: Okay, you're all dismissed.

Xaylan walks to the other side of the room as everyone walks to the door. Everyone then leaves the room… except Naria. Who hesitates for a sec, before turning around halfway.

Naria: …Father?

Xaylan: Yes, Naria?

Naria: If… I perform well in this mission… Can I continue going to the school?

Xaylan: No, Naria. It would be too dangerous. You are to get in, complete your task, and get out.

Naria: But… that's not fair! I can't just see this place and never come back!

Xaylan: Naria… I can't risk you doing anything more than what I'm asking you to do. I'm already extremely worried over the thought of you being near them.

Naria: …Seeing them in a place like a school… just so casually… Why can't I have that? Why are we doing what we're doing?

Xaylan slowly walks over to Naria and places her hands on her shoulders once again.

Xaylan: Naria… I've told you many times, but I'll tell you as much as I need to… We're doing this for our own sake… Remember your mother? Remember that she was taken from us when you were so young… If we don't secure our safety… It'll happen to us. To Wallus too.

Naria looks to the ground, holding back the urge to tear up.

Xaylan: I promised you, that once this is all done. I would take you to the beach, freely, without any sort of worry over our existence… And I

keep that promise. We just have to keep pushing forward. Understand?

Naria nods silently. Xaylan hugs her. She leaves the room with her sealed clothing in her hand.

Naria walks down a rough, shadow covered alleyway. She reads an address on a torn piece of paper, and nods to herself as the place she's at is correct. A shady bar with a rundown logo. She opens the door as a satisfied customer holding a fake Club ID walks out the door. She heads in and sees 3 guys sitting at a table at the other end of the bar with a laptop and sewing equipment. And only one guy maintaining the counter.

She walks to loud guys who're enjoying themselves with a conversation about what they're doing with their earnings this week.

Naria: Hey, last name Patisk?

Pastik: Yeah, who's asking?

Naria: Luanne Fisberg.

Pastik: Ah, the pre-ordered school ID.

He reaches his hand over to the school ID on his side and gives it to her. She looks at it emotionlessly, turns around and walks over to the door before being stopped by Pastik speaking.

Pastik: You know… We expect to be paid for our services, lil lady.

Naria: Well… I don't know who's gonna pay you, so good luck with that.

She starts walking again, but a hand is placed on her shoulder. A hand from the tallest and strongest looking man from the table.

Pastik: My buddy here isn't gonna have to… Shake the money out of ya, is he?

Naria: If you wanna get him killed, then yes. If not, tell him to stand down.

The 3 erupt In laughter.

Pastik: She thinks she can take you on, Hill!

A small amount of Naria's Dark Aura glows on her body before she promptly takes Hill's wrist and throws his body over her shoulder. She raises his arm into the air and kicks his elbow, breaking his whole arm. And then throws him to the other 2, breaking the wall via impact. After doing this, she looks at the bartender, frightened.

Naria: *ahem* …Sorry.

She then quickly leaves.

Naria, now in pigtails, a blue coat, white shirt with black stripes and shorts. Stands in the high school principal's office.

Principal Matt: I'm still a little concerned that your parents couldn't attend with you here on your first day. Being a transfer student and all.

Naria: Well, he's very busy. And it's not like I'm going to stay. If his- er, job opportunity doesn't work out. Then I'm moving back home to the coastal area.

Principal Matt: Well, our systems haven't loaded you in yet-

Her heart immediately races.

Principal Matt: But that's just a problem we deal with whenever we get a new student hehe. Consequences of running a public school. I'll just print out a schedule with basic credit classes for you for now, and we can discuss your main curriculum after we get everything settled.

Naria: Right, sir. Thank you.

Principal Matt: Wow, so formal!

Matt finishes typing on his computer and moves his chair to his printer.

Naria: Um, sir? Is there any club or, uh, group of people who're interested in learning the heritage of their Powers- a-and stuff?

Principal Matt: Pardon?

Naria: I-i mean… I've been very interested in that type of stuff and I was hoping that. I mean if I stay and everything, I could meet some kids who're interested like me. I-if that's okay.

Principal Matt: Actually, there has been a Power Ancestral club at this school. But it's been pretty quiet, I doubt the kids care anymore. But, you can still try them. The club meetings are at 4. I'll give you their room number later.

Naria: Thank you, sir.

Principal Matt hands over her schedule and tells her to have a good day, reminding her that she needs her parents to show up tomorrow. This causes her to ignore his last statement that free period is about to start. Naria walks down the currently empty hallway.

Naria (In thought): That was disgusting, I'm gonna feel sick! Just- Talking to that guy like it's normal! Ugh. I want this to be over. I just have to get the others in that club interested in the stupid ancestor thing. Then they'll get others interested and there! Done!

Being focused on her thoughts, Naria is distracted and suddenly shocked as the bell rings and several students start walking into the hallway. She quickly starts to panic as people start walking past her and in front of her from many directions. During her panic, she feels someone grab her wrist and immediately jerks her head in that person's direction.

Hera: Hey! You look pretty worried, are you okay?

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Naria: I- uh- i-i-

Hera: Follow me, let's go someplace quieter!

Hera leads Naria outside to the table area of the cafeteria. Naria catches her breath as the 2 stand next to each other.

Hera: There! Wide and plenty of space!

Naria: Um… Thanks.

Hera: No problem! You looked like you were struggling back there. I've never seen you around, so I assume you're new?

Naria: Oh, uh- yeah, I am. M-my name's… Luanne.

Hera: Well, nice to meet you, Luanne!

She extends her hand out to shake, which Naria agrees to shake.

Hera: So, what're you studying for? Gonna become a chef or something?

Naria: W-what? N-no. Um, I guess. The study of ancestors? I mean, the types of Power and Syncs people had and stuff.

Hera: Oh, a history nerd! That's pretty cool! I'm tryin' to become a Guardian! I'm a rookie right now.

Naria holds back her facial expression of fear and resentment.

Naria: Oh, I'm sure that's an… interesting line of work.

Hera: It sure is! But don't worry, I won't blab about it. Let me see your schedule! See if there's anything I can help you with.

Naria quietly hands over her schedule to Hera, who swiftly reads over it.

Hera: Oh! We have Chemistry together! Aaand you have next class with a friend of mine! I'll introduce you to him later.

Naria: Okay…

Hera: So, where ya from?

Naria: Oh, uhm… I'm pretty private about my life… if that's okay… I'm not really… from here.

Hera: Oh, you're from another District?

Naria doesn't answer.

Hera: Well, that's okay with me! I know some people here kinda judge others if they're from another District, but they're stupid! Anyways, how's your day been?

Naria: Oh, um… it's been okay, I guess…

Hera and Naria continue to talk. Naria struggles with her responses, but manages to give some that sound believable. And Hera keeps the convo going. Naria, thinks to herself that strangely, she almost feels comfortable talking to this person who, for all she knows, has been trained to fight someone specifically like her. And once the bell rings, Hera leads Naria to her next class. The 2 stand next to the door as Hera keeps a lookout for her friend, and Naria stays in her thoughts letting her mind wander. Suddenly, Hera calls out to her friend which gets Naria's attention. She raises and turns her head, and her heart explodes and sinks at the same time.

Hera: Hey, Kai! This is Luanne! She's a new student, and I'm assuming "new friend of mine?"

Naria doesn't answer, she just continues looking blank and shocked.

Hera: Luanne?

Naria: …Huh? O-oh, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts.

Kai: Well, Uh- hi! Glad to meet you…

Kai shares a smile with her, but feels just a tiny bit uneasy that she looks a tiny bit familiar. Naria quickly notices this and shares a faint hi before walking into the class.

Kai: She's… pretty shy.

Hera: Yeah, reminds me of someone, haha. I hope you two get along! I gotta go now, see you later!

Kai: Bye!

Kai decides to sit next to Naria, who's sat at the back of the class.

Kai: Hey, sorry If I weirded you out.

Naria: It's okay…

Kai: Well… I hope your day's been okay… I'm not surprised Hera already made friends with you. She has a knack for that.

Naria: Oh…

Kai decides to leave her alone, and the rest of the class passes by normally for Kai. But it's a slow eternity of swirling emotions inside of her whole body for Naria.

Naria (in thought): How… How is he so… nonchalant? He… he knows who he is… that Sync too…. And he's just… sitting there… how!?

The bell rings, and everyone starts heading out of the class. Kai stands up.

Kai: Well, I'll see you around.

Naria: No!

Kai looks at her confused.

Naria: Uh, i-i mean. I might not be here, if my dad's job… thing doesn't work out.

Kai: Oh, I see.

Naria: Yeah he's, um…

Her tone gets a little more serious, as if she's blaming the boy and his Sync.

Naria: He's not around, often.

Kai: Oh, I understand that feeling. I'm sorry about that.

Naria: Wait, you do?

Kai: Uhm, yeah! It's uh, a personal thing, so I don't really wanna talk about it. But I

, or I

I do get what you're feeling.

Naria is taken aback by this, and starts to forget she's supposed to be Luanne Fisberg. Hearing someone might understand her feelings of sadness and resentment towards Shadow Sun. The feeling of absence of a father. And the fact that it's coming from him, this person who she thought was an enemy.

Naria: Um… I understand you not wanting to talk about it… it's… a lonely feeling, yeah?

Kai: Yeah, it really is. It doesn't really make sense to me, either. At least for me, I mean. I have a step-dad, so I shouldn't feel this way right? But, at the same time, I guess it's just-

Naria: An empty feeling that you don't know how to get rid of?

Kai: Yeah, actually!

And so, Kai and Naria walk together down the hallway.

Naria: I guess I started thinking again. About how he's so busy with… work. And it's just… He's saying it's for us, that he's doing everything he does for us. And… I don't really know how to feel about it. I'd just, would rather him be there for me then do all of this.

Kai: I totally get that! My dad used to stay away from the house a lot. Mainly because of… stuff… and I… just wished he tried harder to stay with… I mean-

Naria: Hey, you said you weren't comfortable sharing. You don't have to give me every detail.

Kai: Right, haha. I honestly didn't realize I was starting to talk about it so easily.

Naria: Really? I guess it's easier with someone who's going through similar stuff… That's fair. I don't really talk about this with anyone I know-

Naria quickly stops talking after that. Realizing if Kai asks who else she talks too, she'll have to immediately come up with lies to not give him the names of people who he and his friends have constantly fought.

Kai: Yeah, I get that. I trust people in my life, but it's more… I don't really trust myself to not feel weird talking about it… but I've gotten a little better about it, at least I think I have… And If I can, I'm sure you definitely can too!

Naria almost wants to punch him for saying something like that. But, she also wants to burst into tears, hearing something reassuring.

Naria: Y-yeah. Thanks.

Kai: So… where are you going?

Naria: …Huh?

Kai: The bell to go home rung, and I'm just kinda wondering if you wanted to-

Naria: N-no! I mean, I have a club I gotta go to! So, bye!

She quickly runs away from him down the hallway.

Kai: …Bye.

Naria sits against the wall with her knees up to her head. Questioning every action she's done today. She's finally at the part she was supposed to focus on, and all she wants to do is go home…

she thinks… Other kids in this school are gonna go home to a house, or an apartment, she thinks. Those kids have a family, or someone to hang out with. She's the one who has to head back to an abandoned building with people who don't get her. At least, Quin doesn't get her. Wallus and her are okay. And her and Sui are… She considers Sui a friend. But… she's the only other girl in Shadow Sun her age… she's the only other person in Shadow Sun her age at all. And she's nice, has pleasant talks with her… but she doubts even Sui would understand what she's feeling.

And her father… She doesn't even want to think about trying to convince him to let her keep coming here… everyone else here is… not them. In fact, they'd condemn them. Right? Kai… She doesn't know him at all, not before today. And now… she's related to him the most in her whole life. The person she's seen her father show such anger and resentment towards… And that girl… She was so nice to her…

Naria fails to stop a single tear forming on her eye before immediately wiping it. She stands back up and quickly knocks on the door…

Naria: So… you guys wanna know about… history, right?

Naria and 4 other kids sit in the room with a couch, a bookcase, a beanbag chair and a table. She stands at the table as 3 other kids play a game with each other and the other kid looks directly at her.

Classmate 1: Kinda? We honestly forgot about the point of this club after we all met a few months ago. Now we just hang around.

Naria: What? …What!?

Naria's anger in her day being potentially wasted starts to come out.

Naria: Listen, you idiots! You all have families to go home too! And beds to sleep in! So why would you just wait your time in here and loaf around!?... I-instead of using this time to find out about your Sync's p-past and stuff…

Classmate #1: Okay jeez! I didn't think it was that serious!

And so, for the remainder of the week. Naria gets through the long day of small talk between her two frie- …people she talks to, she thinks. And gets the kids in the club to be interested in their Sync ancestry by talking about a lie she thought of how her dad ended up getting a completely identical Sync to her grandfather. She eventually ends up getting a few more members to join, and believes for a brief moment that this is her life. One of the classmates starts bringing in a laptop for everyone to research their Power and family tree on.

Classmate #3: Aw man, it's so hard figuring all this stuff out!

Naria bites her lip, knowing the next few lines of sentences is the nail in the coffin for her time here.

Naria: Well… Why don't you guys submit some sort of science fair to the school or something? I'm sure one will show up.

Classmate #2; Hey, yeah! I already told some of my friends about this stuff. Some of them wrote it off as nerd stuff, but I'm sure the others would be interested!

Classmate #1: Yeah! Maybe I can get my grandma to show up…

Naria: Well, I guess I better go.

Classmate #1: Huh? You're leaving?

Naria: Yeah, uhm… My dad's business proposal didn't work out so… I'm moving away.

The classmates get upset at this news and immediately start saying their goodbyes to her. She quickly rushes out the door and starts walking out of the school, but she's stopped by Hera calling her fake name.

Hera: Hey! Me and Kai were hoping we could introduce you to our friends!-

Naria: I'm sorry but I gotta get home right away! My dad's job didn't work out and I… I'm not good with goodbyes! Uh- please have a good day!

She quickly runs off past the crowd of students.

Hera: Huh… poor girl. Well, I guess we'll just head home. See you later, Kai!

Kai: Bye, Hera!

Kai stands to the side of the school, waiting for the rest of his team to show up.

Kai: …Hey Talin?

Talin: Yes?

Kai: Did she… Did Luanne look even the tiniest bit familiar to you?

Talin: Not really… Why?

Kai: She just… I have the weirdest… almost worrying feeling I've seen her before… I doubt it's anything though.

Talin: Perhaps you shouldn't have joined Ano in watching that scary movie last night.

Kai: Ah, shut up! It's totally not that!

Back in the building, Naria finishes relaying her information to Xaylan.

Xaylan: That's perfect, Naria! You've set up the next step for us with absolute precision!

He gives her a hug and strokes her head.

Xaylan: You've done amazing, daughter.

Naria hugs him back, and silently enjoys the loving affection.

Naria: …Thank you, father.


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