World Of Sync

Chapter 30: Building Blocks

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Sui and Wallus have a conversation with each other as Sui holds Wallus' hair over a sink.

Wallus: Sui, I… I'm not sure if I can really handle something like this.

Sui: Don't worry, with our Aura suppressor bracelets and disguises we'll be fine!

Wallus: It's not that… This whole thing is just gonna be… 


Sui has dyed her hair black and lost the goggles. Wallus puts his dyed blonde hair in a bun tie and is wearing a puffy coat with a scarf. They both stand in front of the school parking lot with a table that has a cardboard sign labeled "Bio Blocks Research '' with several papers on the cardboard giving information about what they're doing. As they both hold sign up sheets on clipboards.


Wallus: Ridiculous.

Sui: Come one, come all! Welcome to our very first Bio Blocks research station! We were waiting for the perfect opportunity to get started, and with several students from the Ancestral Study Club petitioning for one, Now's the perfect time! With just a quick paper fill out, you'll learn the history of your Sync and power's family tree in just 3 to 5 short days!

Wallus: I-it's a once in a lifetime opportunity! You gotta try it!


The 4 classmates from the club are helping them by holding clipboards as well. Getting signatures after having signed up themselves.


Classmate #1: Man, I wish Luanne were still here. She'd be loving this.

Classmate #2: Well, let's just try to enjoy this for her!


Citizen: Hm, well, I have been questioning who was on my grandmother's side. Since I have Water Power, yet I have a bow and arrow Sync.

Citizen #2: Seems like I can finally prove my old man really 

 have a dragon Sync to my coworkers!

Sui: Just put your info here! Oh! And don't forget your address too! We can't send you your results without it!

Citizen #1: What about my email?

Sui: You can put that in there too, but we still appreciate the box getting filled in!


As the commotion goes on, Saiko and Zeke look at it from afar.


Saiko: Hey, Zeke. Are you getting a feeling of suspicion like I am?

Zeke: Yeah. Those guys' Aura feels familiar but… I don't know.

Saiko: We should grab the others and make a special request to District Leader Lucas



Team Aura stands at Lucas's desk once more.


Lucas: You're requesting permission for investigation?

Saiko: Yes sir! We have reasons to believe the Bio Blocks Research group has relations to Shadow Sun.

Lucas: Uh huh, and what 

 those reasons?

Zeke: Well… The big guy's Aura feels almost similar to Wallus. But, not quite there.

Lucas: That's not a lot to work off of.

Saiko: Sir, with all due respect, we feel like something this serious hinges on instinct more than what we can see.


Lucas lets those words linger in his head before getting up from his chair and turning around to look out the window.


Lucas: This… "Bio Blocks Research" group, had submitted a request at the school as a new independent research group that was waiting for the right time to hold their first project. With all of the new clubs and budget planning for me for the school that I was dealing with, I didn't see any reason to linger on it too much. So if you're telling me this is somehow a plan from Shadow Sun, it's something I can't take lightly.

Saiko: Right, sir.


Lucas turns to face them.


Lucas: But… This is a pretty big accusation. That, if you're wrong about, could leave a black mark on your career. And I apologize, but the incident a few months ago hasn't gone away from your record.

Saiko: We understand sir, but-

Kai: We really think we should go with our guys on this! If it's really Shadow Sun, we need to take the risk!

Lucas: …Okay. I'll approve of your request. But, I want you all to understand the gravity of what you're investigating.

Everyone: Yes sir!


Kai, Ano and Zeke sit in the waiting room as Saiko and Captain John continue discussing what they're going to do in Lucas' office.


Zeke: If these guys really are Shadow Sun… Do you think we can actually get the drop on them?

Kai: I hope so. We haven't heard or seen anything from them during our patrols. 

Zeke: And if it's not?

Kai: …I don't wanna think about that.

Zeke: The big guy really did feel like Wallus. And they have Aura suppressors.

Ano: there's more than 1 muscular guy in the city

Zeke: but… face

Kai: if they're back to doing something, we shouldn't take a chance

Ano: if it's bothering you 2 that much, let's just visit them at night 

Saiko: why night?

Kai: someone's feeling worried too, eh?

Ano: Hey, if you're right, we save the day. If you're wrong, you apologize and take whatever punishment we get


Captain John and Saiko walk up to them.


Captain John: Ruby's gonna bring our warrant in a bit. You kids better be right about this.

Saiko: If you doubt us, why didn't you stop us?

Captain John: Hey, I can't make all the judgements for you. I just gotta be there and be a Captain.


Ruby walks up to the team and hands Captain John 2 pieces of paper with writing.


Ruby: Here you guys go… Be very, very careful about this.

Captain John: We will, Rubes.

Team Aura once again heads into the upstairs school media center as the sun has nearly finished setting.


Captain John: Okay, so. Me and Saiko figured this while in the office.

Saiko: If these guys are trying to do something based on research, then they're gonna need a lot more equipment and electricity then they had earlier, right? 

Kai: Are we sure they're actually doing something science-y

Saiko: We're working on little here. Whether or not this is in relation to the weapons we confiscated from them or not, we just need enough of an idea to find them.

Captain John: And, we have 2 main ideas on where they're at. Somewhere hidden within the school, or somewhere at Vilson District's Lab Center. Even if it's just a place for medical and technical stuff, it could very well be used for "schemes".

Saiko: We're going to split up and investigate both buildings. Captain John will stay stationary at equal distance between both areas, so if either of us encounter Shadow Sun, he'll immediately dash to our location and assist.


Captain John hands his Guardian ID to the receptionist and requests the address for Vilson District's Lab Center. He gets it on a piece of paper and holds it up along with the other warrant he was given.


Captain John: Zeke, you're the fastest out of the rest, so you're gonna take someone and rush over to the center, got it?

Zeke: Yes sir! I'll take Kai.

Kai: No complaints here.


Kai takes the papers, and the 2 head out of the media center running. Kai hops on Zeke's back as Zeke activates his Sync and they quickly start zipping through the city.

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Sui and Wallus are in a bordered off white colored basement with various electrical equipment against the walls and a table with small equipment on it. Sui has a bag of empty Aura stones and an empty bag on her side as she continues working on a mechanical backpack with 4 metal tentacle arms, and a smaller Aura container and transferer machine. Wallus finishes shuffling through a box of tools and brings Sui a screwdriver.


Sui: Thanks! I'll be done in just a few minutes.

Wallus: Well, we need to get out of here fast. It's only a matter of time before someone shows up and tries to take us out.

Sui: "Someone"? Let's not kid ourselves.

Wallus: Hmph… I still don't understand what this phase of the plan is supposed to be.

Sui: Huh? How come?

Wallus: Well… If we need those guys' Syncs and Aura stones to activate them, why didn't we just get them during the sign up stuff?

Sui: That's obvious! Don't you remember that Aura stones are illegal in this District? 

Wallus: Oh, I see. But, how are they supposed to activate Syncs? 

Sui: Seriously? Well, actually… You don't use a Sync, so I guess I can't blame you for not knowing.

Wallus: Not knowing what?

Sui: It's a part of the reason why Aura stones were banned! Aside from not wanting to deal with the complications of organizing them fairly between citizens and Guardians. There was a scientific experiment to test a hypothesis on Sync activation.

Wallus: And how did it go?

Sui: In order to activate a Sync, your body sends a certain amount of Aura to the part of your body that's holding it. But… These guys wanted to see if external forces can activate a Sync as well.

Wallus: Via the Aura stones…

Sui: Correct.

Wallus: And things went…. Poorly?

Sui: …Correct. The Sync didn't have a… consciousness per say, but it still activated and took form on its own. And the Aura it had went out of control, all over the place.

Wallus: …I think I get it now… And… you're okay doing this?

Sui: Are you?

Wallus: I'm going to follow Xaylan until the end. But how about you?

Sui: Well… I'm kinda okay with it.

Wallus: Only kinda? You helped Xaylan make this plan.

Sui: it's just ...Xaylan said he'd give me something to do that would take advantage of my smarts. After my dad handed me off… It felt good being wanted for my talent! I guess I'm just still… coming to terms with what we're doing. I just hope whatever "new world" Xaylan has In store still needs my touch.

Kai and Zeke land in front of the doors to the Lab Center. After Kai finishes reading a plan Saiko texted them, they quickly barge in.


Kai: Excuse us!? We need your attention! 


Everyone in the building who was preoccupied with some sort of task, working at a desk or carrying papers, immediately stops.


Kai: We believe the terrorist organization Shadow Sun might've taken refuge here! We need everyone to evacuate! But please don't announce it on the PA system! Tell your coworkers on the phone!


And just like that, the main hall is immediately emptied out. With various people from other areas of the building following suit.


Zeke: Okay, my turn right?

Kai: Yeah. Use your Aura sense to see if anyone else is in the building!


Zeke closes his eyes. Just a few seconds later, a small bit of electricity sparks from his head. He quickly starts running, with Kai following him.

Wallus: it sounded like the whole building just had a ruckus.

Sui: Welp, guess we better leave.

Wallus: Why? No one's suspected this room yet.

Sui: Oh, please. You know why. I'll just swipe some supplies to use for later. I made enough progress with my stuff. Hurry and get the new Portal Power guy on walkie-talkie.

Wallus: Understood.


Sui quickly puts the machinery she has in duffle bags they brought as Wallus brings out his walkie-talkie and begins attempting to reach the Power Portal user.


Wallus: Come on… There we go. Hey, we need that escort now.


Suddenly, they both hear rapidly approaching footsteps. Sui quickly stuffs the bags and stands up eager for the portal. Wallus grabs Sui by the shoulder and pulls her back as he steps in front of her.



Zeke bursts through the door, breaking the boards placed on them in half. With the 2's adrenaline rushing through their body at the immediate sight of Wallus,  Kai shoots a blast that Wallus manages to counter with a powerful shockwave off of a punch he throws in the air. The room ends up breaking an amount as dust fogs it up from the explosion. Kai and Zeke, being blown back, gets off the wall they smashed into and quickly dashes back into the room. Just to realize Wallus and the girl have disappeared. 


Kai: …Damn it!


Kai slams the ground in anger.


Kai: They're always just one step ahead! How the hell are we ever gonna catch them!?

Zeke: …


Zeke places a hand on his shoulder for comfort.


Zeke: The important thing is we caught them, right? We know they're up to something new. We can work with that, right?

Kai: …*sighs* You might be right. Let's just head to the others.



Kai and Zeke quickly reconvene with the rest of Aura.


Captain John: So, they really were doing something science-y, huh?

Kai: Right… With all of the people's information they've gathered… What are we gonna do?


Captain John takes a second to take in Kai's look of desperation. And after a sec, his original thought has just finished.


Captain John: All of you kids head home. I'm gonna go shopping for a bit.

Kai: …What!?


Back at the house, Aura spends their time in the living room, puzzled about Captain John's decision and what they're supposed to do about this failed mission. Ano's in the middle of a nap while sitting on the couch. Saiko paces back and forth. Zeke tries to keep his mind at ease by watching the TV, and Kai just rests his head on his head.


Kai (in thought): What's Captain John doing? If we don't figure out how to stop Shadow Sun…


His mind flashbacks to the times they've escaped. The failed, brutal fight they had with Xaylan. The fact that Wallus and Rico had escaped the Cargo mission.


Kai (in thought): …Why can't we just figure this out?


His train of thought is interrupted at what sounds like kicking instead of knocking on their front door. Kai and Saiko walk over and Kai opens it. The 2 are surprised at all of the bulks of supplies Captain John has bought.


Captain John: Pack your stuff, everyone.


He lets go of the supplies, dropping it on the ground.


Captain John: We're going camping in the Abandoned Block!


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