World Of Sync

Chapter 7: A Beastly Tale

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Chapter 7 - A Beastly Tale


Lug: Stop speeding!

Paul: What, you wanna stay around the scene of the crime!?


A speeding car zooms down the street, sharply turning a corner and barely swerving between 2 cars. The street they’re speeding down on has a hot pink haired girl and a black spikey haired boy standing on the edge of a rooftop.


Hera: Ready to roll, Felt?

Felt: Right behind ya!


The panicked driver continues speeding before his eyes catch the 2 rookies jumping from the roof, increasing his anxiety realizing who they are…



Hera shoots a fireball from her fist and Felt sends a powerful slash to the wheels to stop the car. The car flips over and lands on its top side. Lug gets out of the car through the window, only to be greeted by Hera standing over him.


Hera: You guys had a nice flight? Just turn yourselves in and-


Lug forms a wooden steak with his Nature Aura and gets up, dashing at Hera attempting to stab her. A swift dodge to behind him, he gets walloped in the face by her in a flash, getting sent through the window of a store with his leg sticking out.


Paul gets out of the other side and starts running away from the scene before Felt quickly dashes in front of him (Author note; Felt runs on all fours since he has Beast Power and a Bear Sync), blocking his path. 


Felt: Listen, you don’t have much to work with. Let’s just call it a day, eh?


Paul tries shooting a water ball, but it easily gets slashed.


???: Seriously, guys?


A tall, chestnut brown haired woman in black walks up to the scene, with leaves swirling around her raised hand.


Paul: Grace, thank goodness!

Grace: I agreed to cover you guys from the roofs for a cut, but I didn't expect you guys to get taken down by some kids.

Hera: Watch it, lady! I’m more than just a kid, and I'll kick your ass to prove it!

Grace: Whatever, I’ll make this quick.


Grace raises her arm all the way into the air, forming several hundred razor sharp leaves swirling around with her Nature Aura. She swiftly lowers her arm forward, causing the leaves to shoot towards the 2 rookies before a giant burst of wind stops the leaves in their tracks.


Grace: W-what?


Hera and Felt turn their heads back to see Vanessa, along with Gira and Captain Rose, riding on Vanessa’s wind current. The 3 hop to the ground with Vanessa walking towards the fellow rookies.


Vanessa: You idiots need to start wrapping these things up quicker.

Hera: Aw, you know you like us.

Vanessa; And you… take your grass back.


Vanessa sends the leaves back at Grace with a strong current of  fast wind, making sure the leaves are upward so she doesn’t get in trouble for brutally cutting someone. Grace is blown back and falls to the ground.


Felt: Alright! Gira, do your thing!

Gira: R-right!


Gira gets on one knee and puts his hand on the ground.


Gira: E-earth Aura Skill; Multi-Cage!


Rock forms from the ground and surrounds the waists of the robbers on the ground, and covers the ankles of the only standing one.


Captain Rose: Perfect work, Gira.

Gira: T-thank you, Captain!


Hera, Felt and Vanessa run over to Captain Rose and Gira.


Hera: Captain Rose! Did we do a good job?


Hera’s excitement stifles as Captain Rose gives her a stern look.


Captain Rose: We’ll discuss later, Hera.


She says as she walks past Hera, growing 3 giant arm shaped vines with flowers on them out of the air with her Nature Aura. She grabs the robbers out of the grounds and brings them closer to the team.


Captain Rose: First, let’s bring these guys in. 


Rays of sunlight shine on the garden bushes in the backyard of Beast’s house, as the team put their Syncs away while entering the front door and walk into the living room.


Felt: Man, I'm glad to get out of that heat! Why can't we start semesters when the sun isn't preheated at 300?

Hera: As fun as that was, it’s nice to be home!

Rose: Hera?


Hera’s attention turns to Captain Rose standing in front of her with her back facing her.


Hera: Yes, Captain Rose?

Captain Rose: I thought we talked about dealing with your violent tendencies. I’m not going to have to restrict you from missions for a while, am I?

Hera: No, ma’am! I’ll improve fast!

Captain Rose: I’m expecting that. Rest up everyone, our next mission is bound to be soon.


Captain Rose walks off to her room, leaving her kids in the living room.

Gira grabs the book they left on the couch before the mission started, and joins everyone else who’s sitting at the living room table. Vanessa sits with her head resting on her head, almost half asleep. Hera scrolls on her phone, opening her text messages with Zeke. And Felt walks over to his chair next to Hera with 2 bottles of water in each hand for everyone.


Felt: Hey, sorry you had to get told that in front of everyone.

Hera: Nah, it’s okay. I’d rather deal with getting lectured than getting grounded like Zeke and the others.


(Hera and Zeke’s recent texts)


Zeke: We got yelled at by Capt John and the Elite guys

They said we were getting grounded

Hera: Aw, sorry to hear

But Saiko’s sister DID make it clear not to mess with the raid

Zeke: Yeah, yeah it seemed like we could do it but… yeah

We’re getting all of the credits for our previous missions erased, too!!

Hera: Ouch

I’m sure you’ll make them back soon

Zeke: Thanks

You guys are at the top right now right?

Hera: Yep! 

Zeke: Ugh, i’ll catch up soon just wait

Gotta turn in my phone, see ya.



Vanessa: Those idiots shouldn’t have tried anything in the first place.

(in mind): Though. That guy… Kai right? I wonder if he had anything to do with it

Felt: I’m just glad they didn’t get hurt too badly!

Gira: Yeah, I can't imagine fighting the leader of a group like that.

Vanessa: Oh, please! You’d faint fighting a preschool bully! Even with your Sync!

Gira: I-i wouldn’t! But… i-

Felt: They would always have our support! Because we’re a team, Vanessa.

Vanessa: Whatever, I'll just sit over here with the most useful Power in our team.

Hera: It’s not like you do much either


Hera’s mumbled sentence visually irks Vanessa.


Vanessa: Huh?

Hera: I mean. Me and Felt handle the fighting, and Gira stops people from getting back up. You’re like defense, which isn’t bad, but don’t be mean to someone who’s doing just as much as you! 

Vanessa: Says the girl who can’t hold back a punch.

Hera: Y'know, we can head to the backyard and see who wins in a fight. 

Felt: Okay, let’s just calm down.

Hera: …Right, sure. Sorry about that, Felt.

Vanessa: …I’m going to my room.


Vanessa walks past the table to the doorway, but is blocked by Captain Rose

Captain Rose: Sorry, Vanessa. But you have a mission with your team.

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Hera: Really? That fast?

Felt: You shouldn’t be surprised!

Captain Rose: Get prepared, we’re heading to…



The Abandoned Block.

The team walks down the empty road of desolate, broken buildings with vegetation growing on them. The only sounds in the area being the rustling of grass, the whistle of the wind and the 5 people visibly present.


Gira: Man, this place c-creeps me out!

Vanessa: No kidding. A extra city getting built that stopped because of that creature-

Gira: Please don't mention that thing! 

Felt: I mean, gangs using this place for fights didn’t help to be fair.

Rose: Don't worry. Thanks to patrol, activity in this place has dwindled greatly. “Dwindled” being the key word.

Hera: Are we trying to find Shadow Sun’s new hideout?

Captain Rose: No. I waited until we were here to give the details of the mission so we could get started right away.


She stops walking ands turns to face the rookies, causing everyone else to stop


Captain Rose: Are you all aware of the rumors that there is a group who wish to destroy the way society functions in relation to Guardians?

Hera: Yeah! I think I heard about them when I was in a cafe a few days ago.

Felt: We’re here to find their hideout, right?

Captain Rose: Correct, Felt. You, Gira and Vanessa will cover the area over in the east. Hera and I will cover the south. Keep your phone’s on, and report back here in an hour.

Beast: Right!


Felt, Gira and Vanessa check inside various small buildings, looking for any hidden rooms or passageways.

Gira: S-so where do you think they'd hide?

Vanessa: Who knows. I bet we see a dead body.

Felt: Vanessa.

Vanessa: What? Just saying.

Captain Rose and Hera search through various buildings as well. Captain Rose’s vine arms make lifting large rubble a breeze.

Hera: You’re really good at detective stuff, Captain! That John guy can't keep up with you, can he?

Rose: Well, it's not like he wants to. But, you speak the truth. I do feel a little bad for them. Those kids’s recklessness could’ve gotten themselves killed. 

Hera: I'm not surprised they still made it out.

Captain Rose: Right… Hera, is there anything you would like to talk to me about?

Hera: Huh? Oh, this is because of earlier, isn't it?

Captain Rose: This incident isn’t a one time thing, and it needs to be dealt with. Usually, children who act out through violence have something that’s happened to them that causes-

Hera: Woah, woah, woah! I’m fine! Absolutely fine! I just like getting into action! I’m gonna change, promise!

Captain Rose: …I’ll put a pin in this for now.

Felt and Gira walk down the sidewalk, after leaving yet another empty building.


Felt: I can’t believe we haven't found anything yet!

Gira: Y-yeah, I hope the others are having better luck.

Felt: Hera and the Captain might, I don't know about Vanessa. Going off on her own like that-


A bullet of electricity flashes right by Felt’s face, hitting the ground. Felt immediately reacts to this attempt on his life by turning on his Sync and slashing at the building next to him and Gira, where the bullet came from.


Vanessa is distracted by the nearby noise while lifting a dumpster in an alley with her Wind Power. She dumps the dumpster back on the floor and starts walking out of the alley, summoning a swirling wind current to ride through the air and makes her way to the source of the explosion. But on her way down the street, she gets attacked by a blast of flame forcing her to dodge out of the air.


Flamer: Well, well, well. A wretched pawn of the Guardian system.

Vanessa: Wretched? Look who‘s talking jackass. You usually try to scorch random people? 

Flamer: I’d say you got a point, but when you can’t go for your dream job because your Sync isn’t compatible with it, your options dwindle.

Vanessa: What? What does that have to- Okay, I don't care.


Vanessa launches a powerful blast of wind, blowing the Flamer into the building behind him. She lifts him up with the rubble and starts heading down the street once more.


Captain Rose and Hera run towards Felt and Gira, who’re holding a guy against a wall

Hera: Are you 2 okay!?

Rose: We heard the confrontation from a few minutes away.

Felt: Yeah! This guy tried sniping us! 

Gira: After Felt slashed out the walls, we made our way up the building and found him in a room with a telescope and a sleeping bag!


Captain Rose gestures Felt to let go of the man, letting him slump to the ground.

Felt: ...Think we can get any information from him?


Vanessa lands from her wind current, catching up with everyone else.

Vanessa: If we can’t, we can try with this dumbass.


Captain Rose walks over to the sniper on the ground, and shoves her boot on his shoulder.

Captain Rose: Tell us where your base of operations are. And be quick.

Sniper: W-why would i tell you anything!?


Captain Rose raises her arm and forms


A vine drill.


Rose: Because if you don’t, you’ll have to answer to this. 

Sniper: …

The team makes their way underground through a sewer gate, and after walking through the dim blue lit tunnels, they stop and hide behind a wall as they hear a small pack of people talking.


Nilph: Attentio, everyone!


The small pack turns their attention to the spiky light teal haired man, speaking from a higher level from the floor.


Nilph: One of our patrolmen has confirmed that our partners have been compromised, and Guardians are on their way to our hideout!

Random guy: What!? They found us!?

Nilph, Unfortunately. We’ll have to quickly pack up and-

Captain Rose: Sorry, fellas. But you’re coming with us.


Hera and the other rookies immediately head into battle, with Captain Rose watching over them. The members of this group prove to barely be competent in a fight. But, suddenly. Nillph plugs the hole where he and a few others were standing with a crystal wall, separating them from the rest. A portal is formed behind them as they walk through.


Random guy #2: N-nilph!?

Random girl: Don’t leave us!

Random guy #3: Are you betraying us!?


NIlph keeps walking as one of his partners walk up to his side.


Lewis: Ignore them, Nilph. They were deadweight anyway.


The constant banging on the wall from the members left behind falls on deaf ears. And their fear rises as they turn around and see Captain Rose walking towards them, passing her team.


Captain Rose: It seems you’re out of options, aren’t you?


Night falls as the remaining members are sat inside escorting vehicles by officers. 


Rose: Good work today, team! The officers are gonna get useful information out of them.

Hera: Well, we couldn’t have done this without our wonderful Captain?

Captain Rose: It is my job, after all.

Felt: I still wonder why those guys wanna destroy Guardians…

Vanessa: Who cares, as long as they stay down.

The team starts walking down the street, finally heading out of the abandoned city.


Captain Rose: so, what do you all feel for dinner?

Hera: Fast Shack!

Felt: Oh, come on Hera. We had that a few days ago!

Hera: It’s still good!

Vanessa: I’d rather just preheat some noodles.

Gira: i-i’ll do Fast Shack! 

Hera: Ha! 2 against 2! We need a tie breaker, Captain Rose?

Captain Rose: This is a task I'll let the rookie decide.

Felt: Come on! 

Gira: Oh, no…



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