World Of Sync

Chapter 8: Ordinary

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Chapter 8 - Ordinary


The bright ceiling fan keeps coolwind spreading in Saiko’s room as the team get ready for their first patrol after being grounded. Kai buttons his robe and places Talin in the front chest pocket he got added for him.


Talin: Ah, it’s been a while since I sat in this.

Kai:  I hope it’s still cozy.

Zeke: Is Talin excited to get back out there?

Kai: As excited as he’ll ever be

Ano: Even if sleeping in late was nice, staying stuck inside this house was driving me mad

Zeke: I know, right? I wish we never got grounded-...


The air turns awkward as the 3 standing rookies look over at Saiko, sitting on the edge of her bed with her head down.


Saiko:  …I'm sorry.

Ano: Saiko…

Saiko: I really don't deserve to be here after I made you all go through that.


Kai struggles to come up with the right words before stepping in front of Saiko.


Kai: We all went through it, it's all our respon-

Saiko: No, it isn't! … I wanted so badly to impress all of my superiors. That's the only goal I kept in my head, to make sure I gain credit. I was a selfish idiot, the very thing I wanted not to be!

Kai: so? Change it

You have a great Power, and a unique fighting style! i don't even have control of whatever i have

Saiko: But, my birth defect… if my sister can make weapons out of Thread and all i can do is swing things around-

Kai: If it gets the job done, is it really holding you back?


Kai extends his arm for a fist bump.


Kai: Let's get better together, all of us! No more moping around, agreed?

Saiko: …You have a weird way with words, Blue boy.


Saiko: Alright, let’s see if we can keep true to our words.


A warm smile pops up on Ano’s and Zeke’s faces, seeing their friends ready to face today. The team heads downstairs and starts walking quickly to the door.


Zeke: let’s quit talking, and get out there already!

Ano: Excited as always, huh?

Kai: Zeke’s right, let’s get back out there!


Suddenly they're stopped by a voice, telling them to wait. They turn around and see Captain John walking down the stairs, buttoning his emblem.


Captain John: You guys going on patrol?

Kai: Yes sir!

Captain John: Alright, let’s go.

Zeke: Wait…

Kai: You’re coming with us!? Really!?

Ano: What? You didn’t have too much to drink?

Captain John: I thought I could let you kids out on your own, but apparently I can't. So i’m being forced to tag along until further notice.


Kai and Zeke’s initial joy quickly diminishes as Captain John walks past the team and reaches for the door knob.

Captain John: I really didn’t think I'd get stuck babysitting in my life, but here we are now.

The evening goes by relatively well, as the team ends up staying in the background as Captain John handles the missions. He stops a hooded figure from stealing an old lady’s purse by summoning a light hole under the running figure’s food, slamming him into a lampost. 2 guys start getting into a fist fight in the alleyway over an argument. And as soon as they bring their Syncs into it, Captain John immediately dashes between them, sticking his arms out to separate the 2, making them settle their business in a less violent manner. And a man’s life is saved from falling after he tripped up on a high rock platform using earth aura to repair a building, as Captain John uses a light hole to launch himself and catches him midway. 


The team sits on some foam chairs near fitting rooms as Captain John talks to the panicked lady at the counter a few feet away.


Panicked lady: T-they barely just left! It’s only been around an hour, were you f-followed-

Captain John: Okay, just calm down ma’am. Tell me what happened


Ano stops looking over at the discussion, and turns his head to the team.


Ano: This better be the last mission we watch him do.

Saiko: It’s fair for him to be cautious about us performing any tasks.

Ano: So? He never came with us on any of our important stuff. He’s only tagging along to save his own hind.

Zeke: I think it’s cool how many things he managed to get done before today ended. He really is an Elite Guardian.

Ano: Tch, whatever. Kai, back me up on this.


The 3 turn their heads over to Kai who’s standing against the fitting room door with his head facing down.


(in thought)--

Kai: But it’s still bugging me-

Talin: I know, but we don’t have many options right now, do we?

Kai: That Xalyan guy knows you, somehow. He might even know about my ability. But District Leader Lucas himself said we aren’t allowed to have any discussion or involvement about him… Why not!?

Talin: Because-

Kai: Yeah, yeah. I know it’s for our safety… But until we figure out what’s up with him, i’m not gonna feel safe.

Talin: If our safety is in jeopardy, then we’ll just have to make sure we can protect ourselves.

Kai: Yeah… We’ll just have to become stronger.


Kai’s serious face is pummeled with a pillow that Zeke threw at him.

Zeke: Kai! 

Kai: Why’d you throw a pillow!?

Zeke: Would you have preferred a Zeke Zap?

Kai: …



Saiko walks up to Captain John, still talking to the panicked lady who turns around to the door behind her to get security footage.


Saiko: So... what's the situation?

Captain John: Huh? Oh, just a burglary. An unusual one, at that.

Saiko: How so?

Captain John: Well, the thief was a long black haired man in a gray robe with white "things'' around parts of his body, which sounds familar for starters. And the weirder part is, he used a Lightning Whip Sync to destroy these cases and take the jewelry

Saiko: The jewelry?

Captain John: Yeah, not the money, the pearly whites

Saiko: Why would they want something like that? It's not like they'd just resell it.

Captain John: My guess? Either the man wanted the perfect gift for a "special friend", or they're makin' Aura Stones/

Saiko: Aura Stones? But... they're illegal!

Captain John: I can't imagine they'd care.

Saiko: Yeah, you're right.


The 2 stand next to each other for a bit before Captain John notices the worried look on Saiko's face. 


Captain John: Hey... listen, kid. I'm not gonna say i agree with what you guys did last week. But, i do think it's the right type of attitude to have in this type of job... *under his breath* though, it's not like i have enough excitement about this job to really sell it.

Saiko: I understand, sir. But, what we did was wreckless-

Captain John: Exactly, wreckless. You think anyone gets anywhere by playing it safe? You always gotta keep a wild card in your deck, and you just gotta know when to use it.


Saiko takes a minute to let the advice sink in, before a confident look dawns on her face.


Saiko: I'll keep that to heart. ... My sister said you were obnoxious, maybe she was wrong.

Captain John: ...Your sister keeps pinching me whenever i put a cup down on the table without a coaster at meetings

Saiko: W-what?

Captain John: Your sister's a pushy know-it-all, Saiko.

Saiko: D-don't talk about my sister like that!

Captain John: Tell her to quit pinchin' me!

The team walk down the ambient sidewalks as the humming of a few cars and the buzzing of the street lamps fill the night.


Captain John: And, after I flung the guy over my shoulder, i kicked his buddy in crime right in the gut! took em both out without even having to Pull out my Sync!

Zeke: Wow! 

Kai: I wouldn't expect anything less from a professional Guardian!

Ano: It's not like he did anything special, though.

Kai: What's wrong, Ano? Jealous?

Ano: Not really, just unimpressed.

Kai: How? He stopped a whole robbery on his own! Besides, this is a proffesional Guardian we're with! Our goal! haven't you realized that?

Ano: So? He also ditches us to get wasted. And only tags along with us when he has to actually be responsible.

Captain John: "He" can also hear what you're saying.

Ano; Good, so you can hear I don't want another deadbeat adult in our lives. 


The entire team stops walking.


Kai: Ano… He’s a Professional Guar-
Ano: Yeah, why’d you become one in the first place? It doesn’t seem like you want it.

Kai: Ano!
Captain John: Nah, he’s asking a good question. Why did I agree to this? Lucas thrusted this on me saying I’d be perfect for this type of gig, and he wouldn’t budge no matter how hard I protested. I don’t even remember if this is the kind of job I wanted… Did I really just want an ordinary routine like this?

The team looked at each other, puzzled at the questions Captain John asked himself. And after a second, Captain John looks over to see the puzzled faces and decides to keep things moving.

Captain: Eh, nevermind all that. I shouldn’t whine about my regrets in front of a bunch of kids. The car’s right around the corner.


Everyone starts to walk again for a bit. But suddenly, a small spark appears from Zeke’s head. He dashes towards the door of the bakery building and pulls it open.

Zeke: Captain John! We need to hide in here!
Captain John: Wuh? Why?

Zeke: Just hurry!


A speeding gray van turns the corner and drives by the now empty sidewalk fast. The team raises their heads to the bottom of the front windows.

Captain John: Those Auras…

Zeke: Yeah, it’s those Shadow Sun guys!

Kai: Why are those guys around here!?
Captain John: There’s a different jewelry store a few hours from here, guess they’re trying to make another stop.

The team immediately stood back outside.


Kai: What’s our move, Captain?

Captain John: Oh, uh-

You are reading story World Of Sync at


Zeke Syncs up and jumps off the nearby wall, gripping the ledge of the roof across from them and starts zapping in the direction of the speeding car.

Captain John: Hey! Kid! Get back here!

Ano: I’ll follow him!


Ano sends a wave of ice out and slides on it, forming ice constantly in the air to move fast.


Captain John: I didn’t agree to that!

Kai: We have to catch up to them!
Captain John: Damn it, head to the car! We’ll follow them from there!

The van continues speeding down the road before making a sharp left. Quin sits on one side with his arms and legs crossed with an impatient demeanor. He looks over to Wallus who’s hunching in-between the gap between the 2 front seats directing the driver.

Quin: You know, speeding like wild animals is gonna make us more suspicious.
Wallus: The faster we do this, the quicker we can get back to the hideout.
Quin: Yes, yes. And our little Fanz knows how to get there without relying on his Portal Power right?
Wallus: Trying to guide him to our last spot before we worry about that. Trying being the keyword

Fanz: Aw, come on! Even you? Why does everyone always give me lip for my driving?

Quin: Because you drive like a one-legged mom late to her kid’s play.

Fanz: Ay, i can porotal you to the middle of a pool, pal.

Quin: Shh, the bus boy doesn’t get to make quips.

Wallus: Don’t worry, Fanz. He’s just still upset over losing to some Rookie Guardians.

Fanz: Pfft, really? Again?

Quin: …This squabble is beneath me.

Quin and Wallus have a audible gasp when they notice they feel something/


Wallus: Speak of the devil

Quin: I was wondering when they’d show up.

Fanz: W-wait, what!? They’re here!?

Wallus: Don’t worry, we’ll handle the-


Fanz immediately spins the car around a bit before getting it to stop. And starts unbuckling his seatbelt in a panic


Quin: You idiot! What are you doing!?

Fanz: We needed this stupid thing to load the stuff because the Aura Stones would disrupt my Portal Power, right? I’m portaling to the storage house, YOU guys can drive this stuff with Guardians on your tail!


Fanz kicks the door open and starts running with his hand out. He summons a portal and jumps through it, with Zeke quickly jumping in. Ano, not having enough time to react, follows suit just before the portal finishes dissolving. Wallus and Quin step out of the car and immediately notice the SUV driving down the street.


Quin: I am going to kill the fool.

Wallus: Worry about that later. The bolt and ice boy are with him.

Quin: You can handle them, I'm not letting these ones go this time!

Wallus: I’m not arguing with your stubbornness this time. I hate to leave these guys to you, but try to keep em busy. I’ll take the car.


Wallus takes off, with Quin taking out his Sync and quickly sends electric whip slashes at the car, forcing Captain John to dodge multiple times before letting the sun roof open and using his Cosmic Blade to swing a shooting star, forcing Quin to dodge. The car stops and everyone gets out.


Saiko: So, that’s the obsessed weirdo you guys told me about.

Kai: Yeah! Every time we see him he wants revenge for something!

Quin: “Something”? You peasants have landed a cheap and dirty blow on me more than once! I refuse to let that simply slide!

Kai: Listen, pal! I don’t care about your grudge!

Quin: Do you think I care what you think of me!?

Saiko: This man has serious issues.

Captain John: Enough! Look, the big guy’s going after the 2, can i trust you to back them up and nothing else?

Kai & Saiko: Yes sir!

Captain John: Alright, i better! Get going!

Kai: What about you, sir?

Captain John: Please, I can take this guy. You guys need each other against the big guy.


Quin: Y-you’re just saying that as if i’m not gonna beat you… 


Kai holds onto Saiko as she uses her Thread to swing across the street and across the roofs.


Quin gets in the position to strike but Captain John launches off a light hole and immediately appears next to Quin who gets smashed by the blade into a wall. Quin stumbles to get back up and sends multiple slashes with Captain John blocking all of them with black holes and swings a light hole that sends all of them back forcing Quin to yank himself into the air off a streetlight and dodge the strike. His attention to the small explosion distracts him from Captain John appearing right next to him and right as he realizes this John swings the blade downward forcing Quin to slash back to lessen the impact. He’s sent to the ground and back flips from being slammed further in by the troublesome Captain.


Quin: How!? How am I having trouble with you!? You’re a pea-


Quin is slammed into a wall by Captain John’s blade once more.

Ano and Zeke land through the portal, but Fanz immediately shuts the storage warehouse down. 


Ano: Alright! Come on out, or we’re forcing our way in!


A few seconds of silence passes before Zeke becomes alert and tackles Ano to the ground to avoid a blast of fire that shoots through the door.


Ano: What the hell!?


Fanz steps through the singed hole of the door and reveals a makeshift flamethrower with a mini incubator holding a fire Aura stone on top of the hand area.


Ano: That wrinkled bitch is trying to burn us!

Fanz: You shitheads wanna play!?


The 2 jump in opposite directions to avoid another blast.


Fanz: I’m not going down, ya hear!?


He fires a continuous stream of fire that keeps the 2 at bay, making them dodge constantly.


Fanz: Aw, man! Sui put her A game into designing these things! 


Ano sends an ice wave with Fanz destroying it, but Zeke dashes through the smoke from the clash and lands a kick on Fanz, making him crash into the door and onto the floor. Before he can do anything else, Zeke dashes from a fire blast and heads over next to Ano. The 2’s attention goes to a van coming down the street behind them, and then their 2 teammates close behind.


Quin stands in his battle pose, bruised. While Captain John rests his arms on the bottom of the handle of his Blade


Quin: What… *huff* are standing there for!?

Captain John: I'm waiting for you to retreat so you can lead me to where I need to go.

Quin: *huff* W-what!?

Captain John: Come on, already. I got kids to look after.

Quin: …if you think you can keep up with my speed, be my guest!


Quin swings away at lightning speed. Captain John smirks and starts running with a light hole propelling him every step.




Cutting back to battle, Wallus misses a punch thrown at Zeke who responds with throwing a kick to the head that gets blocked. Wallus takes the hand he used to block and immediately chucks a punch that Zeke barely dodges by bending backwards and lands an upper kick on Walllus’ chin. Before getting his leg grabbed and thrown into the ground. Zeke flips back up.


Wallus: You know.. As weird as this is, I've actually grown quite fond of fighting you.

Zeke: Really? You too?

Wallus: You feel the same way, huh? 

Zeke: Yeah! Strength Power, super speed, and you’re doing it with no Sync! You’re the type of fighter I wanna brawl with!

Wallus: You’re quite the artist, yourself. Always have a reaction for whatever i throw. Unlike other Electricity Power users I know, you can actually throw a kick! It’s a shame.If we weren’t enemies, you’d be a fun sparring partner.

Zeke: Why are we enemies?
Wallus: …Let me put it this way. My leader is going to make a world where it’s safe for people like us to live. And we can’t let anyone get in our way.

Zeke: …I’m not sure what you mean, so I’d rather just get back to fighting!


Quin: You 2! We’re leaving! Bulb maneuver


Everyone's attention goes to Quin in the air as he sends a whip swing to the ground that flashes a light that temporarily blinds everyone. When their vision comes back, Shadow Sun starts to take off in the van, leaving a empty storage room. Captain John catches up to the team.

Captain John: Are you kids okay!?

Kai: We’re fine! 

Zeke: They’re getting away!

Saiko: …Wait! I have an idea!

Captain John: You're not going after them! Forget it!

Saiko: Captain John! Trust me! This is a wild car you can trust!


He takes a minute to consider.


Captain John: …What is it!?

Saiko: Zeke can you catch up to them and bust the van’s back door open?

Zeke: Yeah!


Saiko hops on his back and forms a handful of thread.


Saiko: Let's go!

Captain John: You better be careful!!


The 2 catch up to the van, and Zeke sends a bolt that destroys the back door. Saiko throws the ends of the Thread to the weapons, letting more Thread form around them. Suddenly the 2 are weighed to the ground with the weapons in Saiko’s Thread net as the van continues to speed off.


The rest of the team catch up to them and run up to help the 2 up

Kai: Are you guys okay!?

Zeke: We’re fine!

Ano: Why’d you guys do this? 

Saiko: I had a gamble in my head that since these things are really important to them-

Zeke: We can use them to lure them out! Great idea!

Kai: Woah, that’s genius! We can finally get the surprise on them for once!

Captain John: Alright, i just got off the phone with Ruby, she said transport vehicles are coming by… are any of you idiots hurt?

Kai: not really

Captain John: Good… I gotta say, today didn’t go as badly as i thought!

Kai: That’s because we can pull stuff off! Together! And we’d like our Captain to be there more often to help us learn more!

Zeke: Yeah! With the way Quin looked, you’re super strong!


Captain John takes a second to look at the team, and a smile forms on his face.

Captain John: You kids really are interesting, huh?

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