World Reset

Chapter 1: The Day The World Changed.

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A/N : This will be my first public novel I've ever done. I have unique style of writing that may throw a lot of you off. I'm wanting to learn more so don't hesitate to say something that may help me. I will remove rude comments though. Anyways I hope at least 1 person gets something from this story.


After walking around town for awhile Jack stares up into the barely lit morning sky.

Jack: "Man, I really need to get out of the house more. This view is quite nice."

Jack lived in a town surrounded by nature. The pine trees being a constant reminder that he lived in the mountains.

As he was gazing at the blue and orange sky a screen appeared in his vision.

[World Reset in progress...]

[System Installing...]

Jack : "What the fuck!?" (Am I tripping on something? Why is a system menu from the shit I read popping up in front of me?)

[System Install complete. Beginning analyzes of users desired form.]

Jack: (What does it mean by that? Perhaps it's reading my memories or something. The real Issue is why. Wait. Don't tell me it's planning to turn me into whatever it think I wanna be!) "Stop!, Cancel!, Halt!, End analyzes!."

jack continued to shot commands at the floating screen in the middle of the sidewalk, but surprisingly no one told him shut up and keep it down. After a few moments he stopped shouting and tried to look at his surroundings through the semi-transparent screen that was following his vision. He was on the sidewalk in the middle of town. The town was basically just a two lane road with homes and stores on each side. He was currently walking on the right side. He also lived on the right side and had planned to cross over the road to the left because that's where the 711 was further up the strip. Most people were still asleep but he did spot a few people walking around. These people had also stopped in their track one of them even stopped in the middle of the road!

Jack: [Fuck. they must be seeing the same thing I am!] " Hey! Get out of the road!"

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Jack tried to get through to the man but he was to focused on the screen in front of him. Before Jack could even think about running over to him a truck came barreling through the red light and ran him over without stopping the truck slowly turned to the right and went right into a home on the left side of the road.

Jack's face turned a little pale as he came to realize why the truck didn't stop.

Jack: (The screen is messing up peoples Field of view! All the ships, cars and planes being driven right now... No! Come on Jack focus! If this isn't some fucked up  dream or hallucination I need to try my best to head back home before all hell breaks loose. After all I still have no idea what or if I'll turn into something. I'm assuming from it wanted to  find my desired form that it may change me in some way so it's best to play it safe and lock myself up in my room.)

Jack thankfully wasn't at the far end of town so after a surprisingly uneventful jog back to his house he made his way upstairs into his bedroom and locked the door then collapsed onto the bed completely out of breathe. Even though it was only a half a mile jog at best he still almost thought he was gonna die. Jack was not athletic at all. He was 80 pounds overweight and hadn't jogged in years.

Jack: "Fuck! I'm so out of shape. Who knows though maybe I'll get an nice 6 pack and be completely in shape if my theory is correct" (Though it does concern me why this system is taking so long and also why is it doing this to begin with? Are we going to have to fight a bunch of monsters to survive or is there just some mastermind laughing his ass off at our panicked faces as we turn into different people? Honestly both are quite terrifying when you really think about..)

After a long walk then watching a guy get turned into a red slushy on the road and jogging home in a panic he was to drained to stay awake any longer. Jack lets out a long sigh and drifts away into unconsciousness.

[Analyzes complete]

[Host is hibernating. Conditions met beginning transformation.]

[Desired form.....



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