World Reset

Chapter 2: I’m A What!?

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[Users desired form found]

[Race: Succubus]

[Gender not compatible]

[Gender Change in progress..]

[Using excess mass]

Jack was still lying on his bed fast asleep unaware of his body shrinking and his body fat reallocating itself. His stomach shrank and became slim and smooth as his chest began to expand until he had two large mounds of flesh pressing against the bed sheets. While his nipples and areola also became slightly larger. The increased sensitivity of his nipples made him let out a quiet groan as his breasts tried to escape his shirt causing his nipples to chafe. The changes weren't over yet as his ass suddenly became more plump and grabbable giving him a hell of a bubble butt. His once loose shorts now tightly wrapped around the melon sized cheeks. His thighs actually ended up shrinking a little because Jack always had meaty thighs due to his weight. Instead of the unappealing flesh though they became hairless and soft making them quite enticing to anyone with a thigh fetish. The last and final step had begun. The sensation of his manhood disappearing felt painless and even caused intense pleasure triggering an involuntarily ejaculation causing Jack to let out a high pitched moan as his clit sized penis expelled the last bits of cum before it turned completely into a clitoris. Making the cum in his underwear the only remaining evidence of him once having a dick.

[Gender change success]

[User is now 100% female and meets racial change conditions]

[Beginning transformation...using remaining mass]

A sound of fabric ripping could be heard as a tail sprouted out from Jack's tailbone. The tail was about as thick as a marker and roughly three foot long ending in the shape of an inverted heart. Two bulges could also be seen expanding out from each side of her back. The ripping sound returned once again as two black batlike wings tore through her shirt. They were as thick as her tail and quite small even with her shorter frame. Jack used to be an even six feet but now she was just a bit above five feet.

[Racial transformation complete]

[Racial evolution system unlocked]

After the intense orgasm and the loud sound of ripping fabric Jack slowly began to stir.

Jack:"That was a really nice dream..."(Did I just sound like a girl?)

Jack shook his head and started to get up but stopped when she looked at her two large breasts.

Jack laid back down this time on her back and felt something odd making it uncomfortable to stay on her back and decided to glance over her shoulder while resting on her elbows.

Jack: (eh! black bat wings!?)

As she was shocked she also saw her tail shoot up in response.

Jack: "wh-wh-what the hell!!"

suddenly another female voice came from downstairs

??? : Jack, are you alright! Don't tell me something happened to you too!

Jack:(No,no,no this can't be happening why is this happening. Damn stupid system! Why would you do this to me.. now my life is family will hate me and the happiness I gave up will be in vain!)

At first Jack wanted to beat the shit out of someone but then she just started to sob..

Three months before world reset.

You are reading story World Reset at

Jack opened up discord and started to talk to moon~ his first ever boyfriend. He was happy to have him but there were days he would think about his family and if he should break things off. He really liked Moon~ but could never see himself meeting him irl or telling his family about him..

jack: (No! right now you got good news stop thinking about that!)

jack shook his head and like he had done many times before he pushed the issue for future Jack to deal with..

Jack: I got the Vive trackers for christmas Moon~!

Moon~: Yay that's great news hun!. Now you can hang out with me in full body on vrchat -headpats-

Jack :  -hugs- ^^ I'll be on in a little bit cutie.

Moon~: I cant wait :kiss emoji:  love you babe

Jack's heart was always torn how to respond to that declaration of love. He genuinely really liked Moon~ if he didn't have any feelings for him then he would've ended things before they even began, but love meant he shouldn't be having conflicting feelings so he always felt uncomfortable saying it. It felt like he was lying but he truly wanted to love Moon~ and be happy with him..

Jack: love you too hun ^^

Jack could only shake his head at himself he needed to make up his mind if he could choose Moon~ over his family or not. As much as the LGBTQ movement motivated others to come out and not be afraid of family Jack knew without a doubt he would be disowned. His family was very religious and they had certain strict beliefs. One of them was not dating someone of the same gender as you. Another one was do not defile your body so he couldn't become a woman either. For a while now he jokingly fantasized about being a succubus the pure embodiment of lust and power super sexy but also domineering. They were always versatile though. Some succubi were very submissive and Jack as much as he didn't want to admit it also had a submissive side. Instead of being a dom or a sub the best way to describe he would be a switch and a succubus was the perfect switch in his eyes. They could be on top seducing the men and women with their body while squeezing out everything their partner had to offer or they could lie on their back and wrap their legs around their partner he pound into her or she eats her outs. A lot of succubi also swung both ways even if they mainly got their food from men..

Jack (that would be the dream.. everything would be different if this world wasn't so shitty and I wasn't in this body..)

One month later Jack would break up with moon~ ending his mental turmoil and choosing his family over his own happiness. He was ashamed of himself for being a selfish coward but he really loved his family and it tore him apart to give up such a good relationship for them. He had wished that he never went out with Moon~ because then at least they both wouldn't be hurt so much..Valentines day passed with both of them being alone and heartbroken almost destroying their friendship. Thankfully after a month passed Moon~ and Jack were still very close friends even if things could get a little awkward if the past got brought up. Jack still struggled with his feelings for Moon~ and what could have been but he still hoped Moon~ could find someone to be happy with.


World Reset present day

jack: (My heartache, my torment, my sacrifice everything I went through was for nothing! if only this had happened sooner!)

jack hit the mattress with her fists repeatedly until a knock came from the door.

Jack : "Mom you cant see me like this !" she said in between sobs

Jack's Mom: " that you? You sound so different. Like a girl. (Don't tell me. Is my son a girl now? I know he hasn't been dating anyone so I can't see someone else being in the room with him but still. The system turned me into a wolf-girl because I have been obsessed with teen wolf... following that logic has he always wanted to be a girl? How could that be though? He's never really opened up to anyone though.Was this always on his mind? I don't know what to do! if he is a girl how should I react? dammit Jack...)






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