World Reset

Chapter 4: Figuring Things Out.

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Jack unlocked the door and opened it slowly while bracing herself for the worst, but Jack didn't expect to be tackled to ground.

Jack : "M-Mom!?"

The moment the door opened Julia had locked eyes with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She was the walking embodiment of sex appeal. Even though she didn't swing that way Julia still felt the irresistible urge to pounce her and she did just that.

Julia : "Sorry...Jack I can't stop myself.." her breathing became labored as she pinned Jack to the ground and  begun grinding on her. The enticing scent before had become so potent that she couldn't smell anything else.

Jack could only put up a weak struggle as Julia had her arms pinned down.

Jack :(What the hell!? Why is mom acting like she is in heat and why the hell is she so strong!?.... Are those wolf ears? She also looks my age. Ah I see the tail now as well she must've turned into some kind of wolf race.. That still doesn't explain why she tackled me to the ground and is grinding on me! Dammit!)

Jack:"Mom stop! Let me go!"

Jack yelled at her as loud as she could but that didn't seem to be helping so she tried with all her might to push Julia off. It was like trying to push away a car.. Jack gave up and began to tear up.

Jack: (Why am I so weak..I can't do anything..)

Julia snapped out of her lust filled craze upon seeing Jack's tears

Julia:"Jack? Oh God.. What am I doing? I'm so sorry!"

Before her was a teary eyed Jack. She look down and saw her mess she made while grinding on Jack's left leg. Even though she apologized the more she looked at Jack the more she wanted to do to her..

Julia: (This isn't normal. Something is wrong with me.. I've never had these urges before. Is it because of my new form or is it that smell coming from Jack? It definitely is influencing me.. but there's more to it. Like she totally looks sexy and I want her to.. No! Get a hold of yourself Julia!)

Jack: (Mom looks like she is fighting whatever that was.. but she is still looking like she wants to possess me. I can feel her gaze drifting up and down my body. Taking in every part of me.. I should try to get away while she is fighting with herself... Hopefully it doesn't trigger her to attack me again but here goes.)

Jack steeled herself and pushed again this time meeting no resistance and was able to get free.

Jack: (Success! Good willpower mom.. I'm so glad that went well. Though she could still just pounce on me again and I wouldn't be able to do anything. I'm just to weak...still I'm glad for the moment to not be pinned down and helpless.. I need to try and calm her down though. Knowing mom she is probably cursing herself for what she did...I'm still quite shaken up myself but me being a succubus is probably to blame so I need to try to ignore what happened and comfort her. )

Jack:"I-It's okay. You stopped before anything bad happened..." Jack looked down thinking about what could've happened if Julia didn't stop.

Jack:(I really could have been raped...I'm glad she came back to her senses but I'm genuinely afraid she will lose control again and then...)

Julia saw how her daughter had become wary of her despite her words.

Julia: (How could I have done something so cruel to my own kid? If I hadn't woken up from whatever that was I-I would've...)

Both of them stayed silent for several minutes while they processed what had just happened.

Jack: (I guess worrying about what mom thinks of me is no longer a thing haha... I mean she clearly wanted to do me.. So that's something to worry about but she didn't reject me like I always thought she would. I feel stupid for not believing in her. Why did she attack me though? Is it because I'm a succubus? Since there was system messages does that mean a menu exist? Menu!...Nope maybe status? Status!)

A screen appeared in front of her showing her new body and a list of information.


You are reading story World Reset at

[Name: |Jack| |Age: 26| |Height: 5' 1"|]

[Lifespan: 12 hours, 44 minutes remaining.]

[Race: Succubus]

[Racial Traits: |Succubus Pheromones| |Lustful Body]


Jack suddenly shouted before whispering destroying awkward silence.

Jack:"What the hell! I...I.....only have a little over 12 hours before I die.."

Julia looked up at jack ready to yell at her for making such a terrible joke but when she saw Jack doing her best to hold back tears she stopped herself.

Julia:"How would you even know that? You look perfectly healthy to me."

Julia:(I know it's been a while since I was working as a nurse but I mean the only thing I see in front of me is woman with a perfect body, strange tail and wings that compliment her looks and make me want to... ahem point is how could she have only 12 hours left to live? Where did Jack even get such a weird idea like that? Jack's always been over paranoid of minor things but this goes well beyond that.)

Jack saw her mother's stern face and knew she would have to convince her. She didn't even mean to say it out loud but the realization was so shocking it just kind of slipped out in the moment.

Jack:(Damn. I really need to keep my mouth shut sometimes...However something isn't adding up for me. From all my knowledge on Succubi from the various novels and games I've played I know that usually they live far beyond humans. Hell most of the time they don't even have a lifespan and look the same even if they are like 800 years old. So why is my lifespan only 12 hours... I wonder if this system could give me some answers? I'll try and focus on lifespan and hopefully it gives me more detailed info as to why it is so low. Lifespan!)

Jack's status screen appears in front of her vision along with another screen in front of it.

[Lifespan: 12 hours 40 minutes remaining]

[Description : Lifespan is determined by life essence. Succubi do not age after they turn 25. They must feed on others or they will die from lack of life essence.]

[System: Would you like to know more about your new form?]: [Yes/No]

After reading the description and seeing the new message Jack sat there stunned.

Jack: (Feed on others.. does that mean I'll have to have s-sex with people to live? Will they die like in some of games I've played or will they just be weak depending on how much I drain? Can I control how much I drain or is it always just going to drain everything from them? I definitely need to know more. Fuck it let's find out. Yes!)


A/N: So... it's been a bit since I've posted anything. That wedding kinda messed with my whole mood but time to get back into things! Sorry for the long wait.



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