World Reset

Chapter 3: It’s Going To Be Okay.

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Julia was watching teen wolf like every night for the past couple weeks. She was a binge-watcher that could easily spend her whole day finishing a season that had her interest. Teen wolf had just been the most recent show that captivated her attention. Although she grew up in a strict household and married into a equally religious family she had become a lot less strict with what she watched. In the past she would've definitely been punished for watching the shows she enjoyed now. Her thoughts slowly began to drift as her eyes slowly closed.

Julia kinda liked the idea of having enhanced senses, faster reflexes, and especially the regeneration. After-all her hands were numb and she lost her grip quite often at work. She was kinda scared that she would eventually not be able to close her hands at all. However she didn't really want to turn into a monster either. With that thought an image of a wolf-girl began to surface in her mind.

She had seen her son Jack watching anime a few times before they moved and he got his own room. Jack had always loved playing games and watching anime but since he didn't have his own room and lived in the living room of the trailer he would end up spending a lot of time with his family. Before his sister moved out they could all be seen sitting in the living room watching movies together.Thinking about that made her smile a little.

One day Jack was watching an anime that had a wolf-girl as the main love interest. She was never really into anime much but this girl caught her attention. She was downright gorgeous. She had red eyes that you could get lost in and brown hair that went a little passed her shoulders. Her hair matched perfectly with her brown wolf ears that looked quite soft with the inside being white and fluffy tempting the main character to play with them. She also had a brown tail that was quite large and fluffy with a few inches of the tip being pure white like her ears.

Julia (I wouldn't mind being a werewolf if I was like her...)

With that last childish thought she drifted asleep not knowing how quickly things were about to change.

[World Reset in progress...]

[System Installing...]

[System Install complete. Beginning analysis of users desired form.]

[Analysis completed]

[Users desired form found]

[Race: Werewolf]

[Race is not fully compatible with the users desired form.]

[Requesting permission to create subrace....]

[Permission has been granted. Creating subrace]

[Subrace: Wolf-Spirit]

[Beginning transformation..]

[Using excess mass]

A white orb floated above Julia's body before quickly entering into her chest. After a few seconds her body began to shine brightly filling up the whole room with white light before quickly disappearing as if it was all an illusion. She let out a quiet moan as she felt a deep comforting warmth in her chest.

Her stomach which was a bit chubby became as flat as a cutting bored. filling out her small B cups into large D cups. Her thighs also shrunk and became softer along with every blemish she had developed over the years disappearing. She no longer looked her age at all instead she looked like a girl fresh out of high-school.

[Body optimization complete. Moving on to final phase]

White light hovered around the middle of her head for a moment before taking the shape of wolf ears. Once the light had disappeared a pair of black wolf ears took it's place. After a few seconds the same thing happened to her tailbone which now had a fluffy black tail poking out from the covers. Both her wolf ears and tail had traces of white fur. The inside of her ears were white and a few inches of her tail at the tip were as well. She looked quite similar to the girl in her mind the only exception being her hair color and chest size.

[Racial transformation complete]

[Racial evolution system unlocked]

After a dreamless night Julia woke up and immediately felt better but also uncomfortable. She had been overworking herself for quite a while. Always pulling overtime whenever she could. With both her and her husband working they weren't really struggling for money but she had always been a hard worker and lately her body had been paying for it. However, when she opened her eyes she did not feel hazy or sore she felt wide awake and full of energy! It felt like she could run a marathon first thing in the morning, or like she drank eight cups of coffee without being jittery or hyper. More importantly however was the uncomfortable feeling of something being smushed on her lower back.

Julia rolled to her side and immediately felt much better.

Julia: (I feel great! Guess I should burn some of this energy off by cleaning up a bit.)

Julia got up out of bed and glanced at the large mirror on her dresser. Upon seeing her reflection she lost the feeling in her legs for a second and her ass hit the mattress.

Julia: (Damn I know this has to be one of them lucid dreams. I love this look though! I wouldn't even have to wear make up to look good.)

Julia reached a hand up and touched her wolf ears sending a ripple of pleasure down her body.

Julia: "Ah"

Julia let a moan escape and it sounded quite loud.

Julia: (jeez was I really that loud? My voice is a bit deeper too. It sounded quite seductive. I could get used to that. I really didn't like my voice. It wasn't overly cute and it wasn't seductive either. Well I might as well enjoy it since it's my dream and all.)

Julia began exploring her new body. From how sensitive her ear was. She wondered if her tail would be the same so she started stroking it.

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Her tail wasn't as sensitive but it still felt good and felt really soft so she got lost in petting it causing her to get a little wet.

Julia: "mmmh I wish this wasn't a dream.. I love this feeling." (I want Derek to stroke my tail after fucking me raw doggy-style.. I wish he would fuck me as hard as he did in the past...)

Julia could never voice her sexual needs well to her husband. She always filtered the way she talked because that was just how she was raised. She also didn't want Derek to think she was some horny slut. That would break her in half so she kept silent. That didn't mean she couldn't fantasize about him doing those things. Yet even though this is a dream she still refuses to say her desires out loud.

She continued to stroke her tail while she moved her other hand to her clit.The moment her finger grazed her clit she had a light orgasm.

Julia: "Ahh!" (Oh my gosh It feels so much more intense! I-I wonder what would happen if I squeezed it a little bit.)

Julia started to close her fingers anticipating the wave of pleasure about to come. Her breathe became labored as her tail stroking had caused her pussy to be absolutely drenched. Julia's patience finally broke and she squeezed down sending a giant wave of pleasure through her body. She instinctively suppressed her moan not wanting to hurt her sensitive ears.  

Julia "mmmmfff!" (Fuck!  How can this feel so good!? Am I really dreaming?)

Right when she was about to finish her self off as if to answer her own thoughts she heard Another girls voice shout from upstairs.

Julia:(Argh what the fuck! I was so close!...wait a second if this isn't a dream and I really turned into this sexy wolf-girl then that voice coming from Jack's room is..... No. There's no way Jack would be a girl right!?)

Julia: "Jack, are you alright! Don't tell me something happened to you too!"

Julia immediately got dressed and ran upstairs a lot faster than she was expecting.

Julia(I really could get used to this... please be okay Jack!)

After arriving outside Jack's door Julia could hear someone pounding the hell out of the mattress.

Julia (it's gonna be okay. It doesn't matter what Jack's turned into. He will always be my child.)

Julia clenched her fist for a second after mentally preparing herself and knocked on the door.

After she knocked the pounding abruptly stopped and there was just silence. It felt like it could last for an eternity but thankfully after a few seconds a female voice was heard.

Jack"Mom you can't see me like this!"

Julia could hear quiet sobs coming through the door.

Julia: " that you? You sound so different. Like a girl. (Don't tell me. Is my son a girl now? I know he hasn't been dating anyone so I can't see someone else being in the room with him but still. The system turned me into a wolf-girl because I have been obsessed with teen wolf... following that logic has he always wanted to be a girl? How could that be though? He's never really opened up to anyone though.Was this always on his mind? I don't know what to do! if he is a girl how should I react? dammit Jack... I had prepared for everything but this! he could have been an ogre and I still would have been more prepared than I am right now!)

Julia slapped herself with both of her hands.

Julia: (Jack's still your child it doesn't matter if they are a boy or girl! Right now my kid is crying and I need to be there for them.)

As Julia regained her composure Jack answered her through the door.

Jack: " a girl.. I'm sorry Mom"

Julia :"It's okay hun. There's no reason to apologize. I'm also not the same. Open the door and let your mother see her new daughter."

After Julia finished talking the sobbing stopped and a sweet flower aroma began to leak out through the door.

Julia had actually smelled whiffs of it before while standing there but now it was strong and constant. It smelled amazing and made Julia want to break down the door to get closer to it but she slapped herself again regaining focus.

Julia: (Okay, that's a little scary. I almost lost control of myself and did something stupid. This aroma makes me want to get as close as I can to it and fall asleep. It's just so relaxing... No! Stop falling for it!)

While Julia was fighting herself with all her willpower. Jack was replaying what her mother had said to her over and over again in her head. She had a bright smile on her teary face and a faint blush could be seen if one looked hard enough. Unlike Julia, Jack did not smell any strong aroma. She could only tell that she had a natural flowery scent to herself but it was very subdued and she didn't think nothing of it but to Julia it was like a drug and she wanted a bigger dose. Jack finally overcame her shocked state after a few seconds and opened the door.



A/n: This chapter is the longest one yet. I know it's still shorter than others but I'm really happy the way it turned out. I focused on Julia for most of this chapter which was a tough decision honestly but I think building a character can go a long way in the future. Anyways I hope you all liked it. Tomorrow is my cousin's wedding so I may be a bit late on the next chapter but honestly probably not just felt I should let you all know just in case.



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