World Symphony Mediator

Chapter 16: Chapter 15: “Last Day in Pymule”

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That evening, Ai slept like a log. 

As soon as he entered the inn, Avra had ushered him up to his room. They strongly ignored the owl furiously flapping its wings at them, thinking the Keygiver was bothering its new friend. 

He was out just like that as soon as his head touched the fluffy pillows of the bed. He could hear the owl flying around the room and perching on things as he fell asleep, but he couldn’t care less. What he needed was sleep. As he snored peacefully, the owl took another flight around the room then landed next to Ai’s head, its beady eyes curiously staring at him. It hooted once before settling down on the bed frame, slowly closing its eyes to sleep as well.


When Ai opened his eyes, an entire day had passed. It was already the afternoon of the next day. He rubbed his sleepy eyes, sat up and stretched his aching limbs. His new owl friend was pecking away at the fruits on the table. Sleepily, Ai thought that owls didn’t eat fruit, but then again this wasn’t exactly an owl. It was...whatever it was.

After that long sleep, his entire body felt incredibly refreshed. Though parts of his muscles still ached terribly, he was wide awake and had almost fully restored his energy. The cause of his energy loss stared at him silently as he prepared himself to leave.

Today was probably the last day he would stay in Pymule. With the beginner quest completed, he was now free to explore the world and see what lies beyond. Even though he loved the scenery in Pymule, the thought of seeing more of the world excited him completely.

For now, it was best that he searched for Athiel to finally formally complete his beginner quest. He didn’t know where they would be exactly. They said that they would summon him, but it had been close to 24 hours. He hoped that he didn’t drag the whole thing out because he was dead asleep after the entire ordeal. It embarrassed him a little that he even slept that long.

Going downstairs, he half expected Athiel to be there waiting for him being the skillful guide that they were. He was only partially right. There was indeed someone who was waiting for him, but it wasn’t Athiel. Instead it was the shop NPC, Bren. They were in their shop uniform but now with a little hat on their head. They looked like a kind grandparent.

Seeing Ai walk down the stairs, they eagerly greeted him.

“Envoy, may I have a word with you?”

Ai didn’t see a reason to refuse, it seemed like Athiel wasn’t here either so he had time to chat with Bren. By the look in their eyes, Ai assumed that they would be talking about the Vial of Peace.

They settled on one of the tables at the corner of the inn’s dining area. Ai ordered them both some tea and little snacks that the owl ended up pecking most of. Staring at the bird, Ai could’ve sworn that owls were carnivores but this one seems to be more on the omnivorous section. Bren was staring at the creature too but not with the curiosity that Ai was feeling, their gaze was much more melancholic.

“The owl…” Bren started. “It came to you after you’ve defeated the beast?”

Ai stroked the underside of the owl’s neck, the mist around it giving off a cold air. “Rather, I believe it is the beast.”

“I see…” Bren sipped their tea. “My child, they are the last priest to guard that temple. I wished for them to be free from their duties and yet they are so very devoted.”

Ai thought back to the priestly elf back at the temple. He recalled how young they seemed and how lonely they must’ve felt being in that dark underground room when no one was around. With the beast gone, would they be able to come back home…?

“I have not seen my child in years and neither has their own child. I wanted to find a way to help them, yet there was nothing I could do. I am but a simple shopkeeper. Thankfully, many adventurers have visited my shop and I was lucky to be able to hear about the Vial of Peace from them. I’m so thankful that it helped you. Helped my child.”

“It was the most important item.” Ai said, smiling at the shop NPC. “With this, your child would be able to return home?”

Bren nodded happily, their eyes glassy. “You have my eternal gratitude, envoy.”

You completed extra beginner quest [Fatherly Love 1]

Completion rank S

Obtained [Crystal Fragment] x 1.

Ai glanced at the [Crystal Fragment] item and noted to himself to check it out in a moment. For now, he accepted the firm yet warm hug that Bren gave him then waved goodbye as the older elf left the inn.

[Crystal Fragment] - ???

Nondescript as ever, Ai sarcastically mused. Though, the quest name told him that this one was only one in a series of similar quests. He supposed there were more of them and not just about Bren. He wondered what this crystal would do after it had been assembled.

“Envoy, Athiel is waiting for you at the temple.” Avra’s redhead peeked out from the other side of the door, signalling him that it was time to go.




The temple looked vastly different from what he’d seen just the day before. The stone walls had been polished clean, the floor was now hardwood, and there was even proper lighting and everything as well. It didn’t look like the previously dark and dingy room at all. Beyond the corridor, the altar room looked different as well. It was clean and neat, there were offerings on the table and the runes on the door were no more. Ai thought the owl would get uncomfortable here but it left Ai’s shoulder to circle around the room.

The priestly elf, Kaltrya as Ai found out, was waiting for him by the altar table along with Athiel. In Athiel’s hands was what he wanted. A scroll. 

Kaltrya watched the white owl zoom across the room with a delighted look on their face.

“Ah, how nice that the beast is finally free.” They said with a light and melodic voice. “This beast is a loyal servant of Lord Aethera, you see. It must’ve come here looking for him. Sadly, Lord Aethera is nowhere to be seen.”

The owl flew low and then perched itself back on Ai’s shoulder at the mention of Aethera. Ai could feel it intensely staring at them, listening in to their conversation.

“No one has seen Lord Aethera?”

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The priest shook their head. “It isn’t odd for deities to not mind themselves with us mortals. Yet, even for a deity Lord Aethera is silent. Our lord is a kind deity that loves to answer prayers and give guidance, but now, it is as if he had vanished. Yet, Lord Aethera had blessed you. That gives us some hope that the lord is still watching over us.”

Ai looked at the owl and gave it another head pat. It had been so anguished when Ai saw it the first time. It was curled right underneath the altar, angry and in pain. Did it feel hurt that it could not find Aethera and decided to settle here because it radiated the deity’s energy?

Athiel stepped away from the priest’s side and gave him the scroll. Like the first scroll, it was a light papyrus one that had some stains on the paper but Ai knew the contents were valuable. He hugged the scroll in his arms then bid farewell. It was time to give this scroll to Avra.

You’ve completed Elf Beginner Quest [Envoy’s Path]

Completion rank S

Obtained [Elven Scroll of Language 2]

Ai felt his heart pound as he read his rank. An S! He earned a perfect rank! If he wasn’t in the presence of others, he would’ve rolled around the floor and jumped for joy. For now, he simply settled for an exhilarated grin and a bounce in his steps.

As he skipped his way back to the inn, he thought about why everyone else before him didn’t manage to get a rank above C. Looking at the owl comfortably sitting on his shoulder, Ai guessed it was because all they’ve been doing were killing the beast’s mirages when the actual quest was to free it from its anguish. 

Happy and excited beyond belief, Ai and his new owl friend walked to Pymule.


When he returned to the inn with the scroll in hand, Avra wasted no time at all. They laid the scroll and book down on the table just like before and Avra began chanting. Both the items glowed as they did before, but this time it was much more blinding than before and the magic gave off a warm glow that wasn’t there before either.

After the glow subsided, Ai couldn’t really tell much of a difference. The book might’ve looked slightly better. The writing in it looked more defined, as if written with thicker ink, and some of the faded etchings were now visible, but overall it was still quite the dilapidated book. However when he looked at the first few pages, he found that he could read it now! The language didn’t change at all as far as Ai could understand, but the words registered in his mind and carried meaning.

Ai skimmed the first few pages but didn’t read it, though he could only read the first chapter, it wasn’t thin either. He would slowly read this as time progressed. Putting the book back, he noticed that Avra was quiet during that entire thing. One look at the expression and Ai saw pride but also...sadness. Ah. That’s right. Today was his last day in Pymule. He could come back sometime in the future, but Pymule was a Beginner Village, it was built as a starting ground for elf players but it didn’t serve any purpose beyond that. Players rarely returned to a Beginner Village.

Walking around the desk, Ai wrapped his skinny arms around the other elf. They froze for a minute before relaxing and hugging him back.

“I’ll come back.” He said quietly.

Avra didn’t say anything but Ai could feel them nod. 

When they broke apart, Avra looked better but their eyes were still slightly glassy. Ai was even more determined to come back again. Avra was his first friend throughout his journey and he didn’t want to leave them to suffer too much. He needed to come back again.

“There are plenty of Keygivers out there who could help you with the scrolls, but…” Avra sniffed. “Please do come back.”


Avra walked him to the village entrance. It was truly time to leave. As they got further and further away from the village, Ai kept looking back and watched as the tall buildings disappeared until all he could see was the tall colorful trees.

They stopped right before the exit. Ai took a moment to blow out a deep breath before making his way out. Then a thought flashed by his mind. As he walked, he turned around to face Avra, who was still waving goodbye at him.

“If someone else bothers you just say that you’re friends with an envoy who took care of a beast at the temple!”

Avra looked almost stunned before laughing away. 












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