Xavier's girl

Chapter 59: 14

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It's been five days since I walked out on Xavier, I've settled into my apartment with Amelia. Everything was going smoothly, I've still been on edge. He can come to take her any day if he wanted to, I know he had the power. He can always take her back. But I haven't heard a word from him even a phone call. 

Alan on the other hand has been coming non-stop to my apartment building, but I've instructed my concierge not to let him in. There no one he didn't know about the pills, Xavier tells him everything. I felt betrayed by all of them. I should have known, I shouldn't have believed Xavier. 

I look down at Amelia in her buggy, she was sleeping peacefully. I knew she was only here because of Xavier lies but I couldn't be more thankful. She was the only family I had left, it was just me and her now. I can't bring myself to wish I never had her, I don't regret keeping her. 

"Your coffee, Ms." I look up at the waitress holding a cup of coffee. 

"Thank you," I smiled making space on the table for her. We were currently in a fancy cafe in Rodeo drive. I had a meeting with Mr Elijah Moore, the lawyer I met with. He insisted we had coffee this time to get familiar with each other. He was surprised I called him back after a week has gone past. 

"Sorry I'm late, my meeting ran longer than expected." Mr Moore came from behind me. I watch as he unbuttoned his suit as he sat down. Once again I was taken by surprise by his beauty, he looked like he just walked out of a Vogue magazine. His black hair was messy like he ran his hand through a thousand time. 

"Ms Miller," he nods when he takes his seat.

"Just Vanessa," I corrected him blushing a bit. 

"Sorry I'm late just Vanessa," he jokes make me smile. 

"That's fine Mr Moore, I used the time to order a drink." He wasn't more than five minutes late. 

"If you insist I call you Vanessa then you must call me Elijah." I look up from my cup only to meet his stare. 

"Elijah," I smile 

"I'm sorry I called so unexpected, it looks like I will be needing your help after all." I continued.

"Nothing to be sorry for just glad you called. Is that your baby?" Elijah points at the buggy.

"Yes, sorry I don't have a sitter yet to watch her," I say embarrassed. I hope he doesn't find this unprofessional. I'm not sure if I trust just anyone to watch Amelia, whoever I hire will be checked and vetted. 

"Nothing to be sorry about love, she looks beautiful." He smiles down at her. 


"I'm guessing you called me to talk about our meeting?" His tone changed into an emotionless tone as he brought some papers from his black briefcase. 

"Yes, The terms have changed this time. I'm having full custody and the father can have visited." 

"Why the change of mind?" Elijah raises his brow. 

"Some things came to light," I say not going into details. 

"Can I have the name of the father," he glances up at me.

"Xavier Knight." I hesitated. Elijah's pen stops writing when he heard me.

"I'm sorry did you just say, Xavier Knight?" He questions me like I was insane. 

"Yes?" Does he know him? 

"I'm sorry Ms Miller but I will have to cancel this meeting." He starts shoving his papers as if he a rush. 

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Something came up" he flat out lied to my face. 

"Please I need your help." I grab his arms pleading. "I will pay you to double your asking price." 

"It has nothing to do with the money Vanessa, I am very aware of who Xavier Knight is. The last thing I want is to get on his bad side. That man owns the co-operate world. I would love to help you but I just can't put my company or myself at risk." He pushes my arm away. 

"Please forget this lunch ever happened, I am willing to refund you for the consultation fee." He arranges himself before looking at me. 

"Mr Moore." I pleaded, 

"Ms Miller," he nods before making his way out of the chair. 

"For the sake of the baby, I suggest you fix whatever happened between both of you. The last thing you want is for your child to grow up without a mother." He said eerily before leaving. 

"Fuck!" I slammed the table. Fuck you, Xavier Knight! I cursed him. Now I have to look for a lawyer that will be willing to risk his or her neck for me. I knew the last name Knight was known, just didn't know it was feared. 

What am I going to do? I glanced at Amelia. I can't let him take her, something about this felt final. If he was to talk to her again, I know I will never see her again. 

"Ms, your bill." the waitress was back. She placed a small black book on the table. I search inside my bag for my card as she waited, thinking about the next lawyer I will find. 

"Here," she brought out a card reader from me to tap. 

"It didn't go through Ma," she said awkwardly. I tap it again, waiting impatiently. Declined? Again? I was starting to feel embarrassed, I tap my black card again. Declined. 

"I'm sorry Ma, perhaps there something wrong with the reader." She stares at the credit card.

"No it's fine, I have some cash." I dig into my bag and found a fifty-dollar bill. 

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"Keep the change," I tell her worried why my card was declining. I didn't run out of money. 

"Thank you." She walks off leaving me alone. 

I watch my watch, it was just noon. The only plan I had for today was to meet with Mr Moore—who now wants nothing to do with me— I guess I can go back to the apartment and looks for a new lawyer, Instead of wasting my day. Picking up my bag, I exit the cafe with my buggy. The walk from here to my apartment was 30 minutes, I can do that. I wasn't about to wake Amelia to get into a cab. I brought out my phone so I could call my bank and asked what's the issue with my card. Maybe they accidentally did something to the account I had with them. 

"Good afternoon this is Wells Fargo &Co." they picked up. 

"Hello, my name is Vanessa Millers. I have an account with your bank and my credit card for declined twice today?" 

"Can I have the name of the account?" the person asked. 

"Amelia Millers." It was in my mother's name.

"Please hold while I transfer you to another advisor." The phone went silent before you could ask why. I was starting to get worried, that was my only source of income. With this account, I won't be able to pay for anything.

"Good morning Ms Miller, you called regarding your account with us?" A deeper voice spoke through the phone. 

"Yes, Amelia Millers. 01727382." I gave him the account number. 

"I think there's been some misunderstanding. It says here this account was closed." I stopped walking as he said that. The blood in my body turned cold. 

"What? How? What do you mean closed?" I was the only one that had access to that account. 

"It looks like there was a call regarding the account and all asset we had has been transferred to Knight co-operate. It said the owner of the account requested it." I turn pale when I heard the name.

"I didn't do that! How can you transfer my money without my permission?" 

"I'm afraid it was done by the head of the office Ma there must be a valid reason. Would you like me to find out?" I already knew the fucking reason I wanted to yell. 

"That explains why your current card was declining. I'm sorry that you were unaware of this." 

"I had a savings account? Is that still available?" I prayed to god for the right answer. 

"I'm sorry Ma, but all asset of the account is now owned by Knight co-operate. It looks like the account owned signed for this." I knew this was the work of Xavier, it was only him that would want to do this to me. 

"If there anything...." I hang up before he could finish and starting dialling Xavier's number. 

"How dare you!" I yelled into the phone once it stopped ringing. 

"How dare you Xavier, that was my mother's account!" I was beyond pissed at him. 

"How dare I, Vanessa?" He scoffs I can feel the smile on his face. 

"Put everything single penny you took back into that account Xavier," I tell him 

"I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about," Xavier says bored. 

"Xavier, stop fucking joking. That was everything I had, everything my mother left for me." There were millions of dollars in that account. 

"What makes you think I'm joking Vanessa?" He says coldly giving me chills.

"You took everything I cared about, you think I'm just gonna let you walk out on me this time?" 

"You lied to me! You used to get a fucking baby!" I was officially a crazy woman in the street. 

"So don't blame me for the consequences. When you do things in life, you have consequences, Xavier."

"So do you Vanessa. I owned what you have now. Everything you owned is now in my name."

"Think of that as your consequences. You take one thing, I take all that you have." 

"That pathetic little apartment you owned is now mine, whenever I feel like not paying the bill they will kick you out." 

"And tell me? What judge would give a baby to a homeless mother." 

"You cross the fucking line Xavier." I held back my tears. 

"No Vanessa, you forgot who you were dealing with. I always get what I want, that includes you." 

"I won't let you bullying me into submission this time," I tell him but mainly myself. 

"Soon your wings will give out and you will come back home, Vanessa. How long do you think you can play this game?" 

"Tell me how did your little lunch date go?" I freeze as I hear that.

"Oh, you thought I didn't know?" He chuckles. 

"Tell me, Vanessa? Do you let every man touch you or were just horny for Mr Moore?" 

"What?" I asked suddenly aware that Xavier could be watching me right now. 

"Enjoy the surprise I left in your apartment, I see you tonight.." He hangs up.

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