Xavier's girl

Xavier's girl

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Xavier's girl

Review: 9.5/10 from 16 ratings

I heard the door opening. I'm fine Stephanie, I said thinking she was the one that followed me.It cute you think my sister cares I hear Alan voiceWhat are you doing here, I asked him annoyedOh just doing someone a favour, he said as Xavier walked in behind him.I was alarmed as to why they were both here what do you want I asked both of them getting up.You're in my room, Xavier said as he locked the door behind him. Making me more alarmed.I'm sorry I didn't know, I can leave, I said not wanting to anger him.I made my way to the door but Alan grabbed me not so fast sweetheart he said holding my arm.Please let me go I begged them. I didn't know what they were planning but I knew they were up to something.Why would we do that Xavier said walking to me and stroking my collarbone making me shiver.Vanessa morales just moved to town. Shy, smart and quiet girl planned to spend most of her high school life hidden. But some how ended up at the cheerleader tryouts and the school bad boy blackmailing her. She tired her best to stay away from him but he wasn't letting her go. She didn't know he had plans for her.He has been waiting for this days for years, waiting for her to return. Of course she didn't remember him (he never forgot her), that didn't bother him cause he knew she belonged to him. He would do anything to make her stay this time.One party and her life is ruined.


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