Yandere secret society

Chapter 14: Anti-Love Group

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Adriel was in a crowded room of boys for Leo's supposed trial.

"What crime was he charged with?" Adriel asked.

"First crime, malfeasance at school, second, desecrating our oath." Said the current president.

"In short, is he being a teenager?" Adriel found the charges absurd.

"Let the defendant be sentenced accordingly" all the boys shouted.

"Adriel, as a past president and founding member, you should know the rules very well" The president explained.

"I do know, however, he didn't break any laws, number 1, he didn't touch any girls, number 2, he is too slow to notice any romantic intent"

Adriel knew that his friend could not be saved in the normal way and he should hurry before the crazy girls came along and messed with him.

"He asked a girl out, you know that a member of this club is not allowed to do that".

Leo had been joined by the fact that Adriel was one of the creators of the club.

"There's nothing sexual about a date, just two friends going out?".

"With those crazy women?" Retorted the president.

"We'll be reasonable, we'll all go out with some woman sometime".

"Adriel, that sinful gorilla has corrupted you, you no longer buy the sacred art".

"Please president, let's be reasonable, you let Leo go out this time and I'll find whatever you want, how about it?".

With each passing second, the chance of this getting out of hand increased.

"Proposal refused, let's bring in the defendant.".

Leo arrived escorted into the room.

"What is my crime?" Leo asked.

"Stealing the girl I love cof I say sinful acts at school.".

Adriel understood the reason for the trial now.

"I understand your anger, but is it too much? Leo didn't mean to steal any girl from you" Adriel said in his attempt to defend his friend.

"Death to the traitor" Shouted all the boys as a retort.

"Come on guys, let's at least hear what Leo has to say".

"Well... I... didn't do that... I'm sorry" Leo couldn't finish a sentence because of his embarrassment.

"Adriel, you are no exception either...".

Before the president could finish his speech, Elizabeth interrupted him.



Elizabeth POV.


Good thing I was listening before this bizarre being ruined everything.

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"President, I have something of interest to you.".

I whispered to him.

"Follow me.".

I said pointing the way.

"Could our dear president explain this photo?".

I showed him some pictures of him his girlfriend.

"President, president, you already have a girlfriend and you are looking for more?".

"Listen here, you helped me put a hit on that boyfriend of yours, don't give me that.

The bastard is already thinking that he can get his wings out.

"If you talk to me like that again, I'll expose your little scheme to undercut the competition.

"You little bitch...".

Before he could finish speaking, I slapped him.

"Next time you'll behave better, you false moralist.

Now I will appear to my dear Adriel as the savior who did not allow four crazy women to destroy the school, better than planned.

"Adriel, I managed to convince the president to pardon you, in the end, it was nothing but a small misunderstanding".

"I'm very grateful".

Ah! Adriel, that happy face of yours is only mine, only mine, I won't allow those two to appear again.

"O... thanks too".

And the other one, well, whatever, if those other ones went crazy, it was just me deleting them, but I couldn't miss the chance to show myself to Adriel ❤❤!

A/N {with the first-person text, I can demonstrate that obsessed side of her more}.

"You're welcome, Leo.".

Damn, before he met those crazy girls kept stealing Adriel from me.

"All settled, now you just go to your friends and we both come home"

That's it Adriel, we'll be alone.

"See you Adriel, see you Elizabeth".

Don't come back.

"Liz, can you help me sell the rest of the stuff?".


With that, I helped him with that business of his, while making sure no girl got too close.

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