Yandere secret society

Chapter 15: Quartet.

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Belatriz POV

I was stuck on a mission given by that bitch Elizabeth to solve this damn kidnapping mystery, damn if I die my last action will be to ruin your relationship.

"Any suspects?"

I asked for the captain.

Probably some heroes, but none were fast enough to get around so fast.

"For now no hero fits the characteristics described."

No hero will appear like this after the beating we gave them, ah! Good times, Leo was so lost and so afraid of that gorilla. 

A/N {if someone didn't get it, she's talking about Elizabeth}

"Any witnesses?"

If we can't get straight to the suspect, at least we can get a lead.

"Only a civilian."

That's a start.

"Let me interview him."

I went to a dark room where the witnesses stood, in the center a chair and a fan, it looked like a horror movie in which I was the killer.

"All right, no one's going to hurt you ❤❤."

I needed to create a friendly mood to make him speak, judging by his dirty appearance, probably lack of hygiene, and even so with those lascivious eyes on me, he must be a scum dog.

"Thank you, ma'am."

That bastard's still got those lascivious eyes on me, if he tries anything with me, I swear I'll cut him in two.

"What you saw❤❤"

"I may have seen something or it doesn't depend on what I get out of it"

This bastard wants to get me dirty at all costs, if he thinks about getting dirty, he won't get out of here alive.

Listen here dirty beggar, if you don't talk, I swear I'm going to turn you into something worse than you already are, which seems impossible to me.

I threw him against the wall.

"Think again of regular in me that you will leave here far worse than you entered"

I just released some of my intentions and the beggar is already collapsing.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I swear it won't happen again, it was just this once, I swear"

The beggar started crying like a child, well, no one told him to touch the property of others, if it was Leo who tried it the story would differ and probably be much better, ah! Leo❤❤ why don't you take any action?

"Tell me what you saw and maybe I'll let you go"

Returning to the harsh reality, if I took a few more seconds to release my murderous intention, probably this beggar would die, not that it would change anything, at most we would have to seek another witness.

"All I saw were several flashes of lights, the boy was shopping with a scary woman behind him, seriously, she drooled as she followed him, if she hadn't been so worried I'd say she kidnapped him."

The description matches the person, the typical stalker, just like Alice and a little, very little me.

"Go on"

"The subject disappeared in this flash of light, it was as if he were teleported."

Teleportation is nothing new, but the fact that no radar picks it up is strange, so we'll need Elizabeth's satellites, but I doubt she'll lend it, everyone's pointed at Adriel, seriously, so a satellite to measure body temperature? This girl has no boundaries.

"Didn't you see anything else?"

"Just this same blur and the weird girl, now can I leave?"

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"Yes, but without it"

I took his eyes out, after all, he committed a crime looking at me like that."


Before he finished knocking him out and threw it out.

"Any relevant information?"

The president asked.

"Only that the culprit teleports."

This does not facilitate anything, since the association responsible for heroes did not register heroes with such power, at least not on this scale of disappearing without leaving any trace.

"You have some suspect in mind, I know the decision was to keep watch only, however, those heroes are treacherous."

"We agree on that only that for now, we have no proof to start another war like last time."

We all look at them for their arrogance and use of aphrodisiacs who used their magic to conquer helpless women, thanks to this we pushed them to a decline where they are to this day, that's what we use as an argument, but the truth was that we wanted to protect our loved ones, with the union of all, it was practically a massacre.

"For now we'll keep watch, maybe it doesn't happen like the last time Adriel was involved and Elizabeth got involved."

Elizabeth was the last to declare war on the heroes and the motives were obvious, the leader of the heroes planned to kidnap his beloved and remove all his natural charm, the result? Well, Elizabeth tortured him for weeks.

A/N {Like Griffith, only he was for 1 year}

"Or maybe it's the return of another demon king."

You argued the captain.

"Unlikely, the demonic clan is afraid of Elizabeth's name to this day, whenever they listen already run to hide"

Elizabeth touched the terror in that kingdom and as always the cause was Adriel, it was when the demon king wanted to use Adriel as political propaganda and even promise marriage to dames to help him in the war, in the end, she joined the faction of heroes as well as us and we killed the demon king.

"The options are increasingly scarce, we have to go back to the barracks and find out how the others what they discovered"

I told you that, being that, deep down, my only intention was to see Leo and refuel me with his smell just like my little sister does, ah Leo one day❤❤❤ I'll attack you if you continue without taking action.

I can't wait to wake up every day like your wife, just thinking about it, I'm excited, too bad he doesn't take action.

A/N{If he doesn't take any of them go}

Alice POV.



I'm now in a room surrounded by pictures of Leo, Saturday we will go on a date, even if it is double this is incredible, I have already declared to him, this for a novel is not short and he will answer my first on the date.

I took a shirt I bought from him from his friend and started smelling it.


Ah, Leo, one day we will join forever, but until that day comes, I will choose my shoe.

All the shoes I bought for this occasion were here, had for all the setbacks, but this time I chose a simple one.

Now it's time for the dress, I have to choose something that contrasts with Leo's purity, mm, this serves, I took a dress in blue tone to match my eyes.

I remember until today when I met him, it was that winter that he was playing with his friend, Leo came to ask to play with me because he was afraid of Elizabeth, who would not be afraid of this crazy?

At first, she saw me as a rival, it was the worst week I've spent my life, she did everything for my parents to move until she saw that I was interested in Leo and yet she didn't apologize, Adriel to take care of herself, he keeps calling me crazy, but he doesn't know her, even among galna älskare members she's the most feared.

If that Elizabeth doesn't show off with those huge boobs, the focus will be all on me, so Leo can't reject me, other than that she's got everything to give cero, my sister agreed not to interfere with anything.

May Saturday come soon❤❤❤


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