Yandere secret society

Chapter 21: A good way to make money.

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Adriel POV



Adriel had not yet recovered, in less than an hour he left a guy who had no girlfriend for one who owned two, and worse, he is starting a harem for fear of hurting one of the two girls.

'I have no right to make fun of Leo anymore, I was as slow as he was, after all, I didn't realize that my best friend was in love with me'

Adriel continued to blame himself, however, without the courage to break up with one of the girls, so all he could do now is endure and be prepared for the worst.

He was supposed to find something to make money in the meantime with nothing to do, since his waiter period ended by the hour, so he decided to walk until he stopped in Isa's room.

Eduardo approached Adriel and asked.

"Is it true what Adriel is saying? Are you dating two girls?"


"Is my sister one of them?"


'How am I going to tell him I'm dating your sister, but well, that would have to come out sometime'

"Now that you're my brother-in-law, you wouldn't betray me, would you?"

'What an idea is this, I would never betray anyone'

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I'm dating and I'm afraid she'll prefer you to me, I'm sorry"

'What so do you have of me, a friend who would steal the other's girlfriend doesn't look like anything I would do'

"Even without dating your sister, you would never do anything as low as stealing your girlfriend," Adriel said.

"I know, I just want to make sure..." Eduardo started talking like he was ashamed of what he just said.

"I've never cheated on a friend in my entire life and you won't be the first, don't worry"

Adriel understood what his friend wanted to talk about, yet he couldn't help but be upset by his mistrust.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose my girlfriend"

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"All right, let's forget it, I need your help to make some money"              

"What's your idea, Adriel?"

"Leo's Fan Club"

Adriel was detaining to get involved with any of his friend's girlfriends, but now that she's involved with them, he could take advantage of the situation to raise some money.

"Our plan is simple, we will create a competition event, and the winner will be entitled to two tickets to an armed meeting by me" Continued Adriel.

"What tickets? What are you talking about."

"Simple, I will provide a Tour of the festival, with some places that will give free food"

"Where are you going to get the free food from?"

"Liz, she has some acquaintances who can help us, obviously we'll give them a share of the profit"

"Okay, so far everything is all right, but how do we announce it?"

"Eduardo, you are underestimating the possession of those crazy, as soon as I announce the event, all will come to participate, this plan is perfect"

A/N {and he doesn't know Elizabeth's obsession with him, let alone surpasses any known girl}.

"I know that very well and that's what scares me, what do we do if they get out of control?"

"Relax, Leo will be in the audience, no girl will do anything absurd for him to hate"

"Here comes another point Adriel, Leo will agree?"

"Certainly yes, we are one hundred percent sure that one of the four won, nullifying the possibility that we have to convince him to go out with a stranger"


This was decided the next event that Adriel had profited from.

A/N {Pardon for the short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer}.


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