Yandere secret society

Chapter 22: Return.

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Adriel POV.


My plan is perfect, everything is going according to plan, Liz and Isa have agreed to help me in exchange for a date, which is fair enough.


For now, I need to prepare the stage with Isa, who has agreed to help me with this part, the stage can be simple since Leo's simple popularity will do the rest.


Isa arrived with a huge smile and a beautiful outfit, I am very lucky to date such a beautiful girl.


"My love, are you sure you want to get involved with these girls"


"Honestly Isa, I don't know, but I hope I won't regret it later"


Even I am not sure if it is good to get involved with those girls, one collects underwear, one is a personal bodyguard and one is not to be trusted, maybe I am making a wrong decision, but only the future will tell.


"That idea to make money was crazy"


"I know"


"I'll support you only because I love you"


"I love you too"


Isa hugged me as soon as I finished my speech, this girl is very spoiled indeed, although that is also one of her qualities.


"I love you very much"


"Then we'll get into dating, let's focus on the service for now"


"You're very dull"


Isa said while showing her tongue.


We quickly set up the stage and went to the registration part.


Registration was $20, which I think is a fair price for the meeting.


Everything was going well until two figures arrived Milena and Daki, two girls that I almost dated.


"Hi Love, how long has it been?"


What do you mean they called me love?


"Who are you?"


Isa asked.


"Adriel's girlfriends, I see he got another one, but I don't care as long as he is happy"


I still don't understand, I know we had a relationship, but it didn't get to be something on that level.


"Don't you remember us?"


Milena started to cry.


I didn't want to do that, even more so because I didn't read between the lines, I was slower than Leo, I can't call him a dummy anymore.


A/N {can never, you're the one being lied to the most}


"OK, let's get everything organized"


I said trying to put things in place.


"Let's take it from the beginning, we hung out before until my dad gets a sudden promotion and has to move cities"


A/N{(° ͜ʖ ͡°)}


"Okay, so far I get it"


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"then I met Daki, who went through the same thing before me, at first I thought it was weird that you had two girlfriends, but over time we understood each other"


"Is that true Adriel?"


Isa asked.


"The relationship part, yes, when I asked her to date she disappeared"


"I see, that means you had two girlfriends without knowing it, does that put an end to our relationship?"


"No, it just increases the number of girlfriends for our stud"


Daki said.


Please don't call me that, it just makes me feel worse.


"Adriel, aren't you going to take us on?"


Milena said in a tearful tone.




If I didn't take over now, it would only make me look like a despicable human being, if I only had a girlfriend, I could use that as an excuse, but that's not the case.




The three girls embraced me in a sudden change of behavior.


Now that I have four girlfriends, I have to raise more money.


A/N {so he knows that these girls have money for them to live in luxury for centuries}



Elizabeth POV.


How did this happen? I was the only one, suddenly I'm one of four? Damn, what went wrong with my plan?


A/N{Your lack of action}


Fuck you, author, you who made me like this, now back to my thoughts, how can I get rid of them? I will think about that later, for now, I will greet the new members.


Luckily for me, the meeting room was not too far away, so as soon as I arrived I greeted them.


"Hi! Meat-eating Oni".


"That's in the past, I wouldn't do that unless it were to protect Adriel"


We'll see about that.


"Hi to you too, shrew and former little sister"




"I'll get right to the topic, if you guys brought in one more person not even and this turns into a huge harem, I swear I'll kill you"'


"Don't worry, that's not in our plans"


Daki replied.


"Now another topic, how will we steal the prize from those four and leave with Adriel?"


Raised Milena.


"I know a good plan"


Answered Isabella.


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