Yang’s Support

Chapter 4: Ch.4

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Switching roommates wasn't a hard decision for Weiss to make. Ruby was beginning to invite Blake over all the time and it was distracting. Instead of studying, the two would talk about the new book Blake was reading. Or read it together. Which meant, instead of being able to study for her own classes, Weiss had to watch and listen to the girls flirt with one another.

"What's wrong with them flirting?" Yang asked. She sat on her own bed, typing up her assignment. Occasionally looking over her screen to Weiss. 

Weiss, painting her nails on what used to be Blake's bed, continued with her point.

"Nothing on its own. But Blake was coming by and calling at all hours of the night! It's as if I wasn't even there. We had a test the next day? Blake comes over to give Ruby help. So while I'm studying for my engineering class, I'm hearing about US history."

Weiss was getting more agitated recounting the incidents, "I'm watching a movie? Ruby & Blake want to watch too. Which means I'm getting 20 questions from little miss 'wasn't paying attention'. I'm eating salad, and they just start making out! Like, right in front of me and my salad!"

"The salad has feelings now?" Yang joked.

"Not the point."

The laptop was set aside. Yang tucked her knee under her arm before giving a rebuttal.

"Weiss, I get it's frustrating that you don't have Ruby all to yourself anymore." Yang paused to allow Weiss time to groan and roll her eyes. "But that's just how couples are. You'll understand once you start dating."

"I've been on dates!" Weiss protested.

Yang smiled, "Really? What was their name?"

"...That's none of your damn business!" Weiss huffed, trying a little harder to focus on her nails. She even turned her face so Yang didn't see the slight red. 

"Chill out. I'm just messing with you." She leaned a little closer to her roommate. "Tell ya what. If you don't find a date for that upcoming Christmas party, I'll be your escort."

"I'm not gay!" Weiss snapped clenching her fist. 

A sharp and brief silence followed. Neither woman made eye contact. The only sound in the room was the ticking clock and rain outside the room. 

Yang's tone was noticeably calm given her friend's response.

"I didn't say you were."

Weiss looked up. Yang's expression was hard to read. She wasn't angry, but there was no joy either. A sense of concern was definitely detected.

Sheepishly, "Y-yes you did."

"I said, 'I'd be your escort'. Not your date."

"Escort, date. Same thing."

Yang took the two steps to the other bed, sitting next to Weiss. The girl didn't bother to look over. She didn't want to.

"Are you okay?" Yang asked, "You've been acting weird lately." 

Her hand fell next to Weiss. Not moving closer. Just there to let her friend know it was. 

"I'm fine."

"Really?" Yang pestered.

Sternly, "Yes." Weiss's anger was becoming more prominent. Realizing there was no point in escalating the topic of conversation, Yang made a separate observation.

"Is that why you're painting your knuckle?" 

A little white streak Weiss hadn't noticed before seemed to appear out of nowhere.


Yang took the polish away. 

"Thanks." Schnee begrudgingly said. 

Yang got up, patting Weiss' back, "I need to pick up some herbal tea, dinner and other stuff. Care to come with?" 

Weiss lay back on the bed making sure her wet nails didn't touch the sheets.

"No thanks. I think I'm going to stay here for a bit."

"I think you need some air." She replied. 

Yang's hand was held out, offering a quick journey to the supermarket. Weiss didn't reject her. Not instantly. She did take a moment to look at her friend's large fingers. Observing the creases and lines in her palm. Her gaze led up Yang's wrist to her toned arms. Like a deer in headlights, Weiss didn't realize that she was staring at Yang's features for an extended period of time until the confused blonde cleared her throat.

Weiss snapped out of her fixation.

"It's cold outside and I have expensive polish on my hand. I think I'll pass."

Yang, now slightly uncomfortable, "Suit yourself." She snagged her watch, phone, jacket, portable charger, and umbrella. On her way out of the dorm, Yang gave some advice. "Take care of yourself, do your homework and be in bed by 9."

"Go drink your hot leaf juice!" Weiss shouted as the door closed.


"Hot leaf juice?" Pyrrha repeated with a grin. 

Everyone has done this. Gone shopping just expecting to pick up some items. Then, unexpectedly running into a friend and proceeding to catch up.

"Yeah. Said the girl who drinks coffee. I should've called her a 'crushed bean sipper'."

Nikos asked, "So why didn't you?"

"Cause I only just now thought of it," Yang admitted. 

The two held hand baskets going down another aisle, continuing their conversation.

"So I guess Weiss is living with you now?" Pyrrha asked. 

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Yang stammered a little, knowing that not everyone was aware of the circumstances as to why that was. Her rushed explanation was as followed.

"Yeah. Ruby was getting on her nerves. So I offered Weiss to stay in my dorm."

Pyrrha immediately found a few problems with this story.

"Blake was okay with just switching roommates like that?"

"Uh...yeah." Yang needed some time to come up with some sort of lie. Every second that went by without an explanation only added fuel to Nikos's speculation. At this point, Pyrrha had a brow raised as Yang was trying not to sweat.

"It's kind of...personal." Long stated being stretched for time. "We're fine, but it's kind of something we...well,"

"Yang." Pyrrha alerted, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me." Her voice was a little more hushed with her next few sentences. They were both still in public after all. "Ruby told me about Blake moving in with her. I get the feeling you and Weiss know why that is." 

Yang sighed in relief bumping into the row of vitamin pills. 

"You okay there?"

Yang swept some strands of hair away from her forehead, "My sister's sex life is killing me."

"Sex life? Ha-Ha!" Pyrrha chuckled.

"Don't remind me."

"You're the one who said it," Pyrrha said, still snickering. "So...who all knows about it?"

"Me, Weiss, Ren & you," Yang answered.


Yang repeated Ruby's exact words, "It's not like he's gonna tell anyone."

"Funny, I told her the same thing."

The lightbulb in Xiao-Long's mind turned on. Ruby knew Yang wasn't going to out her little sister. So she was the first to know about her & Blake. Then at the pride bar, she was just some nameless girl in an intoxicated crowd barely anyone would recognize if they did see her again. Weiss had deduced their relationship before they said anything, and still kept it to herself. Ren was...well, Ren. Now here's Pyrrha Nikos, the poster woman of discipline and loyalty being told a personal secret. Yang couldn't be prouder of her sister.

"Hey Pyrrha." a voice called, "Did you want Gala apples or Fuji?" There stood Jaune Arc holding two bags of apples in both hands.

"Does he know?" Yang whispered.

"No," she answered.

"Good." Yang spoke to Jaune, "Hi Jaune!"

"Gala please."

Jaune put the bag in the basket, said, "Hi Yang," and then kissed his girlfriend on the cheek much to Yang's surprise.


"Sweetie!" Nikos blushed.

Jaune's cheeks matched hers, "W-what? Not in public?"

"Not in front of Yang," she specified.

Yang gave a toothy grin, "You two have fun. I got what I need. Later."

"Bye." The couple said.

As Yang began to walk away, her heartbeat was slowing down even though she hadn't noticed it ever going up. Was it during the talk about Ruby or seeing two of her friends kiss and being the third wheel for a few seconds?

"Oh," she thought, "This was what Weiss was talking about."


Yang was down the hall from her dorm. The sun was setting behind the rain clouds. She thought about a past boyfriend she walked in the rain with and thought of Jaune & Pyrrha's possible romantic trip home. They were obviously still in the early stages of a romantic relationship and could use some environmental help to move things along. She then pondered how the two hooked up. Knowing Jaune, he tried to flirt with the 'cute redhead' only for her to just ask him out.

Then came her sister & Blake. No matter how old she got, Ruby was always going to be that dork splashing in puddles in Yang's eyes. Mainly because Yang saw Ruby hopping on puddles the day before while singing 'Singing in the rain'. Blake also watched with her phone in hand and turned sideways. For some reason, thinking about seeing Blake's smile as her girlfriend played like a toddler gave Yang a happy revelation.

"Ruby trusts Blake. So can I."

Yang's keys weren't even in the hole when she heard a sexual whimper from behind the door.

"Huh?" she pondered putting her ear to the said door. The whimper wasn't as loud as the previous one. It was definitely somewhat sensual and a quick inhale was barely audible. What was more than clear, was the name coming out of Weiss' mouth.

"B-Blake! Blake! *heavy breathing* More."

A scolding fire was lit inside Long. She almost ripped the door off the hinges pushing her way in. The knob slammed into the wall making a hole with a loud pop. 

Weiss sat up, covers over her lower body as well as the hand she hadn't put her fingernail polish on yet. More importantly, she was alone. There was no Blake to be found. Not even on the phone which was screen down on the dresser.

The women locked eyes. Weiss' face was redder than the Fuji apples in Yang's bag. Both had absolutely nothing to say and were just frozen. Schnee didn't even have a coherent response to the situation. Just a series of embarrassed blubbering noises.

"...Soooo..." Yang attempted.

Weiss had three words for her roommate. She snarled with the intensity of a death threat without the intent of one.


Yang tried to hide her laughter knowing exactly what to say. Using the food she got for dinner as a prop, Yang asked a very simple question.

"You like fish?"


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