Yang’s Support

Chapter 8: Ch.8

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Yang asked Pyrrha a pretty important question. It was the New Year and she was going to need help with a certain something. When the clock was well past midnight and it was time to go home, she was going to need some assistance. Pyrrha Nikos had been given the great task, nay, the privilege of being Xiao-Long's designated driver. 

Imagine Pyrrha's surprise upon seeing Yang down an entire bottle of rum in one go before asking 'where's the sake?'

The night went on with some dancing and Pyrrha having to draw an 'x' on her hand to remind the bartender not to serve her. Jaune sat at the bar not wanting to be a 'wallflower' like he usually was. Baby steps seemed to work best for the man. Yang was looking to drink at least five different types of alcohol before the final countdown. Nora Valkyrie, who managed to get into a 21 and over club despite being 20, was singing 'Final Countdown' with strangers who also couldn't hold a note. Lie Ren, sipping a beer, stayed close behind Nora making sure none of the guys tried anything.

"Didn't know you liked beer," Yang said, slapping his back harder than intended.

"I know my limits with American stuff. Not willing to test tequila." Ren answered. "How're you?"

Yang was swaying back and forth. The bottle of whiskey she had was half empty. Her eyes were glazed and her cheeks were red with her hair somehow still perfect. 

She tried to analyze Ren's face. Only able to make out his long black hair and magenta eyes, she squinted a little harder. The boy was clean-shaven and taller by an inch. Also, there seemed to be a single pink highlight in his hair. Most likely a suggestion from Nora. The redhead in a mini skirt currently butchering song lyrics. And that's all Yang could make of the sophomore.

She was, to be blunt, wasted. 

"I need more Irish!" Long shouted! Ren sipped from his solo cup watching Yang shake her hips while chanting, "Irish! Irish! Irish!"

Jaune Arc did turn around to see what his friend was shouting about. Although he already had a good guess. He got a good look at Yang's hips rocking and went right back to his Patron. His nice Patron that wasn't making him a little horny. Why would it do that? It wasn't like Jaune was a lightweight or anything. He wasn't one cup in and already thinking about Yang's but, was he? Nope. He was two cups in and trying to remember that Pyrrha was his girlfriend.

Speaking of, "Hey honey."

"Hey!" He replied a little alarmed. Arc's next action was to fake a 'cool guy' approach, "Sup girl." 

Pyrrha didn't even try to hold her laugh in. 


"You're drunk already?"

A little ashamed, "I don't drink a lot. It's not worth the headaches and," his line of sight led to Pyrrha's chest. He put his hand up blocking himself from the view. Hopefully, she didn't notice. "And uh...other stuff."

"I don't mind you looking at me." She noticed, "Just don't touch when I tell you. Okay?"

With his hand still up, "Okay." He only put it down after Pyrrha kissed his knuckle. "Not helping."

Yang suddenly leaning against Jaune's back didn't help. The bartender happened to be parallel to where her blonde friend was. In her intoxicated state, Yang thought using Arc as a platform would get his attention.

"Pyrrha help!" Jaune called. Yang's body sandwiched him against the bar. Meanwhile, Yang had never stopped chanting what she wanted.

"Irish! Irish! Irish!"

Pyrrha pulled Yang off with a little help from Ren.

"No!" Long protested. She knew full well what Pyrrha was about to say to her.

"No more drinks! You're cut off!"


The club stopped all actions. Yang wasn't the cause of it, however. Instead, it was the reason they were out to begin with.

"10! 9! 8! 7!"

"Crap." Pyrrha traded Yang's arm for Jaune's. "New year kiss on 1!" 

Jaune didn't even hear her, "What?"

Everyone in the building, including Nora who was pumping her arms up and down while standing on a table, were past the five-second mark.

"4! 3! 2!"

"Kiss me!" Nikos shouted. On the dot, Jaune dipped her into a kiss as everyone cheered for the New Year. 

They both knew the applause wasn't for them. But it sure did feel like it. The fireworks outside matched their emotions. When Jaune broke the kiss and pulled Pyrrha back to her feet, she went right back to kissing him.

Normally, Yang would be happy to see her friends in such a happy situation. But she was drunk and only wanted her final drink.

She slammed her hand on the table and demanded, "Whiskey please." Pyrrha somehow didn't notice. Granted, a drunk Jaune had her preoccupied. So Ren took her place as the voice of reason.

"Yang." He said tapping her shoulder.

"Yeah?" she said as the bartender walked away. He had no intention of giving the top-heavy blond any more of his products. Ren, being the master of conversation that he was, told Yang four words.

"You're drunk. Go home."

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Yang looked him right in the eye, sort of, and retorted with a profound question.

"...Why're you suddenly so sexy?"

"Nora!" Ren called, "Are you sober?" 

Nora was doing a dance that was probably popular in the '90s as others joined in.

"Yes!" she answered, still dancing on the table.

"You're driving me & Yang back to her dorm."

Not even questioning it, "K!"

- Later -

Weiss opened her dorm door hearing the familiar voices outside. She was presented with a drunk Yang being held up by a buzzed Ren with a hyperactive Nora holding Ren's free hand.

"Jesus Christ, Yang," Weiss groaned.

"Hey there sexy!" she let out. 

Weiss face palmed, pretending to be insulted when in fact she was just hiding her blush.

"She's been calling Ren hot the entire trip over here," Nora informed. 

Yang was the only one who knew about Weiss' sexuality questioning. Thankfully, she managed to keep her mouth shut even after shouting all her statements.

"Your boyfriend's sexy Nora!" Yang rested her head on his shoulder. "He smells nice too."

Weiss panicked, "Okay! I'll just take her off your hands. Thanks for driving my roommate home!" Yang let all of her weight fall onto Weiss upon switching persons. "God, you're heavy."

"Top-Heavy! Ha-ha-Ha!"

Ren, having heard her puns the entire drive there, couldn't leave fast enough.

"Good night Weiss." He said before casually walking away. Nora followed him waving to Weiss as she did.

"Happy New Year!" 

The door slammed shut with Weiss struggling to carry Yang to her bed. It was only a few feet but the size difference between the women made it a miserable few feet for Schnee.

"Happy New Year!" Yang called back.

"You're drunk, Yang. Go to bed." Weiss whined.

"Make me!" she shouted. One second later, Yang was being dropped onto her full-sized mattress. "This is a nice bed." 

Just when Weiss thought that was the end of it, Yang's hand grabbed hers. Well, she went for her hand but wound up tugging Weiss's pajama bottoms. 

"That's my leg, genius."

"You're a cute girl."

"I know that." Weiss plucked the woman's prosthetic off her clothes. "Now go to bed. I don't deal with people when they're drunk."

"How's about a kiss then?" Yang asked.

"You. Are. Drunk!" Weiss laid on her bed with her back to Yang. "Now go to sleep!" Two claps from the sophomore turned the lights out.

Disappointed, "No kiss?"

"Yang!" Weiss almost shouted before calming herself. A sharp inhale later, she responded. "I'll think about it in the morning when you're sober. For now...I'd be taking advantage of you."

Weiss was preparing herself for some reply. Some kind of pun or flirtatious joke from the junior. Maybe Yang would leave it alone. Maybe she'd keep trying. Either way, Weiss was ready for Yang's next drunken decree. What she got was snoring.

Turning over, Yang's arm hung off the bed with her body laying over the covers. It took about thirty seconds for Weiss to get Yang's muscular body under the sheets. She placed a trash can by the bed in case Yang couldn't keep the alcohol down. This bright smile plastered on her face got Weiss to roll her eyes and grin. Yang was out cold after exerting so much energy just a minute ago. It was almost admirable. A word Weiss could definitely use to describe her.

Her body hit her bed. This sudden revelation Weiss had was something she thought would come after a physical act. Instead, it came from seeing an attractive woman sleeping peacefully.

Looking at the ceiling she thought, "Huh. I'm a lesbian for Yang. Is that how it's phrased?"


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