YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 174: Chapter 173: Dungeon Dive

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Embedded deep into the dungeon walls, blue crystals glowed both bright and dim, like a wave of fireflies in the deep of the night under the forest canopies. As the drops of water popped and splashed from the stalactites, the atmosphere only grew more mystical and mysterious.

Four figures stood mesmerized by such a sight, their eyes lingering around the place with certain looks in their eyes. Two looked at the place with amazement, a feeling of novelty in their hearts, while the other two with reminiscent eyes.

"Strange... I thought dungeons were always full of monsters..." [Julius]

Commented Julius as he leaned his head some more, squinting his eyes at the same time. But no matter how hard he tried to look, there wasn't a single monster to be seen, not even a speck of a shadow.

"That's just a misconception. Monsters only spawn when there are people present. Since we're still at the entrance, it's only natural there isn't any." [Grey]

"Really? I always thought they were just there from the very beginning." [Julius]

"Well, that's because there are always people challenging it. It's the reason not many people know of it." [Grey]

Such a discussion occurred as Julius asked more questions. Amelia also followed suit later on and also asked things she was curious about. Their natural curiosity only proves how eager they were to learn about dungeons.

Well, while Grey was answering their questions, he was also utilizing "Multitask" to create a plan to use for the benefit of the two. After all, they weren't just there to explore and admire the scenery. There was a reason why Grey said they hit the jackpot from before.

It wasn't just the monster drops nor the treasure which can be obtained in the dungeon. There was also experience which is extremely valuable for Julius and Amelia's case. An experience which could prepare them for the Labyrinth ahead.

They may only be able to train for a few days at most, but those days are enough for the two to experience the dangers of dungeons and Labyrinths. It was the perfect training ground for the two to gain some precious experience.

"Alright, you two, I have a plan in mind. Would you care listening?" [Grey]

There was no time to waste. Grey quickly explained his plans to Yuna, Julius, and Amelia. There was much information to digest, but thankfully, the three before him were amongst the best of their peers. They were able to process things easily.

First, the dungeon in front of them was a C-rank dungeon which contains 6 floors, expanding in space the lower one went and monsters also getting stronger in each floor just like how dungeons usually work.

There also weren't any attribute boosts like those in Labyrinths so there weren't many dangers. If there was anything to note, it would be that the most common monsters would be Aquaeoses, humanoid water elementals whose weakness are the cores located in their "heads".

And following such a flow, the boss is a "High-Tide Aquaeos"m a B-rank monster which resembles a golem, only that it is made of water. They could also expect the boss room to be fully submerged in water. It was something to be wary about.

Some people also underestimate aquaeoses because they think it is easy to destroy the core, but such isn't really the case. Since they could move their cores throughout their bodies, it is much trickier. Not to mention the fact that it is also very tough. It is the reason many people lose their lives to them.

"That's very worrying... It seems we will need to move with utmost caution at all times, Your Highness." [Amelia]

"I think so too, but... How do you know all of this Grey?" [Julius]

Both Amelia and Julius' eyes were on Grey as such a question was asked. After all, people usually dive deep before they know the rank of the dungeon, not to mention the boss. It was only strange Grey knew of it all, and so detailed as well.

"Well, nothing too hard, really.... There's a couple signs you could take note off to determine these things, you see. You just learn from experience." [Grey]

Not once, not twice, but thrice. Grey lied three times in a row without even batting an eye, his conscience undisturbed. He was lying so naturally that even he was scared of himself. It didn't even take him a second to make excuses.

"Really? This is the first I've heard of that..." [Julius]

"Well, we do learn new things everyday. Just think of it that way." [Grey]

"Well, I guess that's one way to put it..." [Julius]

Impressed, Grey totally was. He was super impressed of his ability to bullsh*t his way through things. He hasn't even thought too much of those excuses and he easily managed to fool the two. It was quite amazing in ways more than one.

"Anyway, what do you think about my proposal? You can back out if you want and I'll just quickly clear the dungeon with Yuna. Or you can accept and experience hell for a few days." [Grey]

Both Amelia and Julius were silent at Grey's words. They were both in deep thought as they weighed the pros and cons on dungeon diving. It didn't take long before they decided, their answers affirmed by each other with a simple nod.

"Alright, we'll do it. It's not like we have something better to do anyways." [Julius]

"I'm also in agreement with His Highness' decision. We'll be under your care once again, Grey, Yuna." [Amelia]

"Un! You've made the right choice!" [Yuna]

It was just like Grey and Yuna had expected. Neither Amelia nor Julius backed down from the challenge. They may be children of high nobility and royalty, but they are also adventurers. There was no way they would pass up on such a challenge.

With everything settled, everyone then prepared themselves for the battle ahead of them. Amelia prepared her trusty whip whilst Julius also grabbed his spear from his storage ring. As for Grey and Yuna, there was no need to worry as their Armament Rings were also with them.

"By the way, Grey, Yuna, since we're doing this.... It's only fair that we ask for a reward, right?" [Julius]

Said Julius as he tucked his boots and checked for any discomfort. It was a question only someone as boisterous and vocal as Julius would ask of, but it wasn't in any way unreasonable. After all, it could serve as motivation for their dive.

"Hmm, I don't mind... What about you, Yuna? What do you think?" [Grey]

"As long as it isn't anything unreasonable. I'm also fine with it." [Yuna]

"Don't worry, it isn't much... I'd just like a feast once we're finished. A lot of desserts would also be nice." [Julius]

It was a very Julius-like answer. Rather than something more beneficial like a favor or something of the sort, he only wished for some sweets to enjoy with Amelia. It wasn't a request too hard to do. Grey and Yuna were planning on doing so even without him asking anyway.

If there was a problem, it would be what kind of dishes and desserts they would prepare. There were too many to choose from. Well, the celebration would still be a few days away, there wasn't any need to stress too much about it.

"Haah... Alright. We'll cook you up a feast." [Grey]

"Alright! Now we're talking!" [Julius]

Julius' spirit was through the roof as such a declaration echoed in the dungeon. And even though Amelia didn't request a thing from them, she was already satisfied. They both looked forward to the feast they'll be receiving afterwards.

Everything well and ready, everyone then finally took their first step inside the dungeon. As soon as they did, mana swirled throughout the place and gathered in little spots, taking the shape of monsters in the entrance.

Two manners of beings manifested out of thin air. One were large blobs of mana which bounced ever so slowly, while the other were green-skinned monsters who held primitive wooden clubs at their disposal. They were slimes and goblins, the weakest of the weak amongst monsters.

"They really do spawn out of thin air, huh..." [Julius]

"Your Highness, this is no time for such comments." [Amelia]

"Yeah, you're right. Let's finish this quickly!" [Julius]

"Understood!" [Amelia]

Clouds of dust were left in Julius and Amelia's wake as they both charged at the enemies at the same time. As for Grey and Yuna, they didn't move an inch and just continued observing as per their agreement. They would only be making their moves when necessary.

"Haap!" [Julius]

"Hyaa!" [Amelia]

Lashes and slashes rained down upon the slimes and goblins as the two passed through them like raging winds. There was no need to use magic, just the immense gap in their physical strength was enough to incapacitate them with a single strike.

As Amelia's whip lashed towards the front, all slimes present quickly burst to pieces until there were only essences left behind. The goblins which suffered the brunt of the same attack were also sent flying, their bodies broken as their screams filled the air.

Opposite to Amelia's enemies, Julius' opponents didn't make a single sound. Before they could, their heads were already sent flying as Julius' spear connected to their necks, spilling their blood all over the battlefield. Not a single one was spared.

The defeated bodies soon turned back to mana with passing of time until such that there weren't any more monsters to be seen. It was a perfect clear, Julius and Amelia not even breaking a single sweat.

"That's the 1st area cleared, Your Highness." [Amelia]

"Yeah, let's continue." [Julius]

But they didn't simply just stop there. As soon as all enemies were defeated, they then headed straight to the next area, heading further into the 1st floor where more monsters awaited the two of them.

Of course, the drops weren't just left behind either. No matter how small of a value they have, when they accumulate, they'd still be worth a lot. Of course, since their goal was training, it was the right decision for Julius and Amelia to leave them behind.

It was also right to leave immediately. After all, if they just dilly-dallied and rested there, monsters would start spawning again and they would start another cycle of fighting again. They may be inexperienced but at least they possessed the basic knowledge of challenging a dungeon.

The massacre continued as Julius and Amelia traversed the 1st floor, noting of the paths they have entered and exited, all the while having their hands full fighting the slimes and goblins which charged fearlessly towards them.

"Tsk. It's another dead end." [Julius]

"Your Highness, let's make haste to the other path before the monsters start spawning once again." [Amelia]

"Alright, let's do just that." [Julius]

Well, fighting monsters wasn't the only aspect Julius and Amelia had to learn, there was also the navigation of dungeons, the honing of decision making and multitasking skills. Well, there was also improving their teamwork, but such was secondary since they could learn it anywhere else.

Grey and Yuna continued to follow the two for the next hour and it was only after then that they finally found the stairs leading down the 2nd floor. It was fortunate that they found the stairs, but there was just one slight problem...

Blub Blub Blub Blub

In front of the stairs, a large number of Lesser Aquaeoses standing guard. They may not have eyes, but everyone was certain that their attention was all focused to them, the intruders who suddenly appeared in front of them.

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Splash Splash Splash

Hundreds of splashes echoed one after another as the enemies quickly charged towards Julius and Amelia, their feet spilling water all over the place, turning the ground muddy with the passing of time.

⟨⟨Lightning Cascade!⟩⟩ [Julius]

Unfortunately for the enemies, Julius possessed the lightning attribute. With just a single spell from him, all of them were electrocuted, their cores showing signs of cracking, unable to handle the power of an Intermediate-level spell.

The sound of shattering glasses soon echoed as the cores of the lesser aquaeoses broke one after another, their bodies bursting with them soon after. In just a matter of seconds, Julius cleared out dozens of enemies without much effort.

"Alright, the stairs are open. Let's head to the second floor." [Julius]

The journey continued and everyone soon descended a floor with Julius on the lead. Just like the Labyrinths, the stairs were a safe area, no monster spawning and the perfect place to rest. But the group didn't do so. They still have energy to spare.

Whooosh Gurrikkkk Buhiiikkkk

Three varieties of sounds echoed in the Labyrinth the very moment everyone stepped foot on the second floor. There were fire wisps, hobgoblins, and orcs awaiting for them. It was a very warm welcome.

"Hmm... This is a lot tougher than the 1st floor..." [Julius]

"Fufufu, then does that mean you'll be giving up?" [Yuna]

"Nah, no way. After all, no matter how many they are, they're still G-ranks! Are you ready, Amelia?" [Julius]

"I only await your command, Your Highness." [Amelia]

Excitement only burning fiercer in their hearts, Julius and Amelia brute forced their way through the horde of enemies. They have become a lot stronger, but all it took were just a couple of strikes to finish them all off.

Such simplicity continued throughout the whole 2nd floor. Julius and Amelia now have to use spells constantly, but that was the only change. It took twice as much time to find the stairs leading to the 3rd floor.

There, everyone rested themselves for several minutes before heading towards the third floor. Julius and Amelia in particular were discussing their experiences on the previous two floors and took a peek at the third floor's monsters to devise a plan ahead of time. It was a good decision.

⟨⟨Lightning Cascade!⟩⟩ [Julius]

⟨⟨Explosion!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

Lightning boomed and fire crackled all over the place as Julius and Amelia rained down a barrage of spells towards the enemies. Be it ogres, pixies, aquaeoses, or lesser minotaurs, all of them were burnt to a crisp in the end.

Of course, both Julius' spear and Amelia's whip were also brandished constantly. Whenever the monsters survived the spells fired at the beginning, their weapons would do the work and greet them "warmly". Slicing, piercing, and lashing them without mercy.

If there was something to be worried about, it was that the dungeon became wetter and wetter the deeper they went. It was a problem for Julius and Amelia's lightning and fire attributes. Especially when they were running out of mana as well.

The walk continued and dozens of monsters were slaughtered by the hands of Julius and Amelia. As luck would have it, they got lucky and managed to find the floors to the 4th floor in just a little under three hours.

Blub Blub Blub Blub

But it doesn't mean they are going straight to the next floor. Just like the previous floors, there is a horde of monsters guarding the stairs. They were mostly aquaeoses with a single siren in the mix. Their luck has run out.

Although the Siren was an F-rank monster just like the others, it has a special ability called "Death's Symphony", an ability which makes people sluggish and relaxed, a mindset unfit for battle. Thankfully, Julius and Amelia were still far away from the monsters' attack range.

"Your Highness, I... I don't think I can continue anymore. My mana pool is also running low." [Amelia]

Another problem has arisen. Since Amelia has the flame attribute, she poured much more mana to eliminate the enemies. Julius was also running low, but Amelia's mana pool was almost dry. It was a desperate situation.

"Grey, Yuna, do you have an elixir we can borrow?" [Julius]

"Hmm, we do." [Grey]

"Great, then I'llー" [Julius]

"But we won't be giving you any." [Grey]

"What?!" [Julius]

The hope Julius felt was quickly crushed by Grey's follow up. He then looked towards Yuna's direction but the latter also had the same expression. Neither of the two wanted to give them any elixirs to recover mana.

"Hey, don't be stingy!" [Julius]

"Look here, Julius. The moment you agreed to the offer, the test had started. You should have asked us before you went dungeon diving." [Grey]

"Fufufu. There isn't a potion shop inside dungeonsー Ah! But I think we could go back up to the entrance and do trade. That's what adventurers do, after all." [Yuna]

"Oh, that's a great idea, Yuna! That would make the simulation much more realistic. Should we do that then?" [Grey]

"You two..." [Julius]

Julius could only heave a sigh sigh at the couple in front of him. While he could understand where they're coming from, he was annoyed that every single aspect since their agreement was a part of the test. They really were demonic teachers.

Still, he couldn't take his attention off their current situation. Their fatigue, mana, enemies, time limits before other enemies start spawning, he considered all aspects as he thought of a plan. But no matter how hard he tried, only one solution came up.

"Amelia, I'm sorry for this." [Julius]

"What are you talking about, Yourー Kyaa?!" [Amelia]

Anelia couldn't even finish her words when Julius suddenly placed his hands on the back of her knee and back, carrying her princess carry style. It was so sudden that Amelia couldn't help but blush all the while remaining confused.

"Hold on tight, Amelia. We'll be dashing our way through." [Julius]

"E-Eh? Your Highness?" [Amelia]

"Just trust me this once, alright?" [Julius]

Amelia didn't ask anymore after that. She just decided to just hold Julius by the neck with her delicate-looking hands, her face burning red and her heart pounding mad. All the while concerned whether she was too heavy for Julius. She was still a maiden in love, after all.

Amelia in his arms, Julius circulated all of what remains of his mana throughout his body, exploding them skillfully when they arrived at his lower body. And ij a quick burst, he quickly darted through the halls, leaving clouds of dust and lightning sparks in his wake.

Like a wild stallion galloping through an open meadow, Julius bolted his way through the enemies. Some tried to attack him, but before they could hit, Julius was gone before their attack connected. Not even the Siren was able to start her song.

By the time all of the enemies noticed, the two were already at the entrance of the stairs. Julius' plan worked successfully, only that he had finally ran out of energy, his legs immediately giving out as soon as they were safe.

"Haah... That was scary..." [Julius]

"Yeah. It really was. Things would have gotten ugly if your mana was even a tab bit lower. Thankfully, you two made it." [Grey]

"That's true, we gotー Ahh! When did you get here?!" [Julius]

"Huh? We ran with you, you know?" [Grey]

It wasn't only Grey, Yuna was also there beside him. Julius was too focused on running towards the stairs, he didn't even notice those two running with them. Not breaking a single swear, no less. They really were monsters.

Well, the two were S-rankers. They were beings who could swiftly destroy mountains in a single strike. There was no need to compare himself to such people. Such was what Julius thought to comfort himself.

"Haah... So, how did we do? Must be pretty pathetic considering we ran away from the enemies, right?" [Julius]

"Hm? What do you mean? I think you made the right decision. I'd also run away if I was in your place." [Yuna]

"Wait, really?" [Julius]

"Yeah. In that situation, it's either you escape or just dash your way through. It's only stupid to engage in needless battles when you're tired... Julius, just what do you think dungeon diving is all about?" [Grey]

"Uhh... Defeating all monsters and getting to the deepest floor?" [Julius]

Grey and Yuna were frozen at Julius' answer. While he wasn't technically wrong, his concept was a little off. It wasn't just about fighting and making achievements. There were also a lot of things to consider such as mapping, gaining experience, collecting, making decisions and a lot more.

People do them subconsciously so they don't think too much of them, but they are also just as important. Well, Grey and Yuna wouldn't be telling him right away. It's for him to figure out by himself.

"Well, let's leave it at that for now. And Julius... you might want to let go of your fiancée for a moment. I think she's already had enough." [Grey]

"Fufufu, that's right. Amelia's so red already!" [Yuna]

It was only then that Julius realized his hands were still holding Amelia ever so tightly. Her face blushing profusely was the very reason she has been quiet all this time. Her mind was already overheating from too much stimulation, prompting Julius to turn red soon after.

Amelia's face as red as one can be and teasing smiles plastered on Grey and Yuna's faces, the night proceeded just as usual. There was dinner, bathing, a nice long friendly chat, and of course, a well-deserved sleep for everyone, readying themselves for the tomorrow soon to come.


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