YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 175: Chapter 174: Record Clear!

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Rumble Rumble Rumble

The ground quaked and danced with the rising of the morning sun. But there was no chirping of birds nor rustling of streams to be heard, only the clanging of metals and lashing of whips and vines as fights ensued across the dungeon.

It was only a little over 7 o'clock in the morning, but Julius and Amelia were already in a tight spot, their bodies sweating as they tread between life and death, narrowly dodging the enemies' attacks and their stamina being leeched off at a constant rate.

Meanwhile, as the two of them struggled, the other two characters only sat nearby, drinking hot chocolate milk on their own whilst also eating some sweet, fragrant cookies, undisturbed by the scene of their friends struggling desperately.

"Here, Yuna, ahh~!" [Grey]

"Ahh~!" [Yuna]

Now that Julius and Amelia were focused on the opponents in front of them, the two were now flirting out in the open. Well, they were still restraining themselves, but their actions are enough to warrant the jealousy of many, especially those who are single.

Golems, treants, and high orcs. Such were the enemies Julius and Amelia faced. They couldn't even stand around and rest even if they wanted to, otherwise, their movements would be restrained by the treants' roots.

It was fortunate that even if they were of the same rank, they are about two or three times stronger. It would have been a problem since the enemies outnumbered them five folds. They were also annoying since they didn't give them time to separate the enemies and destroy them one by one.

"Tsk! If that's what you want, then so be it!" [Julius]

Infuriated, Julius gave up on separating the enemies. Instead, he gathered them all in one spot. Every time one of them loses interest in him, he would quickly wound them to regain their attention. It was a simple yet effective strategy.

As for Amelia, she only remained still, or rather, she was preparing to cast a strong spell. Julius hasn't instructed her of anything, she just knew after performing dozens of quests together with him in the past few months.

"Amelia, now!" [Julius]

The preparations were complete. All the monsters have been gathered into a single side of the room. Julius quickly took a step back, utilizing his great physical strength to create a large distance in just a matter of seconds.

⟨⟨Burst Flare!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

At Amelia's call, flames roared and soared towards the enemies, devouring what was served in front of it like a starving lion. The heat was enough to turn wood into cinders in just a moment's notice, not leaving behind a breathing soul.

The lesser golems may not have been affected too much, but the same couldn't be said for the others. The high orcs received large burns, their screams bursting echoing all over the halls, while the treants were completely turned to charcoal. With it, the tides of the battle had shifted.

With the enemies still puzzled by the attack, Julius didn't let the opportunity slip by and rushed back towards them the very moment the flames died down. He then gripped her spear with all his might, charging towards the lesser golems.

⟨⟨Howling Cleaver!⟩⟩ [Julius]

Julius stopped on his tracks, planting his foot to the ground aggressively, and in a single breath, he brandished his spear sideways, a burst of wind running wildly as soon as the attack finished, a howl echoing soon after.

Thud Thud Thud

Soon after, a couple loud thuds echoed in the air as the lesser golems' bodies fell to the dungeon ground. They were all cut perfectly, not a single flaw to be seen. The moment their bodies fell, they were already lifeless.

⟨⟨Lashing Gale!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

But the attack didn't stop there. As soon as the lesser golems fell, Amelia leaped towards the air. A torrent of lashes came rushing towards the enemies, leaving large, gashing wounds in their bodies and breaking their bones and limbs at the same time.

In just a few seconds, most of the enemies were already defeated and what was left were all injured and incapacitated. Well, even with that, their eyes were still burning with passion, passion to destroy Amelia and Julius that is.

Buhiikkkk Buhiikkkk Buhiikkkk

Along with their spirits, the high orcs raised their maces to the air as they charged towards Amelia who just landed to the ground. But even with their riot, there wasn't a single change in Amelia's expression. She only looked at them with empty eyes.

"You're too noisy. ⟨⟨Lightning Cascade⟩⟩!" [Julius]

But they couldn't even touch a single hair on her. Before they came to Amelia's range, a net of lightning strikes ricocheted around the dungeon, zapping all of the high orcs that remained. After a couple seconds, all that could be seen were black, burnt bodies which fell with a thud.

Light illuminated the dungeons as the monster remains vanished into thin air. All that were left behind were a number of drop items and mana crystals which are already in the hundred-kiel range. Things were starting to get valuable.

"Hmm... Such a shame... There aren't any orkish maces. Those could go for 15 thousand kiels each." [Grey]

"That's right. We could buy hundreds of meat skewers with it..." [Yuna]

The two have finished their battle flawlessly, but there wasn't a single praise to be heard. They were only thinking about food and random things, their minds totally not in line with what Julius and Amelia were thinking.

"Grey, we're done here. You can collect the drops now." [Julius]

"Alright, be there in a minute!" [Grey]

It was only when Julius called out to him that Grey actually started to work. At the same time, Amelia headed to where Grey was and took his place. She was now chatting happily with Yuna, resting her body at the same time.

As for Julius, he remained at where he was and observed at the dungeon's recovery function. No matter how many times he's seen it, it really was fascinating that walls were able to repair themselves after sustaining damage. Not only that, the repairs were perfect as well, looking the same as before.

After which, he then looked at Grey, who was currently humming as he collected the monster drops, with a certain curious look in his eyes. It was a question which has been weighing down on his mind since the day before. One he just found odd.

"Grey, can I ask something?" [Julius]

"Sure, go ahead." [Grey]

"So, yesterday, you were refusing to give us potions and elixirs, right?" [Julius]

"Yeah? What about it?" [Grey]

"Nothing really. I just found it odd that you're helping us collect the drops despite refusing to help in other ways. Why is that?" [Julius]

Grey's hands stopped as soon as he heard Julius' question. He then straightened his back and cupped his chin with his right hand, his brain put to work as he also thought about Julius' question. Not very seriously, of course.

While it was true that he wanted to maximize the efficiency of the two's training experience by not bothering with collecting the drops, it was also because he just didn't want to waste things which could be made into money or materials they could use for their hobbies.

Of course, the total might not matter much to Julius and Amelia, having been born into the most powerful families in the kingdom. But that doesn't mean he could afford to waste things as they are. There really aren't many complicated reasons behind it.

"Hmm... Just because, I guess..." [Grey]

"Hah...?" [Julius]

Julius was baffled, dumbfounded even as his mouth hung open in agape. He was expecting something more complex and sophisticated which goes along Grey and Yuna's training style. Never did he expect it was just because of a simple whim.

After that, Julius didn't ask anymore questions. He just simply closed his mouth and started helping out Grey in collecting the monster drops. Meanwhile, contrary to their silent atmosphere, the girls were chatting happily. Such a scene played for several minutes to come.

Time passed some more and it didn't take too long before Grey and Julius wrapped up with collecting the drops. And just in time, the mana inside the dungeon has started to swirl and gather aggressively once again.

"Oh, it seems like your enemies are spawning again... I'm going back to where Yuna is. Good luck." [Grey]

"Yeah, yeah, sure." [Julius]

Casual as ever, Grey returned to the resting area. At the same time, Amelia was also called over by Julius. They haven't had enough rest for them to recover completely, but it was enough to go another round. The cycle has started once again.

Morning, noon, afternoon, all the way until evening, all Julius and Amelia did was fight and rest in a never-ending cycle. The only times they had a break was when they had meals during lunch and dinner, tasting better and better the more work they poured into their training.

Another day passed and such a cycle repeated once again. After resting a little while after breakfast, it was time to fight again. One day, two days, three days, the cycle continued for a few days, savoring all the time they had.

Of course, with each passing day, Julius and Amelia's skills were polished further and further. It was a tough schedule, but they managed to pull through every time. As for the injuries they received, there were only minor scratches. Grey and Yuna didn't even have to interfere even once.

And it went without saying that they accumulated a lot of materials and mana crystals. Even with the smaller drop rates in dungeons and Labyrinths, they still managed to gather a lot, enough to get a few dozen thousand kiels.

⟨⟨Silver Pythons!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

With a lash of Amelia's whip, the ground started to rumble and the dungeon walls growled. Binds of mana soon burst forth from the ground piercing the enemies and restraining their movements. They coiled around their bodies as if they were real snakes, constricting tighter and tighter.

Being of the Python class which specializes in restricting enemies, it was easy for Amelia to put the enemies in place. The binds may not last long with how powerful and many enemies there are, it was more than enough for Julius to make his strike.

⟨⟨Crimson Thunders!⟩⟩ [Julius]

A single thrust, but more than a dozen spears burst forth from Julius' strike. All enemies in front of him were pierced mercilessly, leaving large, gaping holes in their bodies and spilling crimson blood all over the ground. An art worthy of its name.

The only ones who survived were the lesser golems whose bodies were tougher than the others. Well, even if they survived, their bodies were now full of holes, some of their joints destroyed and their cores cracked.

⟨⟨Crimson Thunders!⟩⟩ [Julius]

And with another strike, the golems were finally struck down, their bodies turning to mere rubble. Cloud of dust filled the air as the debris fell one after another. The only ones left were two people whose faces were trickling with sweat.

"Huff... Huff... What batch does that.. Huff... make it today?" [Julius]

"I... Huff... Huff... I believe that is the... Huff... Fifth batch... Huff... Your Highness..." [Amelia]

Lunch is soon to come, and after fighting all morning, Julius and Amelia's legs finally gave out. The exhaustion and fatigue they accumulated finally hit them, their breaths completely rugged. If it wasn't dangerous, they would have laid down on the ground already and had their rest.

Clap Clap Clap

A series of applause echoed from the back as two figures approached them without much care in the world, two of the few people who could afford to be carefree in such a dangerous dungeon. It was Grey and Yuna who just finished cooking lunch.

"You did it, Julius, Amelia! I'm so proud of you!" [Yuna]

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"Good job, you two. Now, why don't you both stand up and we'll be having our lunch shortly." [Grey]

They really were carefree. Grey was still wearing his apron while Yuna was holding a spatula in her hand as they approached the two. It really was a unique sight. After all, there aren't many people crazy enough to cook so carefreely in a dungeon.

In the first place, people only bring jerky, bread, fruits, and long-lasting foods in the dungeons. Cooking is totally out of the window for common sense. Most adventurers would surely be shocked once they learn of how luxurious Grey and Yuna's meals are, a fortune only Julius and Amelia knew of.

"That's a little harsh, Grey. My legs are still trembling, you know? How about you lend me a hand? That would be greatly appreciated." [Julius]

"Haah... You really are hopeless... Are you sure you're a royal?" [Grey]

"Oi, that's too much! I also have feelings, you know?" [Julius]

"Yeah, yeah, sure you do." [Grey]

It was just an insult one after another, but Julius didn't mind it too much as he also pays him back in kind whenever he has the chance. Such was the friendship between the two. A totally chaotic yet also harmonious relationship.

"Amelia, do you need a hand?" [Yuna]

"Thank you, I would really love that." [Amelia]

"Fufufu, sure!" [Yuna]

On the other side of the dungeon, Yuna and Amelia's interaction only radiated warmth and sweetness. Not only did Yuna lend Amelia a hand, she also made sure to cast holy magic on her to ensure her wellbeing.

It wasn't that the girls were gentle and boys were rough, no, not at all. Julius was just one unfortunate lad. Both Grey and Yuna liked teasing him while being totally gentle with Amelia, completely different to how people would treat him in the kingdom. Only the two have the guts to treat him in such a way.

Lunch soon started and Julius and Amelia's souls were healed with a hearty lunch. Despite being completely exhausted just a few minutes ago, after having a taste of their meals, they quickly became energetic. A complete recovery!

"Fuu~! I knew it! Meals really are the best!" [Julius]

"Your Highness, please calm down. We're still having a meal." [Amelia]

"You're too stiff Amelia, here, have some of these." [Julius]

"Y-Your Highness! That's too much!" [Amelia]

It was so lively, and it wasn't just Amelia and Julius. Grey and Yuna were also having their own scene together. They might not be able to flirt as much with Julius and Amelia around, but it didn't mean they couldn't be sweet at all.

Their stomachs and hearts full, lunch went on smoothly. They then cleaned up before themselves as usual and had a little rest before continuing their journey, only that there was a little change in their routines.

"Julius, Amelia, we'll be stopping your training now. It's already been a few days. We might get late at the opening if we stay any longer." [Grey]

"Oh? It's that time already?" [Julius]

"Yeah. And since it'll be a waste if we just leave the dungeon be, Yuna will be clearing it. As for the three of us, we'll be collecting any drops left behind until the dungeon closes." [Grey]

"Oh, so Yuna'll be the one clearing it? I thought it'd be you, Grey." [Julius]

"I also thought that too. Since Grey is the strongest out of all of us." [Amelia]

Commented Julius and Amelia, but little did they know Grey was also rearing to go clear the dungeon too. And it totally wasn't because he couldn't deny Yuna's request. It was actually one of the rare instances that he did.

Unfortunately for him, Grey lost in a game of rock-paper-scissors. The chance of seeing how a dungeon gets cleared slipped pass through his grasp. It was a shame but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Everyone, I'll be going now~!" [Yuna]

"Tell me later about the boss, alright?" [Grey]

"Yuna, don't forget to take care of yourself, okay?!" [Amelia]

"Good luck!" [Julius]

"Un! Bye, everyone~!" [Yuna]

Waving her hand goodbye to everyone, Yuna slowly turned her around, her eyes fixed towards the unknown depths. She has explored a Labyrinth before and it was undoubtedly more exciting. But just the thought of clearing a dungeon riles her up much more. Her blood is boiling in excitement.

In just the blink of an eye, the silver haired lady suddenly vanished into thin air. Neither Julius nor Amelia could see her movement. They both stood there in shock and awe of Yuna's unbelievable speed.

"Damn... So that's what a High-Ranker is, huh..." [Julius]

"I couldn't even catch a glimpse of her... Yuna is amazing..." [Amelia]

She was so close yet so far. Both Amelia and Julius couldn't grasp the distance between them and Yuna, it was simply too large. Strangely enough, they weren't discouraged a little bit. Rather, a new fire was lit ablaze in their hearts. A fire fiercer than any before.


Buhiiikkk Gruwaakkkk Krrukkkkk

Screams filled the air as a silver streak bolted across the dungeon halls. Be it ogres, golems, treats, or whatever monsters were present, all were quickly killed in a fraction of a second without even being able to defend themselves.

Heads were decapitated, cores were shattered, and blood was spilled all over the dungeon floor as the silver streak continued its killing spree, not even slowed down a little bit by the number of enemies. It didn't matter what was in front of it. All of them were defeated without a second thought.

Third Floor... Fourth Floor... Fifth Floor... Sixth Floor...

It didn't even take several minutes. With each passing second, the silver streak went deeper and deeper into the dungeon. And even when the enemies got stronger, all of them still suffered the same fate as those before them.

She was merciless, she was cold, and she was powerful. If one were to see such a scene, they would surely be unable to forget it throughout their whole lives. Some may think of it as only a hallucination, some might think it's only a dream, but to the eyes of the monsters she had slain, she was undoubtedly real.

"I see... So this is how the boss room looks like..." [Yuna]

The massacre only stopped when the silver streak arrived in a massive metal door. All one needs is a single glance and they would be able to tell the level of danger lurking behind it. It was only a door, but it was already so intimidating.

"S... So... So... So cool!!" [Yuna]

But to the eyes of the silver-haired elf named Yuna, such a sight was not scary at all. Rather, it looked fantastic and mesmerizing. Her eyes were now sparkling as she inspected every single detail of the massive structure before her.

She was completely different to the indifferent lady who was just massacring several hundred monsters without a second thought. Now, there was only an adorable lady who was like a child who just got herself a new toy. Her childish personality has come out yet again.

"Ah! Yuna, get ahold of yourself!" [Yuna]

Thankfully, she was able to get her priorities straight and her mind was now back on the right track. It was a shame that she couldn't play around too much with the boss room door, but she couldn't do much about it.

Her eyes, cold as deep blue ice, a cold gaze pierced the door as she looked at it. She was now in her battle mode, ready to take down the boss monster with her utmost capabilitiesー or so how it should have been, but there was just one tiny problem...

"Ah... How do I open it again...?" [Yuna]

... She was too excited about clearing the dungeon, she completely forgot to ask Grey how to open the boss room in the first place. She was now at a complete loss, unable to believe herself and embarrassed about her little blunder,

Of course, Yuna could just use her "Phaseless" and phase through the doors, but she wanted to experience the whole dungeon experience. There was only one solution which came to mind. One which she truly felt sorry about.

"Sorry, about this door. I really want to study you, but I have no other choice. I'm really sorry...! ⟨⟨Winter Gale's Parade⟩⟩!" [Yuna]

Countless icicles formed in the air as Yuna's cold words echoed in the labyrinth. The very next moment, a torrent rained down upon the doors, the silhouettes of frozen knights changing though it to be seen.

The air's temperature dropped down dramatically in just a single second, the moisture starting to freeze into snowdrops. At the same time, holes appeared in the door one after another every single time an icicle passed though, such a scene continued to unfold until the sturdy door finally fell.


It wasn't even a thud. The door was so heavy, it was a straight up bang, the rumbling of the ground following it soon after. Yet even with such a booming noise, there isn't a single shred of emotion in Yuna's face, only a little bit of regret from breaking down the boss room door.

"Dungeon boss, I've come to challenge you!" [Yuna]

Soon after the ground rumble, Yuna's declaration followed. Such a declaration was issued towards the gargantuan figure who stood still in front of her, frozen spikes covering its body and its build being the very definition of "scary". It truly deserved to be called a dungeon boss.

It wasn't just the dungeon boss itself. The very boss room was very intimidating as well. With frozen spikes running across the walls and ceiling, it looked like a frozen room straight from hell. One which would literally make cold chills run down one's spine.

But something was strange. Even when Yuna already entered the boss room, there was only silence. No movement nor noises to be observed throughout the whole area. It was only then that Yuna had realized something...

"Ah... The boss was a water elemental, right...?" [Yuna]

The battle was already over before it even started. Yuna's spell was too powerful, not only did it break down the massive doors, it also froze the flooded room and the boss at the same time. It was a complete overkill.

Crack Crack Shatter

Along with Yuna's realization, the massive figure in front of her then started showing cracks, breaking and falling apart, and turning back to mana soon after. It was anti-climatic, not a trace of excitement to be seen on Yuna's face even when the treasure chest appeared. There was only disbelief and disappointment,

It was on that day that a certain lesson was deeply engraved in Yuna's heart. That any attacks that can break through a dungeon door can easily kill a boss. It was a lesson she'll never forget her entire life.


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