Yotogi no Kuni no Gekkouhime

Chapter 13: CH 13

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Chapter 13: Holy Prince Assassination Plan. (Second Half)

“We’ve arrived.” (Marie)

“So wide!” (Selene)

When Selene and Marie, riding on the horse carriage for moving inside the Royal Palace area, arrives at the training ground, Selene exclaims so as the space before her is a lot more spacious than what she imagined.

It’s a simple space that looks like school’s outside sports area but a lot larger, or rather it’d be more correct to describe it as an arena, as it is filled to the brim with disciplined soldiers.

Some soldiers wore light leather armor, facing off against each other. Some in heavy armor and helmet1 doing strength training, and some are practicing horsemanship. Each one of them separated into groups, training vigorously.

“Where Prince?”

“Nii-sama is…… Ah, over there! Heyー, Nii-samaー!”

Marie points to Milano.

It seems like Milano was practicing swordsmanship with the soldiers wearing light leather armor.

His platinum blonde hair, the same color as Marie’s, glistens under the sunlight, his figure stood dignified even from a distance. Selene looks at him with a little bit of murderous intent in her glare.

Noticing Marie’s voice, Milano said something to the soldiers near him before walking over to Marie and Selene.

“Marie and…… Selene? What’s up? It’s dangerous here so you should stay back.”

“Well I didn’t want to come here, but Selene said she wanted to no matter what.”

“Selene wanted to?”


Milano turns to look at Selene with puzzled expression, in which Selene slightly nods.

“Prince, want meet.”

“Me? I don’t think I can show you anything interesting though.”

“Not, true.”

Selene’s expression is serious. Milano didn’t want Selene who’s weak against sunlight to be exposed to it, but seeing that she even prepares a white hat to protect herself against the sun, he guesses that she’s determined. With no other options, Milano guides her to a nearby tree that provides great shade.

This training ground used to be the forest area within the Royal Palace area, they chopped down part of the forest to create this training ground, thus there are some places left that can be used as resting area for the soldiers as they provide great shade against the sun. The shaded area are also well ventilated, perfect for exhausted soldiers to take rest.

“Really, even though I invited Selene to go to the rose garden but she said she wants to come here instead. Then I’ll be going back now. Selene, if you’re bored then you better return home as well.”

“Marie, thank you.”

Selene thanks her, in which Marie waves her hand in response before leaving the site.

“I’ll tell you this again, but this is not something girls would find interesting you know?”

“No matter.”

Selene replies shortly and sits on the grass under the tree. Milano thought it was weird, but then he returns to his practice.

And the interrupted practice begins again. Apparently what Milano’s doing is the practice called ‘Tournament practice’ where he’ll intensely fight one on one against other soldiers until he loses.

From what Selene can see, most of the soldiers are bigger than Milano. Compared to them, Milano’s so thin that he looks like a woman.

Whenever Milano lightly swings his sword, the strong-looking soldiers will be sent flying before collapsing on the ground. It’s as if this is a magic trick. Because this is a practice match, every one of them use wooden sword, but it doesn’t seem like the soldiers were going easy on Milano just because he’s a prince.

“What, that……?”

Even though he had already fight dozens of soldiers already, but Milano’s movements doesn’t seem to be slowing down at all. Selene, a complete amateur, could not even comprehend what he was doing, only knowing that they were practicing swordsmanship.

The more she tries to find Milano’s weaknesses, the more she’s beaten up by his flawlessness. How in the world can she protect her older sister’s purity when her opponent is such a monster. Selene’s heart is clouded by darkness, even though the sky above her is clear blue.

“Ohh? If it isn’t Selene-dono.”

“Eh? It’s you Kuma.”

While Selene’s looking intensely at the Prince, Kumahachi has already approached her before she knew it.

Seeing as he’s wiping his sweat with a hand towel, he probably was training elsewhere. Now that he has wiped all of his sweat, he sits next to Selene.

“This is the place where we discipline soldiers, a place not fit for someone like Selene-dono.”

“Prince, want meet.”

“You meant Prince Milano? True enough, Prince’s fighting style certainly do looks good after all. Very different compared to mine.”

When Kumahachi said that, he doesn’t mean to self-depreciate or anything. He’s the power type who uses all of his power in a single strike, using his advantage of having strong muscular arm to its fullest to cut enemies in half. On the other hand, Milano’s the agility type, using techniques and speed to overpower his enemies. Although they’re different in fighting style, they do respect and recognize each other’s abilities.

However, to Selene that sounded like ‘A guy like me will never be able to compare with the Prince anway’. So to comfort Kumahachi, Selene puts her hand on Kumahachi’s shoulder.


“Hm? What is it my lord?”

“Things, will be, better.”

“Hm? Ah, ahhh, you have my thanks.”

Though not understanding what she’s saying, Kumahachi decides to nod along for the time being.

“Prince, amazing, weaknesses, can’t find.”

“Prince Milano is one of this country’s most prominent swordsman after all. His slashing accuracy, his footworks, he even possesses the 『Physical Strengthening』ability as well, so it’s not too far-off to say that he has no weaknesses.”

“Physical, strengthening?”

“Yes, it’s the Prince’s magical ability. As for Aquila where Selene-dono used to live, they’re experts in using magic crafts aren’t they?”

When he said that, it reminded Selene of that pattern on the sealed door. Other than that, the dress and hat Selene’s currently wearing also have magic woven into them as well. However, Selene doesn’t know of other methods of using magic except these.

“Helifalte’s Royal Family unique magic is the 『Physical Strengthening』my lord. By channeling magic throughout one’s entire body, they can rapidly strengthen both their senses and body. It’s a simple magic, but for hand-to-hand combat it’s a very powerful ability.”

Hearing this, Selene switches her sight from Kumahachi to the Prince, glaring at him. That bastard, so he had this kind of cheat ability all along. No wonder why the soldiers can’t win against him.

“But still, the Prince rarely uses his magic ability. Even right now he doesn’t use it.”


In response to Selene’s dumbfounded reply, Kumahachi continues mercilessly. His tone of speech clearly shows that he’s not lying to Selene, just stating the fact.

“Though the Prince can use his magic to increases his ability, but it’s all meaningless if he doesn’t have the real skills. The Royal Family’s heirloom sword is not so easily wielded after all.”

“No way.”

Kumahachi smiles bitterly while lightly patting the cleary disappointed Selene’s head. He guesses that she probably wanted to see the Prince at his full power.

Unfortunately since this is only just a practice, there’s no need for him to use magic power. More importantly, if he relies on his magic all the time, his basics will become rusty before he knew it. That’s why Milano borderline never uses his magic power, which is something Kumahachi also agreed with.

But of course, the reason for Selene’s disappointment is completely different. Not only that Milano character’s stats are through the roof, he also has this kind of magic up his sleeve as well, a truly overpowered guy, knowing all these made Selene’s mind dizzy. How the hell am I suppose to stop a cheat-like guy like him? She thought.

“Well then, It’s about lunch time my lord. Selene-dono, I think you should head back first for now. The Prince, once the fire in his heart is lit, he won’t stop for a while. It’d be boring for you to wait for him.”

Kumahachi said so while chuckling before leaving to have lunch.

Not only Kumahachi, but other soldiers also gradually stop their training to take a break as well.

From what Selene can pick up with her ears, she heard that some soldiers brought their own lunch boxes, and some go to the barracks to have lunch there.

Among them, there’s only one that shows no sign of taking a rest. It’s Milano.

Milano thanked the soldiers who trained together with him, and is now swinging his sword alone.

It looks like he intends to keep going without taking the lunch break.

Seeing such a scene, the darkness in Selene’s heart grows more and more. I beg you please stop already, don’t be any stronger than this please. Selene pleads.

If he’s just an ‘idiot’ who drowns on his authority and influence then there might be some kind of weaknesses that she can take advantage of.

However, an ‘evil’ who actually trains himself and able to wields his ability will not be easily defeated.

『It seems like that Prince intends to keep on going isn’t he.』

Just as Selene’s about to hold her head in tears, she suddenly hears a voice from her chest. It’s Butler who peeks his head out from her dress’s collar. Butler tends to praise dillegence people, so he probably meant ‘Prince Milano is truly outstanding’ by what he just said.

『However…… he seems to be too strict on himself. He won’t last long if he keeps going on like that.』


Selene tilts her head at Butler’s unexpected line.

“What, mean?”

『To polish one’s self, one’s determination to keep moving forward is very important. However with that alone, one’s will crumble. Taking appropriate rest and meals are also important training in itself as well. In any case, the Prince seems to be driven by something to go to this extent.』

Butler’s observation is actually spot on.

Though Milano himself didn’t notice this, but he has a habit of abusing his body to its own limit. Born as the First Prince of a great nation, those around him expect much of him, thus he feels the obligation to become a capable man as soon as possible, thus this pushes him to put in efforts more than he should.

“Appropriate, meals…… Nutritions…… Ah!?”

Surprised by Selene’s sudden loud voice, Butler’s black round eyes blink repeatedly.

『What’s the matter Princess? Why the sudden loud voice?』

“Butler, thank you!”

Without answering Butler’s questions, Selene dashes off hurriedly.

When she found a horse carriage parked at the carriage-stop, she jumps in with great speed.


“……Fuu, I’m reaching my limits.”

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“Prince, no matter how hard you’re training, but to leave a lady by herself, such conduct is unbecoming of a gentleman.”

“Kumahachi, where’s Selene?”

“Selene-dono had already left in a hurry via horse carriage a while ago. Perhaps she has an appointment with Marie-dono I assume.”

When Milano was done swinging his sword, he finally noticed that Selene’s nowhere to been seen. Just now he was too immersed battling his imagination foes, he trains to the point that his body screams for a rest thus he was forced to stop his training.

“I see…… I just did a bad thing didn’t I.”

“You seems to regret it quite a lot. Well, martial arts are a little too barbaric for young ladies after all. It can’t be helped that she’d find it boring.”

“I know that.”

“Yet you also seems to be a little lonely too.”

“You really do see through me after all.”

“That’s a given, I’m your rival after all Prince. To win one’s enemy, one must always be aware of the situation after all.”

Kumahachi make a light joke and laughs, Milano also laughs as well.

Though Milano’s capable of both literary and military arts, but the one he’s best at and loves the most is swordsmanship. He has the most fun when he participated in one.

However, his little sister Marie mercilessly denounce it as ‘Sweltering, barbaric, and reeks of blood.’

Not supporting one thing, but to have what he loves the most denied like this doesn’t feel all too pleasant to him.

“And here my idiotic self thought that, if it’s Selene then maybe she’ll……”

Milano chuckles at his own thought, thinking that it was such a stupid thing to say.

Selene’s a girl after all. It’s obvious that she’d prefer to see something beautiful and adorable rather than staying at such a dirty place like this.

Perhaps she comes here out of curiosity, but got bored and left.

But somewhere in his heart, he had hoped that such a noble young girl like her would understand what he loves, alas that’s just his own delusion. Milano shakes his head, despising himself.


At that moment, a voice that belongs to an adorable young girl rang out, in the training ground that only men would come.

Milano, Kumahachi, and other soldiers sitting at the placeare all surprised.


A little distance away, Selene’s figure slowly approaches. Wearing the same milky white dress, with a white hat with large brim to protect herself against the sunlight, but there’s one thing that’s not the same in her. In both of her hands is a big woven basket that’s disproportionately large for her small body.

Staggering with each step because she’s holding such a heavy basket, yet she did her best to walks over to Milano and Kumahachi.

“Selene, you didn’t go back to the palace?”

“This, for Prince……”

Selene pause for a bit as she steadies her breath, then she hands over the basket larger than her head to Milano.

“For me?”

With a puzzing expression, Milano removes the cloth covering the basket. Inside he found a large quantity of breads, grilled meat and many other food inside. There’s also a water bottle and small plates wrapped to the basket as well.

“Kitchen, borrow, lunch, make.”

“By any chance, did you go back all the way to the palace to make this for me?”

Milano asks with a surprised expression, in which Selene nods in response.

“Selene-dono you made all of this!? This looks wonderful.”

Kumahachi’s honestly impressed. What Selene made are mostly meat roasted over fire with a lot of sauce on top, a simple meal. Compared to what the chefs at the Royal Palace made, this meal is so childish that it couldn’t even be compared. However, cooking is basically something that only servants would do, such a thing as royalty entering the kitchen is inconceivble.

And also Selene’s still a child, probably never cooked before. Today’s probably her first time entering a kitchen. Yet she’s still able to cook to this extent, she truly possesses natural talent. That was more than enough to surprise both Kumahachi and Milano.

In Selene’s previous life, there was no one that’ll cook for her. Because she wanted to eat lots of delicious food that’s also cheap, the only option left was for her to cook them by herself, thus she was able to cook to some extent. But more often than not she cooked simple dishes rather than elaborate ones, something like cutting a spam in half and grilled it. Selene was an old man with a little of feminine side.

‘Heavens above, just how much talents did God gifted her with?’ (Kumahachi)

“Prince, please eat.”

As if not noticing Kumahachi’s presence, she smiles at the Prince in a good mood. Her cookings are few in vegetables, but overwhelming in meat. Milano’s still a healthy growing boy, so naturally he loves meat the most. Not to mention that he was training extremely hard just now, his hunger is also extreme as well. The same can also be said for Kumahachi who was training just as hard as him.

“Where is mine?” (Kumahachi)


When Selene bluntly answered so, Kumahachi didn’t show it on his face but actually he’s pretty dejected. He understands that the Prince is someone special to her, but hearing her reply almost instantaneously like this is still depressing.

“Kumahachi, shall we share?”

“Fu-, fun! If you keep eating such greasy things like these you’ll gain extra fat!”

In response to Milano’s making fun of him, Kumahachi quickly reply before returning to other soldiers having their lunch. Of course, there’s enough food provided for the soldiers and Kumahachi, but nonetheless it’s still different from able to taste the beautiful princess’s homemade food.

“Eat, eat!”

“I-, I got it. No need to hurry I’m going to eat right now.”

Though he intended to resume his training after taking a bit of rest, but Selene pushes his back, half-forcing him to sit down under the shade for a while longer. It’s exactly as Kumahachi has said, many of the food in here are greasy. He hesitated for a bit worrying that this might give him extra fat, but seeing Selene’s eyes sparkling next to him, waiting for him to eat them, he had no choice but to eat.

“Drinks have, too.” (Selene)

“Ahh, thanks.”

Milano fearfully carries a piece of grilled meat into his mouth. He basically only ever eat meals for nobles prepared by professional chefs, and when he travels he mainly eats preserved food, but in his journey he always have a skilled cook with him, so this is truly his first time ever eating someone else’s homemade food.

“Hmm!? T-, this!?” (Milano)


“Ahh, this is really delicious. Though its look is not very appetizing, but the flavor’s there.”

“Thank goodness.”

Selene pats her chest in relief, smiling brightly like a blooming flower.

Under the sunlight that pass through the trees, the wind gently caresses her sparkling white hair, it seems almost as if a fairy descends upon the world.

“More, quick, eat.”

“Uh, I know that these are tasty, but I don’t think you need to serve such large quantities……”


Ignoring the Prince’s opinion, Selene steadily piles the food onto the plates.

Milano, though confused at first, but it didn’t take long before the basket was emptied, probably because of the food’s taste, and more importantly his body that’s craving for nutritions.

“Maybe I ate a little too much…… I won’t be able to move for a while.”


“Yeah, I can eat them again.”

“Really!? Then, tomorrow too, make.”

“You don’t need to force yourself to. You’re weak to the sun aren’t you Selene?”

“Prince, train hard, so me, will cheer.”

When he heard those words, Milano feels hot in his chest.

Aside from his father Schwan, all noble ladies liked Milano’s artistic side, but as for his dirty swordsmanship they weren’t very positive about this. Even his mother and little sister said ‘He’s a prince so isn’t it fine for him to just train at the least minimum?’, meaning that they aren’t very supportive of his hobby as well.

However Selene’s different. She doesn’t deny what he loves, and even go as far as to say that she’ll support him. He never met a girl like her throughout his years of travel over the continent.

“Is that so…… then, please. But don’t force yourself alright.”

“Leave it to me!”

Selene said, nodding happily.

‘You fell for my trap, you damn idiot!’

Behind her dazzling smile, Selene’s already doing a victory pose, seeing as the first step of her evil plan succeeded.

From what she can see during his training, she understood that she has no chance of winning against the Prince in straight confrontation. Her other option was to use poison, but getting her hand on a lethal one is extremely difficult.

There’s probably no poison store in the town, and if by any chance it actually exists, then a lone young girl going in there asking ‘One lethal dose of poison please.’ and for the other party to respond with ‘Okay here you go.’ is impossible. Then, what can she do you may ask. You just need to look at it from different angle.

Thus the plan ‘Making him eat lots of delicious food’ is born.

When she heard what Butler said, it reminded her of her previous life and her unbalanced diet, back then the doctor warned her ‘If you keep this diet going you’re going to die!’. Ignoring the doctor’s advise, she keeps eating only meat and her body breaks down, thus she becomes Selene Aquila today, so its effect is tried and tested.

“Kuma, know well.”

As to not be noticed by the Prince with satisfied expression, Selene muttered so herself in a low voice. It’s exactly as Kumahachi has said, she made the food as fatty as possible, she also put in lots of salty seasoning as well. If he keeps eating only things like this, then he’ll gain excess fat, resulting in high blood pressure no doubt. It’s slow-acting poison so to speak. As expected of Kumahachi, for him to noticed it that fast.

Though it might take a while before the effects kick in, but a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Selene breathes a sigh of relief, having made her first move with his wisdom and ingenuity.

――However, there’s one grave mistake that Selene didn’t take into calculations.

It’s true that eating greasy and salty food for long period of time is not healthy for the body, but that’s the case for Selene’s previous body, back then her middle-aged body’s metabolism slows down, not to mention she never exercised.

In Milano’s case, he’s been training like crazy, moreover he also restricted himself in regard to food and such, so rather he’s malnourished, thus the food Selene made actually compensated for the amount that Milano lacked.

Unaware of this, Milano keeps wondering about what kind of food the adorable princess would make tomorrow. On the other hand, Selene wonders what food she should make tomorrow so that the Prince would be faster on his way to his coffin.

Milano and Selene smile at each other, in anticipation of the same thing but in different perspective.

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