Yotogi no Kuni no Gekkouhime

Chapter 14: CH 14

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Chapter 14: Goddess of Blessing.

Early in the morning―― the time where fog still lingers outside, Milano’s working inside his own room before the time for his training. There’s not much furnitures in his room, just one big full-length mirror, a simple desk, a bed and only bare minimum miscellaneous stuff. It’s quite a modest room for the Prince of the great nation, but since Milano’s so busy that he doesn’t have the time to stay in his own room often, he doesn’t feel inconvenient from the lack of furnitures at all.

“Good grief, the end is finally in sight……”

Milano, sitting at his desk, lightly stretches himself to loosen his stiff shoulders.

“Sure is hard isn’t it, to keep up your appearance when you pull an all-nighter that is.” (Kumahachi)

“Don’t just sit there and watch, come help me.”

Next to Milano who’s struggling with mountains of documents is Kumahachi who’s sitting on his bed relaxedly, trying to hold back his laugh. Though no matter how much Helifalte Kingdom boasts in its freedom to the people, only a handful amount of people are allowed to enter the Prince’s room. As the Prince’s close friend, as well as his bodyguard, Kumahachi often comes to his room to assist―― or rather, comes to play with him, making fun of him included.

“I am but a mere bodyguard, a samurai. It’d be better if you entrust these documents to civil servants.”

“This is the problem I caused. I’ll be the one taking responsibility.”

What Milano’s working on is the paperworks for Arue’s entry. There’s actually many excellent civil servants within Helifalte Royal Palace that he could entrust all these documents to, then he’d only have to do a final check himself, but he didn’t like the idea of that.

His father telling him to take responsibility for what he caused is one thing, but he also feels that he wanted to handle matters concerning Selene on his own, as much as possible.

Though it took him longer than he expected to think up of wordings to write the letter to the top university on the continent, the academic institution where people from all over the continent flooded to, hoping that they could enroll, to give priority to accepting the princess from a remote country, while also keeping matters related to Selene a secret, but now most of the preparations were finally in place. Once his documents are accepted by the university, all that left is for him to wait for Arue’s arrival.

“I’ll have to thank Selene later.” (Milano)

Milano muttered so while tidying up the documents, Kumahachi nods silently.

Ever since he met Selene, Milano feels like his days are really fulfilling to the point that he can’t even believe it. With Selene’s presence, the rift between him and Marie is mostly mended. His father and mother also seem to like the adorable Selene, as they often talk about her.

Especially his mother Ibis, he remembered that his mother gifted Selene lots of clothes that would look great on her, but Selene didn’t wear those much and only wears that milky white dress most of the time.

Even Milano himself has been feeling excellent both mentally and physically ever since he accepted Selene into his custody. He feels like the shackles on him are disappearing, and instead, the things he lacked are gradually being filled, so much so that he’s clearly aware of this.

With Selene comes great responsibility, he has been very busy with mountains of paperwork, and although his responsibility increased, it has also given him the sense of tension, preventing him from falling into idleness. To Milano―― no, to Helifalte Royal Family, Selene’s truly the Goddess of Blessing. The depressing days of him wandering around, currying favors with the nobles were like a lie.

“How’s Selene?” (Milano)

“I went to check on her earlier, she seems to be sleeping in her room.”

“I see, I think I should go check on her as well, before my usual training.”

“Is it for night-time lovemaking? ……Or rather day-time?”

“Don’t say something that’ll stain my reputation like that.”

After replying to Kumahachi making fun of him, Milano left his room and head to Selene’s bedroom. Though Selene’s completely unaware of this, but as of recently, Milano started to check on Selene every morning before his daily training. And of course Selene who’s weak during daytime is sleeping soundly at this hour, so he only goes there to take a look at her.

Milano knocks lightly on the door, and after receiving no response he slowly opens the door as to not wake Selene up. Few rays of light leaking through the curtains slightly brightens the room, Selene’s innocent face is sleeping comfortably.

Knowing that this young girl will, in a few hours later, jumps out of her bed and make a lunch for him fills Milano’s heart with happiness.

“Perhaps I’m a bit too hurry.”

Milano quietly muttered so, carressing Selene’s porcelain white cheek.

Seeing her sleeping so peacefully and defenselessly, Milano feels his impatience is gradually disappearing, like the morning haze dissipating as the sun comes up. He has been doing his best so that he’ll become a capable prince, a man who could carry the weight of the whole nation on his back as soon as possible. Unbeknownst to him, such heavy responsibility has been taking a toll on his heart, and when he went to Aquila he was on the verge of explosion.

Although she seems to be aloof for most of the time, but seeing Selene able to senses the his feelings that he himself can’t, giving him exactly what he needed the most, he feels like himself in the past was a joke. That’s just how much more relaxed Milano has become recently.

Though Milano feels bad for having this thought, but he’s grateful for God for putting Selene in such an unfortunate situation. If not for that, then he wouldn’t be able to spent time with her like this. But at the same time, he also wanted to complain to God for giving her such a frail body that wouldn’t let her stay under the shining sunlight for too long.

As for Selene, she’s grateful to God for giving her the body that’s weak to sunlight and the environment she was in, because of that it gives her justified reason for sleeping during the day, but such a reason is unbeknownst to Milano, even her older sister Arue didn’t know of this.

“I think it’s about time we give Valbell a visit, though I don’t really feel like to.”

He has been stalling for time by deliberately going to remote countries, and when he returned home he bought himself a little more time by telling the other party that he was busy with Arue’s paperworks. But if he stall for time any longer, he might really be punched straight to the face by the other party this time.

He didn’t plan to stay there for long, he also wanted to get unpleasant things done as soon as possible.

More importantly, if he thinks of it as the journey for broadening Selene’s world, it feels bearable to him.

Getting his thoughts straight, Milano heads for his morning training.



When the time turns to noon, Selene’s figure holding a basket gradually approaches the training ground.

Lately, whenever the young girl, who’s now revered as the soldiers’ idol, visit the training ground, most of the soldiers would stop their training and take a rest.

And because of Selene’s appearance, the soldiers’ morales drastically increase. That’s because, until now, the Prince has been strictly training without a single rest, making them, the underlings, feel guilty for taking a rest before he does, so their rest time weren’t very relaxing.

That’s where Selene comes in as she forces the Prince to have his lunch as well as take a rest, thus the soldiers are able to rest at ease. But not just that, the young unmarried soldiers are already captivated by Selene’s exceptional beauty.

Helifalte’s a free country. Anyone can rise the ranks if they possess abilities and sincerity, that includes Kumahachi as well. Selene’s also the same, she was officially stated as ‘A person of common birth who possesses talent, raised to be the kingdom’s important human resource in the future.’

In other words, she currently wasn’t stated as engaged to the Prince, so although she’s a flower that blooms on top of the mountain’s peak, but that doesn’t mean she’s blooming in the place out of reach.

Give her a few years and she’s definitely going to become a gorgeous woman. Yet she’s not arrogant because of that face, but instead modest. More importantly, anyone could see from miles away that she works really hard for the Prince. It’s no surprise that the young soldiers would want the young girl as their lover. Such reason encourages the hot-blooded enthusiastic young men to train even harder.

Selene’s a lone flower blooming amidst the dirty training ground, she’s treated like she’s the Snow White adored by the seven dwarfs. Though in actuality she isn’t the Snow White but rather the old witch who’s trying to feed the protagonist the poisoned apple. It’d be cruel to them if they know this, in many meanings.

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“Vawlbell, Kingdom?”

Without paying attention to the soldiers looking at her, Selene cuts the poison―― the salty meat into slices, while also asking Milano the word she has never heard before.

“You know that I’m currently on the journey for studying right Selene? Now that the matters regarding Princess Arue are mostly handled, I think it’s about time for me to visit our neighbor Valbell.”

“Prince, go already?”

If the Prince isn’t here, that means there’re less opportunity to feed him poison. Selene’s sadden by that fact, her expression looks like a little kitty being left behind by its owner. Seeing such a face, Milano thought that she’s sad because she thought she’s going to be left behind again, thus he smiles gently.

“About that you see, Selene do you want to come with me? Staying inside Helifalte Royal Palace all the time is boring right? That country is close to us, so I think we’ll have spare time for sightseeing.”


“Originally I should’ve brought you there as one of the royalty, but we must hide your identity you see. So I’ll have to bring you along as one of my servant.”

Sorry about that, Milano added apologetically. Selene doesn’t particularly care whether she’d go there as a royalty or as a servant, and why should she go along with the debauched Prince’s indecent hobby in the first place? She can’t use the kitchen over there anyway, so there’s no way for her to produce assasination tool called ‘lunch boxes’ there.

Then she absolutely don’t want to go. Since the Prince’s not going to be here, then her sleeping all day long, being lovey-dovey with Marie, and gathering information with Butler is way more beneficial to her than going to Valbell with him.

No, thank you. Thought Selene as she’s about to open her mouth, but then before she could Milano said one more line.

“And also, there’s one more thing that I must tell you. Actually, there’s a rumor that the Princess of Valbell is cursed you see……”


“It’s just a rumor still. There’s no actualy evidence of it or anything.”

Milano explains to the puzzled Selene. There’s a rumor around the Princess of Valbell, it is said that she has a mysterious power.

She is, excluding Maribelle of Helifalte, this continent’s second most influential nation’s princess. It is said that there are many men who asked her for marriage. However, any men who approaches her, their physical condition will worsen immediately after, some fallen so sick that they’re hospitalized, such is the rumor.

Perhaps it’s because of the magical ability she possesses, or perhaps it’s just coincidental illness. The cause is not clear, but the thing about the men fallen ill is a fact.

“Well, in my opinion it’s just them tired after their travel though. I’ve been friends with her since childhood but such thing never occured to me.”

“Childhood friends!?”

“Yeah, you can put it that way…… What’s the matter?”

The moment he said that he has been friends with her since childhood, Selene’s mood suddenly sours, glaring intensely at the Prince.

Milano’s expression turns confused, but thinking back on his past instances, he decides to answer what Selene asked him.

“I’m not in romantic relationship with her or anything alright? We only had a few chit-chat during our national party that’s all.”


“It’s true.”

When Milano said so, Selene doesn’t seem to be convinced, but at least she lowers her arms now.

‘I thought Selene’s still young in this field of things, but it seems like I must treat her as a lady from now on.’

Milano gives the tiny lady a little smile. He had visited several countries before he visited Aquila, and whenever he told the noble girls about his childhood friend at Valbell, many of them were unhappy when they heard so.

Not knowing why the girls’ attitude suddenly shifted 180 degrees, he asked Kumahachi about this, in which he responded ‘Well of course they’d be unhappy if they see a man they’re talking to suddenly bring up a topic about another woman that he has a close relationship with’, and so he finally understood why.

Since then whenever such situation arise, he’d tell them that they’re just acquaintances. In fact, he really doesn’t think of her anything other than just a childhood acquaintance. Rather, she’s the type of girl that he has a hard time dealing with.

He thought that Selene’s still young so the same might not apply to her, but a young lady is still a lady nonetheless, Milano couldn’t help but smile softly at such fact.

Selene on the other hand is cursing him inside her mind, ‘Not only that you’re a perfect human being but also has a childhood friend!? Are you a harem anime protagonist or something!?’, but she still wanted to meet this neighboring princess nonetheless.

She’s the princess with the ability to weaken men after all. She’s also the childhood friend type of character as well. Though Selene’s goal is the assasination of the Prince, but that’s not the only way to achieve her final objective. The most important thing here is that she must protect her sister Arue from the Prince, so that she herself and her sister can live together happily. In short, it’s all good as long as she makes sure that the Prince can’t lay a hand on her sister. The power of this neighboring princess doesn’t seem to have any effects on Milano right now, but it’s still a promising ability nonetheless.

“It’s not required for you to visit our neighboring country though Selene. So I won’t force you. If you don’t want to go then it’s okay to refuse.”

“I go!”

“……Are you sure? I’ll warn you just in case, but I’ll try to make sure to keep her from getting close to you Selene, dealing with her isn’t very pleasant after all.”

“I said go, so go!”

“She might really be cursed you know? Aren’t you afraid of that?”

“Because cursed, I go.”

Milano tilts his head, confused, at Selene’s mysterious line. Perhaps it’s that Selene’s worried about him. But a rumor is just that, a rumor, not something to be feared. Rather what he should be fearing is the troublesome princess herself, not the urban legend. However, if he brings Selene the Goddess of Blessing along with him, he feels like this depressing trip to visit the neighboring country might go well.

“I got it. Then we’ll prepare for the trip tomorrow.”


Selene nods vigorously. Even if the curse had no effect on him, but if that childhood friend sticks to Milano closely, then he probably couldn’t lay a hand on Arue. There’s a saying that marriage is the graveyard of one’s life, in that case I’m going to bury you alive this instant you bastard.

‘I’ll make them get together!’

She doesn’t know yet what kind of person that cursed princess is, but she’ll make sure that the princess gets Milano’s attention, she’s going to act as the love cupid in this trip. I must shoot a poisoned arrow that’ll pierce straight through his heart, while pretending to shoot the arrow of love.

“Bakyuunー” (Gun sfx)

When the meal was over and Milano returned to his training, Selene made a gesture with index finger and thumb, mimicking a gun, before making a shooting motion straight at Milano’s back before smiling happily, satisfied.

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