You and Me

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: Their Stories [2]

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The spherical glowing orb situated itself in the unblemished azure skies scintillating in its brilliance yet unobservable through naked perceptive abilities. Well for a fraction of a time considering the fragility of humans. A gentle breeze sought to remedy the ultraviolet rays permeating unto the world, the many green vicissitudes of nature danced to the swirls of the audible breeze ensuing an atmosphere of tranquility. Such a serene and mundane scenery could not be tainted by mere man as its very craft was brought to fruition by the hand of God.

An author I was, my vivid description of a utopia I can give life through words so others may dream my dreams, feel my feelings and live through a reality exceeding our reality.  A meaning I have understood through many experiences trying to comprehend more of the human nature. To implement such meanings in my stories is to remind me, to remind me ……….

Thinking about it again, writing was a way for me to escape this hell that has always occupied the depths of my soul. The days I sat on my chair gazing at my computer typing out word for word formulating sentence to sentence creating paragraph to paragraph expressing my emotions I never would to the world then again nobody was there for me to express these emotions. Subconsciously I knew that my actions were simply a way for me to contend with my situation. That situation …, well I knew that the moment my gaze diverted from my computer I will be reminded of the hell I lived in. The world of my imaginative plane was paradoxical to the reality I took residence.

Europe was my birth place, Ireland my home, considered by 1st world countries as a paradise simply because of the opportunities that hid within. Most can’t even comprehend that wherever lies good there will always be a shroud of evil lurking in the shadows awaiting to remove this good. A place that breathes success and triumphs most is perhaps where more unscrupulous means have been employed. Those who portray themselves as saints or ‘holy than thou’ are the evilest of creatures. That I knew but even then, I concluded it all with a face of indifference. Reason? I had  a father that remained inconspicuous throughout my life and a mother far yet close but unable to connect the hearts of each other, then to perish due to multitudes of diseases. An orphanage was my destiny and to become pitied on was my fate. I resented that feeling to the very core of my being but I had to bury that feeling to continue living, to continue surviving, to move onwards with the belief that I could be more in this world.  

There I lay in the arctic snow, my body stained with striking scarlet blood from head to toe. Bruises, cuts, scrapes and swollen appendages projected a grotesque image of red, blue and black of my stationary body, all feeling below my waist was rendered mute and the sound whispers of the wind in the blizzard echoed unceasingly to accompany me to meet death itself. “Turn your head Lennox “, a voice told me and thus I laid witness to the blackened skies reminiscent of an abysmal black hole through which all fades into oblivion. The spherical celestial rocky object that occupies the blackness remains independent of all that is mundane, shining a light with such luminosity that only it alone could be identified as the advent of little goodness in this world yet a blue-black coldness that sent shivers down my spine awakes me to the reality that the little good, I seek cannot be found no matter how I look. This was how I was going to my die, I knew it, I felt. My eyelids grew heavy, my vision mosaicist and heart beating ever so slowly. Darkness seeped in and there and then, I knew I was gone……. Who caused all this happen to me you ask? I do not wish for you all to know. Such people are too evil to even be called human.



A cloud of heaven, was it? Such a feeling, so comfy, so warm. Those were my initial thoughts after my blackout, perhaps I was in heaven, I thought. I crunched in more of my body to feel more of this warmth. Such a euphoric feeling was something Lennox was unaccustomed with and he immediately grew addicted.


 As these feelings came, they went in mere seconds and Lennox was brought to reality. Tears fell down his cheeks as a painful expression replaced his peaceful countenance. His eyes opened whilst a silent cry completely occupied his vicinity. Minutes went and the young male remained distraught, broken and traumatized. Eventually he calmed and took a look at his surroundings. He was lying on a bed tailored in complete white which matched his long robe with the exception of polka dots which contrasted with the bed. Many different mechanisms were present and all of them monitored his vitals and health. Obviously, it was a hospital. But how? Who in this god forsaken world could’ve helped him knowing about the consequences that may follow if he lived? His thoughts spiraled into overdrive but was halted by the voice of a woman.


“So, you are awake”, It was soft, melodious voice having the bearing of a fresh breath of spring that swept the cold winters away. Attired in a plain slim black dress exhibited her long unblemished legs, fair breasts and slight curvaceous figure that was accompanied by a white overcoat that contrasted with the black dress thus harmonizing both conflicting colors to dawn about a gratifying picture that engraved itself in the hearts of young men. Her long brown hair was fastened into a single ponytail that flowed down her neck and an African skin that glimmered with beauty accentuated by her blue irises that screamed intellect. . She was a reclusive beauty indeed. She wore flat sports shoes meant to help with mobility and simple conveniency as she was a doctor who moved around a lot. Currently, she gazed upon the young man with slight worry in her eyes because after all a doctor was always worried about the wellbeing of their patients.

“Yes ……. I am”, Lennox responded with his gaze fixed upon her. He was perplexed not because of her appearance but that it was his first time interacting with a woman other than his mother thus a sense a fear in his voice was projected.

“You suffered from frostbite, deep cuts and bruises, head trauma and well you survived it all. It’s quite a miracle that none of your limbs needed to be amputated or you succumbed to being brain dead. Best yet none of your wounds even suffered infection, I guess you can thank the cold for that. You’ll just need to remain here for a few weeks though. “, she said quite enthusiastically.

“Uh yah……”, Lennox responded unenthusiastically yet his gaze remained fixed upon her.

She walked towards him and brought herself to settle on the boundary of the bed and began to speak.

“I have heard of many children like you, abandoned, thrown to the gutters and left to rot for the rest of your lives. Cruel it is and even more sorrowful for people like me that hear about it almost every day of the week. I can’t imagine what you children go through but I only want to say one thing to you….

Don’t lose hope”, she said with a bright smile that my eyes could only widen in astonishment. I didn’t even know but I already began shedding tears because I could feel the sincerity in her voice when she said that and I was truly grateful that someone I didn’t even know actually cared for my wellbeing. I closed my eyes after a few minutes and stepped into my dreamscape, envisioning a world where my significance wasn’t so bad.


She watched Lennox go to sleep in an exhaustive sigh, she eventually stood up and left the room as the door silently closed behind her. She looked to her left and walked in that direction, down the alleyway making her way to the first floor to then leave the building and make her way to the ledge that separated land from sea. Her left hand sunk into her lowermost pocket where she removed a rectangular blue box, evidently it was a pack of cigarettes. To her right was a cubicle object, the body of the object had a shade of dark hue that contrasted with the orange cordial flame it emitted through an incision at its summit only waiting for a single perturbation to ruin its subtly.  A cigarette occupied the center created by her middle and index finger. She brought the ‘but’ of the cigarette to her lustrous lips before setting the terminal point alight.


A single puff of smoke held her mind at ease, tranquility seeped into the core of her being as she felt all life’s negativity drift into oblivion.


“I thought you said you only smoke once per week. This is your second”, a male voice echoed in a playful voice, registering in her ears.

“Early shift?”, she responded as the obnoxious odor of tobacco lingered in the air.

“Hehe, yeah”, he chuckled then stood beside her. He leaned on the railing turning his body so that their eyes meet.


A swift breeze ensued a moment of silence amongst the two individuals.

“The same case?”, he responded as he lowered voice.

“Yeah”, she responded swiftly.

“And what will do about it?”

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“The usual, afterall, I can only do so much as a single person”

“Can’t you let it go?”

“You should know the answer to that”

“This is the 5th one, right?’


“I wonder when it will end? Don’t you think so, Chelsea?”

“All things have an end Jon , it is simply when.”

No words were further uttered……



Lennox was up and awake , his eyes looked towards the window opening. He deemed it night time from a simple gaze at the moon which oversaw all that was living.

“ You slept for a quite a while. Seems you were tired”, that same melodious voice echoed in the room.

“ Yeah….” , Lennox seemed quite calm in his tone but it was obvious that he was disorientated and couldn’t fathom what happened to him was real.  This was seen by how he remained looking at the moon not even enacting  body language to  the voice.

“ Hungry?” ,

“ Yeah……”

She sat on a chair close to Lennox and  opened a container that dispersed an aroma of home cooked soul food which she gave to Lennox.

He graciously accepted it with a formal thank you then proceeded to eat in silence.

“ You are not the first to suffer from this, actually you are the 5th of such a case and..”

“ Stop.” , Lennox interrupted as he lowered the eating utensil from his lips.

“ And? So what?“, he stated in a distressed tone.

“ You…. are the first case to have survived”, she said looking directly at Lennox.

Lennox remained quiet and turned his head to stare at the calm face of Chelsea.

“ What you suffer from cannot be described with conventional thinking or human comprehension. It is beyond that trajectory and you  have only survived because of your strong willpower but your mental health degradation is a side effect from all this"

“ Just tell me, What. Is. This?” , he asked in a tone yearning for clarity.

She briefly remained quiet organizing her thoughts before saying.

“ You are someone who has gained awareness of the other side.”

“ The other side?” , Lennox asked.


“ Yes, Lennox . The Boundary between Life and Death “, she said in a serious voice.-

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