You and Me

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Their Stories [1]

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The body dropped from the 5th floor, there was an eerie silence as it fell through the air. The person could be identified as a male with long cascading blonde hair and wore a black tracksuit whilst being barefoot. His eyes remained closed as he fell to his death. One which he had already accepted.

Seeing all this was a female with rectangular shaped glasses yet only one eye was functioning as the right eye was covered by an eye patch. She had black silky hair tied into a ponytail and wore a long plain green dress. Her feet were occupied by sandals with strappings. Her one scarlet eye widened as she saw the male falling to his death. In that moment her heart stilled and her breathing immediately grew heavy. She began running straight towards the direction of his fall, instinct overtook her and she let go of any hesitation in her mind. I can make it, I can make it, I can make it was what would’ve screamed if she had time to talk.

Everything began slow down; time seemingly grew slower. Was it her perspective or just the world? She didn’t know. She didn’t want to know. Only the instinct to save the male falling was on her mind. As she drew closer and closer, the falling body seemingly moved further and further away.

‘I won’t make it, I won’t make it.’, She screamed in her mind. The hope she wished to become for the man looked unlikely true.

Seconds seemed like minutes and minutes like hours. Just before the male’s body hit the ground and the female missed the catch by an inch. Time completely halted.

“Two souls, one lost, one searching for the lost”, A voice sounded out.

“How did they end up here? “, The voice spoke out again, was it conveyed to himself or the readers out there?

“Let’s try again.” The voice sounded out one more time. The moon in sky glowed more brightly than before, exuding an aura of brilliance. The moonlight’s intensity grew to a point where it rid out any darkness its light shone. Everything grew white, the location the male and female were in vanished as they remained in their positions.

Time resumed as the male hit ...Nothing. The female was still in shock and still kept her body position for a few seconds before she came back to her senses and gazed around to see the ‘White’ world that seemingly took reference to Heaven. She was spooked but not necessarily scared, she crouched down and poked the male with her index finger on his cheek. The male didn’t want to open his eyes and the female got irritated. She poked his cheeks more viciously even using her sharp nails to pinch them. The male finally woke up, he saw whiteness and shed tears ,immediately assuming that he had died. He ignored the pain because he couldn’t ‘feel’.

“ Is this death , the other side is it? Its so quiet and feels warm. It feels safe. At the very least I am free from all my burdens.”, the male said to himself in a relieved tone. He had a blank expression. His eyes were faded and had no focus at all. He only noticed the ‘White’ world and nothing else.

“But why ,why do I still feel this way? Why is there still pain?” , he asked himself in a saddened tone as he then look to his left side to see a female looking at him with a concerned expression .

She looked at him quietly without saying a single word as she only observed his actions and listened to his self-talk.

“ Who are you , have you also died as I?” ,he asked in a plain tone as his tears stopped unknowingly. His belief that he had died and this women had also died led him to let go of everything that weighted on his mind, the tragedies , the failures, the misery . All of it went into smoke.

She laid down next to him then looked up at the ‘sky’ and said, “ I don’t know ,I only remember trying to save you and in a flash I appeared in this world with you”

“Ironic to think that a wish I made would be fulfilled with my death”, The male said as he looked at her with the same tone , disregarding her intention to save him as he felt that what she did was meaningless ,afterall he considered himself meaningless.

“I believe we aren’t dead because if we did then I would probably be in Heaven right about now with angles and in my own golden mansion, don’t you think?”, She said smiling.

“ I probably wouldn’t go to Heaven because I died by my own hand”, He said so straightforwardly that it sent a chill down her spine.

“ Why did you end your life?”, she asked in a soft voice expecting the male to react aggressively yet contrary to her expectations the male remain calm.

“My life was a life that wasn’t a life I wished to live”, he said .

She remained quiet. The male looked at her and responded “ I can also see it in your eye , while you tried to hide behind that fake smile of yours ,I know deep down inside you just wanted to let everything go ,let everything die. You held on a thin rope of hope knowing that there is no hope in your heart. You continued trying to convince yourself that you can do it and find a way but reality continued to beat you down like the insignificant person you were. You tried to get up but couldn’t so you crawled throughout your whole life . Your beilefs wavered ,your faith faded like the candle in the wind and you were a moth moving aimlessly to find a purpose but couldn’t. Yet through all this ,you persevered through willpower alone. You succeeded where I failed yet here we are together in a world of nothingness.”


She turned her head to look at the male deep into his eyes. Everything he said was true ,she couldn’t say anything. She just simply looked at him blankly and he looked back at her with the same expression.

She asked ,” What is your name?”.

“ Lennox, Lennox Irvin and you are ?”, he said

“ Chery ,just Chery” ,she said and stood on her feet and looked down at Lennox.

“Were you an orphan ?”,he asked.

“ Yes, I was actually born in South Africa, in a province called Gauteng. I lived with my family there in a city called Johannesburg. I had many family and friends and enjoyed my life there. There was a day when I was playing with my friends at a public park when suddenly gunshots were heard. It seemed like another turf war between factions but there was more to it. Lots of people died that day , I could hear my friends screaming as bullets pierced their hearts and skulls and the whole park was doused in blood. I saw them die , their eyes that were filled with despair at that moment of death . Some looked at me pleading for help but died right in front of my eyes. My best friend , Jessica died taking a bullet to the chest for me and I only suffered an eye injury that permanently made me lose vision in my right eye. I remember the image of her death vivdly , those pink lips that arced into a soft smile ,a relieved smile. I could only watch as she died in my arms. Her final words were “ Don’t give up ,Don’t give in and keep smiling alright?”. I remember ,I FUCKING Remember and I can never forget”,

Chery said in a distressed , angered and saddened tone. Tears dropped down from that one scarlet eye she had. She calmed a few seconds later and continued,

“ I was the only one that lived that day , eventually the people that found me alive  ,took me against my will. I never went home that day ,I never saw my family since that day. My kidnapping went unnoticed , I seemingly never existed to the world. I was thrown in a container and shipped off to who know’s where. All this happened when I was just 16 years old. I had also heard my family were killed by the people that kidnapped me. All within the container was deemed to work as sex workers until death but something occurred that I just couldn’t describe.


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Inside the ship the people around me began to suddenly collapse and I grew increasingly scared, I believed they were all dead and indeed they were. I closed my eyes to avert the nightmare but I knew that was not possible. All that was left was silence. The container continued on drifting about and days later it came to a stop. At that time, I was severely hungry, I was mentally and emotionally drained that I literally couldn’t feel anything and I slowly felt myself dying, then again perhaps I did not wish to die.

The container’s doors burst open and I was greeted by a man named “Juan”. He helped me out the container and told me that I was in South America, specifically I was in Ecuador. I was terrified because I was simply to far from home and I had no help to escape this predicament. Juan said he would help me and told me I wouldn’t be able to return to South Africa because the people who sought me believe that I have died and he wanted to keep it that way, not just for his safety but for mine and his family.


So, Juan took me in, raised me the best he could, gave me the best education, taught me many things about the values of life and how I should live mine, live in my own way. He eventually died from cancer 7 years after he found me and it was then I cried so much since my family’s death and even then, I remain eternally grateful to him and his family for opening their home to me. I perceived him as my Father, Mentor and Savior, he would be a person I’ll never forget. So, eventually I decided to leave Ecuador to travel the world so I chose Ireland first because Europe was a continent I’ve always wanted to explore, so why not? I couldn’t go to England because my budget deemed it so. So, after I arrived in Ireland, I decided to explore the country and just like that I Found you Lennox “


Chery spoke about her life with emotion, every sentence was accompanied by hand gestures, and body movements that could’ve been considered exaggerated in this case but the belief that the situation they were in was impossible to escape lead her to execute such. These are perhaps expressions she would have never done in the real world but she didn’t care at this point and for the first time in her life she did not have to pretend to be someone she was not in front of another person except Juan and his family.


Lennox listened attentively and was quite shocked by what he heard, how could a person live through so much pain but remain sane. He looked at Chery more closely and saw that she began to shed more tears. She proceeded lie down next to Lennox as she raised her arm to wipe away the tears that dropped down her eye. Lennox remained silent and only continued looking at Chery. She calmed down and smiled while looking at the ‘sky’.

“That was pretty embarrassing huh.”, She said as she chuckled slightly.

“There is nothing embarrassing or funny about expressing your emotions. I actually envy your ability to talk about your past with so much emotion, even releasing all your frustrations without a shred of care. You are someone very brave, worthy of respect.”, Lennox said, expressing the honest sincerity in his voice.

Chery just smiled and then turned her head to look at Lennox

“And what about you?”, she said.

“What about me?”, Lennox said.

“Tell me …….”, Chery said with a serious expression. She truly wished to know more about Lennox because she felt his story was even deeper and more tragic than her own.

Lennox simply looked at her with a dull expression. He narrowed his eyes at her and then averted his gaze to look at the ‘sky’.

“Tell me, what does it mean to be live?”, he asked.

“I…., to live is being able to be yourself regardless of what happens, right?”, Chery said

“That is a noble response but my beliefs vastly differ from yours. To be able to live is to relish what the world, the universe has gifted to us. The world is so great that in your whole lifetime you would not be able to attain everything it has to offer. There will always be something new, something great and something beyond your imagination that may just dawn upon us. But what if, just what if you couldn’t be yourself and you could not relish in such a world? Your whole world was built on the voice of others not your eyes. A yearn to see such beauty yet the men that lurk the world prevent you from seeing it?

Your starting point in life was already compromised, living was seeing the darkness that harbored the world and only you alone tried to escape it. A beginning true Hell”


[ Author’s Note: Back from Exams, Updates will be more frequent now]







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