You-Know-Who Lives in My Head Rent-Free

You-Know-Who Lives in My Head Rent-Free

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You-Know-Who Lives in My Head Rent-Free

Review: 7.6/10 from 14 ratings

The Diary's influence on Ginny had been too strong. Instead of dying when pierced by the fang of the basilisk he himself had awoken, Tom had managed to find refuge in the brain of the girl he had possessed over the past year.

Ginny quickly realized that you-know-who, scourge of the British magical world, cold-hearted mass murderer, pure blood supremacist, so vile his name cannot be uttered, is much less threatening as a sixteen year old angsty ghost only she can interact with.

Honestly, her biggest concerns are much more down-to-Earth: how in the world is she supposed to reconcile her crush on the 'Boy' Who Lived when the person in question is no longer a boy?

A queer romcom fic whose entire existence is meant to piss off Rowling.

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