You,Under My Name

Chapter 174: 174

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"Of course, it's a woman ~" Li luoran lied. In front of a person, she lied in such an unconscionable and dignified way,

"you know I have a good relationship with the mirror. We often play together very late. Sometimes it's common for me to live in her house, ha ha That's what happened last night. I stayed in her house all night, which is nothing to us

Still so bad at lying, Li luoran was incoherent. He did not dare to look directly at Lu Shaochen's eyes. Now, he became more evasive.

In this world, the last person she wants to cheat is Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen, however, would not have been sleeping with her for a night?

Ha ha

I'm afraid that even children who just have gender awareness can't be partial, right?

Tell this white lie, but do not want to let Lu Shaochen misunderstanding, now between her and Lu Shaochen already can not afford more misunderstanding!


Li luoran's thoughts are pulled back to reality by a pain.

Lu Shaochen raised her chin and could not hide her face.

It was also at this moment that Li luoran found that Lu Shaochen's mood was worse than she had imagined -

because his cold eyes seemed to freeze her into a snowman on the spot. Lu Shaochen only looked at her with such eyes when she was in a very bad mood.

Why did he do that?

Li luoran suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Girl, if I remember correctly, I once warned you that you were lied to me, because once a person like you lied, his apologies and guilt would be written in his eyes, remember?"

The face of the man, at the moment, even the breath overflowing from his lips seems to be cold and piercing.

Liluoran's lips trembled.

Lu Shaoli and Luo Chen dare not talk to each other in such a way that they are afraid of each other

"What's the feeling of rekindling with your first love Lu Shaochen's eyes are dark and his voice is colder,

"or do you want to sleep with him because I haven't satisfied you for eight days in a row


Li luoran felt that he was about to collapse.

"Say it Lu Shaochen's fingers pinched her more tightly,

"how many times did you and Jin qian do it all night? Who is better than me? "

“……” Her cheeks were pink and her lips were trembling,

"I I don't know what you're talking about. "

Oh ~

the smile on the corner of his mouth is so cold and ironic.

In his pocket, the mobile phone is taken out, and the bright big screen is displayed in front of Li luoran. A clear picture suddenly breaks into Li luoran's field of vision -

it's a picture of her and Jin Qian together.

To be exact, Li luoran didn't know when the scenes in these photos happened, because she was already in a coma at that time.

In the photo, Jin Qian holds her with such carefulness and warmth that she seems to be holding some rare treasure, while she sleeps in Jin Qian's arms and wears Jin Qian's black suit

The photo automatically switches to the next one, one, another There are at least ten photos, each of which is particularly clear.

What's more surprising to Li luoran is that more than half of the photos are about Jin Qian helping her out of Jin Qian's house, getting into the elevator, and getting her into a taxi. It's obvious that someone with ulterior motives was deliberately following her. At that time, Li luoran was sober, but he didn't see anyone suspicious.

What makes Li luoran jump into the Yellow River is that the photos of Jin Qian carrying Li luoran into his home, although clearly photographed Li luoran's face, none of them can see that Li luoran's eyes are closed -

the message is that Li luoran was sober, willing, obedient and active to let Jin Qian hold him like a room

"Your explanation?"

Lu Shaochen's voice is chilling.

Li luoran's haggard face became paler.

It's not that I don't want to explain.

However, I suddenly realized that I couldn't explain it clearly in any case.

If she had told the truth instead of lying at the beginning, Lu Shaochen might have believed it. However, if she had told a white lie cleverly, it was clear that she was guilty. Now no matter how to explain it, Lu Shaochen would not have believed it.

Lu Shaochen stares at her for a moment, and his endless jealousy makes him look terrible.

"I still have photos of you and Feng qianshe together. You promised me that you would not be too close to her any more. However, you still went to his house that night. Don't tell me that you also slept with her!""You

Li luoran felt a knife like pain in his heart. The next second, he felt cold all over,

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"Lu Shaochen, did you send someone to follow me?"

"So what?"

Lu Shaochen didn't explain. Her powerful fingers tightened on her chin, and there was a trace of satire in her beautiful eyes.

"sure enough, there must be a mother and a daughter. Li luoran, I can't imagine that you are like Gu lianyue, an empty, lonely, and never satisfied woman

Li luoran's body trembled.

His chin was almost crushed by him, but he didn't feel any pain. He just looked at the man she was yearning for like a stranger. His mind was blank and his eyes were desolate

In any case, she did not expect that Lu Shaochen would one day say what these beautiful ladies had done to hurt her.


There was a loud noise.

Lightning flashed across the sky, big raindrops crackled down. A few minutes ago, the sky was still clear, and there was a sudden storm -

it became so fast, so suddenly, like a lover's face!

Affected by the typhoon, the recent heavy rain is always pouring. Li luoran's whole body is soaked in an instant. She still can't feel the cold. She always looks at Lu Shaochen like a lost soul.

Lu Shaochen is even more sad than her. At the moment, he is afraid that even if there is a knife in the sky, he can't feel it. He just stares at her and covers up his injury with coldness.

"I know that you are still in love with Jin Qian, and he is infatuated with you. Seven years later, after several collisions between you and him, it's hard to avoid the spark of love. I know that..."

At this point, the jealousy in his heart seems to have broken the dike, making Lu Shaochen's voice tremble,

"what's enough of me and Xintong together, what can't bear to separate me from Mingyue, Li luoran, you insist on moving out, but it's convenient to steal sunshine with Jinqian."


Li luoran trembled, as if he had been hit by the lightning.

The next moment, the corner of his mouth stained with the crystal water drops pulled up a trace of stubborn pride,

"yes, you are right, you are all right! Lu Shaochen, I'm just in love with Jin Qian. I moved out to live with him. I only allowed the state officials to set fire and did not allow the people to light the lights? Why can't I spend the night with my first love? "

But was she wrong?

At this moment, Li luoran vaguely shook Lu Shaochen's tall body, as if he was about to fall.

Through the cold rain, she could not see clearly, but felt his sad eyes, as if he had been stabbed in his heart with a knife by the person he cared about most

Chest suddenly a strange, there is a strong force to hit her.


She screamed, retreated, and finally hit Lu Shaochen's Lamborghini with a thump on her back.

The intense cold and pain left a few seconds blank in her mind.

No one noticed that Jin Xintong and Chu Xingchen, who were sleeping in the car, had been awakened by the loud noise.

Then, Lu Shaochen's body pressed toward Li luoran.

"Li luoran, since you admit that you are empty and lonely, I, Lu Shaochen, want to see how empty, lonely and lonely my wife is Waves


Liloran is about to explode.

Behind her is the cold door, and in front of her is Lu Shaochen, who is as angry as a beast. Her thin body is sandwiched in the middle, unable to move.

The white shirt on her body is so thin, and the man's strength is so great. Grab her collar and tear it to both sides


The sound of broken cloth, crystal clear white buttons fall into the rain at the foot.

The cold rain poured into her arms along the open gap.

Lu Shaochen is so scared that he's in the neighborhood Looking around in panic, there are still people passing by with umbrellas from time to time. Even some people in the building opened the window and looked at this strange scene in amazement

Besides, she just saw Jin Xintong and Chu Xingchen in the car.

Li luoran remembers that about ten days ago, Lu Shaochen and her had a fight in front of Jin Xintong -


More than once

However, it was Lu Shaochen who was driven by drugs and could not help himself. Besides, he was only in front of Jin Xintong.

This time, does he want to make a live broadcast for the residents of this community?

Every time Lu Shaochen punished her in this way, he was always like a wild animal who had lost his mind. Regardless of time and occasion, Li luoran could not imagine what would happen next."Now you know shame and fear?" Catching her frightened eyes and feeling her trembling, Lu Shaochen refused to let her go,

"the more one knows shame and fear, the easier it is to keep a long memory, isn't it? Li luoran, don't you like to play with excitement and be slept by men? In this way, in this torrential rain, in this broad daylight, isn't it more exciting than stealing sunshine? "

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