You,Under My Name

Chapter 175: 175

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Li luoran was so scared that she burst into tears,

"I don't want to be here. I don't want to play with you. Let me go!"

"Lu Shaochen, let go!"

"Let go..."

The cold rain and tears trickled down her delicate chin and hit Lu Shaochen's shoulder.

Seeing her tears and listening to her panicked voice with sad sobs, Lu Shaochen's heart suddenly seemed to be severely stabbed -

Lu Shaochen could not imagine that even in such a situation, her tears were still so lethal to him.

In the past, no matter how bad she was, he would not care about her any more. He would hold her in his arms and coax her with a soft voice. However, he thought that she had spent the whole night with Jinqian. He thought that her night with Jinqian must have been like that of her and herself (Lu Shaochen). Endless jealousy would have eroded his heart like poison, and he would never have any more Law tolerance.

Eyes a deep color, that silk love less than appear in front of Lu Shaochen was deeply buried in the fundus.

"Don't make unnecessary struggles."

Big hands go all the way along her smooth waist line, and the man's voice is even colder,

"Li luoran, enjoy it next!"

Li luoran's mind was buzzing. She had been in a coma for a day and a night. At the moment, she was in a trance because of her over excited mood.


The sound of metal falling to the ground.

The sound came from Lu Shaochen's belt. At the same time, she felt a chill coming from her lower waist. Lu Shaochen not only untied his belt but also tore her skirt

Lu Shaochen, he really wants to treat her

"No!" Li luoran pushed Lu Shaochen's chest with both hands.

This time, she exhausted all her strength, so that even the strong and powerful Lu Shaochen was pushed back by her.

Lu Shaochen was surprised at first.

The next second, I saw the pale liluoran, like a vented ball, with his back against the slippery door, sliding in the cold rain.

"Dye..." Lu Shaochen took a big step to Li luoran,

"what's the matter?"

The magnetic voice trembled slightly, without the previous cold and sharp, but became particularly beautiful and gentle.

But her delusion?

At this moment, Li luoran caught a trace of doting in his eyes.

Ha ha

It must be her illusion. At this time, Lu Shaochen only hated her. What else did he spoil her?

"Dye dye."

There was Lu Shaochen's anxious call in her ear. Lu Shaochen said something, but she couldn't hear it clearly. She just felt very sleepy. Her thick black eyelashes dropped slowly and fell into a coma again.

There was no hesitation.

Lu Shaochen picked her up in his arms, stepped on countless splashes and ran into the corridor.

Only left around countless people who want to see a good play but failed to achieve their wishes standing in the storm.



Jin Xintong in the car pushes the door to chase Lu Shaochen. The next second, Chu Xingchen pulls her arm hard,

"sorry, sister Xintong. Yeqian tells me to watch you. You can't leave my sight for a second, so you can't go."

“……” Jinxintong's eyebrows are lightly locked,

"star, you can see that sister Ranran has just passed out of coma. Although she always treats me as an enemy, she always treats her as a sister in my mind. I can't look at her and ignore her."

"Sister Xintong, I can't do it!"

Chu Xingchen still holds her tightly and refuses to let go,

"you know my temper. You didn't see his outburst outside the car. He can do anything when he is angry. I dare not disobey him."

The right hand instead grasps the brocade Heart Tong more tightly.

"Stars Jin Xintong wants to cry without tears,

"otherwise, don't Shaochen want you to look at me all the time? Anyway, you care about sister Ranran. Why don't we go upstairs to see her? "

Chu Xingchen, "no way."

Jin Xintong is almost angry, "why?"

Chu star Chen, "ye said before getting off the car, no one is allowed to get off the car without his permission. Sister Xintong, I'm really sorry."

He really wanted to see what happened to Li luoran, but in principle, he couldn't do it. Although Chu Xingchen was usually playful and didn't have a proper appearance, he was Lu Shaochen's most powerful arm. As long as it was something Lu Shaochen solemnly ordered, he would never take it as a joke.


Jin Xintong closes the car door helplessly.

As a matter of fact, when Lu Shaochen was strong against Li luoran outside the car, she pretended to get out of the car to stop her. However, she thought that if Lu Shaochen really strengthened Li luoran in broad daylight, she would hate Lu Shaochen all her life because of this. So she pretended to push the door open, and at the same time, she thought that the door was tied up by Li luoran and Lu Shaochen The real pressure as an excuse, as if very hard to try a few times can not pushJin Xintong originally thought that Lu Shaochen, who was dazzled by anger and jealousy, would surely perform a good play to her satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Li luoran pushed Lu Shaochen away at the most critical moment as if he had divine help. Moreover, when Lu Shaochen attacked her again, he fell into a coma at the right time -


Where in the world can there be such a coincidence?

Li luoran must have pretended to be in a coma!

Li luoran, the little fox spirit, must have pretended to be in a coma, lured Lu Shaochen to take her back to her room, and then continued to induce Lu Shaochen to do this unfinished thing to her


She must not let liluoran succeed!

After a lot of hard work, she managed to separate Lu Shaochen from Li luoran. She could never let Li luoran and Lu Shaochen stay together alone after so long separation

However, last night, Lu Shaochen just lightly ordered Chu Xingchen to take good care of her. Chu Xingchen was just like looking after a prisoner, which made it difficult for her to move!


Is it true that birds of a feather flock together? How is Lu Shaochen different from ban Shaochen?


Li Luo, who was drenched by the rain, had no dry place on his whole body, like a troubled drowned chicken.

Lu Shaochen took her in his arms and went straight into the bathroom. He turned on the shower water and poured her all over with warm water before he began to help her take off her clothes -

to be exact, it should be "tearing" -

because all of Li luoran's clothes were close to her skin and it was difficult to take them off, so Lu Shaochen used the fastest and most rude way to tear every one of her clothes to pieces Apart from the broken and then pulled down by Lilo

The girl with closed eyebrows and eyes breathes evenly and steadily, and her chest rises and falls slightly, as if in deep sleep.

Lu Shaochen put her on her lap, supported her in her arms with one hand, and washed her whole body with bath lotion on the other hand.

Elegant and careful, as if cleaning a treasure he cherishes most.

Lu Shaochen thought that when he learned that she had been intimate with other men, her status in his heart would plummet, and he could not tolerate her any more.

However, at the moment when she fell to the ground, the pain in his heart still poured out hysterically. At that moment, he ignored all her disappointments to him and only wanted to protect her. It seemed that everything she had done was irrelevant.

What Lu Shaochen can't understand is that he knows that she is "dirty" and that her body and heart have betrayed him, but when Lu Shaochen bathes for her, his blood boiling physiological reaction is still so strong and turbulent

If it wasn't because he didn't want to take advantage of her when she was asleep, Lu Shaochen would have eaten her up.

This reminds Lu Shaochen of Li luoran's mother, Gu lianyue.

Gu lianyue has always been a single-minded woman. On the contrary, Gu lianyue changes her men faster than her clothes. Gu lianyue does not hide her "casualness". It's strange that almost every man who has had a close relationship with Gu lianyue does not mind her "casualness" and still can't give up on her -

even Lu Shaochen's father Lu Wangyuan is no exception!


Is it really genes?

Li luoran's blood is full of pity moon's blood, and his blood is full of foresight. Therefore, he has no immunity like his father to her mother?!


about 20 minutes later, Lu Shaochen takes Li luoran out of the bathroom.

She carefully put liluoran on the bed and covered her with a thin quilt. Then she realized that she only wanted to help her take a bath, but she was always wearing the wet clothes and never took off.

Walk back to the bathroom.

I took a shower.

When she returned to liluoran's bedroom, her body was shaking and her dry lips were murmuring nonsense from time to time.

"What's the matter?"

Lu Shaochen's Adam's apple slipped slightly.

No response.

Liloran was still shaking, his teeth creaking.

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"Liluoran!" As he called her name, he approached her.

As if sensing something, Li luoran suddenly turned his back to him.

Lu Shaochen found that her side face was covered with thick sweat and thick black hair on her face.

"Hiss ~"

Lu Shaochen took a cold breath and raised her hand to hold her face. However, in her sleep, she could feel the approach of his hand. She raised her hand and slapped it on the back of his hand.

Lu Shaochen could not help but shrink his hand because of the intense pain.

"Lu Shaochen, you are not qualified to touch me!"

Although the sleeping girl's voice was vague and weak, Lu Shaochen could still hear her clearly.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were deep,


"Lu Shaochen, why do you do this to me? Why... " The sleeping girl, her shaking hands clasping a pillow, was hoarse because of her haggard voice,"Lu Shaochen, you said you would want me to be the happiest woman in the world. You said you would spoil me all your life. Why..."

"Why do you do this to me?"

"Why are you with her?"




Over and over again asked why.

Every "why" stabbed Lu Shaochen's heart like a needle.


The face of the man, guilt closed his eyes.

When he once pursued Li luoran, every picture appeared in his mind like a lantern, and every oath he had made to her echoed in his ears like a replay


He did promise to make her the happiest girl in the world.

It's not just his promise, it's his real heart.

He did not mean to talk about it. He thought that he could give her a colorful life, so that she would never be betrayed and betrayed again. However, he still failed her -

since Jin Xintong came back, even though he tried his best to protect Li luoran as before, he still hurt her, even though he was unconscious after drinking that night With skin.

Now think about it. He cheated first.

This time, Li luoran's cheating is a tit for tat!

He's even with her.

Maybe it's his fault that she is left out in the cold, so she gives other men opportunities

"Girl." Lu Shaochen sighed a long time, and was held by her big red hand in her black hair,

"my oath will never change, I will make you the happiest girl in the world, believe me, eh?"

No response.

Li luoran, whose eyebrows and eyes were closed, still kept asking "why".

Lu Shaochen felt more and more that something was wrong.

The back of his hand was close to liluoran's forehead, and the sudden heat made him suddenly change his face.

Even the bath towel that had been wrapped around the waist fell to the ground, but without any clothes, he ran to the medicine cabinet and quickly ran back with the thermometer.

Lu Shaochen's face was frightened by the temperature of 42 degrees.

Lu Shaochen never knew that he was moving so fast, even when Lu Mingyue had a high fever before, he had never been so fast -

after only three minutes, he pasted antipyretic stickers on Li luoran's forehead, back and stomach, and made antipyretic medicine.

Li luoran's lips were opened by her well-defined fingers, and she poured the medicine into her mouth, but she vomited it out immediately.


Why is a wife harder to serve than a son?

The handsome man with a loss of 100 billion has never been so panicked as the one with a loss on his face.

"Pa!" It's a soft sound.

It turned out that a women's magazine that had been placed on the windowsill had been blown to the ground.

The man and woman on the cover of the magazine were kissing intimately, which made Lu Shaochen's eyes shine.

Lu Shaochen doesn't fill Li luoran's mouth with medicine any more. Instead, he takes a cup of water and puts the medicine in his mouth -

then he breaks Li luoran's mouth open again, faces her mouth, and feeds the medicine into her mouth at a steady speed, one by one


Li luoran wakes up.

In the last picture in my memory, she fainted in the rain water. Now, it's still raining outside the window, and the fierce wind is beating the window with raindrops. She thinks, it shouldn't be long before her coma.


Why is there a faint medicinal taste in the mouth?

When did she take the medicine?

He got out of bed, wore pajamas that people didn't know when he was wearing, walked out of the bedroom with wide slippers, and then saw Lu Shaochen.

He just sat on the sofa outside, wearing the same pair of clothes as her pajamas, watching TV with scrupulous smile.

Why does this picture give her the illusion that she is still living with Lu Shaochen?

"You slept an hour and three minutes." Lu Shaochen takes a look at his famous watch.

"Er ~" Li luoran came up to him and asked,

"during my coma, did you treat me That... "

"That one?" Lu Shaochen looked at her with curved eyebrows,

"which one?"


Li luoran didn't believe that Lu Shaochen, who was so good at that, really didn't know what she was talking about!

Her cheeks were very hot. "That's what you want to do to me outside the community!"Lu Shaochen, "want you?"

Li luoran, "yes ~ ~"

"if something enters your body, will you not feel it?" The arc of Lu Shaochen's mouth is somewhat evil, thought-provoking and soul stirring.

Li luoran feels that her whole life is going to be bad, and her eyebrows are locked deeply,

"if I can feel it, I won't ask clearly, will you tell me if I have it or not? Thank you

I'm really going to kneel for Lu Shaochen.

She doesn't know why there is such a strange species as Lu Shaochen in the world. She clearly remembers that just an hour ago, Lu Shaochen, who had confirmed that she had been "derailed", still growled at him like some kind of wild animal, as if he wanted to eat her, and even wanted to force her regardless of the situation

However, as soon as she woke up, Lu Shaochen seemed to be a different person, as if nothing mattered.

Don't men mind being cuckolded by their wives?

What's more, Lu Shaochen is such a picky and difficult man to serve?

Lu Shaochen's appearance makes Li luoran more and more suspicious. He really treated her when she was asleep -

because, according to Li luoran's experience, when she was angry with Lu Shaochen in the past, Lu Shaochen would be in a better mood after he had a hard talk with her

This is what Li luoran is most afraid of!

"Alas ~" Lu Shaochen turned off the TV with the remote control,

"girl, you have gone through so many baptisms, have you never paid attention to my time?"


What does that have to do with time?

Li luoran's haggard face was puzzled.

"As I said, it's only an hour and a few minutes since your last coma." Lu Shaochen, who was talking, had already come to her side and held her chin with her well-defined fingers.

"forget that I spend more than 90 minutes every time? If I really want you, when you wake up, it's still going on, OK? "


Li luoran's mood can not be described as chaotic.

However, after careful consideration of what Lu Shaochen said, every sentence he said was right. Therefore, she can now be sure that Lu Shaochen did not have a relationship with her

Li luoran did not exclude Lu Shaochen.

Although Lu Shaochen is deeply cheated by Jin Xintong and thinks that he has been sweet with Jin Xintong once, Li luoran knows that Lu Shaochen is innocent;

moreover, the more furious Lu Shaochen is when he finds out that she has cheated, the more he shows that Lu Shaochen cares about her. Now she is Lu Shaochen's right wife. If Lu Shaochen has that request, she will not be indifferent It's a refusal.

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