You,Under My Name

Chapter 177: 177

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Li luoran sneered,

"Lu Shaochen also believes that I have no connection with your brother. If you really want me to be good with him, you should help me clarify the facts instead of instigating. You are not" blessing "me, but deepening the misunderstanding between Lu Shaochen and me."

Lu Shaochen's dark and jade eyes were cold.


He had been calm, but Jin Xintong's words were like a pair of cruel hands, tearing open the most sensitive scar in his heart.

Jinxintong has said blessing words between him and Li luoran more than once, but instead of having the effect of blessing, it backfires.

In retrospect, three years ago, when he and Xiaojin were strongly opposed by his mother and Wanyue, Xiaojin always spoke ill of Xiaojin and her mother with such kindness

Lu Shaochen has always been convinced that Xiaojin's heart is pure, just like an innocent child. However, he turns to think about it. If Xiaojin doesn't say these words unintentionally, but deliberately after careful consideration, how deep is the plot of Xiaojin?


He never misjudged people.

If not, if he misjudged the goddess he had loved, he would have slapped himself in the face.

"Sister Ranran, I sincerely hope that you and Shaochen will be good enough to say these easily misunderstood words. I even know that when I say these words, maybe even Shaochen may doubt my character, Shaochen, right?"

Jin Xin Tong's pitiful eyes sent to Lu Shaochen again.

The expressionless Lu Shaochen said, "you have always been straightforward and don't know how to cover up. I never doubted your character."


Thinking that Jin Xintong relies on Lu Shaochen's trust in her to become so blatantly "black" again and again, Li luoran wants to cry without tears.

"Shaochen, I'll be satisfied with your words in my life..."

The rain had stopped nearly three minutes ago, and the tearful woman clenched her pink lips, and her beautiful face was even more sad in the wet water vapor.

"I remembered a sentence," I don't care about eternity, I only care about what I once had. "In the past, I always thought that the person who said this sentence was very free and easy, he could simply put down a relationship, ha ha, now Only after that did I realize that he was helpless. Who didn't want to live forever with the people he loved? But he can't help it, just like you and I, since we can't grow old together with the people we love most, in the end, we can only persuade ourselves to let go

On her painful eyes, Lu Shaochen heart faint pain, but can only indifferently respond, "you can think of the best, now let go, to you, to me."

"Good for you, good for me Hehe, yes, since Ranran appeared in your world, I have become a burden to you. As long as I can be with her, what's the point of sacrificing my happiness? What makes me sad? "

Jin Xin Tong trembles voice to say, beautiful face is full of tears.

No response.

Lu Shaochen just looked at her without expression.

Since Jin Xintong's return, no matter how much suffering Jin Xintong has suffered and how many grievances he has suffered in Li luoran, Lu Shaochen always protects Li luoran. Jin Xintong just tells the truth, and he has nothing to refute.

"I understand that you choose to be silent just because you don't want to hurt me by the facts you say, but it's just your hypocritical kindness. Lu Shaochen, compared with your cruel and merciless actions, what can you make up for?"

As if completely collapsed, Jin Xintong never yelled so fiercely in front of Lu Shaochen,

"Lu Shaochen, don't you want me to stop pestering you forever? I helped you. Three years ago, I died once because of you. I survived. This time, I won't! "

When he turned around, he didn't have enough strength to hit the wall.

Lu Shaochen is very close to Jin Xintong, and he has enough time to stop her. However, he always stands as steady as a mountain, and doesn't even move his finger.

Li luoran knows that Jin Xintong won't be killed. Naturally, he just sits and ignores.

Jin Xintong thought that Lu Shaochen would hold him for the first time. After noticing that Lu Shaochen didn't move, although she was secretly frightened, she had already opened her bow and didn't turn back. She had to fight against the wall.


The forehead didn't hit the wall, but hit a very elastic object -

to be exact, it was Chu Xingchen's chest -

after finding that Jin Xintong was going to hit the wall, Chu Xingchen blocked her in front of her with the fastest speed.

"Star, you Why are you stopping me? "

Although she is very happy, Jin Xintong stares at Chu Xingchen with resentment. She just wants to scare Lu Shaochen, so that he can abandon Li luoran and continue to accompany her all the time. In order to bind Lu Shaochen, she has already suffered so much. She really doesn't want to eat it again

The 18-year-old boy showed some shyness on his pretty face. "Hey, sister Xintong, you are the most beautiful and pure goddess in my mind. How can I watch you die? Besides That... "Chu Xingchen looked at Lu Shaochen awkwardly,

"besides, the Lord has entrusted you to me, but he offered me three times of salary, and asked me to protect you 24 hours a day, every hour. It's also my job to save you."


The sound of thunder has long been heard. At this moment, Jin Xintong is even more shocked than hearing a loud giant thunder. She casts a frightened look at Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, Xingchen always likes to joke. He must be teasing me, isn't he? You can't entrust me to him, can you? "

In return for her, it is still Lu Shaochen's silence.

The silence at the moment also represents the most affirmative answer!


Ears as if to open a hornet nest, Jin Xin Tong tears again out of control.

"Shaochen! How can you do this to me? Shaochen Wu... "

Sobbing bitterly, he ran back to Lu Shaochen and grabbed Lu Shaochen's arm with both hands.

"Shaochen, you know that I'm looking for life and death for you. You know that I might feel better if you stay with me, but Sobbing But you arrange Chu Xingchen to replace you. You know I hate him. You know, being with him every day will only make me feel worse. Why Sobbing Why... "

"Shaochen! Why are you so cruel to me

The cry of grief and despair seemed to make the sky cry again.

If we say that every time Jin Xintong cried in front of Lu Shaochen, at least 90% of them were acting out, then this time, it was 100% from the heart.

When Lu Shaochen told her to entrust Jin Xintong to Chu Xingchen, Li luoran thought about what Jin Xintong would be like when he learned the truth. Unexpectedly, he came here as soon as he wanted to

One side of Chu Xingchen's lips are wrongly pursed. He used to feel good about himself, but he is just a disgusting "teaser" in Xintong's mind?!

Lu Shaochen helplessly looks at Jin Xintong,

"people get along with each other for a long time. Xingchen is a good boy who deserves to be entrusted for life. He will protect you for me. If I can't give you love, he will give it for me."


Jin Xintong's thin body obviously shakes. At this moment, a watery melonseed face has no blood color,

"no! Shaochen, you're not serious. You lied to me. I'm your favorite little brocade. How can you entrust me to other men? "

"Shaochen, if you say something, it must be you and Xingchen who have come to tease me, isn't it? Shaochen, will you speak? "


Such panic, fear, can't believe, Jin Xintong hands can't help shaking Lu Shaochen, even before the mourning cry also scared to a sudden stop.

Looking at the last glimmer of hope in jinxintong's beautiful eyes, even Li luoran felt pity, so he pinched Lu Shaochen's waist silently.

However, Lu Shaochen doesn't seem to feel that his gaze at Jin Xintong is more indifferent and firm.

"Xiao Jin, I didn't tease you, every word I said is true."

At the moment when the words fall, Li luoran clearly sees that Jin Xintong's expression becomes dull. The last spark in her eyes seems to have been mercilessly extinguished by cold water, leaving only cold ashes

"Ha ha."

In the face of this most cruel moment, Jin Xintong actually laughed.

She took a deep breath and hit the wall again with all her strength.

Naturally, she was once again blocked by Chu Xingchen. She bumped her head solidly against Chu Xingchen's stomach. Unexpectedly, Chu Xingchen stepped back two steps in succession. The excessive pain almost made him vomit blood.

But the heartbroken Jin Xin Tong doesn't seem to feel pain at all. After knocking Chu Xingchen away, she bumps against the wall again.

In the end, he was stopped by Lu Shaochen.

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"You let me go, let me go..." Jin Xintong struggles at the top of her voice, then loses all her strength and collapses in Lu Shaochen's arms,

"Lu Shaochen, you are so merciless to me, what's the meaning of my life? Why don't you want me to die? Why Wuwuwu... "


Crying in despair, hysteria.

Lu Shaochen has no choice but to lock his eyebrows. His guilt for Jin Xintong and his remorse for himself make him heartbroken.

Li luoran stood in the same place without saying a word.

She knows that Jin Xintong is not really acting this time. Just now, Jin Xintong really wants to die. If Chu Xingchen and Lu Shaochen didn't stop her, Jin Xintong's collision would be more or less dangerous

Although Li luoran and Lu Shaochen can complete their love, she is not a virgin without selfishness. Naturally, she hopes Lu Shaochen can make a decision for her and Jin Xintong, but she never wants to see such a result."Stars."

Lu Shaochen motioned Chu Xingchen standing aside to help Jin Xintong.

Chu Xingchen scratched his wine red hair helplessly,

"Yeh, I think it's better to forget it. Sister Xintong is so sad, and she hates me. If you still insist on leaving her, it's too cold-blooded..."

Before the last word "love" was uttered, Lu Shaochen's cold eyes scared him back.

"Ha ha, OK, it's my job. Don't be angry. What I listen to is, ha ha ~"

Chu Xingchen is busy supporting Jin Xintong.

Now Jin Xintong is out of her wits, like a puppet doll, pushed by Lu Shaochen into Chu Xingchen's arms without any struggle.

"Hey, don't be sad, elder sister Xintong. The master also said that he wanted me to protect you on her behalf. It shows that the master still can't let you go. The master also said that he can't give you love. If you want me to give it, I will love you for him." Chu Xingchen coaxes Jin Xintong, and holds her to the parking position.

Lu Shaochen looked at them in a trance.

Cold blooded and heartless -

he knew that Chu Xingchen wanted to use this word to describe him.


He has always been "cold-blooded and merciless" to his enemies, but to the people he cares about, he has nothing to do with this adjective

Lu Shaochen never thought that one day, he would be cold-blooded and merciless to a girl who tried his best to spoil, love and even swear never to hurt her!

He closed his eyes feebly.

When I fell in love with Jin Xintong, the beautiful scenes emerged like high-definition movies. Every scene was like a knife point poking into his heart.


The woman he once loved most has become the most sorry woman in his life

He will never forgive himself in his life!

"You know, many times, when I see you in a dilemma between me and jinxintong, especially when you wronged her for me, you blame yourself so much, I feel very sorry."

Li luoran's voice came to his face.

Lu Shaochen finds that Li luoran is in front of him, because Li luoran is a little shorter than him. Just now, he looks up at Jin Xintong. He is lost. He even knows that she is talking.

His eyes fell on Li luoran's face. "Among the three of us, you are the most innocent. You don't have to feel sorry."

"Is it?"

Li luoran laughs,

"how can I feel like a third party breaking up a couple who really love each other?"

Lu Shaochen was also amused by her smile, "well, I'm the heartless man who was moved by a third party. We are really shameless couple."

“……” Li luoran was almost made to laugh.

Holding jinxintong has not gone far Chu Xingchen steps disorderly, almost fell to the ground with jinxintong.


My Lord, you are so special that you don't know how to restrain yourself!

Even if you can't help forgetting yourself when you are with your sister-in-law, can you give more consideration to the feelings of other people?

This side has just been you hurt heart Tong sister has not gone far, you can hear in her position to say such words, how do you want her to think?!

Chu Xingchen really misunderstood Lu Shaochen.

He doesn't know that Lu Shaochen just now is still immersed in the guilt of Jin Xintong. Once he meets Li luoran's eyes, his mind is focused on Li luoran. He ignores that his joke will hurt Jin Xintong

Lu Shaochen thinks that it is because he is greedy of this selfless feeling when he is with Li luoran every time that he would rather fail the whole world for her sake.

Li luoran raised her head and Lu Shaochen held her small face in his big hand. "Promise me one thing."

Li luoran with bright star eyes,


"No more sex with any other man, eh?" Although Lu Shaochen has a smile on his face, Li luoran feels that what he says is very serious.

It turns out that he always cares about


Li luoran's lips moved, and he clearly wanted to explain, but he thought that in front of the "evidence", all the explanations were so feeble that he could only point his head reluctantly,


Lu Shaochen smiles,

"well behaved, this is just like you."

Turn Mou, inadvertently see again brocade Heart Tong lost figure.


Lu Shaochen admits that he is ruthless to Jin Xintong, and he is also very guilty, but he will never regret it.

He has always been a decisive person. Whenever he decides to do something, he will do it to the end. In the past, he always thought about his old love and couldn't bear to be too determined with Jin Xintong. Now, once he decides to be indifferent to Jin Xintong, he will be cold to the end and never look back

Now, Li luoran also feels Lu Shaochen's determination.In a word, Lu Shaochen is really kind to her.

She also knows that people with ulterior motives deliberately create misunderstandings between her and Lu Shaochen. Although she has no way to prove her innocence, Li luoran believes that sooner or later, all conspiracies will come to the surface, and all false faces will be seen through just as Bai Qingwan was seen by Su Yan to be innocent Is this scene called Lang Qing and Qie Yi, or is it wolf heart and dog lung? "

A gentle voice broke the warmth of the moment.

Lu Wanyue -

this name appeared in Li luoran's mind.

According to the reputation, I saw the tall, hot and bold girl.

Jin Xintong didn't come alone. The rich lady who came with her was Anjian, Lu Shaochen's mother. In addition, they were followed by a group of black people. Li luoran knew that some of the people who were wearing gold and silver were Anjian's family relatives. At least 50 tall men in neat black suits were strangers A raw face.

Nine black Bentleys are parked in one line on the road outside the residential area, which is not spacious. Just now, Li luoran has been talking with Lu Shaochen attentively, and he has not noticed when these cars carried so many people into the residential area -

seeing such a big battle, Li luoran has a very bad premonition.

Li luoran is distracted, and Lu Wanyue has come near,

"Mom, some people are so ungrateful that their first love almost spills blood on the spot. It's just that they are irresponsible to coax them. On the contrary, in front of others and another woman, do you think this person's good heart has been eaten by the dog?"

Everyone can tell who Lu Wanyue is satirizing.

Lu Shaochen sneered and said nothing.

Li luoran was secretly frightened. She thought Lu Wanyue had just arrived. Unexpectedly, she could see the scene of Jin Xintong's suicide clearly -

how long have these people been here?

What is the purpose of their great influence?

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