You,Under My Name

Chapter 178: 178

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An Jiaren looks at Lu Shaochen strangely,

"like father, like son. Lu Wangyuan is a fickle bastard. His son is just like him. What's so strange?"

Lu Shaochen's handsome face is colorful.

Li luoran is also very helpless, always in her here can't get good Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren, can only point at Lu Shaochen.

"Stars, Xintong, don't go yet." Lady Ann said.

Hearing this, Chu Xingchen stopped obediently.

Even Jin Xintong, who had been in a trance, seemed to wake up at the moment. She knew why an Jiaren came, and she had been looking forward to an Jiaren coming earlier -

when she saw that an Jiaren had brought so many people, Jin Xintong's cool heart suddenly appeared a trace of joy.

An Jiaren continued, "although this is our family affair, you have been following Shaochen for so many years. Just like Shaochen's brother, you can be regarded as half of our family. As for Xintong, not to mention, it is not only important, but also affects our family's dignity, honor and disgrace. You should also participate in it."

Chu Xingchen, who is aware that an Jiaren is not a good comer, is as silent as Lu Shaochen and Li luoran.

Only Jin Xintong can't see that things are not good. She looks up at her haggard face and asks innocently,

"Mom, you are so aggressive, but what happened?"

"Big deal? It's more than a major event. It's just the most shocking and humiliating event in our family. " With these words, an Jiaren has come to Li luoran,

"who were you with last night?"


Li luoran took a cool breath, and the bad feeling in her heart became more and more strong, which made her unable to say a word at a time.

"Oh, haven't you always been sharp mouthed? Why are you speechless now? Oh, where is speechless? It's a guilty heart, right

An Jiaren laughs sarcastically,

"since you are embarrassed to say it, I will help you to say that you have been staying alone with Jinqian from 12:05 yesterday to 8:00 this morning."


A bunch of photos fell on Li luoran's chest, and then fell to the ground in disorder. Li luoran looked down. All these photos were the ones she had seen on her mobile phone before, without exception

It was also at this moment that Li luoran realized more clearly that the people who took these photos had ulterior motives.

"Li luoran, aren't you eloquent and eloquent? Why don't you explain this time? "

An Jiaren is very proud. Since she learned that Li luoran was the daughter of Gu lianyue's fox spirit, every war between her and Li luoran ended with her failure. However, in the end, she won,

"when we received these photos sent to me by a kind-hearted person, Wan Yue and I were shocked, because no matter how we contradicted you in the past, But Wanyue and I still believe in Shaochen's vision. We are naive to think that since he is so devoted to you, at least it means that you are good, and you will never be an impudent woman. Unexpectedly, you are as cheap and selfless as Gu lianyue's old fox spirit. No wonder Wanyue always says that Shaochen is a dog, my good son, and he is really blind. "


Lu Wanyue couldn't help laughing.

Other people are all dignified, such occasions, in addition to Lu Wanyue, who can laugh?

Li luoran was silent.

Even Lu Shaochen can't believe her explanation in the face of these "real evidences", let alone an Jiaren who has always been prejudiced against her

Therefore, it is better to put down the explanation with dignity than to ignore Gao Leng calmly.

However, Anjia said that a "kind-hearted person" sent these photos to Anjia, indicating that the person who sent someone to follow her was not Anjia. Who would it be?

"I showed these pictures to everyone in the family, and they all agreed that you were cheating. What else do you have to say?"

Because this situation is huge, attracted a lot of people in the community to watch, not only does Anjian not converge, but she raises her voice higher.

Li luoran raised her eyebrows faintly,

"since you have sentenced me to death, is there any meaning in what I say?"


An Jiaren was put off by her for a while, and then she turned angry into happy,

"ha ha, yes, a person who committed a dirty crime can't change the fact of her crime in front of the evidence, no matter how much sophistry, what's the significance of sophistry?"

"Alas! Yes! Yes

An Xiaojing, sister of an Jiaren, nodded immediately.

Several other members of the Anjian family echoed her words,

"the photos are all clear. A woman is carried into the house by a man, and the two of them stay all day and night. What else can they do if they are not thieves and prostitutes?""Yes, it's shameless and dirty! It's filthy

"Alas! Not long ago, the little fox spirit surnamed Li was caught by us on the spot and tangled with Feng qianzhen in the cabin compartment. If we didn't rush there in time, she would have cooked mature rice with qianzhen's raw rice long ago. After a long time, she didn't have the idea of qianzhen any more, but she went with Jinqian. "

"Che, how do you know that she didn't have any more shallow ideas? In my opinion, this kind of woman is a fox spirit. Just like her mother, Gu lianyue, she flatters and colludes with rich and handsome men. Maybe she's already been sleeping secretly with Qian she. "

"Alas! Why is Shaochen so unlucky? It's terrible to be green! "



Relatives poke Li luoran in the face. If language could kill people, Li luoran would have been killed thousands of times.

The onlookers can't help but cast strange eyes at Li luoran -

Li luoran has lived in this community for more than a week. People who often see her in and out of the community have a good impression of this kind and polite girl. Unexpectedly, is she an undisciplined Slut?


Know your face, know your heart!

"All right, all right! After all, this kind of thing is also a fatal disgrace to Shaochen. We should pay attention to the influence and stop. "

Anne clapped her hands to stop.

Jin Xintong, who is always held tightly by Chu Xingchen, laughs in her heart. If an Jiaren, an old fox, really takes care of Shaochen's face, she won't wait for you to say so much before clapping her hands and calling a halt -

in order to humiliate Li luoran, an Jiaren didn't care that Shaochen was also humiliated -

three years ago, an Jiaren wanted to humiliate her and Lu Shao When Lu Shaochen broke up, he never cared about Lu Shaochen's feelings.

An Jiaren said, "state owned laws, family rules, Shaochen, you know our family rules, you tell Li luoran, for a wife who betrayed her husband, what is our family doing?"

Li luoran was quite unexpected.

She thought that after an Jiaren had such strong evidence, she just wanted to force Lu Shaochen to sweep her out of the house as before. Unexpectedly, this time, she moved out of the house.

When Li luoran thinks of family law, she can't help but think of the scene when an Jiaren used family law against Lu Shaochen in the hospital. The bloody picture of Lu Shaochen's back is in front of her

Lu Shaochen just opened his mouth,

"for a wife who has betrayed her husband, she really has to use family law, which is a fact that no one can escape."

After hearing Lu Shaochen's words, Mrs. an showed a knowing smile.

Lu Wanyue raised her face triumphantly.

Even Jin Xintong's eyes full of tears are full of bitterness. Fortunately, everyone's attention is on an Jiaren's side, and no one notices her.

At this moment, Li luoran feels that her whole heart is very cold. She never thought that Lu Shaochen, who had been protecting her before, would actually speak for an Jiaren.

Ha ha

Think about it, in fact, Lu Shaochen also hate her derailment, of course, also hope to use family rules to let her always remember it!

"But I also said that the premise of using family law is that the wife betrayed her husband."

Lu Shaochen, who is standing side by side with Li luoran, quietly grabs her cold little hand, and his cold eyes scan every face that harbors malice towards Li luoran.

"I also saw those photos. It's just that someone is playing a prank. Ran Ran Ran didn't betray me. She is innocent."

Li luoran's body trembled more severely, and her heart was filled with endless emotion like a warm tide.

She knew that Lu Shaochen also misunderstood her cheating.

Although Lu Shaochen himself also recognized that fact, he lied to his family for her sake -

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Lu Shaochen belongs to the type of compromise, and he would never lie regardless of dignity unless he had to!

However, this is not the first time for Lu Shaochen to lie!

"Is it?"

Anjian was shocked,

"I asked experts to identify these photos. These photos are absolutely true. They are not made with technical special effects. Do you think this is a prank?"

Lu Shaochen's big hand, which holds Li luoran's little hand, is even tighter.

"of course, I have been with Ranran since last night. If these photos are not fake, does she have the skill of separation, and can she be with two different people in two places at the same time?"


This, Anne is really muddled, eyes confused stare landing Shaochen, for a long time don't know what to say.


Of course she knew Lu Shaochen was lying!

However, Lu Shaochen's lie, like a golden bell, protects Li luoran solidly. Compared with the photos that can be used as "iron evidence", they are worthlessThe relatives were all stunned.

They believe that Lu Shaochen also knows the fact that he was dyed "green" by Li Luo. If he was a normal man, even if he didn't gnash his teeth when he learned that his wife was cheating, he would never lie for this woman -

is the most intelligent and excellent Shaochen in the family really haunted by the woman surnamed Li?

If not, how could he become so stupid?

"Well! It's really a long experience. Brother, you've been cheated by lard. Li luoran has sold you. How can you still protect her like this? "

Lu Wanyue's angry voice broke the silence at the moment.

Lu Shaochen light look at her, "you know, I never lie, since it is a fact, where to come from the protection?"

"You're bullshit

Lu Wanyue strides up to Lu Shaochen,

"don't think I don't know. Since last week, you have been with Xintong 24 hours a day. Since you are with Xintong, how can you be with Li luoran?"

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were slightly locked, just trying to explain something, and an Jiaren's voice had sounded before him,

"Shaochen, if you don't lie, you are not afraid of our confirmation. From now on, you will keep silent. If you say one more word to interfere with me to prove the truth, it means that you have a ghost in your heart. You are just doing perjury for Li luoran!"

Lu Shaochen can only keep silent.

An Jiaren looks at Jin Xintong,

"Xiaojin, did Shaochen stay with you last night?"

Jin Xintong is about to speak, but Chu Xingchen says, "Hey, Auntie an, to tell you the truth, sister Xintong and I were together last night. What you said was true. She spent the whole night with her sister-in-law..."

"Shut up, I didn't ask you!" "Xiaojin, you can't tell lies, and you are also the purest girl in my mind. I can't believe their words, but I only believe you. You tell us whether Shaochen was with you last night."

Anxiously Lu Shaochen gives Jin Xintong a look.

But before, he always looked at Lu Shaochen's jinxintong, but at this moment, he no longer looked in the direction where Lu Shaochen was. He just looked at Lu Shaochen's beautiful eyes with deep resentment,

"the star said that Shaochen didn't really stay with me last night, it was the star that accompanied me all the time."

Lu Shaochen was finally relieved.

Chu star also secretly relaxed tone, fortunately, heart Tong elder sister so kind, she will help Ye lie for sister-in-law.


Anjian's voice is much lower because of her loss,

"Xiaojin, if you also lie, I will be too disappointed with you. All our relatives will not believe you any more. You can think it over!"

“……” Jin Xin Tong clenches her lips, and it is clear that she is very tangled, struggling, and she has something to say.

An Jiaren accentuated her tone,

"your expression has betrayed your heart, and everyone can see that you are lying. For this kind of thing, you help Shaochen to solve the lie, but you are harming him. Go ahead."


Jin Xintong then raised her head and cast an apologetic look at Lu Shaochen,

"Shaochen, I'm sorry, I'm really not good at lying..."

At this moment, Li luoran obviously felt that Lu Shaochen's hand was very tight, as if she was about to break her little hand.

But Li luoran was not surprised at all.

In fact, when Lu Shaochen first lied for her, she knew that as long as Jin Xintong was there, Lu Shaochen's lie would definitely be broken, because Jin Xintong, like an Jiaren, didn't want her to be good.

Jin Xintong at the beginning to help Lu Shaochen lie, but also just said to Lu Shaochen listen, she can't wait to expose Lu Shaochen as soon as possible, how can really help Lu Shaochen round down?

Chu Xingchen excitedly grabs Jin Xintong's jade arm. "Sister Xintong, as long as you don't say that sister-in-law will be fine, don't you..."

"Chu Xingchen, do you want to force me to hit people?"

An Jiaren angrily pointed to Chu Xingchen's wine red explosion,

"from now on, if you say one more word, I'll give you 100 slaps in the face. I'll do what I say!"

“……” Chu star is also helpless, can only grasp Jin Xin Tong, hope she can receive his hint.

However, Jin Xintong seems to have no pain, no response, just Mu Mu's head down, as if very tangled to say,

"in fact, I didn't lie, last night Shaochen really wasn't with me, I've been with the stars, but Shaochen was not with Ranran."

The slender jade points to the limousine not far away,

"star and I have been in the car all the time. Shaochen doesn't let star and I get off the bus, but he stands under the cedar tree and waits for sister Ranran to come back. He waited all night, until more than an hour ago, sister Ranran came back...""Ah?! My God

At that moment, someone exclaimed,

"this is the truth, Shaochen He lied for a woman who betrayed him

"My God?! What's the matter with him? "

"Alas! Li Luo is poisoned. Shaochen is too poisoned. She is no longer a normal person! "

Relatives looked at Lu Shaochen like aliens.

All along, everyone in the family regards Lu Shaochen as the greatest honor in the family. But at this moment, everyone suddenly dislikes this man who does not want the bottom line or dignity for a woman

"Ha ha, brother Shaochen, brother Shaochen, you are Mr. Lu who is famous, distinguished and unique in Jiangcheng. Why do you ignore your reputation for a cheap woman?"

Lu Wanyue also wants to cry without tears. Looking back over the past ten years, Lu Shaochen has never lied about her even though he dotes on her and loves her, and he has never ignored his dignity for her like this

Lu Shaochen's face was dignified, his lips were light brown, and he couldn't make a sound, but his eyes were black and dreary.


Sure enough, it's still Xiaojin!

Always so innocent, even white lies will not say!

Always stabbing him and liluoran with her kindness

"Shaochen, you let me down so much!"

Anne shook her head. Now that she had achieved her goal, she was much more calm.

"now, it's time to talk about our family law?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes darkened,

"Ranran is my wife. Even if she makes a mistake, I am the only one who can punish her. No one else has the right to touch her, let alone use family law against her!"

The voice obviously became cold, which made several relatives nearby who were not only noisy but also silent.

"Oh?" An Jiaren sneers,

"the so-called family law is handed down from our ancestors. As long as our ancestors' blood is flowing in our bones, no one can escape the sanction of family law. You have to be the same, and so does your wife. How can you abolish it alone?"

An Jiaren is confident, and she is not afraid of Lu Shaochen's opposition. She laughs at Lu Wanyue and says, "Wanyue, how do you deal with Li luoran according to our family law?"

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