You,Under My Name

Chapter 193: 193

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Lilo got out of the car.

Jinqian came to her for the first time, "I saw Xintong very excited outside. What happened?"

Li luoran said, "maybe it's me who brings up bad memories."

Jin Qian, "..."

"By the way, Jin Qian, you told me that you know Jin Xintong best in the world. What do you think of her in terms of feelings?"

Jin Qian did not hesitate to reply, "Xintong is a very dedicated girl, otherwise, she will not have illusions about Lu Shaochen after knowing that he has been married. She is so beautiful, and there are many good men who pursue her, but she always keeps other opposite sex out. In this respect, she is very similar to me."

"Are you sure?" Li luoran shakes her head,

"Jinqian, if I tell you that your sister is not as good-natured as you think, and she even sleeps with a man in order to achieve her goal, what would you think?"

"Don't insult Xintong!" Li Zhiran made luoqian lose control at that moment.

However, he quickly kept calm, and his eyes changed back to his usual Wenru.

"Ranran, Xintong is Lu Shaochen's first love, and the only girl Lu Shaochen loved before he met you. As your biggest rival, I can understand your rejection and hatred of her, but I know her. She is a traditional girl, and her private life will never change Don't slander her. "

All right!

Li luoran can only shrug his shoulders and smile bitterly.

Don't say Jin Qian doesn't believe it.

Even Li luoran himself can't believe his ears when he learns that Jin Xintong is pregnant.

Li luoran knows that Jin Xintong is different from Bai Qingwan.

Bai Qingwan knew that Li luoran and Su Yan were together, so she tried every means to get involved in their relationship;

Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen were a couple who really loved each other, and their separation was also due to a helpless misunderstanding. It's natural for Jin Xintong to "die and come back to life" and try to get Lu Shaochen back

Therefore, no matter how many misunderstandings Jin Xintong has made between her and Lu Shaochen in the past, Li luoran can't hate Jin Xintong -

Li luoran can't hate Jin Xintong, and even has a kind of intimacy that can't be ignored. He only hopes Jin Xintong will get better.

Therefore, after learning that jinxintong is pregnant, Li luoran is unwilling to catch up with jinxintong.

I hope that jinxintong, a beautiful girl like flowers, will be as good as Jinqian said!

How I hope that Jin Xintong is not really pregnant, but deliberately pretends to be pregnant to attract Lu Shaochen's attention!

But Jin Xintong's reply without any cover breaks all Li luoran's illusions


sitting in the car, Lu Shaochen is staring at the pregnancy examination form in his hand, and still can't recover his calm.

When Li luoran opened the door, he held the pregnancy examination sheet in his hand, slightly lowered his head and dodged Li luoran's eyes.

"Does it hurt?"

With a sigh, Li luoran rubbed Lu Shaochen's swollen hand with his soft finger belly.

Lu Shaochen just shook his head.

He always lowered his head, as if he owed something to Li luoran.

Li luoran knows.

Lu Shaochen always thinks that he did something deviant with Jin Xintong after drinking that night. Now, he thinks that Jin Xintong is pregnant with his child. He feels ashamed to face Li luoran

"Actually Ha ha, forget it, I won't talk about it... "

Li luoran stopped wisely after only half of his words.

It was meant to tell the truth.

However, Jin Qian, who has lived with Jin Xintong for more than 20 years since he was a child, does not believe her, let alone Lu Shaochen, who regards Jin Xintong as a goddess?

"I just want to tell you that you never missed anything and didn't feel sorry for me. You were drunk and unconscious that night. Even if you really had a close relationship with jinxintong, it was out of carelessness. What's more, jinxintong said that after you were drunk, you mistook her for me to do that, wasn't it?" Li luoran can only comfort him in this way.

Lu Shaochen let out a breath.


Except for Li luoran, he had no physiological reaction to any woman. Three years ago, he and Xiao Jin went through a lot of hardships to have a baby, and finally they had to use tube surgery

That night, he was unconscious after drunk. If he didn't mistake Jin Xintong for Li luoran, how could he do that?

What's more, the next day, sleeping in the same bed with him, Jin Xintong, whose clothes are not neat and hair is messy, also tells him that he calls "Li luoran" intermittently in the process of treating Jin Xintong

Li luoran took Lu Shaochen by the hand. "So, Lu Shaochen, even if Jin Xintong is pregnant, I will never blame you. I want to congratulate you on being a father."

As her voice fell, she clearly felt Lu Shaochen's wrist tremble.

The next moment, Lu Shaochen cast her eyes, sinister and terrible, as if to swallow her a beast in general.At the same time, Chu Xingchen on the driver's seat sprayed a mouthful of green tea on the front window of the car.


Sister in law, are you kidding!

My heart is heavy enough to kill two cows now, OK? If you don't comfort him well, how can you still congratulate him with a smile?

Do you make fun of people like this?

"Well ~" suddenly realized that it was not suitable for joking in this situation, Li luoran pulled his lips apologetically,

"sorry, I didn't mean to sarcasm you. Don't take it to heart."

Lu Shaochen just said "OK" lightly.

But never looked up at Li luoran.

Li luoran knows that an excellent and arrogant man like Lu Shaochen has a perfectionism in his heart. Such a man is always strict with himself to the point where he is almost harsh. He can never tolerate stains on himself.

Lu Shaochen's infidelity to Li luoran that night became a stain that he could not erase. Moreover, now he has another child, which makes him unable to let go.

Now, the only way to let Lu Shaochen put down his psychological burden is to let him see the truth!

Once upon a time, although Li luoran couldn't stand Jin Xintong acting in front of Lu Shaochen again and again, she didn't deliberately expose Jin Xintong.

This time, for the sake of Lu Shaochen, Li luoran had no choice.

The car starts.

Jinqian is carrying jinxintong on the road dozens of meters ahead.

Chu Xingchen deliberately increases the speed, an illegal overtaking and Jin Qian's car go hand in hand.

On the right hand side, the door of the front passenger's seat is open, and the cool wind blows. Jin Xintong's black hair floats like algae. Chu Xingchen sticks out his head and whistles, "sister Xintong, I say hello to his child on behalf of you."

Jin Xin Tong looks at Lu Shaochen on the back row seat in surprise.

Lu Shaochen's face became even worse.

Li luoran looks at Jin Xintong's delicate face through the light gray glass window, and a trace of loss emerges in front of her -

in Jin Qian's car, every word Li luoran says to Jin Xintong comes from her heart.

If Jin Xintong is willing to give up, Li luoran can help Jin Xintong maintain her image in Lu Shaochen's heart. After all, it's good to leave Lu Shaochen a beautiful memory of her first love.

However, Jin Xintong wants to do absolutely everything.

Now Lu Shaochen has already felt guilty about Jin Xintong's pregnancy. If Jin Xintong insists on giving birth to the child and continues to cheat Lu Shaochen, saying that Lu Shaochen is the father of the child, it will be a huge shadow for Lu Shaochen all his life

Therefore, Li luoran will never allow it!

If jinxintong must be born, then she must also expose jinxintong's lies.

Jinxintong, don't blame me!

I have given you enough chance to turn back, you have to force me and you to tear the skin like an Jiaren, I have no choice!


Lu Shaochen's company still has many things to deal with, but Li luoran can't be let go, so they and Chu Xingchen send Li luoran to the gate of Lu's house together, and then they rush to the company.

Li luoran walked alone in the huge yard.

The phone rings.

It's Jiang Xiaojing.

"Dye dye?" Jiang Xiaojing's voice.

Li luoran said, "Well!"

Jiang Xiaojing was relieved. "I'll go. I'm relieved to hear that it's your own voice. I heard that someone stopped the police car to take you away. That person should be Lu Shaochen, right?"

"Eh ~" Li luoran smiles.

"How crazy! After you were taken away, I immediately contacted the brothers and sisters who went to Anjia's family to help you revenge. We were planning how to intercept the police car to save you. He forced us first. " There is obvious helplessness in Jiang Xiaojing's voice.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

"Mirror Li luoran was so scared that she almost raised her heart to her throat, but she knew that the mirror was for her own good, and she couldn't bear to blame, so she could only smile and sigh,

"you, when can you let your parents save snacks? If I give birth to a daughter like you, I will have to cry every day in the future! "

"Well, it's a blessing for you to have a daughter like me..."

Li luoran talked with Jiang Xiaojing for a long time.

When I hung up, my palms were covered with sweat.

If the girl Jiang Xiaojing was born in ancient times, she would be a heroine. Li luoran has no doubt that Jiang Xiaojing would intercept the police car for her.

Now think about it. It's sentimental for him to take Jiang Xiaojing to find an Jiaren. If the mirror causes more trouble for him, once something happens to the mirror, Li luoran doesn't know how much he hates himself.

Lilo ran into the room.

Almost just sitting on the sofa, Zhao Haixin, a passionate servant, came over and said, "this meal with Mrs. an is not very smooth."Li Luo Ran is a Zheng, "how do you know?"

"Alas Zhao Haixin sighed,

"nearly half an hour ago, Mr. Lu made a phone call. He told me to call all the people of Lu house and inform them to be ready to testify in court that Mrs. an had committed atrocity to you in our Lu house. I think something must have happened again."


The coffee cup just picked up by Li luoran fell back to the tea table.

Lu Shaochen told an Jiaren in the hospital that if an Jiaren insisted on pursuing Li luoran's responsibility, he would also take an Jiaren to court. Li luoran thought that Lu Shaochen was just saying it for the purpose of threatening an Jiaren. Unexpectedly, Lu Shaochen was ready to do that

Lu Shaochen!

Is he really killing his family for her?!

Li luoran's eyes blurred again.

"And, madam, how long are you going to hide from Mr. Lu?"

Zhao Haixin's voice brings Li luoran's thoughts back to reality.

Her eyes trembled. "What to hide?"

Zhao Haixin smile, "you are pregnant."

Li luoran was really shocked.

"Ha ha, I've had three children. You can hide this from others, but you can't hide it from me. Although you still can't see any change in your stomach, your face is more moist and bright than usual. In addition to your occasional vomiting reaction, I can see that you are pregnant, and according to my experience, you are mostly a girl." Zhao Haixin smiles kindly,

"I think Mr. Lu will be very happy if he knows. Let him know as soon as possible."

With these words, Zhao Haixin went to clean the yard.

Li luoran sat on the sofa in a trance, his right hand stroked his stomach slightly.

These days, she and Lu Shaochen have gone through a typhoon like the weather in Jiangcheng. There are always flashes and thunders and storms. She can't even find a chance to tell Lu Shaochen about her pregnancy.

When I think of the child I'm pregnant with now, I can't help thinking of Lu Mingyue -

before, Lu Mingyue was taken away by Anjia, but today she went to Anjia's house and didn't see Mingyue. Now, where is the lovely little cute baby?


the next day, Li luoran was awakened by the alarm.

Open the bleary eyes, the next second, was a bright golden light attracted attention.

the bright and shining gold necklace is hanging out of the window.

Such a necklace can easily capture any girl's heart.

Li luoran, who had never been awake before, became extremely conscious when she saw the necklace. When she picked up the necklace, she found a platinum card under it, which was written in Lu Shaochen's handwriting,

"to my wife".

Li luoran's knowing smile.

She is not a girl who likes to show off. In the past, Lu Shaochen often gave her some jewelry. Except for the engagement ring that she promised Lu Shaochen "never take off", she never wore it. Instead, she put it in a drawer with a code lock, and this necklace is no exception.

When I got out of bed and passed Lu Shaochen's bedroom, I subconsciously looked inside. It was empty and there was no Lu Shaochen.

When I went downstairs, I didn't see Lu Shaochen.

When eating breakfast, Chu Xingchen came to the scene in high spirits, "ha ha, good morning, sister-in-law. The master said you are going to film today, so he told me to come and pick you up."

Li luoran put down the spoon and said, "what about others?"

Chu Xingchen cast suspicious eyes to her instead, "Er ~ didn't you see him last night? How many times does he have to do that with you every night? "

"What?" Li luoran really didn't understand what the big boy was talking about.

"Ha ha, nothing, nothing..."

Chu Xingchen grabs his wine red explosion. How can he forget that my father has hurt his legs and feet now, and the doctor specially told him not to do that sweet thing,

"my father is very busy now. It was more than two o'clock in the morning when I sent him back last night, and I sent him to the company at five o'clock this morning. No, after I sent him to the company, he urged me to come back to pick you up. ”


Li luoran did not ask more.

Remembering that Lu Shaochen has been tied by Jin Xintong a few days ago, it is reasonable for the company to accumulate a lot of things to deal with.

"By the way, sister-in-law." Chu Xingchen sits beside Li luoran,

"my Lord tells me to tell you that his men have inquired about song Zilu. My Lord says that it will take two days at most to catch song Zilu."

Two days!

In other words, two days later, she will know the whereabouts of her own son?

Lilo dyed his lips with joy.

There's some good news.

~~Li luoran came to the crew.

Qin Weijie had been waiting for her at the exit of the parking lot for a long time. Seeing Li luoran come out, he took her arm and said, "I'm going to shoot today. Are you nervous?"

Li luoran nodded.

This film has an unprecedented strong lineup. For a person who has never filmed a film, the pressure is just like a mountain. Besides, Mr. Wang Jinjin has so high expectations for her, which makes her always have the psychological shadow of "what if she fails to do it"

The secret work of the crew is extremely strict.

In order to prevent people from taking photos and videos, ten guards stood in front of the gate, searching everyone who entered, and confiscating their mobile phones temporarily. No one except Wang Zimo and two senior leaders was an exception.

Walking to the gate, Qin Weijie took the initiative to turn off his mobile phone and give it to the guard.

When Li luoran was about to shut down, a guard said, "are you miss li luoran?"

Li luoran nodded.

The guard waved his hand, "you don't have to turn off the power. Mr. Wang told you that you can bring your mobile phone in."


Li luoran just wanted to say "thank you", but not far away came a complaint like a complaining woman,

"lying trough, is there any mistake, Wang's surname even labor's mobile phone has to be collected, but she is allowed to bring her mobile phone in, where is the principle of heaven?"

At the first moment of the sound, liluoran could tell who its owner was.

According to her reputation, you can see feng Qianyi, who has an evil beauty, coming towards her with her cool blonde hair.

In the twinkling of an eye, Feng Qianji had already arrived at the door. He looked at the guard who had just talked with Li luoran discontentedly, "give me my mobile phone back."

The guard also knows that the famous star, where dare to provoke him, can only be submissive smile, "wind teacher, this is Mr. Wang's order, we just take the salary to help him do things, we also have no way."

The wind is shallow, the blue eye condenses, "return the mobile phone to me!"

The guard's forehead was in a cold sweat. "Well, Mr. Feng, we really can't help it. Mr. Wang has gone in, or you can go to him and say it."

Feng Qianji wanted to say something else, but lengbuding shrunk his head in fright at Li luoran's fierce eyes, and even his voice ended,

"you What are you doing? "

"What do you want me to do? What can I do to teacher Feng as a novice Li luoran, without any trace, gathered up his threatening eyes and gently pulled Qin Weijie, who was dull faced,

"it's not good for stars to play big names. Let's go."

"Good..." Qin Weijie looked at the wind in surprise, and then stepped forward.

Is she wrong?

Why do you feel so afraid of Li luoran? He just looked at Li luoran's eyes as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Qin Weijie suddenly remembered that she had caught Feng Qianyi's eyes in the program group of song and dance Shengping before

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