You,Under My Name

Chapter 192: 192

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Although Lu Shaochen just does not show emotion looking at the location of an Jiaren being carried away, Li luoran can still feel his light sadness.

"The purpose of her hard work is to show you. I think she would like you to see her."

"after all, Lu Wanyue is the one who chases you from afar."

Lu Shaochen did not give a positive answer. Instead, he took his eyes back from afar and took Li luoran into his arms. "Let's go."

Li luoran stayed for a while, and her eyes became firmer in the next second,

"I know you have deep feelings for your mother, and you want to see her from the bottom of your heart. I don't want you to go farther and farther for me and your favorite relatives."

It was Lilo who dyed his hair from his heart.

She knows more about the importance of family love than anyone else. She never wants Lu Shaochen to be the same as her for her sake. If she has a choice, she would rather Lu Shaochen stay neutral between her and Anjian than for the sake that her relationship with Anjian is getting colder and colder.

There was a slight pain in the chin.

It's Lu Shaochen who holds her chin and lifts her small face lightly. He is extremely handsome. His eyes of black gem are drooping, and her warm lips are blowing her hair like spring breeze.

"remember, I'm not doing this for you, so never feel sorry for me, understand?"

Li luoran's eyes were hot and humid. "I understand..."

"Sorry, I don't think I should be here at this time."

A female voice suddenly rang out.

The voice was so clear, so pleasant and so familiar that a name flashed into Li luoran's mind at the moment he heard it.

Follow prestige to go, as expected saw brocade Heart Tong.

Today's jinxintong is wearing a light purple shirt which is slightly loose, and her lower body is simple Capris with sports shoes. Even though it is the most common simple and small fresh style dress, it looks beautiful and refined on her.

The dignified Jinqian stood on her right hand, holding her arm lightly.

In the natural rejection of Jin Xintong, Li luoran's face is cold.

"Sister Ranran, I know that I'm afraid the last person you want to see is me, so I just said I'm sorry. After all, it's really a coincidence today that we can meet like this. It's our sister's fate."

Brocade Heart Tong extremely beautiful small face show apology.

"I'd rather believe that there are ghosts in the world than that we happened to meet today, so you don't have to talk so much!"

Li luoran's eyebrows stand upright. She feels inexplicably uncomfortable with the word "sister predestined relationship" mentioned by Jin Xintong.

Jin Xintong looks aggrieved.

Jinqian steps forward, "Ranran, you really misunderstand Xintong. She doesn't know you and Shaochen will come to the hospital. She and I will come to the hospital for examination."

Li luoran glanced aside and did not reply.

Jin Qian's words, she still 100% believe.

Up to now, jinxintong has been around for some time, but Lu Shaochen seems that jinxintong doesn't exist at all. From beginning to end, he doesn't say a word to jinxintong, and doesn't even look at her. After Li luoran and jinxintong finish talking, he immediately gently pulls Li luoran,


Li luoran was very surprised that Lu Shaochen would behave like this. He gave a faint reply and walked with Lu Shaochen to the direction where the car was parked.

"Shaochen, don't you care why I came to the hospital for examination?"

Jinxintong's voice came from behind.

Lu Shaochen didn't look back or stop, but just perfunctorily,

"it's enough for Jinqian to care about you."

"It's enough for my brother to care about me. Ha ha, what a wonderful answer. So even if I have a terminal disease and I'm about to die, are you indifferent?"

Jinxintong's voice is so sad that even Li luoran can hear it.

Lu Shaochen said, "if you are terminally ill, how can your brother's expression be so calm? Don't make trouble, Xiao Jin. It's not suitable for us to joke any more. "

Voice down, has also come to the front of the car.

Chu star early spring opened the door, Lu Shaochen low body will get into the car.

"Yes, in your eyes, I'm already a passer-by. Your time is more precious than gold. How can you waste your time joking with a passer-by? How can Mr. Lu, who is aloof, joke with a passer-by? " Jin Xintong walks slowly to Lu Shaochen, her flower like body trembles faintly,

"OK, I don't waste your time, but I have to tell you..."

"Xin Tong!" Jin Qian interrupts Jin Xintong in a deep voice,

"what's the meaning of saying or not now? Let's go home. "

For fear that Jin Xintong would say something she shouldn't say, he forced her to leave.

"No! Shaochen has the right to know, I must tell him the truth! Shaochen, I came to the hospital for examination today. I'm pregnant. "As if to hear a bolt from the blue, Li luoran in order to get on the car has not completely bent over the body, instantly petrified in place.

At the same time, she felt that Lu Shaochen's arm around her waist was obviously tightened.


Jin Qian broke down with a sigh.

Just after he learned that Jin Xintong was pregnant, what he was most afraid of was Li luoran. When he learned about it, he wanted to hide it as much as possible. Unexpectedly, he was afraid of anything. He just walked out of the hospital hall and immediately met Li luoran in the parking lot.

Because of the violent ups and downs of emotion, Jin Qian took Jin Xintong's right hand and couldn't help relaxing for a few minutes.

Jin Xintong takes the opportunity to get rid of him and walks to Lu Shaochen and Li luoran in a twinkling of an eye.

"Shaochen, after my brother took me away from you, in fact, I have figured out that it's good for you, me and sister Ranran to separate me from you, but the tree wants to be quiet and the wind doesn't stop. God has given me this child. That night when you were drunk, everything will come No one has to take any defensive measures so abruptly Ha ha... "

Jin Xintong's smile is helpless and happy.

At this moment, Li luoran was even more shocked and speechless.

She knows very well that Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong couldn't have a relationship that night. Jin Xintong cheated Lu Shaochen about everything, but Jin Xintong was pregnant

"This is the pregnancy test result."

A pregnancy test report is presented to Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen didn't know how he got into his hands. His bright eyes looked at the words and seals on the pregnancy check list in a trance, and his figure on the ground trembled.

Jin Xintong, standing beside him,

"when the result came out, my brother told me not to let you and sister Ranran know. He even suggested that I kill this child. Of course, I understand my brother's mind. He only wanted sister Ranran to be good, for fear that I might affect your marriage."

Jin Xintong looked back at Jin Qian,

"at that moment, I really wanted to kill the child. I sat on the operating table and thought about it. My tears were wet and dry again and again. Finally, I couldn't shed tears, but I was still cruel. Shaochen, this is our child and a life. I think if he was a boy, he would be like Ming If she is a girl, she must be a peerless beauty when she grows up. How can I sacrifice such a beautiful life so ruthlessly... "

At this point, I was moved by my tears,

"finally, I decided to give birth to this child. Although I promised brother Jinqian to hide the fact that I was pregnant from you, at the moment I saw you, I still decided to tell you, because you are the father of the child, it's wrong to hide from you, Shaochen, what do you say?"

How can Lu Shaochen speak!

The only way is to hold the pregnancy check sheet tightly in the palm of your hand, as if to crush the thin paper in the palm of your hand.

Looking at Lu Shaochen's painful and remorseful appearance and thinking about Jin Xintong's "touching" words, Li luoran's heart is like a galloping horse, and he has the heart to hit people on the spot.

But she tried to bear it!

Her past experience tells her that she can't do it to a pregnant woman in any case -

three years ago, it was because she was so excited that she pushed Bai Qingwan out of control, and Bai Qingwan seized the opportunity to deliberately lie on the ground and lead to abortion -

that made her suffer injustice for three years.

Jin Xintong is even better at acting than Bai Qingwan. If Li luoran does something to Jin Xintong, maybe she will perform a bloody event of being pushed down by Li luoran and having an abortion under Lu Shaochen's eyes

Although she noticed the change of Li luoran's expression, Jin Xintong pretended not to know, and put her soft right hand lightly on Lu Shaochen's clenched fist,

"Shaochen, you don't need to be excited, let alone blame yourself. I just told you the truth just because you have the right to know. Don't worry, I will never affect your life and sister Ranran's life."

"Li Shaochen, with tears in her eyes, will give birth to a happy child."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Voice down, turned to Jin Qian walked back.

Li luoran was in a complicated mood and couldn't recover for a long time.


There was a loud noise in my ear.

It was Lu Shaochen's fist that hit the car door, followed by another "Dong"

Lu Shaochen, with a heavy heart, punched the door one after another. With such force, the luxurious car could not shake.

"Don't do that, will you?" Li luoran quickly grasped his arm with both hands,

"Lu Shaochen, Xiao Jin also said that she just told you the truth and didn't want you to blame yourself, so don't think about it."

Lu Shaochen recovered a little calmness, holding his hands behind his neck and looking up at the sky,


The startled Chu Xingchen comes to Li luoran in a hurry, "sister-in-law, what's the situation?"Li luoran shrugged, "you should be the sequela of your master's indulgence."


Chu star star star a double eye bead son almost stares out.

Li luoran didn't have time to explain. He pointed to Lu Shaochen, "ask him yourself. I'll come back soon and wait for me in the same place."

Step forward to the back of jinxintong and Jinqian.


Jin Xintong and Jin Qian just got on the bus.

Seeing Li luoran out of the car, Jin Qian turns off the car that just started, and Lu Shaochen's handsome face peeks out of the window,

"Xiao Jin all told me that Lu Shaochen made the same mistakes that men would make when he was drunk that night. Don't mind."

"The mistakes that men make?" Li luoran was puzzled,

"can you make it, too?"

Jin Qian fixed his eyes on Li luoran's beautiful face. "If I'm drunk and unconscious, when I'm with other women, I shouldn't, but if I'm with you, I may not."


Li luoran suddenly regretted asking that question.

"Ranran, there's a saying I've been holding in my heart for a long time. I've always wanted to say it to you, but I don't know how to say it. But now I've decided to leave your world, and I don't know when I'll have a chance to meet again in the future..."

After a moment's hesitation, Jin Qian said,

"at the beginning, I had to abandon you and marry another woman, but I've always kept my guard for you. Even now, I've never met a woman."


Li luoran suddenly regretted that he had asked the wrong question!

"Dye..." I don't know what Jinqian wants to say.

Li luoran interrupted him hastily, "Jinqian, cough, you'd better keep these words for yourself. I really don't want to hear them."

Jin Qian, "..."

Li luoran's slender fingers pointed to the door, "can I have a few words with Jin Xintong alone?"

"Well ~"

Jin Qian, who understood the meaning of her gesture, got out of the car.

Li luoran was sitting in the cockpit where Jin Qian used to be. He closed the door. The cabin with excellent sound insulation was quiet and frightening.

Jin Xintong has been sitting in the co driver's seat, shoulder to shoulder with Li luoran. Li luoran looks at her from her own point of view. The elegant and dignified beauty, even if it makes her want to be protected, can't help but grow in her heart.

Li luoran thinks that if there are not so many grudges between her and jinxintong, she will do her best to protect jinxintong and not allow anyone to bully her

Li luoran sighed in his heart,

"I didn't expect that even you would be such a whore."

Jin Xin Tong frowned, "the premise of talking with me is to search my body carefully, otherwise, you won't hear me a word of truth."

All right!

Li luoran opened his hands.

She remembered the scene of talking with Bai Qingwan in the car before. Bai Qingwan was also worried about what pinhole camera or recording equipment Li luoran might hide. She had to search her body before she would talk with her. This scene was surprisingly similar to that one.

Perhaps, people who have done bad things are the same, and they will be worried and nervous!

Jin Xin Tong carefully searched Li luoran's body. After confirming the safety, she opened her mouth indifferently, "why do you say I'm a whore?"

"You know it." Li luoran shakes her head,

"that night, you and Lu Shaochen had no intimate relationship at all, but you were pregnant. Whose child is that?"


Jin Xintong fell into silence, and her eyes turned to the outside of the car.

The moment she turns her head, Li luoran clearly catches the pain in her eyes.

This also made Li luoran believe his conjecture, "don't worry, I can keep a secret for you. After all, no one can change the fact that we are sisters..."

"no matter who the father is, it's hard for you to say if you don't love her."

"Also, if you have to give birth to this child, you should tell Lu Shaochen the truth frankly; if you have to let him think that the child is his, you should banish the child. I will always hide it for you, because I don't want his image of" goddess "to collapse. But if you want to give birth to a child, and continue to cheat him that the child is his, I will never again even if, at that time, as long as a simple paternity test can expose all your lies, I see how you end up. "

Voice down, push the door to get off.

"The child is not Shaochen's, of course." Jin Xin Tong light opened a mouth.

Li luoran's right hand on the handlebar of the car was stiff.

"I have no feelings for the person who made me pregnant."

Jin Xintong lights a cigarette and inhales it deeply.

Li Jintong never knows how to smoke.

She once thought that a lady like Jin Xintong would not smoke, but she didn't know that Jin Xintong's smoking behavior was so calm and skillful.Jin Xintong and Gu lianyue look like each other. Looking at her smoking, Li luoran can't help thinking of Gu lianyue's smoking!

"I took the initiative to find that person. Those days, I slept with him every day, sleeping again and again every day. I didn't want his money or the gifts he gave me, as long as he made me pregnant successfully."

Long of vomit smoke, brocade Heart Tong this words of so calm, so natural, as if eating a common meal, without a trace of uneasiness.

Looking at Jin Xintong like this, Li luoran can't help but think of their mother Gu lianyue again -

Gu lianyue tells Li luoran that when she changes men like changing clothes, and how many men are captivated, she has the same expression, calm, cold, even proud, like showing off

"Yes, Li luoran, you're right. I'm a whore. I love Shaochen, but I sleep with other men. But if you didn't force me, how could I have such a helpless move? Li luoran, because of you, everything is because of you, you forced me to be unfaithful to Shaochen, you forced me to sleep with the devil, let him repeatedly humiliate me, let me feel that my dirty body is no longer worthy of Shaochen! It's you! It's you! It's all because of you

Think of being humiliated by the "devil" like man, jinxintong lost control instantly. Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the car is excellent, and it didn't make her raise her voice.

Li luoran was secretly frightened.

Jin Xintong's experience seems to be more complicated than she imagined, or chaotic

"Fortunately, my kung fu has not failed those who want to. I finally got what I wanted and got pregnant with a child."

The little hand caresses his slightly raised stomach, and the complex emotions interweave in Jin Xintong's beautiful eyes.

"don't be naive, Li luoran. How can I be threatened by you and do it? I'll give birth to this child, and I'll make Shaochen think it's our child. I'll use this child to let Shaochen's heart that you took back come back to me. You'll see for me! "

"OK ~"

Li luoran realized that he had said nothing to Jin Xintong,

"in this case, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

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