You,Under My Name

Chapter 197: 197

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Thinking of his original "true love" for Su Yan, Bai Qingwan took a cold breath, "Su Yan, what do you want?"

Su Yan cold face, eyes sinister, "you pour is guess what I will do?"

Thinking of Su Yan is to revenge himself to deliberately approach Zhinian, and now Zhinian has been pregnant with Su Yan's child, Bai Qingwan's heart is blocked, can't say a word.

Accompanied by the sound of low footsteps, Su Yan came to her, "if it's hard to guess, I can help you narrow down the scope. I said that my 'true love' to your sister is as pure as you were to me at the beginning, so I will 'treat her well' as you were to me in the future!"

The last four words were deliberately accentuated by Su Yan.

"Su Yan, do you want to hurt her?" Bai Qingwan, who is very good at covering up, can't hide his confusion at the moment.

Su Yan sneered, "hurt her? I'm afraid it's not enough to use the word hurt to describe what I want to do to her. "

Bai Qingwan's delicate body, like a white lotus flower, trembled obviously.

Su Yan raised her arms and grasped Bai Qingwan's shoulders like forceps.

"your sister doesn't deserve to give birth to my child. I'll make an opportunity for her to have an abortion just like you framed Ranran at the beginning, and then abandon her when she needs me most. I'll make her feel disappointed and fooled. I'll make her feel frustrated and miserable!"



"Zhinian is innocent. You can't do this to her!"

Bai Qingwan almost collapsed. She looked at the handsome prince like man in front of her with tears,

"Su Yan, Zhinian is a good girl who is pure and kind. She is still studying. You can't do this to her. I am the one who cheated you. If you want to revenge, you can come to me. My family is innocent. Why do you hurt her?"

"You finally know that your family is innocent." Su Yan, always warm as sunshine, is now cold like a glacier and a vengeful devil,

"Miss Bai, when you arranged the shadow night to kill my father and let him lay dead in the street, did you think that my family was innocent?"

Bai Qingwan was speechless.

Looking at Su Yan now, I think of Su Yan who was always obedient to her and warm as spring. The sharp contrast made her feel regret.

Since breaking up with Su Yan, although she has been attracted by Xiao Qian's paintings, she has experienced the humiliation she did not even dare to think of before. If she did not experience those, she would never have imagined that some men's playing and trampling on women would be dirty and bottomless to such a degree.

In those times when life is worse than death, Bai Qingwan often thinks of Su Yan.

After comparing with the men who trampled on her like beasts, she realized that Su Yan was so good to herself

However, she and Su Yan can never go back to the past!

"Oh, you are crying..." Su Yan, with a cold face, touched the tears on Bai Qingwan's face with his finger belly,

"once upon a time, every time you shed tears in front of me, my heart would be cut like a knife. No matter how much you ask me, I would follow you. After seeing your true face clearly, I realized that I was really stupid. Your tears were just a tool to soften my heart, and I was always cheated by you like a fool Tuan Zhuan - "

" no matter how many times you shed tears in front of me before, I know that your tears are true, because I know that you love your sister very much. How ridiculous, Bai Qingwan, even if you are such a snake, you have someone to love. "

Ironic smile, throw away white pure wan to leave.

"How can you let go of Zhinian?"

Bai Qingwan's voice trembled.

Su Yan stopped and his eyes were colder. "You send videos of you sleeping with different men to the Internet and publicly declare the fact that you are as good as you can be."

"~" Bai Qingwan's legs softened and he sat down on the ground,

"I How is it possible to take that video? "

"Yes, I almost forgot. You've packaged yourself as a pure goddess. When you go back and forth between different men like a young lady, you'll be very careful. It's not enough to cover up. How can you take a video? However, in the future, there will be men on buses like you. You haven't photographed them before, and you can still do them in the future, can't you? "

Back to her Su Yan, voice thin cool and ironic.

Bai Qingwan closed his eyes in pain.

She knows that Su Yan doesn't know about her and other men. Su Yan just said it to make fun of her. Therefore, Su Yan should not know. He guessed the truth!


Every time she played with a man, she didn't ask him to be innocent.

Now, on the contrary

"Go to the gravestone, or you'll have to commit suicide, or my sister."He left the words and walked to his car without looking back.

Bai Qingwan stares at Su Yan.

His tall figure became fragmented in her tears, and his cold words seemed to reverberate in her ears. Up to now, Su Yan's feelings for her are only bone deep hatred!

Su Yan!

What did she lose?!


Su Yan opened the door and was about to drill into the car. A thin figure came down from the car in the adjacent parking space.

"Dye dye."

Su Yanqing called out the name.

Li luoran stood in front of him with a delicate melon seed face, "I've heard all the conversation between you and Bai Qingwan. Su Yan, how can you do such a thing?"

Su Yan, "I want to kick her out of the" golden age imperial concubine "at any cost, not only did not achieve the wish," golden age imperial concubine "but more vigorously hold her."

Li luoran pulled his lips pointlessly, "I already know."

Su Yan wry smile, "you know only the result, you also know the reason?"

Li luoran's eyes are confused.

"Because she's attached to a more powerful person, the whole" golden age Princess "crew depends on that person's face." Su Yan's voice was heavy.

Li luoran was not surprised.

Bai Qingwan is so beautiful, and has always maintained the illusion of "pure and beautiful". Men like this kind of "goddess", and Bai Qingwan is so scheming. As long as she wants to go backstage, she can create the same opportunity as the original "chance encounter" fengqianyi, and then climb up the backstage bed step by step is very easy.

"I didn't find out who she was backstage, but now I can't let the crew make trouble for her. I can't make her popular. She's a woman who doesn't deserve to be a star. I can only take her sister." Su Yan is right and strong.

"Is it?"

Li luoran laughs sarcastically,

"I'm not so stupid that I can't count the time. A few days ago, the crew of the imperial concubine wanted to kick Bai Qingwan out because of you. Is it these two days that she went backstage? Don't tell me, it took you two days to cheat Bai Zhinian and make her pregnant. "


Su Yan, who had been torn down, was silent for a long time, and then opened his thin lips again.

"I said that as long as I can get revenge, I will do whatever I can!"

"But Zhinian is innocent." Li luoran was also helpless.

Su Yan takes a look at Bai Qingwan who is still sitting like a puppet. Her voice becomes more and more heavy.

"as long as she is Bai Qingwan's family, she is not innocent!"

Li luoran wanted to say something else. Su Yan interrupted her with a wave of his hand. "Li luoran, I know what you want to say, and I know you like Zhinian very much. You don't want her to be hurt, but I'm different from you."

Li luoran has a heavy heart.

Su Yan lowered himself into the car, and his cold and stern side face was a bit desolate in the light. "If you want to deal with the poisonous snake, you have to be more poisonous than the poisonous snake. Li luoran, you just wait to see how I can make Bai Qingwan show his true shape and live like death!"

The voice dropped and the door slammed shut.

The engine rings, the luxury car starts and flies out of the garage.

Li luoran stood in the pungent exhaust, staring at the direction where the car left, his vision gradually blurred.

There seems to be a lovely face in front of us -

Bai Zhinian's face.

Li luoran also met Bai Zhinian when he was "close as a sister" to Bai Qingwan. That simple, beautiful, lively and bright girl left a good impression on Li luoran.

Bai Zhinian is a bully in his class. Because of his excellent grades, he skipped two levels in junior high school. Although he is only 17 years old, he has entered a famous university and is now a freshman.

Although Li luoran and Bai Qingwan have many grudges, she sincerely hopes that Bai Zhinian will be good. To her surprise, Su Yan has already laid hands on Bai Zhinian

17 years old!

A young man who has no immunity to handsome men.

Su Yan is the kind of girl who is very destructive. If he takes the initiative to approach Bai Zhinian, how can Bai Zhinian not fall for him?

"Li luoran, I blame you wrong."

Bai Qingwan's voice brings Li luoran's thoughts back to reality.

Li luoran looks at Bai Qingwan, "I don't care about being wronged by you."

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Turn around and walk into the car.

"Zhinian is a freshman. If the school knows about her pregnancy, she will be expelled."

Hearing this, Li luoran could not help but stop.

"You also heard what Su Yan said. He doesn't love Zhinian at all. He is playing with Nong Zhinian's feelings. Zhinian is a traditional girl like you. If she knows the truth, I don't know if she will do anything stupid." Bai Qingwan has gone to the back of Li luoran.

Li luoran said, "so?"

"So, I hope you can help her. Ranran, Su Yan listens to you most, and he feels guilty to you after he learns the truth. Now only you can persuade him."Although Li Wan didn't see the innocent reflection in his eyes.

Li luoran only felt ironic,

"you have heard the dialogue between Su Yan and me, he has decided, and no one can persuade him."

Bai Qingwan, "you can ask him."


Li luoran couldn't believe his ears.

Just listen to Bai Qingwan continue, "Su Yan let you down, although you can't persuade him, but if you kneel in front of him, he will promise."

"So you want me to kneel down in front of him and beg him?" Li luoran can't laugh or cry.


Bai Qingwan looks at her solemnly,

"Li luoran, I know you. You like Zhinian very much. You don't want to see her bad. Su Yan is stubborn. Now you are the only one who can save Zhinian, as long as you kneel down..."

"Enough of you!" Li luoran excitedly interrupts Bai Qingwan's words, turns around and looks sarcastically at this beautiful apple face,

"Bai Qingwan, you are really shameless and incurable. How can you be confident that I will sacrifice my dignity to kneel down for Su Yan's sister?"

Bai Qingwan is unwilling to look at Li luoran.

Li luoran raised his finger to the distance, his fingertips trembled, "you will disappear in front of me now, otherwise, be careful of your face."

Remembering his experience of being slapped in the face by Li luoran last time, Bai Qingwan didn't dare to stay in front of Li luoran again, and quickly turned around and ran away.

"You wait!" Li luoran looked at her figure angrily,

"Su Yan has made a condition for you. If you really want to save Zhinian, do as he says."


Bai Qingwan's figure trembled, and the next second quickened her pace.

Li luoran sighed a long time and leaned on the door weakly.


What's wrong with the world?!


Bai Qingwan got on the bus.

As soon as the door was closed, a string of clear applause came from her right side. She looked at it in surprise and saw the handsome face. It was like a basin of cold water.

"You When did you come to my car? "

Her eyes were wide open. She clearly remembered that she had locked the door when she got out of the car nearly an hour ago, but Xiao Qianhua was still waiting for her in the co pilot's cabin.

Xiao Qian did not return to the painting, but still clapped his hands with interest,

"the play between you and Su Yan is wonderful."



In his eyes, Bai Qingwan was a toy between his manipulation and his hands. What happened to her was just a play for him

Bai Qingwan looked at this extremely handsome and terrible man in panic, "say it, why do you want me?"

Xiao Qianhua, "I want you to thank me."

"I've already given thanks ~" Bai Qingwan's eyes were sad,

"is Mr. Xiao so forgetful? But I won't forget what Mr. Xiao asked me to do last night. I will never forget in my life. "

Xiao Qian eyebrows, "you mean I asked you to sleep with my client last night?"

Bai Qingwan closed his eyes in pain.

Is that also called "customer"?

"Customer" is used to describe people.

But that "customer" is not a person at all!

Not only is his face full of pustules, ugly and unforgettable, but also he has a fierce temper. He is a beast!

Bai Qingwan was tied to a chair by him last night. He was whipped and stabbed again and again. He passed out in a coma again and again and was awakened again and again with cold water. It was only when he was exhausted from being abused that he pressed him on the cold floor, stripped his clothes and bred like an animal

"This customer is very satisfied with your service last night. He wants you to accompany him tonight."

The man's thin cool voice came.

A buzz in the brain, Bai Qingwan lost control instantly, "I'm a female star, not a young lady! Xiao Qianhua, why do you always sell me as a young lady? "

Xiao Qian narrowed his dangerous cold eyes, "Oh? So you're saying no? "

"Yes! I'm refusing, Xiao Qianhua. I won't sleep with that man any more. You get off the car, get off the car! " Voice because of out of control and sharp, shaking hands pointed to the car.

When Bai Qingwan first went to see Xiao Qianhua, she thought that Xiao Qianhua's backstage job was to sleep with her, and she just wanted to please Su Yan as she did at the beginning.

Xiao Qian ran disdains to touch her.

Not only disdain to touch her, but also she to accompany those disgusting and ugly customers.

See Xiao Qian painting don't go, white pure Wan excited kick open the door to get off.

Xiao Qianhua looked at her faintly,

"consider the consequences of violating me."

Only one leg stepped out of the car, and Bai Qingwan froze like zhongdingshen mantra."According to our agreement, if you disobey me, you will not only be kicked out of the" Shengshi imperial concubine "crew, but also your videos with my clients will be sent to the Internet. Of course, I can also give those videos to Su Yan. I think he can't ask for the videos that can ruin your reputation."

Bai Qingwan's expression turned into panic.

On the first night of meeting Xiao Qian's painting, in order to make Xiao Qian's painting her backstage, she not only accompanied a client of Xiao Qian's painting, but also took a video with that client and sent it to Xiao Qian's painting.

Before sending the video to Xiao Qianhua, Bai Qingwan had seen it again. She was so devoted in reality that she didn't feel so ashamed. From the perspective of the audience, she found that the process was so filthy and ugly

If that video is posted online

Bai Qingwan found that he did not dare to think about the consequences.

"At ten o'clock tonight, it's the same presidential suite. You're still wearing your usual pearl white dress. He likes it." The man's voice is as sinister as Satan,

"by the way, he is not the only one tonight, and there are two other customers who also like your customers to be with him. They are very important and serve them well."

Bai Qingwan, who was petrified in the driver's seat, turned pale.


The door was pushed open.

Xiao Qian got out of the car.

"Miss Bai, do you think your treatment is unfair?" Xiao Qianhua holds the car door with his right hand. The arc of his mouth is cold and heartless.

Bai Qingwan, who was cold in his heart, was always staring at the front.

"That's because you don't understand this circle. Being popular is not without cost. You just said that you are a star, not a miss. You are wrong. In this circle, a star is a miss. As far as I know, 99.9% of female stars are the same as you. Where do you get the complaints?"

Cold voice clear into the ear.

Bai Qingwan's body was cold and his pupils dilated.

She has heard that in this circle, almost all female stars have to sell their self-esteem and body. The vast majority of their popularity depends on this kind of trade, and only a few stars can keep themselves clean

Is that true?

Since other female stars are the same!

Since, the more you want to be popular, the more you need to sell your dignity in exchange, then, she will ignore her dignity more than any other female star!

Anyway, her dignity has long been broken!

As long as we can defeat Li luoran, what's more, we don't care about our dignity?

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