You,Under My Name

Chapter 198: 198

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Lilo got caught in the car.

At the moment when she was about to close the door, she saw Lu Shaochen -

Lu Shaochen came out of Bai Qingwan's car and walked towards another car not far away. When Li luoran wanted to see him carefully, he had already closed the door and got into the car.

"Hello! Su Yan left long ago, OK? Don't tell me you're still in love with Su Yan. "

Jiang Xiaojing in the driver's seat looks at Li luoran in disgust.

Li luoran closed the car door, "what are you talking about?"

Jiang Xiaojing winked, "don't think I didn't see your eyes in heat just now."

“……” Li luoran, whose cheeks were red, rubbed his eyes.

All right!

She must have lost her sight!

She must have mistaken another person's face for Lu Shaochen's!

How can Lu Shaochen appear in Bai Qingwan's car?

What's more, that man was wearing a conspicuous white suit. Lu Shaochen never wore a white suit!


JIANG Xiaojing has been taking Li luoran to the gate of Lu house.

Two uniformed policemen stood at the door with a solemn look.

Li luoran recognized that they were the two policemen who wanted to arrest her in the police station yesterday, and the first reaction was that they came to arrest an Jia because she had "splashed water" on her.

"Miss Li, you are back at last." Seeing Li luoran, two policemen came to her immediately.

Li luoran subconsciously steps back and looks at the two policemen with defensive eyes.

The security guard couldn't laugh or cry. "Madam, they came here two hours ago. I asked them what they had to do, but they just refused to say. They had to wait until you came back to tell you. No, they just stood at the door for two hours. Alas! I suspect that my security guard is redundant. There are two policemen guarding the door. What else do we need to do? "

"They came for me..." Li luoran sighed,

"I see your police car over there. I'll get on with you."

The policeman a cried, "Miss Li, we are all reduced to this. Don't make fun of us."

Li luoran looks confused.

Police B, "ha ha, Miss Li doesn't know. Mrs. an went to our police station today and voluntarily withdrew the accusation against you. We won't participate in that again."

All right.

Although Li luoran was surprised, when he thought about it, everything was reasonable.

After all, Lu Shaochen has made it clear that if an Jia continues to cling to Li luoran's "use of family law", Lu Shaochen will send an Jia and her family relatives to prison in the same way -

although an Jia hopes Li luoran to prison, she can't pay the price of being sent to prison by Lu Shaochen ……

Thinking back to reality, Li luoran looked at the two policemen puzzledly, "so what else do you want me to do?"

"I apologize to you." Policeman a said with a smile.

Li luoran is more and more confused.

Policeman B explained with a smile, "yesterday, Mr. Lu stopped our police car and rescued you. As soon as we got back to the police station, boss Wang was furious with us. He pointed to our nose and scolded us for indiscriminately biting people like a dog. Alas!"

Li luoran couldn't help laughing.

"We have to apologize to Mr. Wang if we don't come back to the police station."

Is there such a lovely director?

Li luoran said with a smile, "well, well, I forgive you. Go back to see him."

"Thank you

The two cops are very grateful.

In order to go back to the director, Li luoran insisted on recording a small video to prove that he had forgiven them.

Two policemen didn't go far away, Li luoran suddenly thought of something, "your boss Wang, why did he do this?"

Police B stopped, "I think it must be because of Mr. Lu? Our boss Wang was promoted by Mr. Lu before he took the position of boss. It is said in the bureau that after we arrested you yesterday, someone heard Mr. Lu scolding Mr. Wang on the phone. Mr. Wang has been apologizing to Mr. Lu. "

Then the two policemen got into the police car.

Li Ran stood in the yard in a daze.


Lu Shaochen!


Li luoran didn't go to bed until after midnight.

Lu Shaochen still hasn't come back.

Where will he be now?

Still busy in the office, or on the way home?

The next morning, Li luoran was still asleep, and she didn't notice that a slender hand pushed open the door of her bedroom."Sister Ranran, are you still awake?"

"Sister Ranran."

"Sister Ranran?"

Although Li luoran's name was called by her clear and graceful voice, she was very low because she was just testing whether Li luoran was awake or not.

Make sure that after Li luoran is asleep, the most beautiful woman walks into the door.

Lu Shaochen once gave Li luoran an engagement ring and asked him to promise never to take it off. Since then, Li luoran has worn it everywhere, and only before going to bed will he take it off temporarily and put it on the bedside table.

At the moment, the ring is lying quietly on the bedside table. The diamond on it, which is bigger than pigeon's egg, is shining in the clear morning light.

Enchanting figure to ring gradually close.

The ring is held in the palm of the hand by the slender fingers.

The sound of footsteps goes away in a hurry


Li luoran was woken up by the mobile phone alarm.

Before he opened his eyes, he felt his right hand reflexively on the bedside table.

However, she felt empty and her ring disappeared.

As if he had been splashed with cold water, liluoran suddenly became sober.

I got out of bed and looked around the bedside table, but I couldn't find the ring.

All of a sudden, Li luoran's heart was empty. He stood in the open space beside the bed, like a doll without soul.

Lu Shaochen gave her the ring again and again. The warm scenes echoed in her mind like lanterns.

Since accepting this ring, Li luoran has always regarded it as a treasure, not because of its high value, but because it symbolizes Lu Shaochen's sincerity to her -

although Lu Shaochen never said "I love you" to her, this ring should also be a token of Lu Shaochen's and her love.

But where is it now?

Did it just disappear out of thin air for no reason?


The sound attracted Li luoran's attention.

Li luoran judged that the sound came from the outside. She went to the balcony for the first time and saw the extremely beautiful face -

it was Jin Xintong.

Jinxintong is very beautiful. If beauty can be classified like a pyramid, jinxintong is definitely the one standing at the top of the pyramid.

Shuxinshuang is also an amazing woman, but jinxintong is more beautiful than shuxinshuang. Every time Li luoran sees her, her eyes will be absorbed by her face, and she can't move her eyes for a long time.

"Miss Jin, are you ok? You are pregnant now. It's not convenient for you to carry heavy things. Let me help you to do so. " A servant rushed to jinxintong.

Jin Xin Tong bright eyes smile, smile Yan Ran, "thank you, I like to do their own things, you go busy."

"All right."

Servant worship of steal to see brocade Heart Tong one eye, this just busy oneself of affair went.

Jin Xintong pulls up her suitcase.

Originally, just that "Dong" a loud noise is Jin Xin Tong pulling the trunk down the steps when issued.

Although Li luoran is surprised that Jin Xintong appears in Lu's house, he doesn't have the heart to investigate because he is looking for his ring.

Just want to leave the window, a bright light attracted her attention.


Isn't that her ring?!

Originally, the ring had been held tightly by Jin Xintong. Now, she opened her hand, and the ring was exposed. The pigeon egg like diamond was particularly dazzling in the bright sun.

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Li SAITONG stood in front of the window and opened the zipper of his clothes.

Jin Xintong, who zips up again, pulls up her suitcase as if nothing had happened and goes forward.

At this moment, Li luoran couldn't even care about his shoes. Wearing his baggy pajamas, he ran out of the bedroom and quickly ran down the revolving stairs.


Jin Xintong is walking gracefully on the lawn when she is suddenly stopped by Li luoran.

"Sister Ranran, what do you mean?" Jin Xintong's beautiful face showed surprise.

What do you say, Luo Liang's eyes

"I know you reject me. You must be very unhappy to see me in this yard." Jin Xintong guessed Li luoran's mind.

"sister Ranran, I came back to get my own things this time, and Shaochen brought me here. I saw you sleeping. I didn't want to disturb you, so I wanted to leave quietly. You would be angry if you saw me. Unfortunately, you still woke up."

"Is it?" Li luoran just thought it was ridiculous,

"in this way, I have to thank you for your kindness, don't I?"

Jin Xintong shrugged, "I know you can't thank me, and I don't need you to thank me."Pulling the heavy suitcase around liluoran.

When passing by Li luoran, he was caught by his wrist and said, "give me my ring back."

Jinxintong cut water, the United States revealed doubts in the eyes, "what ring?"

"Don't play dumb, you know what ring." Li luoran gently pulled his mouth,

"I saw it all. Give it back to me. I think nothing happened and I won't tell Shaochen. It's still time to turn back."

The disappointment in the heart is so strong, even the voice can't help but contain a touch of sadness.

In order to make Lu Shaochen unable to let go, Jin Xintong has already upset Li luoran by deliberately enlarging her stomach. Unexpectedly, Jin Xintong still steals

Jin Xintong is still confused, "sister Ranran, I really don't know what you're talking about. Your ring is missing. You go to find it. What do you mean if you come to me?"

Li luoran can't laugh or cry, "well, Jin Xintong, since you don't see the Yellow River, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

I can't stand it.

Grab the suitcase in jinxintong's hand.

Jin Xintong seems to be very afraid. With a shake of her little hand, Li luoran grabs the suitcase easily. She squats down and unzips the suitcase without hesitation.

"Sister Ranran, what did I do wrong? How can you rob me so much? "

It seems that until now, Jin Xintong grabs the handle of the suitcase and pulls it to her arms.

The more jinxintong wants to get back the suitcase, the more it shows that there is a ghost in her heart. Li luoran is willing to let her succeed, and her hands are tightly holding the suitcase.

"you put my ring in it, and I can see clearly. You said you didn't steal my ring, why don't you dare to let me open your suitcase?"

"I didn't steal your ring, and I don't disdain to steal your ring. No is no, Ranran. If you like to be wronged, you can be wronged. But this suitcase is full of personal belongings that are very important to me. Otherwise, I won't come here specially to pick them up. I won't let you make trouble for nothing. I won't allow you to search my belongings. You can give them back to me, give them back to me!"

Jin Xintong's voice is excited. Because of too much force, her delicate facial features are crowded together.

Now, Li luoran not only wants to get her ring back, but also wants to fight for her breath. She holds on to her suitcase,

"stop acting, Jin Xintong, let me go..."

"Let go!"

"I won't let it go! Li luoran, you have robbed my love, now you want to rob my luggage, why do you always rob my things? I won't let it go! I won't let it go... "

As if Wei Qu extremely, the brocade Heart Tong tears direct current, the front protrudes after the Jiao body which warps bends into the arch shape, the tooth clenches the lip petal, exhausted all strength.

Li luoran can't get it, but Jin Xintong can't get it back, so they are deadlocked.

At the moment, an International Limited Edition Silver Weihang is coming here at a steady speed.

Jin Xintong looks at the driver's cab with tears and says, "Shaochen, sister Ranran is crazy. She wants to grab my luggage. You must help me ~"

I don't know if it's because she's separated from Lu Shaochen and her hands are relaxed.

As a result, her suitcase was successfully robbed by Li luoran.

Li luoran will search for her ring immediately.

"Don't go through my stuff!"

Brocade Heart Tong suddenly lost control, fiercely pounce on.

Out of instinctive reaction, Li luoran pushes Jin Xintong with conditioned reflex.


The woman's sad cry seemed to pierce liluoran's eardrum.

Then, squatting on the ground, Li luoran watched the body of Jin Xintong turn around like a top, then lose the center of gravity and fall forward.

It happened that Lu Shaochen drove by.

The body of brocade Heart Tong so knot solid solid hit on the car head.


Huge sound, like an explosion.

"Ah -"

Jin Xintong's scream is more sad and miserable than when she was pushed away by Li luoran.

And this scream suddenly stopped, the next moment turned into a heavy breathing and Shen Yin, Jin Xintong lying on the front of the car, face a pale, eyes full of blood because of excessive pain.

Very bad premonition instantly filled liluoran's whole body like the tide.

At this moment, Li luoran doesn't care to turn the suitcase, but looks at Jin Xintong in panic.

"Sister Ranran..." Jin Xintong also looks at her, her voice is like a candle in the wind, intermittent and weak, swaying,

"do you hate me so much? But I'm pregnant with Shaochen's child. Shaochen's child and I are innocent! "


"My child..."

The sound of pain is like weeping blood, crystal tears across the pale face.

Li luoran's mind was buzzing.She suddenly remembered that Bai Qingwan pretended to be pushed down by her three years ago, which led to abortion. Unexpectedly, after three years, another woman planted her with such mean means again!

Instantly out of control, Li luoran got up and strode to jinxintong, "jinxintong, this is what you planned, isn't it? I'll plant it for you. Now you don't want to stand up

"Get up!"

Both hands grasp the arm of brocade Heart Tong, regardless of her pitiful painful eyes, will forcibly pull her up.

"Liluoran, that's enough!"

The familiar voice suddenly rang out in the autumn wind.

So magnetic, so beautiful, so penetrating, and so cold -

cold, as if heartless;

as if Li luoran felt that the voice did not belong to Lu Shaochen.

"Li luoran, don't you hurt her enough? You have to kill her yourself to be willing, don't you? "

The voice of cold questioning came to liluoran like a snowstorm.

Li luoran looked at the face in front of him.

It's also a face that is extremely handsome and has a temperament that no one can imitate. It's like a snow lotus blooming on the top of the coldest iceberg. It's enchanting and deadly, but it exudes cold breath that people dare not approach

Lu Shaochen, who is as cold as Satan in other people's eyes, is a frightening man, but also a man who has given her countless warmth and indulgence.

Li luoran once thought that Lu Shaochen's cold and terrible side was only for others, but for her, he was always warm as spring, giving her tenderness that others could not appreciate.

It was not until this moment that Li luoran realized that he was wrong.

Lu Shaochen will also show a cold side in front of her, like a deadly Satan.

But have you never seen Lu Shaochen like this?

Li luoran was staring at him, but he couldn't recover.

The sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and Lu Shaochen's figure covers her whole body.

Li luoran then remembered to explain, "I didn't hurt her, she deliberately hit the car, she wanted to plant me, she..."

"I saw it all."

Light interrupt her words, cold faced man, do not want to look at her face,

"before you delete my computer information, said she planted you; you cut her skin with glass fragments, to destroy her appearance, you said she planted you; those, I did not see with my own eyes, this time, you pushed her to my car in front of me, she was in agony, you said, she planted you ……”

As if he had been strangled in the throat, Li luoran's lips were open, and he could not say a word any more.

Every drop of blood in my body is like ice. There is only cold in all my senses.

What makes her feel cold is not Lu Shaochen's words, but his distant and indifferent eyes when he looks at her like a stranger.

Li luoran's hands still cling to Jin Xintong's arm.

Lu Shaochen holds Jin Xintong in his arms. Li luoran's body loses its support. His weak legs soften and he squats slowly on the cold wet grass.

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