You,Under My Name

Chapter 202: 202

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The nurse came in.

Lu Shaochen's cold eyes turned to the nurse's face, "who is she?"

"I I don't know? " Frightened by Lu Shaochen's eyes, the nurse's voice trembled.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were darker.

The nurse thought of something, "Oh, by the way, when I just went to another ward to change the dressing for the patient, I saw a pale woman passing by me. I didn't pay attention at that time. Now when I think about it carefully, she seems to be Miss Li."

Before the words came down, Lu Shaochen had already stepped out of the door.


Li luoran walked on the street outside the hospital.

Her high school classmate Zhang Xiaozhi is now a famous lawyer in Jiangcheng. She called Zhang Xiaozhi.

"Is it really you, Ranran? I've seen you participate in the song and dance Shengping program. You're a big hit. It's said that you're making a movie now. Maybe you'll be a big hit in the future. My God, do you still remember my old classmate?" Zhang Xiaozhi on the other side of the phone is like a concubine favored by the emperor.

Li luoran smiles, "that ~ I want to ask you to be my lawyer, OK?"

"Of course, Ranran. What happened to you?"

"I want a divorce."

Lilora took a painful breath.

Didn't you make up your mind already?

Why is it that once the word "divorce" is mentioned, my heart is still like a knife?

"Ah? Did I hear you right? Are you married? The last time we met some high school classmates, we talked about you. They all said that you and Su Yan have been single since they broke up Zhang Xiaozhi was very surprised.

Li luoran has no choice but to give a positive reply.

Think of in order to be able to long-term development in the entertainment industry, like some other stars, Li luoran chose the hidden marriage.

She thought that when she didn't need to hide her marriage, she would have a luxurious and romantic wedding with Lu Shaochen. She didn't expect that the marriage would come to an end before that day.

That's good

Come quietly.

Go quietly.

No waves.

Jin Xintong is the one who should spend this life with Lu Shaochen. She is just a passer-by.

"Ranran, who is your husband - the object of your divorce?" It's not Zhang Xiaozhi's gossip. If you want to be a lawyer for Li luoran's divorce, Zhang Xiaozhi certainly needs to know who he is suing.

Li luoran, "Lu Shaochen."


There came the sound of heavy objects crashing to the ground.

After a long time, Zhang Xiaozhi's panic voice began to ring off and on again, "Ranran, you Don't scare me. You're talking about Lu Shaochen. Isn't that Lu Shaochen who can't be provoked by anyone? Right? "

Li luoran laughed, "that's him."

"I'll go..."

It's choking with fright over there.

Li luoran knows.

Who is Lu Shaochen?

In Jiangcheng, which lawyer dares to provoke this Yama?

Li luoran was just about to say that if Zhang Xiaozhi didn't want to help her, she could be excused. She asked another lawyer, but she heard Zhang Xiaozhi say,

"Ranran, you are looking for the right person. All lawyers in Jiangcheng are afraid of Lu Shaochen, but I, Zhang Xiaozhi, are not afraid of power. I'll settle this lawsuit for you."

Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief, "thank you."

"You're welcome. You should do everything for your classmates."

"Why? By the way, Ranran, I heard that Lu Shaochen is a cold iceberg man. How dare you even marry such a man? Is he mean to you? Does he often abuse you? Do you often abuse you? "

After confirming that Lu Shaochen was such a person, Zhang Xiaozhi beat his chest and feet indignantly before Li luoran denied it,

"Alas! What a beast, scum man, beast! Ranran, don't worry. It's up to me. I'll help you to get the rights you deserve. "

Li luoran did not rush to explain.

Because the matter between her and Lu Shaochen is too complicated to be clear on the phone.

After meeting Zhang Xiaozhi, Li luoran hangs up.

In fact, Zhang Xiaozhi's misunderstanding is not to blame.

Lu Shaochen is by no means an accessible person. In the eyes of many people, Lu Shaochen is an iceberg, and his subordinates are afraid of him.

But liloran has always been treated gently by him.

Lu Shaochen!

Why does she always think of Lu Shaochen?!

Almost as soon as Li luoran put the mobile phone back into his pocket, he was held by his wrist by a big hand behind him. "You just flowed That's past I'm still so weak. How can I run around alone? "

Li luoran had no choice but to stop, but he didn't look back. His thin body turned to him, "I promised to go to the crew today. No matter what happened, I must go."“……”

There was a moment of silence behind the man.

Instead of disobeying, he said, "in this case, I'll drive you, wait for me, and I'll pick up the car."

Let go of Li luoran's hand, turn around and go back to the hospital to pick up the car.

Just took a step, but heard Li luoran's indifferent voice,

"no, from now on, I will never trouble Mr. Lu to send me."

It seems that Lu Shaochen's tall body is petrified behind Li luoran.

He remembers that in those days when he first met Li luoran, Li luoran always called him "Mr. Lu" who was alienated and rejected him. Now, she suddenly called him "Mr. Lu", which made him feel uncomfortable and even heartache.

Li luoran turned his back to him.

At the moment, I can't see his face, and I don't have any physical contact with him. However, why can I still feel his pain?

Suddenly, I found that I had already loved Lu Shaochen to the bone. The man named Lu Shaochen seemed to be a part of her soul. He seemed to have telepathy with him. Even if I didn't look at him, I could feel his pain.

It's her who made him so miserable!

"I just called a lawyer. If you readily agree, we can say goodbye. If you don't agree, I can only take you to court." Li luoran's voice is cold.

She never knew that she could be so indifferent!


The original magnetic male voice was hoarse due to excessive sadness,

"when we were in the hospital, didn't we agree not to mention it again?"

"Who told you? You've been saying and answering yourself all the time. I didn't agree. " Liluoran light back.

Lu Shaochen's figure trembles with the wind.

Li luoran's eyes were in a trance. "Let go, Lu Shaochen. I've decided. If you have anything else to say, leave it to the court."

Drop this sentence and start again.


Lu Shaochen called her name, "even if you want me to die, you want me to die. You tell me, what have I done wrong to you? Am I not good to you? "

Too excited, the man's voice out of control, far out.

The passers-by stopped and looked at the miserable looking handsome man.

It was also at this moment that Li luoran's legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer take a step forward.


She is always asking herself, where did Lu Shaochen treat her badly?

What's wrong with Lu Shaochen?

She hoped that Lu Shaochen really failed and mistreated her.

In this way, she can at least make a cruel decision with him, not so sad, so painful

Lu Shaochen tried his best to forgive her every misunderstanding, even when he and her husband were not the best.

In this world, besides his father, Lu Shaochen should be the best man to her.


It is because Lu Shaochen is so good that she wants to break up with him more firmly.

For Lu Shaochen, she is poison.

Lu Shaochen, who is with her, will only get more pain and hurt. A good man like Lu Shaochen should get his own happiness. She can't occupy him selfishly

"You've never done anything wrong, and you've always been nice to me. I'm the one who's wrong." Li luoran closed her eyes in pain,

"if you can't think about it all the time, you can think of me as a woman who is always on the move, and now I have already moved away from love!"

"My God! Is she ill? " The passers-by who couldn't see it showed his disgust.

"That's right. This man is so handsome and kind to her. She's in the middle of fortune and doesn't know her fortune. She's so angry that she can't fall in love with her anymore."

"Alas! What's the matter with girls now? How can you be so amorous? "

"Well, young man, such a whore is not good enough for you. I think you are very good. My daughter has just turned 20 years old this year, and she is also pretty. Can I introduce my daughter to you?"

"Hey hey, handsome guy, I'm also a single dog. Your girlfriend doesn't want you. I want you..."

The passers-by gossiped.

Lu Shaochen didn't care what they said. His eyes never left Li luoran's back. "Ranran, I believe you are not that kind of woman. You don't have to say such words to cheat me."

Hearing these words, Li luoran's heart seemed to be gripped by a big hand, and his uncontrollable tears flowed down.

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She didn't know when Lu Shaochen came to her.

I just felt a shadow over her.

A wisp of warmth came from her face. It was Lu Shaochen's hand that held her face lightly."Listen, don't make any more noise, come home with me, or I'll take you to the crew, eh?"

The magnetic sound line and the breath like sunshine, like the spring breeze in the peach blossom forest, flutter on her face.

Liluoran tears flow more fierce.

At this moment, there was an impulse to rush into his arms as before.

However, she still ruthlessly stopped herself.

Also ruthlessly cold face, don't allow yourself to have a trace of waver, "you identified me as a 'vicious' bad woman, you saw with your own eyes what I did to Jin Xintong, why..."

His voice could not help shaking,

"Why are you still so good to me?"

Lu Shaochen said, "when Xiaojin was injured at the beginning, I really lost control. If I said at that time that you were" vicious "and that you were a bad woman, I apologize to you."

Li luoran was shocked in her tears.

She is sure that no matter how disappointed Lu Shaochen was with her at that time, he only said such words as "she is indifferent" and "she is not compassionate", which is no more serious than that

And he apologized to her for that.

He doesn't hate her to the brocade Heart Tong wound of so heavy?

"In my heart, you are always a good girl who is kind and pure. Sometimes you are a little stubborn and sometimes you play a small temper. But I never think you are 'vicious', and I don't think you are a bad woman. Even if other people say that to me, I won't believe it..."

Holding her little face lightly, the man's black jewel like beautiful eyes show tenderness,

"you are the exception to Xiaojin. Any woman will regard her husband's first love as a natural enemy. Not only you, but also I have the same resistance to Jinqian. Therefore, I don't blame you. I only blame myself for being soft hearted and allowing Xintong to enter our home again."

"Well behaved, it's all my fault. I won't blame you again because of this matter. This matter will be written off from now on, eh?"

Mingming saw Li luoran hurt Jin Xintong.

The bright brocade Tong already so miserable end.

But this and Li luoran write off!

Even the passers-by were speechless.

Just stare at the eyes, unbelievable looking at this extreme warm man.

Because they don't know Lu Shaochen.

Can you imagine that the man who is so low-key to Li luoran that he only needs to kneel down and beg for mercy is Mr. Lu, who is famous in Jiangcheng?

At this moment, Li luoran's heart couldn't help softening.

I'm afraid that I can't control myself at any time, and I'll throw myself in his arms.

So, she busily pushed him away, "Mr. Lu, don't you understand what I said? You and I, it's impossible. "

Speed up the pace, escape from Lu Shaochen's side.

"I don't want a divorce! You don't want a divorce. If you like to fight a lawsuit, I'll play with you, but you will never win. Seven years, no one has ever won a lawsuit with me! "

The man's voice became cold and determined.

Li luoran walked forward in a hurry, "you are Mr. Lu who is famous in the river city. You can sweep me out of the house with dignity. Why do you have to lower your price and pester me humbly?"

"Because I love you."

The penetrating sound is so magnetic and firm.

Lu Shaochen told her for the first time that I love you.

In full view of the public, it shows that he is from the heart.

Lilo Ran's heart missed several beats.

A large area of empty mind, never had the happiness and warmth lingering around her.

Her steps stopped for a few seconds.

However, suddenly, she returned to reality.

She thinks of an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue, who have become enemies with Lu Shaochen. She thinks of Xiaomeng who will be taken away from Lu Shaochen. She thinks of the broken friendship between Lu Shaochen and Jin Qian, and the broken love between Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong

It was she who made all the good things that originally belonged to Lu Shaochen fragmented.

As long as she quits, everything will be perfect.

The love between her and Lu Shaochen will only take away the other best things in Lu Shaochen's life.

She can't be selfish any more!

Li luoran wanted to say something that made Lu Shaochen even more desperate.

Suddenly I found that I could not say a word.

Take a deep breath and run forward.

Trying to forget Lu Shaochen.

However, people came and went around, and every figure seemed to turn into him, and every face seemed to turn into Lu Shaochen's face.

At the beginning, after she died once, she was completely disheartened to Jinqian.

To Su Yan, it is also after the loss of children and the accident.

But for Lu Shaochen, she is afraid that she will not give up her heart for the rest of her life.

Lu Shaochen has deeply occupied her heart. After her divorce from Lu Shaochen, she will not start a second love or remarry. She will watch Lu Shaochen get his happiness like a passer-by.Perhaps, this is her life!

I was always let down.

Even if you meet the true love, you can't have it. You can only refuse it, just like plucking out the flesh of your heart, plucking it out with your own hands

Like a string puppet, machines are wandering in the cold street.

My mind is empty.

I don't know how long it took to realize that I still have the responsibility of filming for the crew.

Just as a taxi passed by, Li luoran raised his hand to stop and got into the car.

"Beauty, where are you going?" The driver asked enthusiastically.

Li luoran powerlessly reported the address of the crew.

But found that the driver did not drive.

"What's the matter?" She asked in a trance.

The driver's expression was very scared, "someone stopped the car, his eyes seemed to kill people, he won't be your enemy, right?"

Li luoran followed the driver's line of sight, the next second, on the cold eyes.

It's Lu Shaochen.

He stood in front of the taxi, blocking the way with his tall body. His eyes were cold, but after he met Lu Shaochen's four eyes, they immediately became warm.

Li luoran was also confused.

She has walked for at least half an hour on the road. She has gone a long way, but she still hasn't got rid of Lu Shaochen.

She didn't know that Lu Shaochen never left, but always followed her. He followed her wherever she went, but she never looked back

Lu Shaochen came to the driver's seat and knocked his bony fingers on the glass twice.

The driver slipped the window,

"Sir, what's the reason you stopped me?"

Lu Shaochen, "get out of the car."


The driver was stunned and then laughed, "are you kidding? This is our taxi company's car. I'm a real driver. Do you want me to get off? "

Looking at Li luoran -

did he misunderstand something?

Should the man let this passenger off?

It's not clear what's going on. The door has been opened by Lu Shaochen.

With a tight arm, he was pulled out of the car by Lu Shaochen.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? Are you going to rob a car in broad daylight? You... "


Lu Shaochen, who had been in the cab, slammed the door.

"I'll take this car." A cold voice came from the car.

The driver's expression was wonderful. "Sorry, this is our company's car. It's not for sale, and..."

Lu Shaochen, "two million."

The driver's expression was distorted.

Is he hallucinating?

He's going to give two million for a car worth less than one hundred thousand?

A check was thrown out of the window.

The next second, the car has started, and it's moving forward.

The driver gaped at the "two" on the millions of digits of the check and the signature of "Lu Shaochen", feeling a dream.

Was that man Mr. Lu just now?

Mr. Lu!

Where are you? You are my God of wealth, OK?!

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