You,Under My Name

Chapter 201: 201

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Lu Shaochen has a black face.

I'm afraid even a three-year-old can understand what's going on.

"How long has she been pregnant?" Lu Shaochen didn't know how he made his voice.

"What?" He has helped his black glasses,

"don't you know she's pregnant? I'm wrong about you? "

Lu Shaochen, "I asked you how long she was pregnant."

The cold voice fell like wind and snow, and the doctor shivered with fright, "about a month That ~ this gentleman, can't I misunderstand something? You're not her husband? "

He looked at Lu Shaochen for confirmation.

If it's a normal couple, how can a husband not even know that his wife is pregnant?

Lu Shaochen ignored the doctor's problems, only squeezing out heavy syllables between his thin lips and teeth,

"get out."

Although I didn't know Lu Shaochen, but seeing him as cold as Satan, how dare the doctor disobey him? He gave him a look and walked out of the ward discontentedly.

The door was shut.

Only Lu Shaochen and Li luoran were left in the ward.

Lu Shaochen sat beside the bed, holding Li luoran's right hand in both hands, "why do you keep it from me all the time?"

Magnetic voice and warm lips, such as spring breeze like strands of flutter in liluoran haggard face.

The temperature of his palm was still so hot, as if there was a warm current flowing through her body along the small hand he held tightly. Even in this situation, her dead heart revived.

"Lu Shaochen..."

Li luoran read his name in a trance, and his weak voice could hardly be heard,

"are you satisfied now?"

Lu Shaochen's eyes are painful.

When he learned that jinxintong's child did not keep the moment, he also heartache.

But that kind of heartache is more because of the pity and sympathy for Jin Xintong.

However, when he learned that liluoran's child had not been saved, his heart seemed to be pierced by a dagger. The pain was hysterical and uncontrollable.

"Do you think I hurt jinxintong to lose her child? You also let me lose my child. In your heart, I owe her. Have I paid off?" Li luoran murmured.

After hearing these words, Lu Shaochen felt even more heartbroken and his hands trembled.

Li luoran looked at his blurred face in a trance through tears, "or do you think that this is not enough for me, and I have to lose my fertility like her to avenge her?"

Thinking of how much I hope to keep the child and how much I want to give birth to him or her, now he or she turns into a pool of blood and tears flow down the bank.

There will be no more faces of her own children as she imagined them.

She looks forward to the scenes of parents and children, but also become fragmented.

Once upon a time, whenever she thought that she was pregnant with a child, she would be full of happiness, as if no matter how hard it was, she could not feel sad. Now, that kind of happiness has completely disappeared, leaving only endless despair and desolation

“……” Lu Shaochen's lips trembled. He wanted to say that if he had known that Li luoran was pregnant, he would never have been so fierce to her. However, seeing her sad face in tears, he took the responsibility to himself.

"well behaved, it's all my fault, I'm sorry."

Warm hands gently hold her small face, carefully wipe her tears.

Feel the temperature of his palm, Li luoran's tears flow more out of control.

He is so close to her, she can still see his face through the crystal clear tears, he is no longer cold, so gentle, so handsome, like charm.


A man like Lu Shaochen is charming!

In the past, she was so enchanted by him that she always wanted to spend her life with him. She was so stupid that she thought that she would be able to achieve the right result with him

"Lu Shaochen ~"

when he read his name, he clearly wanted to try his best to show Li luoran's indifference, but his voice was not so gentle.

"let's divorce."

As the voice fell, she clearly felt that Lu Shaochen's right hand holding her face was obviously stiff, and the left hand holding her little hand could not help tightening, as if to crush the bones of her hand.

She didn't feel the pain, just continued to say, "I know, you will still refuse, so, calculate I beg you, OK?"

In the past, every time I asked for a divorce, I was so indifferent and excited.

This time, the voice is unusually calm and gentle -

calm and gentle, on the contrary, it represents extreme determination!

Absolutely, there is no room for recovery.

"That's how you want to leave me?"

Staring at her, he tried to hide his cold heart. Lu Shaochen tried his best to be gentle on the surface,"If I knew the fact that you were pregnant, I would never do this to you. It's just an accident, don't you think?"

Until now, still coaxing her.

If he is very cold to her, Li luoran may be able to refuse to fight him, but to his doting eyes, Li luoran's heart is like being stuffed with cotton, and can't say a word any more.

Lu Shaochen.

Why isn't he angry?

Didn't he already see her "vicious" face?

Why is he still so nice to her?!

"Xiaojin has been hurt so deeply by you. I just want you to apologize to her. Have I passed my request?"

Lu Shaochen's cool voice and fragrant peppermint fluttered on her face like autumn wind.

Unable to speak, Li luoran only shook his head.

Lu Shaochen saw with his own eyes how she hurt Jin Xintong. Jin Xintong's result was so miserable. To be fair, Lu Shaochen has been very tolerant of her -

moreover, if Lu Shaochen knew that she was pregnant, he would take care of her. How could she be so fierce?

Lu Shaochen has never been wrong.

Jin Xintong is not wrong.

What's wrong, what's always wrong, has always been her own.

As Jin Xintong said, it's her "third party" who gets involved in a couple who really love each other that makes everyone so miserable

She herself is the root of all suffering!

"So, no more divorce, eh?" Lu Shaochen, with a smile on his face, pinched her face lightly.

Li luoran closed his eyes in pain.

If Lu Shaochen is very bad or indifferent to her, her heart may be more balanced.

But think of no matter how cruel and merciless he is to him, he is still blindly spoiling himself, Li luoran heart is full of pain.

The door was pushed open by the doctor.

"I'm going to give Miss Li an injection. Can you excuse me?" The doctor who came back with the medicine stood in front of the bed.

Lu Shaochen had no choice but to get up.

Li luoran looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I want to be alone."


Knowing that she was in a heavy heart, Lu Shaochen wanted to accompany her, but he didn't want to disobey her. He watched the doctor hang up a drip for her and walked out of the ward with the doctor.

Sitting on the chair outside the ward, lighting a cigarette and inhaling deeply.

"Because you don't feel so hurt when she comes here to smoke?"

With the words of blame, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen thought of Jin Xintong.

He used to accompany Jin Xintong in the hospital. However, since Li luoran was injured, his attention has shifted to Li luoran, even ignoring Jin Xintong's existence

"I have something to say to you. Come with me."

After that, the woman turned and left.

Lu Shaochen, however, is still sitting in the same place as before, turning a deaf ear to women's words.

The woman has no choice but to stop, "it's about Xintong and Ranran. If you don't listen to me, don't regret it."

Lu Shaochen then got up to keep up with the women.

Two men came to the end of the quiet corridor.

A woman takes you a lady's cigarette and smokes it gracefully. "I came to see Xintong, too. I've heard all about you."

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Lu Shaochen looked indifferently at the heavily makeup woman, "we don't need you to comment on the matter between us."

"Oh ~"

there is a curl of smoke between women's enchanting red lips,

"then I'll comment on Xintong and Ranran."

Lu Shaochen brow shallow lock, did not hide the eyes of intolerance.

It is undeniable that at Gu lianyue's age, Gu lianyue is one of the most beautiful women in the world. It can be imagined that she should be more beautiful when she was young.

That's why so many men are fascinated by this woman, right?

"I don't know what kind of woman you are. I don't know what kind of woman you are." She said to take pity on the moon.

Lu Shaochen said with a smile, "it's strange that when I say these words, I can't see that you have a little sense of shame, but I think you are very proud."

"Of course I'm proud. Not every woman can seduce people like me, can she?" The moon smiles enchanting.

Lu Shaochen took a cool breath.

In his heart, he is allergic to casual women, who feel uncomfortable all the time.

"Over the years, I've been quite surprised. I'm so bad that I can have such a good daughter as Xintong. She's not like me at all, or even opposite to me. Maybe that's why I like her. After all, no matter how bad people are, they like good people, right?"Lu Shaochen is too lazy to reply.

Gu lianyue continued, "but Ranran is different from Xintong. I think Ranran follows me. She is very similar to me."

Lu Shaochen, who originally looked scornful, became serious in his eyes after hearing this sentence. "You can insult yourself, but don't insult Ranran!"

Li luoran is like her?!

I don't know if it's insulting liluoran or elevating herself!

"She might be insulted? I'm her mother. Why should I insult my daughter? " Gu lianyue's voice is ironic,

"in the past 20 years, although I haven't done my duty as a mother to Ranran, I also watched her come. I know her very well Cough

Because of the excitement, Gu lianyue choked by the smoke, and she quickly calmed down,

"Ranran and I are very similar. Before meeting you, she changed men as often as clothes. She had slept with Jinqian and Suyan, but Jinqian and Suyan were just two of them who had had a relationship with her."

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and terrible, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm telling the truth." Gu lianyue continued,

"Oh, the reason why you are so excited is that you saw red when you first slept with Ranran. It's Ranran cheating you, isn't it a film? She often goes to the hospital for surgical repair. I don't know how many men have been cheated by her before you. "


Nearly three meters away, Li luoran, who was walking towards the elevator entrance, heard Gu lianyue's words, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, so he decided to stay outside the elevator and couldn't walk any more.

Gu lianyue doesn't like her, she knows.

Gu lianyue doesn't want her well, and she knows that.

However, Li luoran never thought that Gu lianyue would insult Lu Shaochen by telling such an ugly lie!


Li luoran suddenly realizes that Gu lianyue is not to insult her, but to help Jin Xintong!


The elevator door opened in response to the sound.

In the past, Li luoran would confront Gu lianyue face to face, but this time, she didn't, but she picked up her spirits and walked slowly into the elevator.

Some things, there is no need to explain!

Because a person who doesn't mean well will never mean well, even if she explains clearly this time, next time, next time, again

This kind of person will always have a different pattern and continue to frame.

No one noticed Li luoran's passing.

Lu Shaochen's eyes were sinister and dark as if he wanted to kill people.

after Lu Shao Chen and her husband have been sleeping together, do you know why she and her husband are so angry? Because she's not sure if the baby belongs to you. "


Lu Shaochen's voice was already a low roar as his throat was sliding violently.

Gu lianyue is not willing to stop. "Ha ha, Lu Shaochen, you are so angry that you believe it. I swear that everything I say is true. Alas, this should be the so-called" like mother, like daughter ". Ranran is just as watery as me, and she doesn't know how to behave --"

her voice was interrupted by her own scream.

Because Lu Shaochen's slap on the face had been solid.

Gu lianyue didn't have time to respond. The next second, Lu Shaochen held her throat tightly.

The man's strength is so strong, Gu lianyue is pressed tightly on the cold wall, her heavily makeup face shows obvious cyan purple because of excessive oxygen deficiency. She stares, opens her mouth, looks at Lu Shaochen in panic and pain, and doesn't make a sound.

"Before I met you, I thought Lu Shaochen would never fight against a woman in his life, but your shamelessness always exceeded my bottom line." Looking at Gu lianyue, Lu Shaochen looks terrible,

"remember that I gave you this slap on behalf of Ranran."

That's how I let go.

Gu lianyue's hands were holding the choked neck, gasping heavily.

Lu Shaochen's eyes drew coldly away from her,

"next time you dare to insult her, I'll let you remember it for the rest of your life!"

Until now, the eyes are still cold and terrible.

What made him feel cold was not Gu lianyue's words, but the fact that Li luoran's biological mother was so cruel to her!

Lu Shaochen's father, Lu Wangyuan, has never done his best to raise him. However, Lu Wangyuan will never hurt him, let alone insult him

Li luoran, what did you do wrong to make your mother dislike you so much?

Gu lianyue leans against the cold wall and stares at Lu Shaochen's face.

Lu Shaochen's performance made her understand that Lu did not believe what she said, and did not believe a word!

Lu Shaochen was angry just now, not because he believed her words, but because Li luoran was insulted!Lu changchen left with his legs.

Gu lianyue hurriedly takes out the material evidence in her handbag, "if she is a girl with peace, how can she hug and kiss other men?"

A small run forward, a pile of photos to Lu Shaochen hand.

Lu Shaochen takes it reflexively. Looking down, he has at least a dozen photos of Li luoran embracing and kissing with another handsome man in ancient costume

"As far as I know Wang Zimo, he always likes to keep secrets. His crew will never allow anyone to take pictures with camera equipment unless someone steals them in."

The expressionless Lu Shaochen said.

Because of excessive fright, Gu lianyue's face turned pale.

According to the insider she bribed in Li luoran's troupe, the top boss of the troupe is really wangzimo, and wangzimo's secrecy work is very good. So far, no news about the filming of the play has been spread to the outside world

Can Lu Shaochen even guess?

It seems that Lu Shaochen knows Wang Zimo very well

"Don't forget, it's filming. She's an actress. It's her duty to make every picture as real as possible. I'll see all the pictures in the pictures when the film is released. Don't you just shoot them secretly?"

Although he said that, he couldn't help looking at the photo again. Once again, the jealousy in his heart became stronger and stronger, like a sharp knife point, poking his heart.

It was a big fire.

In this way, it is out of control.


He hit the photo on Gu lianyue's face. "Last time on the floating island, when everyone was aiming at you, only Ranran spoke for you. I don't think it's worth it for her. A mother like you is not worth it at all!"

Those photos in the corridor with the wind, and finally messy sprinkle in the pity month around.

She stood in a trance.

Recall in the floating island, an Jiaren in the restaurant to find her embarrassed, Jin Xintong does not hesitate to stand on the side of an Jiaren, only Li luoran refused to fight her.

At that time, she really had a little regret that she was too cruel to liluoran.

However, as long as she thinks of Li Qingtian, she feels that she is not cruel enough to Li luoran!

Li luoran is not worthy of her maternal love.

She never regarded lilora as her daughter.

In her heart, only Jin Xintong is her own daughter!


despite being reminded by Gu lianyue, Lu Shaochen still didn't go to see Jin Xintong, but returned to the ward where Li luoran used to be.

The door of the ward was half closed.

He went in, but there was no Li luoran on the bed.

The needle originally inserted on the back of Li luoran's hand has been pulled out, and the crystal clear liquid medicine can't stop dripping on the ground.

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