You,Under My Name

Chapter 206: 206

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Shu Xinshuang said with a gentle smile, "so ah, even you can see that the first play is more wonderful. As the founder of the two plays, Wang Zimo is certainly more clear. However, when you are pregnant, you have to make do with the second play. Now you are not pregnant, so there is no need to make do with it any more."

Li luoran was surprised and speechless.

More surprised is Qin Weijie, she nervously looked at Li luoran, "Ranran, what's the matter? Why does Mr. Shu say that? Your child... "

Li luoran shakes his head and grins bitterly. The shock in his eyes will not disappear for a long time. "My child has not been saved, but I have never talked about it to Mr. Wang. How can he know?"

"I told him."

Shu Xinshuang is frank, calmly facing Li luoran's confused eyes,

"you must want to ask me how I know ~ I saw it by myself. Yesterday, although you tried to hide it, your every move and every expression betrayed the fact that you lost your child."

All right!

As a powerful movie queen, Shu Xinshuang's intelligence and insight are not comparable to those of ordinary people. Li luoran's little secret can't be concealed from her, but her eyes are also reasonable

Li luoran let go.

"I see you are sad, but in my opinion, losing your children at this time may be good for your acting career." Shu Xinshuang pats Li luoran's back comfortingly,

"Wang Zimo attaches great importance to this movie, and your acting skills have not disappointed us. The only thing that is flawed is the script. You think how wonderful this movie will be once Mr. Wang modifies the script perfectly!"

Li luoran still didn't understand, "in this case, it's better for Mr. Wang to use the first script directly. Why do you have to work hard to rewrite it?"

"Because he is not willing to delete the two scenes you made yesterday and the day before yesterday --"

looking back on Li luoran's performance yesterday, even Shu Xinshuang, the queen of the film, can't help sighing,

"especially yesterday's scene, which can be regarded as a classic scene in the history of film. I think if I had to play it, I would never have been able to produce such a shocking effect, and the first one There is no such plot in this script. He wants to keep it in the new script, so he just rewrites the whole script. "

Shu Xinshuang always understated.

It seems that in Shu Xinshuang's mind, Wang Zimo takes it all for granted.

Li Shu, who has always been impressed by her acting skills, never rewrites her script in order to be a star.

The more moved he was, the more determined he was to make the play well.

When he first decided to accept the play, Li luoran's main purpose was to compete with Bai Qingwan.

After entering the troupe, Li luoran finds that he has been fully integrated into the troupe, and it turns into his responsibility to make a good film. On the contrary, the fight with Bai Qingwan is no longer so important.


it's here anyway.

Although the crew had a holiday, Li luoran was not in a hurry to go back.

Such a large shooting base, beautiful scenery, better than many scenic spots.

Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang and Qin Weijie strolled around the base for a whole morning, then ate lunch together in the restaurant of the base before leaving.

Lu Shaochen didn't know that Li luoran would leave at noon, so he didn't come to pick him up.

Li luoran took Qin Weijie's car back to the city.

When he left the shooting base, he made an appointment with Zhang Xiaozhi to meet her in a cafe that they were familiar with. When Li luoran arrived, Zhang Xiaozhi had been waiting for her in the seat by the window for a long time.

Zhang Xiaozhi is Li luoran's high school classmate.

After graduating from high school, the students who have been in the same class for three years have been admitted to different universities.

I haven't seen her for seven years. In front of me, Zhang Xiaozhi is already an experienced woman in the workplace, dressed in a neat black suit and elegant silver rimmed glasses. When Li luoran saw her, he still thought of the bold and naughty lovely girl in high school

"My God! Flash blind my titanium alloy dog eyes, Li luoran. No wonder so many boys in our high school group always talk about you. You are so beautiful that I don't want to be friends with you. Do you? "

When Zhang Xiaozhi saw Li luoran, he showed an exaggerated expression like a ghost,

"especially, there are so many people in the world who are becoming more and more beautiful. Why don't they have me?"

Li luoran said with a smile, "because when things go to extremes, you are already the most beautiful. If you are more beautiful, you will be vilified."

Zhang Xiaozhi stayed for a while.

The next second, he clapped the table and laughed,

"Yeah, yeah! Haha, Ranran, although your sentence is quite false, I like to hear it. Haha, I am the most beautiful in the world. I can't be more beautiful. Hahaha... "Laughing back and forth, attracted the eyes of the neighbors.

In high school, Zhang Xiaozhi was called "Zhang Fei" by the boys in the same class because of her masculinity and unconstrained personality, and the girls in the class always teased her.

The world is changing and the people are changing.

Li luoran thought that after so many years, Zhang Xiaozhi, who has become a famous lawyer, would become difficult to get along with. When he found that Zhang Xiaozhi was still such a character, Li luoran breathed a sigh of relief.

I was seated.

He and Zhang Xiaozhi talk about her divorce with Lu Shaochen over coffee.

After hearing Li luoran's statement, Zhang Xiaozhi patted his chest and promised, "Li luoran, just put your heart into your stomach. If I don't help you get married, I won't be Zhang."

Of course, Li luoran was relieved.

Although she is not a lawyer, she also knows that the reason why it is difficult for many couples to divorce lies in the custody and property division of their children.

But she only wants to divorce Lu Shaochen and does not take any of his property. As long as a lawyer who is not afraid of offending Lu Shaochen is willing to help her, divorce is not difficult.

Fortunately, there is Zhang Xiaozhi.

Zhang Xiaozhi is the only one willing to help her fight this lawsuit in Jiangcheng!


Li luoran, who left the coffee shop, did not return to the land house, but took a taxi to the suburbs.

Previously, Li luoran's father Li Qingtian rented a house in the city to prevent Li luoran and Lu Shaochen from getting together. After Li luoran and Lu Shaochen got married, Li Qingtian checked out and went back to his home in the suburbs.

Familiar House -

is also the hometown where Li luoran has lived for more than ten years.

Gu lianyue's photos can be seen everywhere on the wall. The most prominent one is the wedding photo of her father and Gu lianyue. In it, her father is valiant and valiant. Gu lianyue wearing a white dress has a bright smile. There is no trace that she does not like her father

These pictures have been hanging here for more than 20 years.

However, because my father will wipe it carefully every day, it looks as new as yesterday.

Whenever Li luoran saw these photos, he felt sad.

Li Qingtian, who learned that Li luoran was going home, bought Li luoran's favorite dish early. Now he is busy in the kitchen.

Lilo ran straight to the past, "Dad, I'll do it for you."

Li Qingtian pushed her out of the kitchen. "If you are such a beautiful girl, don't touch these greasy things. Wait outside and you will be ready soon."

Li luoran insists on helping, but Li Qingtian insists on her, so he and Li luoran cook together in the kitchen.

Around five in the afternoon, Lu Shaochen called.

Li luoran picked it up.

"Stars and I are outside the cast, but the cast is empty and there are not many people. What's the matter?" Lu Shaochen's voice was full of concern.

Only then did he realize that he had been busy meeting with his lawyer and rushing back to his hometown after leaving the crew early at noon. He even forgot to tell Lu Shaochen that Li luoran had an apologetic smile. "The crew had a three-day holiday, and I had already left the crew."

"So, are you at home now?"

There was no reproach in the voice, just a quiet inquiry.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran light back, "at home, but not in your home, but my father's home."

There was silence for a moment, and then he said, "well, I know."

Without waiting for Lu Shaochen to say anything more, Li luoran hung up.

The reason why I go back to my father's home is that I miss my father.

Lu Shaochen also came to escape.

Although she explicitly proposed a divorce to Lu Shaochen, Lu Shaochen didn't seem to take it seriously at all and still kept close to her -

of course, Li luoran was not evading Lu Shaochen's closeness.

What Lu Shaochen said is that as long as she and Lu Shaochen are husband and wife for one minute, Lu Shaochen is qualified to sleep in the same bed with her.

Li luoran is escaping from himself.

She was afraid that if Lu Shaochen was so close to him, he would gradually soften his heart and never make up his mind to make a decision with him

Li luoran hung up.

Although Li Qingtian heard the conversation between her and Lu Shaochen, he didn't ask anything.

Li luoran lived in his father's house for three days.

These three days, my father did not even mention the name of "Lu Shaochen".

Until the afternoon of the third day, when Li luoran was leaving, Li Qingtian said on the way to the station, "I know all about the conflicts between you and the beauty. Since you threw cold water on her, she didn't make trouble for you any more, did she?"

Li luoran stares at her father and suddenly doesn't know what to say.

Her father had been worried about what happened to him, so she didn't know that her father was afraid.

"Don't be surprised. It's the beauty who tells me these things." Li Qingtian sighs.

How could Li luoran not be surprised to hear him say that!

Li luoran was so shocked that he didn't know when to forget to walk.Li Qingtian gently pulls her and walks on with her,

"do you want to know why the beauty hates you so much?"

"Yes Li luoran nodded without hesitation.

Although Li luoran already knows that an Jiaren hates her because Gu lianyue has separated her from Lu Wangyuan, it seems that an Jiaren has lost a daughter in the middle, but she never knows what happened

"That was more than ten years ago. As for 16 years, 17 years or 18 years, I don't want to make a careful calculation." Looking back on the past, Li Qing's eyes were empty,

"I don't know how your mother lianyue and Lu Wangyuan got to know each other. At that time, lianyue had already divorced me. Although she was heartless to me, I had been paying close attention to her silently. At that time, she was friendly with many men, including Su Jinnian and Lu Wangyuan." Thinking of the cruel reality, Li Qingtian sighed heavily.

Lilo ran frowned in pain.

Pain, I do not know because of their own mother "whore.".

But I love my father, who knows that Gu lianyue is such a "whore" and is still so devoted to her.

Li luoran can't help remembering that every time Gu lianyue talks about her "playing" with countless men, she can't help showing her complacency and pride -

Gu lianyue is very proud. She can expose her "whore" without any cover up, but there are still so many men who can't extricate themselves from her!

"I only know that lianyue took the initiative to attract Lu Wangyuan, because Lu Wangyuan is very rich. Your mother is so beautiful, so pure, so kind and so good-natured. She is the most exciting girl in the world. Which man can resist her temptation? Of course, Lu Wangyuan is no exception. " Li Qingtian continued.

Li luoran was in a state of confusion.

Take pity on the beautiful moon!

But to use "pure" and "kind" to describe her is an insult to these two words.

In this world, I'm afraid only the father so crazy people will describe her like this!

Li Qingtian continued, "at that time, Lu Wangyuan had a family and a small family. I don't need to say that his wife was a beautiful woman. In addition, he had a son, Lu Shaochen, and a daughter, Lu Wanyue, Lu Shaochen's sister. The relationship between Lu Wangyuan and your mother can only be regarded as underground love. At the beginning, Lu Wangyuan tried to carry her on his back until she was caught in bed by her. "

Oh, my God!

What a picture that would be!

Li luoran didn't dare to think about that kind of picture.

"Wangjia has its own family law. After your mother and Lu Wangyuan were caught in bed, they tied up your mother. According to their family law, they put your mother in a pig cage, poured 99 barrels of ice water, and branded her with the brand of" bitch "with a red hot iron." Referring to this matter, Li Qingtian shook his head heartily.

Li luoran's eyebrows are locked.

If others hear this kind of "family law", they may feel absurd.

But Li luoran had experienced it personally and was almost branded by an Jiaren, so she was not surprised.

"But no one thought that Lu Wangyuan was protecting your mother. In order to prevent those people from enforcing family law on your mother, he offered to divorce Anjian. Er ~ this divorce is not a normal divorce. Instead, he threw himself out of the house, left all his huge wealth to Anjian, and never set foot in Wangjia again."

Li luoran was surprised, "did an Jiaren agree?"

"The beauty loves to land and look far, how can she agree to it?" Li Qingtian sighs,

"she insists on practicing family law on lianyue. When she takes a hot iron to burn your mother's face, Lu Wangyuan slaps her in the face. She falls to the ground and the iron is burned on her neck."

Li luoran couldn't help thinking that there was a scar on an Jiaren's neck. It turned out that it was left at that time.

"Lu Jiaren and his mother are in a coma, and then they leave all their property to him

"Alas! I thought it would come to an end, but I never thought that the hatred would become more and more intense, and it would become impossible to end... "

Then Li Qingtian and Li luoran went to the bus stop, and he took Li Qingtian to the seat beside the bus stop,

"after the beauty was injured and hospitalized, I took you to see her, who had just learned how to walk. Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue were also present. The beauty was gnashing her teeth against your mother, and I couldn't stop her from cursing your mother."

Li luoran knew that she had met Lu Shaochen when she was very young, but she was so young that she didn't leave any memory.

"That day, the beautiful woman was discharged from the hospital. I took you and her servant helped her. Lu Shaochen and Lu Wanyue were with the beautiful woman. We left the hospital together. Maybe this is God's deliberate arrangement. We just walked out of the hospital, and lianyue happened to drive by the road outside the hospital, and Lu Wangyuan was also in the car.""You know lianyue's temperament. She successfully separated the beauty from Lu Wangyuan. She didn't see the beauty in this fashion work, so she drove her car to leave. But she stopped the car and laughed at her for being an abandoned woman abandoned by Lu Wangyuan. She also said some worse things. She was so angry that she had to stand on the street and scold her. Her face was pale. The more lianyue saw her popularity, the more she added fuel to the fire," she said The words are getting worse and worse. The beautiful woman's daughter looks at her mother politely. She is so angry that she picks up stones on the ground and wants to help her mother beat lianyue, but Alas

Thinking of the most cruel scene, Li Qingtian was unable to continue.

Of course, Li luoran can guess that Lu Wanyue had an accident at that time.

Therefore, she did not interrupt, quietly waiting for Li Qingtian to recover.

Li Qingtian took a deep breath to continue,

"in order to hit lianyue in the cab with a stone, Wanyue wanted to walk from the front of the car to the driver's cab. Just as Wanyue passed the car, lianyue stepped on the accelerator, the car moved forward rapidly, and ran over Wanyue..."


It seems that the bloody scene appears in front of us. Li luoran screams and his handbag "Dong" falls at his feet.

Li luoran thought her mother was just cold and heartless, but she was so cruel.

If Li luoran didn't understand why an Jiaren hated Gu lianyue so much in the past, now Li luoran has completely understood everything.

Once upon a time, Mrs. an couldn't hate Gu lianyue too much, but she couldn't help it, so she added hatred to Gu lianyue's daughter

Everything has a reason!

Up to now, Li luoran suddenly sympathizes with Mrs. an.

"The beauty fainted on the spot. When she woke up, the grieving beauty sued lianyue, but the court finally ruled that lianyue was not guilty -"

Li Qingtian put her hand lightly on Li luoran's shoulder,

"because lianyue said that she was innocent. She said that it was because she didn't take care of her children. When she was driving normally, let Wanyue suddenly ran to her car to make it It's an accident Lu Wangyuan also testified for your mother. The judge held that a father could never perjure a criminal who killed his daughter, so he ruled your mother not guilty. "

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