You,Under My Name

Chapter 207: 207

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Li luoran has no master.

No matter how cruel Gu lianyue was to Li luoran, Li luoran still had some hope.

Now, listen to my father say what Gu lianyue did, such as a basin of cold water completely extinguished Li luoran's hope.

"After the graceful death, the beauty once collapsed. Later, she adopted a little girl in the orphanage and named her dead daughter. The beauty poured her mother's love into the little girl and gradually came out in pain and despair."

Li Qingtian's voice kept ringing in Li luoran's ears.

That little girl is now Lu Wanyue -

Li luoran finally understood why Lu Wanyue was not born to an Jiaren, but an Jiaren always dotes on and connives on her.

The bus to the city has arrived at the stop.

Li luoran picked up her handbag and wanted to get on the bus, but Li Qingtian held it,

"Ranran, I have been hiding these things from you in the past, why don't you ask me why I suddenly confessed to you today?"

"I know."

Li luoran stood in front of the huge billboard pasted with the portrait of Feng qianshe, and watched the bus that she had been waiting for for for a long time receding,

"you love that woman to the bone, you want me to think that she is a good mother, and you want me to love her foolishly all my life, so how can you let me know that she is a coward What about the murderer? "


Li Qingtian's heavy sigh came from behind.

The word "murderer" stabbed him in the heart like the tip of a knife.


Gu lianyue is by no means a good woman.

Not only bad, but also very bad, very poisonous, very licentious Almost all the words used to describe a bad woman can't be used too much

However, Li Qingtian is so helpless to Gu lianyue.

Even though he was cheated, betrayed and betrayed by Gu lianyue more than once, he didn't change his mind.

For Li Qingtian, Gu lianyue is a deadly swamp.

Deep in this swamp, Li Qingtian is not unable to escape, but does not want to escape. He would rather sink deeper and deeper than drown in this swamp.

"If it wasn't for you, I would rot these words in my stomach all my life and never say them to anyone, even to you."

Li Qingtian, who stood up with Li luoran, stroked her soft black hair with her trembling right hand,

"the reason why I don't care about your mother's image now is to let you know that it's justifiable for a beautiful woman to hate you. I hope you don't take it too seriously."

Li luoran turned his back to his father with tears in his eyes.

"Because your mother has a deep grudge with the beautiful woman, before you and Lu Shaochen got married, I was worried that you would be involved, so I tried my best to stop you. However, since you and Lu Shaochen are married, I would advise you not to give up anyway."

Remembering the fact that he has decided to divorce Lu Shaochen, Li luoran's fingertips tremble.

Li Qingtian gently holds her hand,

"Ranran, the most regretful thing dad has ever done in his life is to divorce your mother. If time can go back, I will never let her go. For this reason, I have been suffering for more than 20 years. I can see that you love Lu Shaochen deeply. Listen to Dad, don't do stupid things, don't be like Dad, and regret for life."

Li luoran was on the bus back to the city.

Looking at the scenery outside the car in a trance, Dad's words are playing back like a repeater.

The original three days at home, her father has already seen her mind.

Therefore, he did not talk to her about Lu Shaochen until she calmed down at home for three days.

Dad didn't want her to be separated from Lu Shaochen.

What do you think of her?

She loves every second of her time with Lu Shaochen. She hopes to spend her life with Lu Shaochen

It's just, she can't!

Just like dad said.

After breaking up with Lu Shaochen, she will always care for him and pay attention to his every move, just like her father cares about Gu lianyue.

But she won't regret it!

She is willing to give up her happiness in exchange for Lu Shaochen's no longer suffering and good life.


Li luoran went back to Lu Zhai.

It was already sunset. Li luoran saw Lu Shaochen standing beside the stone lion outside the gate from a distance.

He was wearing a black suit that was as straight as new. His hair was always in perfect order. Thousands of rays of golden light sprinkled on him. At a glance, it was amazing.

Strangely, after he found Li luoran, he didn't go to meet her. Instead, he didn't see her walk into the yard.

Li luoran enters the gate.

Chu Xingchen, with a head of exaggerated wine red and explosive hair, came up,

"Alas! Sister in law, I told you who is the most sullen person in the world? Now you believe it? "Li luoran with a muddled face didn't know what Chu Xingchen was talking about.

"I'm talking about him..." Chu Xingchen raised his hand and pointed to Lu Shaochen's far away figure,

"of course, my sister-in-law didn't know. During the three days when you went back to your hometown, he had lunch every day and stood alone at the gate smoking until sunset."

Li luoran was surprised, "does he smoke so much every day?"

"I'll go! Is that your reaction? " Chu Xingchen's eyes are almost staring out,

"a normal brain should ask him what to do when he comes to the gate alone?"


Li luoran blinked hard, "what's he doing at the gate alone?"

Chu Xingchen, "wait for you."

Li luoran was surprised.

Chu Xingchen touched his oversized earrings. "When you're away, you wait every day. It's not easy to wait for you. He turns around and runs away. What's not sultry?"

Li luoran, "..."

When Li luoran and Chu Xingchen are about to walk to the main building, they find Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren are also there. A cute little girl in a black suit with a handsome face of Lu Shaochen is playing between them.

Seeing Li luoran, xiaomengwa's eyes brightened and ran to her unsteadily.

Then, because of running too fast, "Dong" on the lawn.

Li luoran quickly picked him up, "baby, why are you so careless? Baby, does it hurt? "

He patted the grass and dust on xiaomengbao.

The little cute girl doesn't answer, but just opens her little hand around Li luoran's neck and says, "Mommy, hold ~"

the moment Li luoran holds Lu Mingyue, she just stands on the lawn and forgets what she is going to do next.

The feeling of holding a cute baby is still so warm and attached.

It seems that the hearts of her and xiaomengwa were originally connected;

it seems that xiaomengwa was her lover in her last life

"Mom, I said how brother Shaochen was cheated so deeply by this little fox spirit. There is no one else who can perform this extraordinary and refined performance. People feel that Mingyue is closer to me than my mother. I can't see her acting at all." Lu Wanyue stares at Li luoran.

An Jiaren also said coldly, "of course, can Mr. Wang's vision be worse? If she is not a good actress, how can she be liked by Mr. Wang? "

"Yes! That's it Lu Wanyue was busy picking up the stem,

"eh? Mom, my third uncle is a famous director. Yesterday, he told us the inside story of the entertainment industry at the dinner table. He said that as long as a female star, 99.9% of her popularity depends on selling her appearance. What's the difference between her and me

An Jiaren rolled her eyes, smiling coldly and disdainfully. "For women with dignity like us, that kind of thing is called shameless. For those" Dang women "who are bitches in their bones, selling is just like eating a common meal. What's the fuss?"

Oh, my God?!

Chu Xingchen is scratching his wine red explosive head awkwardly.

As a matter of fact, she is very reserved and has high quality.

However, once she saw Li luoran, she always seemed to be a different person. She was not only poisonous in mouth, but also poisonous in heart

Chu Xingchen is very surprised. Li luoran, who is always opposite to an Jiaren, seems to have never heard the provocation of an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue. He just teases Lu Mingyue as if no one else.


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Li luoran heard every word of an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue clearly.

If change to do in the past, she will coldly connect back.

Li luoran clearly remembers that she told Lu Wanyue that in the future, Lu Wanyue and an Jiaren will not be allowed to step into the courtyard any more -

as long as Li luoran wants, she can ask the security guards to drive them out now.

But when I think of what my father said to her an hour ago, I don't hate her so much when I think of how she was hurt so badly by her mother.


before, xiaomengwa had a good time with Anjian and Lu Wanyue. After Li luoran arrived, xiaomengwa seemed to ignore their existence and stick to Li luoran. Lu Wanyue tried to call xiaomengwa back several times, but she was ignored.

Li luoran is very strange. When she is playing with xiaomengwa, an Jiaren, who hates her, doesn't go away. Instead, she always stands by and looks at her silently.

Nearly half an hour passed like this.

Xiaomengwa is led to the bathroom by Chu Xingchen, and stares at her watery eyes. She solemnly asks Li luoran to wait for him in the same place.

It's already dark.

Li luoran was standing under the crabapple tree swaying with the wind, his eyes filled with tender and smiling.

It's really warm to be with little cute!

It seems that everything else in the world has nothing to do with her. It seems that there is no sorrow in life, only sweetness and laughter"You're really good at acting, you know? When you are with Mingyue, I can't see a flaw. Up to now, there is still the illusion that you are happy from the heart when you are with Mingyue. " With the sound of teasing, an Jiaren comes down to Li luoran with the help of Lu Wanyue.

Li luoran did not explain.

She never disdains to explain to a person who always looks at herself with colored glasses.

"Ever since you were with Shaochen, I can't figure out what happened to Shaochen? How can such a wise man be confused by a woman like you? After seeing you and my grandson together, I understand. Li luoran, I have to admire you. Your acting is perfect. You always act like this in front of Shaochen, don't you

Anne's eyes at Li luoran are like a goblin wearing a human skin mask.

Li luoran's haughty lips said, "it's my own business how I do it, and it's other people's business how others think."

If you don't want to start a war with Anjian again, you have to distance yourself from her.

"Shaochen said you went back to your hometown and stayed with Qingtian for three days." Angie's voice sounded behind her.

Li luoran stops suddenly.

Suddenly, I realized that every time my father mentioned an Jiaren, he didn't say his full name. Instead, she kindly called her "beauty". When an Jiaren mentioned her father, she also kindly called her "Qingtian".

I can't help thinking back.

Li luoran remembered that on the birthday of an Jiaren, her father had a conversation with an Jiaren before picking her up on that luxury cruise ship -

although the conversation was brief, the relationship between an Jiaren and her father left Li luoran with an indescribable feeling of warmth

Is she thinking too much?

"Optimus I mean your dad, did he ever talk about me? " Anjian comes to liluoran again.

Li luoran laughs sarcastically, "he says, it is you that told him you made trouble of me."

“……” An Jiaren's mood is not clear, her voice has a little wave,

"what else?"

Li luoran did not hide, "and then there are some old things that can't be recalled." Thinking of Anjian's dead daughter, I couldn't help looking at Lu Wanyue.


Lu Wanyue rolled her eyes.

Li luoran thought that an Jiaren would ask something more, but unexpectedly, an Jiaren didn't have a later word. Instead, she walked away politely and quietly.

Li luoran didn't understand the purpose of these two words.

She thought that Anne would like to know something about her father from her mouth, but because of unknown reasons, she didn't ask.

Before long, Lu Mingyue returned.

Li luoran stayed out with Mingyue until supper time.

When he returned to the room, the dining table was already full of dinner. Lu Shaochen, sitting upright on the sofa, put down his newspaper and picked it with his eyebrows.

"how long have you been back? Why don't you come in and say hello to me? "

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Xingchen, who was struck by lightning, almost fell over the threshold.

My Lord!

When you wait for your sister-in-law at the gate, she knows all about it.

How about not having a conversation like this?

Li luoran did not tear it down, nor did he cast his eyes to Lu Shaochen. He perfunctorily said, "it's been a while."

Lu Shaochen eyebrows micro lock, clever cover up the embarrassment.

During the meal, Li luoran and Lu Shaochen sit on the same group of sofas, xiaomengwa sits in the middle of them, and an Jiaren and Lu Wanyue sit opposite. Chu Xingchen, who does not want to disturb the family, leaves.

Li luoran thought that Anjia would make trouble as before.

However, Angie was quiet.

Apart from occasionally feeding Lu Mingyue, Li luoran also speaks calmly, which makes Li luoran feel like she went back to an Jiaren and knew that she was Gu lianyue's daughter.

After dinner, Mrs. an will take Mingyue with her.

Although Mingyue wants to be with Li luoran, she still goes back with Anne in tears.

Lu Shaochen went to the bathroom.

Sitting in the brightly lit living room, Li luoran still seems to have Lu Mingyue's cute and lovely face in front of her eyes. Every time she separated from Lu Mingyue, she always felt empty in her heart. She couldn't return to normal for a long time. This time, the feeling of emptiness became stronger than ever.

"Don't you think Mrs. ANN is abnormal today?" The sound came from Zhao Haixin, the servant who was cleaning the table.

Li luoran, who was in a low mood, did not want to speak and only sighed.


It's so quiet today.

It's quiet. It's not like a lady.

"Because this is her last day with her grandson. How can she have the heart to quarrel with you?"

Zhao Haixin's voice is not high.

But Li luoran seemed to hear a bolt from the blue, and his whole body was as tight as a rubber band,

"aunt Zhao, what are you talking about? Why is she spending her last day with her grandson? ""You've been in your hometown for three days, and you still don't know what happened here..." Zhao Haixin shakes his head,

"that day you pushed Miss Jin into Mr. Lu's car. Miss Jin lost her baby and fertility. In order to appease Miss Jin, Mrs. an wants to give her Mingyue."

Li luoran's eyes are panic.

Once upon a time, in order to separate her from Lu Shaochen, an Jiaren said that she would give Mingyue to Jin Xintong. Li luoran thought that it was just the angry words used by an Jiaren to intimidate Lu Shaochen. After all, an Jiaren is Mingyue's grandmother. Taking Mingyue away from Lu Shaochen is equal to taking Mingyue away from herself

Li luoran never dreamed that an Jiaren had really put it into practice.

"Lu Shaochen He Does he agree to do the same? " Liloran's voice trembled.

"Mr. Lu has such deep feelings for Mingyue, how can he give up?" But Mrs. an said that Miss Jin could not be reborn in the future, and Mr. Lu did not want to be responsible for her. Mingyue was her only dependence. Mrs. an asked Mr. Lu to choose whether to divorce you and marry Miss Jin, or give Mingyue to Miss Jin. Mr. Lu also felt quite ashamed of Jinxiao So I agreed to give her the moon. "

Li luoran's heart is full of five flavors.

"Miss Jin will be discharged from hospital tomorrow. As soon as she is discharged from hospital, Mrs. an will send Mingyue to her. At that time, you and Mr. Lu don't want to see Mingyue as casually as before."

"Alas! In the past three years, Mrs. an is the one who loves the young master most. I can see that Mrs. an is also reluctant to give up the bright moon Today, she looks at the moon in the eyes, I just don't understand, she is very painful, why do you still want to do it?! Alas


Zhao Haixin sighed out of the living room.

Zhao Haixin doesn't understand what an Jiaren does, but Li luoran does.

Of course, an Jiaren is not for Jin Xintong.

In order to achieve this goal, an Jiaren did not hesitate to kill 1000 enemies, but also suffered the pain of separation from her grandson!

Sure enough!

Today's calmness is just appearance!

Angie's hatred for her is deeply rooted and will never let her go!

Li luoran thinks that although jinxintong is also Gu lianyue's daughter, on the floating island that day, jinxintong has publicly vowed to break the relationship between her mother and daughter, and has made it clear that she stands with an Jiaren. Therefore, an Jiaren will not be hostile to jinxintong, will she?

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