You,Under My Name

Chapter 209: 209

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"Shooting base, third lane, a person to see me, otherwise, you will regret for life."

There has already hung up the line, Li luoran is still holding a mobile phone to keep the posture of the call, the mind can not return to reality.

"Is something serious?"

Looking at Li luoran, Qin Weijie looks confused.

Li luoran tried to relax himself, "sister Qin, I'm going to meet someone. Go back by yourself first."

"Ah?" Qin Weijie was shocked at first, and then seemed to understand something,

"mm-hmm, Ranran, just go on a date with Mr. Feng, and I won't disturb your world."


Teacher Feng?

Is the wind shallow?

Why does Qin Weijie misunderstand that she wants to go on a date with Feng qianshe?

Without waiting for Li luoran to explain, Qin Weijie has cast a "I understand" look at her, and squeezed her eyes, let Li luoran go.

Looking at Qin Weijie's figure, Li luoran takes a deep breath and turns to the destination agreed with song Zilu.


the third lane -

in the shooting base, there is a small lane. On both sides of the lane are antique buildings with different heights, and the wet bluestone road is covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves.

When Li luoran walked into the alley, song Zilu was standing under the maple tree in the deep of the alley.

The cool autumn wind passed through the alley, making the maple leaves swaying and song Zilu's clothes trembling.

Usually, few people come to this alley. Now it's past the crew's off-duty time, and it's even more empty.

Li luoran walks to song Zilu on the fallen leaves that have never crossed his ankles.

"How dare you come to see me alone? Aren't you afraid I'll hurt you?" Song Zilu looked at the weak woman who was getting closer to her.

Li luoran said with a smile, "if you want to harm me, I've done it since I saw you last time. There's no need to wait until now."

Song Zilu's eyes are slightly different.

The next second, laughing helplessly, "Lu Shaochen in order to find me, out of a hundred million sky high price reward, and sent his most powerful men."


Li luoran couldn't hide his shock.

It was not long ago that she learned that Lu Shaochen sent "falcons" to arrest song Zilu, but she never knew that Lu Shaochen even offered such a high reward.

It was not until this moment that Li luoran realized that Lu Shaochen attached more importance to the child than she had imagined.

Li luoran stopped about two meters away from Song Zilu.

The light in the alley was thin, and song Zilu's pupils contracted before she could see her face clearly.

"just three days ago, I was caught by a falcon. Fortunately, the person who sheltered me intercepted his car on the way to see Lu Shaochen, and rescued me. I thought, otherwise I would have been sent to prison by Lu Shaochen now."

Li luoran did not deny it.

Three days ago that morning, she heard Falcon tell Lu Shaochen about almost catching song Zilu.

According to her understanding of Lu Shaochen, once song Zilu falls into Lu Shaochen's hands, he will force song Zilu to tell the whereabouts of the child, and then give song Zilu to the police

"Falcon is a powerful character. No one he wants to catch can't be caught. Although I got away with it once, I won't be so lucky next time. It's only a matter of time before he catches me." Song Zilu took a step closer to Li luoran,

"so the people who sheltered me decided to send me to Europe, so that I would not be caught by Lu Shaochen."

Li luoran looked up at her delicate little face and sarcastically said, "I don't care about everything you said. I only care about the whereabouts of my children. So, song Zilu, in order to save each other's time, go straight to the theme."

Although I don't understand the reason, and I don't know how song Zilu got involved in the production, Li luoran believes that song Zilu must want to talk to her about her child's whereabouts after so much trouble meeting her.


Song Zilu was so silent for a long time.


Maybe the reason why Lu shaoran and Luo Chen have different love for each other is that

"You are always beyond my expectation. You not only know that I have no hostility to you, but also guess that I want to tell you the truth..."

Song Zilu sighed a long time,

"yes, I always thought that it was good for Xiaojin to hide this secret from you and Lu Shaochen, but Xiaojin's recent experience made me fully understand that her obsession with Lu Shaochen would only make her hurt more and more deeply, and this secret would be a burden to her. If I told her this secret, it would be a relief for her, would you What do you say? "

Although Li luoran didn't know the relationship between Song Zilu and Jin Xintong, and she didn't understand song Zilu's meaning at all, she just wanted song Zilu to continue talking, so she was very eager to reply,

"yes! So, for Xiaojin to be free, you can say it quickly"Well!"

Song Zilu, who has made up his mind, nods deeply. Although the alley is quiet and there is little possibility of eavesdropping around, he still walks up to Li luoran and bends his head to Li luoran's ear,

"in fact, the child you gave birth to with Lu Shaochen didn't go far away, he is..."


The sudden loud noise abruptly interrupted song Zilu's words.

The next second, Li luoran clearly heard a sound similar to watermelon burst.


What burst is not watermelon, but song Zilu's head!

To be exact, song Zilu was shot by a bullet -

just now, song Zilu was almost face to face with Li luoran, and the scarlet blood splashed all over Li luoran's face.

Li luoran seemed to be in a daze.

She watched song Zilu fall at her feet. At least two seconds later, the late panic came to her like a flood.

His weak legs could no longer support his shaking body. Li luoran knelt down in the lane covered with fallen leaves and screamed hysterically


Not far away came a familiar exclamation.

With the rapid running sound, the tall figure of the man pounced on her at a very fast speed.


Another shot.

The hot bullet came at the head of liluoran.

Also in this instant, the man threw Li luoran under his body.

Li luoran, who was still in shock, felt a strong shock and lost consciousness.

The bullet hit the man and the enchanting blood bloomed on his white shirt like a fire lotus.



"Don't shoot!"

"Go away!"

"Don't kill me!"

"Don't No

Li luoran screamed and sat up, then saw a handsome face.

She will never forget this face -

it's Lu Shaochen.

"You're safe now. I'm here, eh?" Sitting beside the bed, Lu Shaochen grabs her sweat soaked black hair with her right hand.

Lu Shaochen's smile always seems to have the magic power of making people quiet in an instant, and Li luoran regained his calm in an instant? Where is he? "

Lu Shaochen said, "he's next door. I'll take you to see him."

Li luoran nodded in a trance.

The arrangement of the time showed that she was in the hospital.

She got out of bed. Although Lu Shaochen helped her to walk out, she still had the illusion that she was still in the alley. The picture of song Zilu being shot in front of her is still clear.


There was blood all over my eyes.

Everything around seemed to turn into blood red.

Even though the blood on her face had been cleaned by Lu Shaochen when she was in a coma, her nose still seemed to have a strong smell of blood, which could not be dissipated

This matter is destined to accompany her all her life like a shadow!


while Lu Shaoxuan was sitting on the bed next door, he was walking into the ward.

After discovering Li luoran, Feng qianzhen first brightened his eyes, then threw his mobile phone away, as if he was dying.

"What's the matter with you?"

When Li luoran saw this, he ran over with fear, his face full of care and tension,

"are you seriously injured? What's wrong with you? "

She seemed to die in pain at any time.

Li luoran was even more flustered. He held Feng qianzhen in one hand and pointed to Lu Shaochen in the other, "what are you doing? Why don't you call a doctor?"

Lu Shaochen has a black face and looks at the wind coldly. He doesn't speak.

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Li luoran's hands were full of sweat,

"what's the matter with you? Aren't you your son? Why are you so indifferent to him? "

Lu Shaochen's face is darker.

Seeing that Lu Shaochen was always indifferent, Li luoran, who was so anxious, rang the emergency alarm and got up to call the doctor himself.

However, he didn't get up yet, but he was caught by the wrist of Feng Qianji,

"Hey, I'm very good, just to verify whether you care about me."


Li luoran wants to cry without tears.

If it had been in the past, I would have beaten the goods with one fist. However, when I thought that Fengqian was injured for himself and saw that his face was much more haggard than usual, I must have been seriously injured. How could I have been willing to beat him?

Sitting back on the edge of the bed, he looked at the soft and tender eyes of the wind. "Hey, if you didn't help me block the bullet, I would have been shot in the head like song Zilu. You saved my sister's life."The wind shrugged and winked, "what's the point? It's just a bullet. Even the atomic bomb, I dare to block it for you. "

Li luoran's moved eyes are full of tears.

Although fengqianshe is always out of shape and exaggerating, she believes that fengqianshe will do nothing for her.

"Where are you hurt?" Li luoran's thoughts return to reality.

Feng Qianji lightly pointed to his left shoulder, "here, hey, what a big thing, the doctor said, it's all skin and flesh injuries, not bones and muscles. Compared with that, I'm just bleeding. If this bullet hit you on the head, boom --" the vivid Feng Qianji fingertip poked at Li luoran's head,

"how terrible the picture would be!"

It's such a bloody joke, but Li luoran is amused by the wind.

Seeing that the wind was pale because of blood loss, he was still lively and relaxed.

Li luoran wants to talk with Feng Qianji for a while.

However, Lu Shaochen's voice sounded earlier than her before she wanted to open up any topic. "The doctor said that she needs more rest, so don't disturb her."


When did the doctor say that? Why didn't he hear that?

The wind is shallow and the hair is almost blown up.

Lu Shaochen didn't give him a chance to talk, but put his hands on Li luoran's shoulder,

"besides, I have some family affairs to talk with Qian Chen, should you avoid them?"



He has known Lu Shaochen for more than 20 years, and they have never talked about family affairs!

The wind is shallow, the blue eyes are round, and the only thing is to hold Li luoran's thigh and beat the drum.

However, Li luoran had already got up and left.

Lu Shaochen watched Li luoran go far.

When Li luoran came out of the ward, her eyes fell back to Feng Qianwei's face, and she followed her eyes like a resentful woman.

Lu Shaochen, "I can understand your current mood."

In fact, at the moment when he decided to take Li luoran to see fengqianhe, Lu Shaochen really intended to let Li luoran and fengqianhe stay a little longer.

Lu Shaochen knew that in Li luoran's eyes, Feng qianshe was a "sister", and Li luoran would never have a wrong idea of Feng qianshe.

Therefore, Lu Shaochen also believes that no matter how close Li luoran and Feng Qianchen are, he can watch the changes as if he were watching a play.

However, once you come to the scene in person -

once you watch Li luoran and Feng Qianhe talk and laugh intimately, but he is ignored like a quiet light bulb, and endless jealousy engulfs him like a tide out of control

"Is it?" The evil face of the wind is full of displeasure,

"since you understand my mood, you can tell me what my mood is now."

Lu Shaochen, "want to hit people."

“……” The wind is shallow and smiling.


Lu Shaochen's words are not bad.

He really wants to beat Lu Shaochen up.

Because, as the idol He once worshipped most, Lu Shaochen was too stingy in treating him and Li luoran -

Lu Shaochen clearly knew his feelings for Li luoran.

He also knows that Li luoran is only "sisterly" to him, but when he finally gets the chance to be close to Li luoran, he ruthlessly takes them apart.

"I'm very grateful that you saved her life today, but speaking of your closeness to her, you've been close enough to her in the cast today, and it's a trick to get close, isn't it?" Lu Shaochen's deep eyes could not see the bottom.

Wind shallow in the heart "clatter" a, "godfather, I I don't know what you're talking about

Lu Shaochen, "you think carefully, you can hide from others, you can't hide from me, you can't hide from Shu Xinshuang."


The wind is shallow, such as being struck by lightning, his eyes are stunned, "it's Shu Xinshuang who told you the secret! Godfather, don't tell me you know Shu Xinshuang! "

Lu Shaochen's charm is very secretive. "These are not important. What matters is your future and your life events."

His future?

What's the big deal in his life?

What do you mean?

Lu Shaochen on the ill intentioned eyes, how wind shallow suddenly have a very bad feeling?

There was a warmth on my head.

Is Lu Shaochen's big hand lightly put on his head, "shallow, do you think graceful how?"

Lu Wanyue?

Think of that domineering, always dress exposed woman, the wind is shallow, in front of the eyes as if showing those two huge half ball, evil face can not help but show dislike.

"I always think you are a good match for Wanyue. Although Wanyue has no idea of falling in love, you are so good-looking. If you take the initiative to pursue her, you will succeed in all likelihood. I am optimistic about you."

Lu Shaochen gently rubbed his hairy blonde hair with a warm and deep smile,"It's said that your parents are always urging you to get married in recent years. They will never object to you being with Wanyue. I can rest assured that Wanyue will marry you. So, do yourself a favor and do me a favor. Go after Wanyue, eh?"

The evil face of the wind has been distorted and can't distinguish the facial features.


What else does Lu Shaochen want to say? Feng qianzhen can't bear to listen any more,

"godfather, didn't you say that the doctor asked me to have more rest? I want to have a rest. Can you please go out?"

Lu Shaochen, "..."

Nearly collapsed, Feng Qianji raised his hand and pointed to the door, "the door is over there, no delivery!"


Lu Shaochen shakes his head helplessly. Then he takes back his hand that rubs the wind's hair. He gets up and walks out of the door with his long legs.


After Lu Shaochen walked out of the door, completely out of control Feng Qianwei picked up his mobile phone and fell heavily on the wall.

What special need he help, also help oneself!

Lu Shaochen clearly worried that he would rub sparks with Li luoran, so he asked him to pursue Lu Wanyue.


In this world, Lu Shaochen is the only one who takes his sister as bait in order to exclude his rival!


Li luoran is standing in the back garden of the hospital.

When she woke up, she was most worried about Feng qianshe's safety. When she learned that Feng qianshe was safe, her thoughts were immediately occupied by song Zilu's affairs.

Li luoran is also an ordinary weak woman, as vulnerable and timid as other girls.

However, although song Zilu's death still makes her feel uneasy, what she can't let go of most is the whereabouts of her children.

At that moment, she was only a little closer to the truth.

She was sure that song Zilu had already told the truth, but the last few words song Zilu said were covered by gunfire, and she didn't hear them clearly.

Now, she is only one step away from the truth -


It should be said that it's only half a step away!

Because song Zilu had told her before she died that her child had not gone far.

Li luoran thought that it might be around her. In this way, her circle of search would be narrowed and her children would soon be found.

"After Shoji stopped the bullet for you, the murderer ran away in a hurry. The police are catching him." "I think the target of the murderer is only song Zilu. After he shot song Zilu, he hit you by the way, but your life or death is not important to him. Otherwise, after she knocked you down, she could fire the third and fourth shot again..."

Steady footsteps gradually stopped, and Lu Shaochen stood side by side with her, looking in the same direction as she looked.

Li luoran was heavy hearted. "It shows that the secret is very important. Some people don't want song Zilu to tell me the truth. In other words, it's really against the person who killed song Zilu."

It's just, why?

Can she get in the way of others when she is reunited with her children?

Why would that man kill to cover up the truth?

Li luoran used to think that whether she could find her child or not was all about herself and Lu Shaochen. Now, she finds out more and more that this matter seems to involve more people and more secrets

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