You,Under My Name

Chapter 210: 210

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"Falcon told me that he had already found out that song Zilu was going to flee abroad. I don't understand. Song Zilu could fly away quietly, but he took the risk to see you. How important is he to find you?"

Even in the dark, Lu Shaochen's black gem like eyes still shine.

Lilo dyed lips move.

Originally wanted to tell Lu Shaochen, song Zilu do not want to see Jin Xintong pain, want to tell her the truth, however, think of Lu Shaochen will never believe Jin Xintong and song Zilu know each other, so the wit of these words back.

Just said, "you said that Mingyue is a test tube baby. Can you tell us something about Mingyue before and after she was born?"

No response.

Li luoran turned his head and saw Lu Shaochen's eyes empty. He was always calm, but his extremely handsome face showed obvious loss at the moment.

It reminds me that Mingyue has been brought up by jinxintong. When Mingyue is mentioned at this time, it is undoubtedly to sprinkle salt on Lu Shaochen's wound.

But Li luoran had to ask,

"I understand your feelings, but this matter matters a lot, and I have to..."

"You don't have to say why." Lu Shaochen gently interrupted her,

"you are my wife. I will not hide anything about me from you."

All right!

Li luoran bowed his head slightly and felt extremely guilty.

In fact, after she married Lu Shaochen, she still kept many secrets that she didn't want to tell others. Lu Shaochen not only shared all her wealth with her, but also kept none of her secrets.

If we have to be clear, Lu Shaochen has paid too much for her in the encounter between her and Lu Shaochen. What about her?

Apart from suffering, what did she give to Lu Shaochen?

"Xiaojin and I are classmates in junior high school. When we were in junior high school, we had a good feeling for each other. When we were in junior high school, we studied much better than me, but she was admitted to my senior high school for me. We established a love relationship in Senior High School."

Looking up at the stars, Lu Shaochen's thoughts go back to the past,

"it's so fast to have her. It seems that seven years have passed in the blink of an eye. We have all graduated, my career is booming, and she is more beautiful. Every time we walk together, others will cast envious eyes. Everything is so beautiful."

What kind of picture can Li luoran imagine.

Because every time Li luoran sees Jin Xintong and Lu Shaochen walking together, he can't help but breed jealousy in his heart.

Most of the time, I feel that jinxintong's outstanding beauty is the best match for Lu Shaochen.

"At that time, I also thought optimistically that Xiaojin and I were destined to have a happy life. I arranged our wedding. I thought that the wedding day would be luxurious and dazzling, and would make a sensation in the whole city. I thought that our future would be a long life together with a full house of children and grandchildren. I took her to see my mother with joy, but my mother's performance completely shattered my dream."

Think of that day, the mother of jinxintong difficult, Lu Shaochen voice micro waves.

Li luoran sighed.

She doesn't know what Jin Xintong has experienced, but remembers that an Jiaren immediately turns her face ruthlessly after she knows her relationship with Gu lianyue, and is extremely mean to her. Li luoran can imagine that Jin Xintong's experience will not be much better than her own -

even worse.

Lu Shaochen continued,

"at that time, I knew that Xiaojin was Gu lianyue's daughter. Since then, my mother tried to break us up. In order to protect Xiaojin, the relationship between me and my mother was getting colder and colder. Xiaojin couldn't bear to see me and my mother make a scene like that. She offered to break up with me several times, but I didn't want to. Later, I thought of marrying her. ”

"and then?" Li luoran's eyes shine when he hears the key words.

"You know, although I love her, I don't have Reaction... " Because of embarrassment, Lu Shaochen's cheeks were slightly red,

"so we had to go to the hospital to make test tubes, and then there was the bright moon."

Hands out.

And then there's no more and then.

This is what Li luoran wanted to know most.

Lu Shaochen, who didn't want to mention that, turned to leave.

How could Li luoran let him go!

Quickly step forward to block his way, "you wait, that ~ hehe ~ talk about your process of making test tube?"

“……” Lu Shaochen's expression was obviously stiff.

At last, she smiles helplessly with her curious eyes,

"what else? Is to put my seed into a miniature test tube, and then introduce it into her body by the doctor, so as to combine it with the fertilization in her body. Is it not in the textbook


Did Lu Shaochen misunderstand her question?

Li luoran, red faced and eager to find a hole in the ground, said, "well, you don't need to popularize this kind of knowledge. I mean, when was jinxintong pregnant? Did she have any accidents during her pregnancy

"The success rate of the test tube is not as high as the hospital's propaganda. Xiaojin has done more than 20 times of lead-in surgery before and after, and she successfully conceived the child. It has been more than three months since we first made the test tube."I don't understand why Li luoran asked this question at all. He put his hands on Li luoran's shoulder and looked at her solemnly,

"during Xiaojin's pregnancy, I was with her all the time. Mingyue's name was also taken by Xiaojin for him. I've already said all that I should say. What else do you want to know?"

Li luoran shook his head.

Silent cover to the bottom of the eyes that silk disappointed.

In the past, she always had some strange dreams. Combined with song Zilu's words before she died, Li luoran could not help but suspect that Mingyue was her son who had been separated for three years. That's why she asked Lu Shaochen.

But Lu Shaochen's affirmative reply made her completely give up the idea.

Bright moon!

That cute little baby turned out to be someone else's child.

She and that little baby may never get together.


in the dead of night.

Almost all the lights in the residential building of "lakeside family" residential area have gone out.

Jin Xintong stands alone on the balcony, looking at the dark night scene outside through the dark blue glass.

Holding her own photo in her hand -

to be exact, it's a group photo of her and Lu Shaochen.

In the photo, she is nestled in Lu Shaochen's arms. They are sitting on the granite under the maple tree. The maple leaves are floating in the air. Lu Shaochen and she are looking at each other. Their smiles are so warm and happy

But that was five years ago.

Now Lu Shaochen will never look at her like this again.


Where are you now.

Is it a person, or is it accompanied by Li luoran?

"Thinking about him again?"

Behind suddenly rang out a magnetic sound.

The brocade Heart Tong frightens to scream, that photo flies to fall to the ground.

She leaned over to pick it up. Before her fingertips touched the photo, her other big hand picked it up before her.

"If you want to put away such a precious thing, how can you drop it on the ground?" The man picks eyebrow to smile lightly, the bone knot is clear between two fingers clip a photograph, light stuffing into the pocket on the pajama of brocade Heart Tong.

, as like as two peas, Lu Shaochen looked at her face in a daze.

was an extremely handsome, almost impeccable face, and a face that made her palpitate with excitement.

, because this face was almost the same as that of her face.

"Xiao Qian's painting."

Calling this name, the tenderness that had been naturally revealed by seeing this face faded away like a tide in Jin Xintong's eyes, and turned into bone chilling,

"in the middle of the night, did you apologize to me?"

"Oh?" Xiao Qian drew a beautiful arc in the corner of his mouth,

"I never did anything wrong. Why should I apologize to you?"

Jin Xintong painfully closed her eyes,

"I read the news, and Zilu was killed."

The man had such a long silence.

Jin Xintong opened her eyes, and her eyes were sad. "Zilu is a poor child. You promised me to protect him. What did he do wrong? Why are you so cruel to him?"

Out of control voice in the balcony is not particularly harsh.

Lu Mingyue, who is sleeping in her bedroom, is disturbed by her voice. She turns over and continues to fall into a deep sleep.

Completely did not notice the children's movement, Xiao Qian painting eyes faint charm, "Song Zilu wrong because he knows too many secrets, I am not cruel to him, is cruel to you."


Jin Xintong smiles bitterly, thinking of song Zilu's death, her eyes are full of tears,

"I don't want to see you, you go out for me."

Trembling fingers pointed to the balcony door.

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Xiao Qian draws the corners of her mouth lightly and looks at her with evil spirit.

Jin Xintong raised her voice,

"get out!"

Xiao Qianhua still looks at her like nothing.

"Good! If you don't go, I'll go! "

Angry Jin Xintong turns around and goes.

"I intended to send him abroad, but he went to Li luoran to tell on him. I sent someone to kill him, but I had no choice."

A man's voice is magnetic and penetrating.

this man is as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's face. His voice is almost the same as Lu Shaochen's. every time he sees him, every time he hears his voice, Jin Xin Tong can't help but feel his heart.

She stopped, smiling sarcastically, "what a last resort, Xiao Qianhua. You're a cruel person. I'd rather Zilu tell Li luoran the truth than be killed!"

"Xiaojin!" Xiao Qianhua sighs,

"I know that you are kind-hearted and never want anyone to hurt you, but I also know that you never want Lu Shaochen to know that Mingyue is the child of him and Li luoran!"

As if he had been strangled by someone, Jin Xintong's thin body was fixed in front of the door, and his little hand was stiff on the door handle, and he could no longer pull the door open.Accompanied by a slight sound of footsteps, Xiao Qianhua walked behind her, and her tall figure shrouded her.

"Three years ago, you repeatedly went to the hospital for test tube surgery, but you couldn't get pregnant successfully. Later, we had to let you pretend to be pregnant and let Li luoran conceive Lu Shaochen's child. Even Bai Qingwan and Su Yan didn't know about it. The only people we knew were you, me and song Zilu..."

Looking down at Jin Xintong's trembling figure, his eyes were tender to the man who was as cold as Satan.

"Xiao Jin, you are so kind and simple. When I told you this way, you refused to agree anyway. You didn't want to cheat Lu Shaochen, and you didn't want to implicate Li luoran, who didn't know you were your sister at that time, but you are not So I wanted to be with Lu Shaochen, so I finally agreed. "

Thoughts back to the past, those memories in my mind, jinxintong figure tremble fierce.

"In this world, only I know how much you love Lu Shaochen. Now Lu Shaochen has become obsessed with Li luoran. If they know the truth, you and Lu Shaochen will be even more impossible. I can't imagine your heartbroken appearance. I will never allow that to happen. Therefore, song Zilu must die!"

Xiao Qian's voice is gentle and excited.

The Jin Xin Tong that the mood tangles cannot say a word.

Xiao Qianhua hugged her behind her. "Xiaojin, I love you. I will never make you sad. Everything I do is for you, so don't hurt me any more, OK?"

Affectionately say, thin double lips light kiss to brocade Heart Tong earlobe, and along her chin all the way slip like neck.


Jin Xintong breathes heavily.

Close your eyes, crystal clear tears slide down the beautiful face.

Xiao Qian's painting.

he is as like as two peas in Lu Shaochen's voice, and the same breath of charm is like Lu Shaochen's.

Sometimes, when looking at Xiao Qian's paintings, Jin Xintong really has the illusion that God pities her, so she arranges another Lu Shaochen to come to her.

But Xiao Qian's painting is Xiao Qian's painting!

Lu Shaochen is Lu Shaochen!

Lu Shaochen's temperament is absolutely not in Xiao Qian's paintings!

Xiao Qian's affection of painting and kissing.

Holding Jin Xintong's pajamas in both hands, I wish her a hand.

Jin Xintong took a deep breath,

"let go!"

A trace of surprise passed over the man's face full of emotion. "Xiaojin..."

"I told you to let go!"

Jin Xin Tong accentuated tone.

Xiao Qian's painting seems to be petrified. Her thin lips are still stuck on the white skin of Jin Xintong's neck. Her hands are still holding her pajamas, but she can't move on.

Jin Xintong's cool little hand forcibly breaks off Xiao Qianhua's hands from his body.

Take a step forward and open up the distance from Xiao Qian's painting.

Xiao Qianhua looked at this extremely beautiful woman in a trance in the bright moonlight,

"we have been here more than once. We have done all the things that should be done between men and women. I have seen all the places that you should see and I have kissed all the places that you should kiss. Why should we be so indifferent to me?"

Remembering the intimacy over and over again, Jin Xintong's eyes were full of satire and sadness,

"we had an agreement before we did those things, didn't we?"

Thinking of the agreement, Xiao Qian's extremely handsome face was full of despair.


According to the agreement, he made Jin Xintong pregnant with a child. After that, Jin Xintong drew a clear line with him. Those tenderness and tenderness were regarded as nothing happened. He was as different from her as before

With her back to him, even though she can clearly see his painful expression in the glass window like a mirror, Jin Xintong has nothing but thin cool in her eyes.

"don't deceive yourself, Xiao Qianhua. You know why I let you touch my body. I can't avoid changing women like a man changing clothes. If you don't have his face, you will never get me. ”

Xiao Qian's throat knot slides violently, and his tall figure trembles deeply in the moonlight.

Jin Xintong sneered, "Xiao Qianhua, I hate that I've been soiled by you. You know it. Every time I'm with you, I take you as him."

Voice down, decisively opened the door, did not return into the bedroom.

Lu Mingyue lies quietly.

Jin Xintong sits on the edge of the bed and looks at Lu Shaochen's face with tears in the gentle light.

"He is Li luoran's child. I thought you would hate him very much. I didn't expect you to like him so much."

Xiao Qianhua in the bedroom looks at her with a lot of worries.

Jin Xintong didn't raise her eyes, just opened her petal like lips,

"you should go, don't force me to curse."


Why did I not want to change clothes like you beforeJin Xintong just remembered something.

When he first met Xiao Qianhua, Xiao Qianhua was also a good man. Although he was rich at that time, he was never disordered in his private life.

But later, Xiao Qianhua began to sleep with different female stars, constantly changing, and sometimes sleeping two, three or more at a time

Jin Xintong feels nauseous just thinking about it. Her eyebrows frown deeply,

"get out of here!"

"Don't worry, I'll go away when I finish!" Xiao Qian is as like as two peas in the painting,

, "because," you, "I am aware that Lu Shaochen has no physiological response to you, but even so, you still feel hell bent on him, and I, even though he has exactly the same face as him. I have told you more than once, but in your mind, I am just a decoration

Brocade Heart Tong tiny a stay.

Xiao Qian's eyes are deep. "So, if I can't sleep with you, I will sleep with different women. If I can't get you, I will look for your breath in those different women. When you are with me, you treat me as Lu Shaochen. When I sleep with those women, I think about you."

Jin Xintong really doesn't like to hear this.

In other words, she didn't like to hear anything Xiao Qianhua said, whether it was good or bad.

Her heart only belongs to Lu Shaochen. No matter how much other men love her, it's not worth her wasting a look.

"Remember, I love you, so I will always do anything for you, including helping you fight for your true love."

After all, he didn't want to attract Jin Xintong any more. After that, Xiao Qianhua walked to the door with his long legs.

Always pondering with a smile, as if unintentional.

Turning back to the moment of Jin Xintong, the loss deeply buried in the fundus of the eye clearly emerges.

He looked in the mirror at himself in a white suit.

He hates nothing more than white.

In the past, he was like Lu Shaochen, whose black suit was his standard.

However, after meeting Jin Xintong, he never wore black again.

He wants to be clear with Lu Shaochen.

He didn't want Jin Xintong to show tenderness every time she saw him, just because she mistook him for Lu Shaochen


The door opened and closed.

The footsteps faded away.

When Xiao Qianhua left, Jin Xintong raised her head and looked at the direction where Xiao Qianhua left. The indifference in her eyes gradually dissipated and turned into a blank.

Xiao Qian!

How can he compare with Lu Shaochen?!

For her, there is no man in the world who can match Lu Shaochen!

If only Lu Shaochen loved her like Xiao Qianhua?

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