You,Under My Name

Chapter 212: 212

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"Are you thinking that wangzimo, like some scum big names in the entertainment industry, likes the shallow rules actress?"

In a trance, Li luoran's voice sounded in her ear.

Li luoran nodded and then shook his head.

At first, when Wang Zimo asked Li luoran to accompany him tonight and forced her to stay under her body, Li luoran really thought about it, but after Wang Zimo said those strange words to her affectionately, she changed her mind.

Calm down and think about it -

a man like Wang Zimo is so handsome and outstanding that he belongs to the best of people. I don't know how many girls would like to share a good night with him voluntarily. If he wants to, he can support each other and don't need to take great pains to make use of the "shallow rules"

"I can assure you that wangzimo is not a casual man. Since I met him, he has never been a female star. On the contrary, many charming female stars have climbed onto his bed, but they have not succeeded."

Shu Xinshuang patted Li luoran on the shoulder,

"so, don't worry, Li luoran. As long as you don't approach him when he is drunk and unconscious, such an accident will never happen again."

All right!

In fact, Li luoran was relieved.

After all, Wang Zimo's image in her mind has been very good, this time the big abnormal is also after drunk.

However, thinking of wangzimo's melancholy and sad eyes and those thought-provoking words, Li luoran's heart is like a poisonous thorn,

"since you are very familiar with wangzimo, do you know a lot about him?"


Shu Xinshuang nodded with pride. The elevator had reached the first floor, and she helped Li luoran out,

"let me tell you something, Ranran, wangzimo and I have known each other for more than ten years, and nothing happened to him in the past ten years that I didn't know."

Li luoran's eyes brightened, "well, you must know that he has a picture of me with him in his wallet."

As if by what sharp object stabbed the heart, Shu Xinshuang can't help but stop.

When I think of that picture, the girl in it smiles brightly, as if in front of my eyes.

Is wangzimo crowded by the door?

How can he show such an important picture to liluoran?!

Li luoran came up to her and looked at her solemnly,

"besides, just in wangzimo's room, he looked at me with eyes and spoke to me in a tone that seemed that he knew me a long time ago and knew me very well, but I can't remember when I met him. What's the matter?"

"Ranran, actually you and Wang Zimo..." Looking at Li luoran's curious eyes, Shu Xinshuang can hardly help telling the truth.

But he only said that he was ordinary, but he shook his head again,

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but it's a secret between you and wangzimo. If I say it, it's tantamount to betraying him, you'd better ask him."


If Shu Xinshuang doesn't say that, it's OK.

Li luoran's heart itches even more when she says half and keeps half. She pulls Shu Xinshuang's hand excitedly, "but..."

"It's nothing to be proud of." Shu Xinshuang interrupts her with a smile,

"Li luoran, if you really can't figure it out now, take wangzimo as another parallel world."


Li luoran looks confused.

Feng Qianyi, who just saw Li luoran walk out of the elevator from a distance, has come to Li luoran. Shu Xinshuang pushes Li luoran into his arms.

"Ranran has just been frightened and is very weak. Can't you help her?"

The voice falls, for fear of being asked by Li luoran, and quickly walks to the depth of the corridor.

Feng Qianyi gently picks Mo Mei with joy and unfolds her arm to take Li luoran into her arms. However, she is frightened by Li luoran's fierce eyes and shrinks her hand back.

"ha ha, don't you be rude, Princess Ai, do you want to kick me out of bed?"

Li luoran is too lazy to pay attention to him. He just silently looks at Shu Xinshuang's enchanting figure, dazed.

Wang Zimo.

It's comfortable.

For Li luoran, the dragon and Phoenix are like two mysteries that can't be solved. The longer Li luoran and them know each other, the deeper the secret they have hidden will be.

And I'm afraid of the answer.

Because she didn't know whether the answer was a blessing or a curse to her.

Li luoran's thoughts were pulled back to reality by a warm air.

Looking back from her comfortable and cheerful figure, she found that the warm current was the breath of Feng Qianji -

Feng Qianji, who was half her head high, was bowing slightly, and a pretty face like a demon almost stepped into her neck. Her eyebrows were deep, and she couldn't help smelling her breath.

Li luoran's face suddenly became very bad,

"what are you doing?""Nothing..." The wind is shallow, the lips are crooked, and the blue eyes are evil,

"someone saw you help your son to return to his room before. Well, who knows what will happen? I just want to have a smell of him on you. "

Li luoran's two little hands clenched at waist level.

If you change the past, it must be a beating to meet the evil.

But liluoran couldn't.

Although the dinner is over, there are still a lot of people in the banquet hall, and fengqianshe is the focus of attention of the girls. Her practice of fengqianshe is equivalent to exposing the fact that she is very familiar with fengqianshe.


Li luoran immediately understands the successful eyes of Fengqian. It's because Fengqian knows that she doesn't dare to fight him in front of others that she provokes her like this.

At this time, Qin Weijie came to hold Li luoran's arm,

"the dinner is over, let's go."

Li luoran answered.

It's already late at night. The clean sky in the suburbs is as clear as water. When you look up, the sky is dark and bottomless, and the stars seem to float in front of you, as if you can pick them.

People who left the banquet hall one after another were walking under the stars.

After Qin Weijie and Li luoran walked for a while, they were surprised to find that Feng qianzhen had been following Li luoran all the time.

"Don't get me wrong, Li luoran is not qualified to be escorted by the male god. I just happen to be on my way with you."

Qin Weijie said with a smile, "what the wind teacher said is, ha ha, what the wind teacher said is, ha ha..."

In the heart actually hit a big hello.


Even if Feng Qian doesn't say that, Qin Weijie always thinks that Li luoran, a girl with no background and no fame, can't get into Feng Qian's eyes.

Who is the wind?

Only Qin Weijie knows that the number of stars and celebrities who have taken the initiative to catch up with Feng Qianyi is more than four figures. His vision is very high. In previous media interviews, he was asked why he always turned away every good girl. He said without any cover up, because those girls are not worthy of him

How could such a man with a high vision be able to see Li luoran?

What's more, although Li luoran conceals her marriage, she is actually a married woman!

But why is it so coincidental every time?

Since the shooting incident in the crew, every time Qin Weijie and Li luoran leave the crew together, Feng qianzhen will "happen to be on the way with Li luoran" and Li luoran walk out of the crew together.

Qin Weijie thought, is it really the right way?

How else can there be an explanation?!


Li luoran, Feng Qianji and Qin Weijie come to the parking lot together.

When Li luoran was about to get on Qin Weijie's car, the window of the red Lamborghini in the right parking space slipped and a wine red head came out,

"sister in law, don't get on the wrong bus."

“……” Li luoran stayed in front of Qin Weijie's car.

Chu Xingchen and Lu Shaochen will pick her up and see her off on time every day. Because there is a celebration dinner today, Li luoran called Chu Xingchen around noon and said that she doesn't need to pick her up tonight. Unexpectedly, Chu Xingchen still came.

Qin Weijie light pull Li Luo dye a, "go."

Because Li luoran is often with Qin Weijie, Chu Xingchen has recognized Qin Weijie's car. Every time he comes to pick up Li luoran, he parks his car in the parking space adjacent to Qin Weijie's.

The windy door will pop open automatically.

Liluoran dived in.

As expected, Lu Shaochen was also in the car.

As soon as Li luoran was seated, Lu Shaochen gently pinched her face with his thumb and index finger,

"dear, is everything going well today?"

"OK ~" Li luoran's eyelids drooped, deliberately did not look at him.

However, he could not escape the warm touch of his fingers, nor could he escape his unique cool breath, like peppermint cool in summer, which made her greedy and fascinated.

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A slightly heavy object fell on her leg, and his magnetic voice with great discrimination sounded in her ear,

"gift for you, open it?"

The dignified man, even though the voice line is not happy, seems to have a charm, she can't resist.

It's a delicate wooden box, with an attractive fragrance.

Li luoran seemed to be dragged to pick up the wooden box and opened it gently with her slender fingers.

The eye-catching golden light came into her view.

It's a pair of gold bracelets.

The shining golden body is inlaid with three diamonds, namely red diamond, green diamond and blue diamond. The light of the diamond and the light of the golden body complement each other. The beauty of trance seems to capture her soul

I can't help my mind.

I can't help the urge to wear this bracelet on my wrist.However, Li luoran, who was in a trance for a few seconds, did not take out the bracelet. Instead, he covered the wooden box ruthlessly.

He did not return the bracelet to Lu Shaochen.

I put it in my handbag.

She knew that Lu Shaochen, such an overbearing president, would never take back anything she sent out. If she refused, she would ask for trouble.

She can only take it for the time being -

or, for the time being, keep it for Lu Shaochen.

After her successful divorce from Lu Shaochen, she will return all the things Lu Shaochen gave her.

In the past, Lu Shaochen often gave Li luoran ornaments and treasures. Although she never wore them, seeing that she accepted them, Lu Shaochen felt satisfied.

Watch Li luoran pull the zipper of the handbag.

Lu Shaochen gently opened thin lips, "I heard Shu Xinshuang is very good for you."

Li luoran's little hand trembled as if he heard a bolt from the blue, and his eyes turned into fear in an instant,

"who did you listen to? You Watch me? "

Remembering the time when Lu Shaochen misunderstood that she had an affair with Jin Qian, she also suspected that Lu Shaochen had sent someone to monitor her. Lu Shaochen did not deny

Did Lu Shaochen really send someone to watch her all the time?

"If I want to spy on someone, I don't want her to see the flaw." Lu Shaochen was also very helpless to her suspicious eyes,

"I never monitored you, and it was Shu Xinshuang who told me that you were very good in the crew."

Li luoran seems to be petrified.

His lips were open, staring at Lu Shaochen, unable to say a word, even his breathing seemed to have stopped.

Lu Shaochen and Shu Xinshuang know each other?!

Why didn't she hear from Lu Shaochen or Shu Xinshuang?!

Lu Shaochen holds Li luoran's scarred little face in his big hand and raises his eyebrows. His smile is shallow and meaningful.

"Shu Xinshuang owes me a favor. I entrust her to take care of you in the crew. It seems that she has not broken her appointment."

Oh, my God!

Li luoran suddenly began to doubt life.

Sure enough!

There's a reason for everything.

Of course, she also knows that Shu Xinshuang will never be so kind to her for no reason, and even Feng Qianji proposed that Shu Xinshuang has "love" for her at the dinner party not long ago

Li luoran never thought that the root of everything was Lu Shaochen!

She always thought that Lu Shaochen never cared about everything in her crew, but she never thought that Lu Shaochen had paid so much for her

Lu Shaochen!

Why do you still treat me so well after I have made up my mind to break up with you?


back to the land house.

Li luoran asked the crew for a day off, and then made an appointment with Zhang Xiaozhi to meet tomorrow.

Tomorrow's meeting is also the last time Li luoran and Zhang Xiaozhi discuss the details of divorce. After this meeting, she and Zhang Xiaozhi will sue for divorce in court. She and Lu Shaochen will meet in court.

In fact, Li luoran and Zhang Xiaozhi had made an appointment to meet next week. However, the longer she got along with Lu Shaochen and the better he treated her, the less courage she had to drag on.

Still sleeping in the same bed with Lu Shaochen.

Lu Shaochen soon fell into the habit of hugging her and sleeping like before.

Li luoran didn't sleep all night.

In this way, he lay motionless in Lu Shaochen's arms all night, and his mind echoed the scenes when he was with him.

Did not wake up Lu Shaochen.

He hurried downstairs.

Because it's still early, Chu Xingchen, who had been picking her up half an hour earlier, hasn't come yet. Li luoran leaves Lu's house in a hurry and takes a taxi to the place agreed by her and Zhang Xiaozhi.

It's still the coffee shop.

Although it was less than seven o'clock when liluoran arrived, there were many customers in the shop who were used to drinking morning coffee.

Lilo ordered two.

Strangely enough, she and Zhang Xiaozhi made an appointment to meet at seven o'clock. Her coffee was cold, but Zhang Xiaozhi was still missing. Li luoran called Zhang Xiaozhi several times, but no one answered.

At a quarter past eight, Zhang Xiaozhi came into the cafe in a hurry.

Li luoran stood up from his seat with a sigh of relief. "Xiaozhi, you're here. You really scared me to death. I thought you would have something unexpected."

Zhang Xiaozhi sat down dejected and drank a large cup of coffee in one breath. Then he held his head in both hands and looked at Li luoran with guilt,

"Ranran, I'm sorry, I may let you down."

Li luoran just got a little better and his mood suddenly became very bad.

"What happened?" She looked at Zhang Xiaozhi in a trance. Zhang Xiaozhi's depressed expression made her have a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaozhi sighed,

"I overestimate my strength. Ranran, Mr. Lu really can't be provoked by my small role. I can't help you any more. This is the end of our cooperation."Without waiting for the voice to fall, stand up and run away.

Li luoran, flustered, grabbed her with both hands, "Hello! Zhang Xiaozhi, who said he was not afraid of power? Who said that he would fight Lu Shaochen and make him look for his teeth? Do you want to be like this? "

"Ranran!" Zhang Xiaozhi was extremely helpless,

"I take back what I said before, Lu Shao No, Mr. Lu and I have no grievances or grudges. I don't want to have a grudge with him. I used to be young and I didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth. I really can't afford your lawsuit. Ranran, you'd better ask someone else. Please, will you let me go? "

I want to break away from Li luoran's hand.

Li luoran is not willing to let go!

It's not that Li luoran has to ask Zhang Xiaozhi to help her fight this lawsuit, but because Zhang Xiaozhi is the only lawyer who dares to help her and Lu Shaochen fight this lawsuit before. If Zhang Xiaozhi lets go, Li luoran will never find a lawyer again!

Li luoran pulled Zhang Xiaozhi to death, "Xiaozhi, I know you can't suddenly change so much. Tell me, what did Lu Shaochen do to you?"

“……” Zhang Xiaozhi looked around in panic for a moment, and finally sighed,

"about an hour and a half ago, Mr. Lu's men tied my brother and my sister."

An hour and a half ago?

Li luoran clearly remembers that he just got up at that time, while Lu Shaochen was still asleep

Is Lu Shaochen pretending to be sleeping?

He guessed what she was going to do when she got up in a hurry, so he sent someone to tie Zhang Xiaozhi's family in advance?

What a terrible Lu Shaochen!

Li luoran felt cold all over.

"Ranran, you don't know how terrible the man who bound my brother and my sister is. He is wearing a black suit, a black hat and a black collar. His dark hair covers most of his face, like a devil coming out of the abyss. He has no expression on his face, he says He said, if I dare to go along with you again, he will destroy my sister's face and cut off my brother's "Life root..."

"Ranran, I believe that man can do what he says. I have to do what he says. I can't go along with you any more."

Zhang Xiaozhi's voice trembled.

In the same boat?

What she wants to do is aboveboard. How can she be in the same boat with her?

Li luoran can't laugh or cry.

According to Zhang Xiaozhi's description, if you think about it carefully, isn't the man in black who tied up Zhang Xiaozhi's brother and sister Lu Shaochen, the Falcon who blushes at the sight of a girl?

Thinking of falcon, Li luoran put her heart down. She tried her best to persuade Zhang Xiaozhi,

"Xiaozhi, listen to me, I know Lu Shaochen. He has nothing to do with you and will never hurt your family. The person he sent is just terrible on the surface. They are just frightening you. You continue to be my lawyer, and I promise your family will be fine "OK?"

Who knows, the voice just fell, Zhang Xiaozhi has taken advantage of her distracted time to shake off her hand.

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