You,Under My Name

Chapter 213: 213

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Li luoran subconsciously pursues Zhang Xiaozhi.

But Zhang Xiaozhi waved his hand to stop him.

"Stop pestering me, Li luoran. I've made up my mind not to help you any more. No matter what you say, it's useless." "To tell you the truth, Ranran, Mr. Lu told me that if I no longer associate with you, he will not only let my family go, but also hire me to be a full-time lawyer of his company. His salary is ten times that of my current law firm. What would you do if I were you?"


It was not until this moment that Li luoran realized that Lu Shaochen was both soft and hard on Zhang Xiaozhi. This is both a threat and a lure. Who can resist it?!

"You should be able to think of what ten times the salary means to us office workers, right? As long as I follow Mr. Lu, my life will be totally different. So, Li luoran, even if I believe that Mr. Lu tied my family to scare me, but just for my bright future, I can't continue to fight against him. "

Zhang Xiaozhi sighed apologetically,

"Ranran, for the sake of being your classmate in high school, don't disturb me any more. Just think about it for my life and my future, OK?"

The expressionless Li luoran stays in place like a sculpture.

Zhang Xiaozhi turned to go, took a few steps and then stopped and turned back.

"although I only met Lu Shaochen once, I can see from his speech and behavior that he loves you very much. Otherwise, such a noble man as Mr. Wang would not have been able to beat him up after his wife's divorce, and you..."

"Ranran, every time you mention him to me, although you keep saying that you don't love him and that you are determined to leave him, I am a lawyer. You can't cheat me. Your eyes tell me that you can't let him go, and you love him very much! How many people in the world have spent their whole lives searching for true love, but they can't get it. You and Mr. Lu are clearly in love. What's the trouble? "

Zhang Xiaozhi has already left the coffee shop.

Li luoran was still in the same place, his soul seemed to be evacuated, and his eyes were empty.


Why did she suffer?

Since love will bring so much pain and suffering to people, why did she breed so many feelings for Lu Shaochen?

Up to now, the feeling is more and more intense. Just thinking of making a decision with Lu Shaochen, the endless sadness and grief come like the flood that broke the dike, which makes her heart like a knife.

It took Li luoran a long time to regain his peace.

This is a window seat.

Her handbag has been on the coffee table. When she picked it up and wanted to leave, she saw Lu Shaochen.

Li luoran's first reaction was that he had hallucinations.

He squeezed his eyes hard and looked carefully. It was Lu Shaochen indeed -

he stood outside the window and looked at her through the light blue glass window. His delicate corners of his mouth were slightly upturned and his smile was charming and amusing.

Seeing his smile, Li luoran was furious.

Pick up your handbag and walk out of the cafe as fast as you can.

When he came out of the window, Lu Shaochen was sticking his back to the wall, smoking lazily.

"Lu Shaochen!"

Li luoran, standing in front of him, has erect eyebrows and disordered breath.

"I didn't expect you to be so mean and threaten my lawyer."

Lu Shaochen eyebrows, "I threaten her how, you help her to sue me?"

“……” Li luoran's eyes were wide open and his smile was angry.

"Lu Shaochen, can you be more shameless? The only lawyer in the world who dares to help me has been threatened by you. How can I sue you? "

Lilo trembled with anger.

But Lu Shaochen and I said, "I like your divorce in the end."

With these words, Lu Shaochen took a leisurely puff of his cigarette, then puffed out his cigarette ring and said slowly,

"although after this failure, I hope you can see the facts clearly and retreat in the face of difficulties, but if you haven't played enough, you can continue to try to find other lawyers to help you."

Lilo was pale.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her face, "darling, I will play this game with you to the end, but I promise you will lose in the end, understand?"

Drop this sentence, rub Li luoran's small head, and walk past Li luoran with pride.


Li luoran is about to collapse. He reaches out his little hand and grabs his wrist,

"Lu Shaochen, you are so obsessed, don't you think you are shameless, don't you think you are very Ah

The sudden tremor made her unable to speak.

accompanied by a loud noise, her back knot was bumped into the Wutong tree outside the cafe.

It was pressed on the tree by Lu Shaochen.

She panicked.However, there was no time to push Lu Shaochen away. His body had been pressed against her, and her lips were sealed with light brown lips

"Woo -"

just let out this exclamation.

All the voices that followed were blocked in the throat.

The sweet tongue is rolled up by him, swabbed and squeezed wildly

The man's unique charm and strong aroma of tobacco quickly encroached on her consciousness. Her heart was pounding like a tsunami, and then it stopped, even didn't know how to breathe.

Almost perfect man, as if there is a girl suffocating magic.

Li luoran, who decided to divorce Lu Shaochen, even though he didn't want to be close to him, once he was forced to kiss him, once he was invaded by his breath, the whole person seemed to fall into his control, even his soul seemed to be tamed by him, and he could no longer help himself.

I don't know how long it took.

Lu Shaochen finally stopped occupying her lips and stepped back.

Li luoran's thoughts gradually came back to reality, and then found that there were many people around him -

most of them were young girls, and a fashionable mother was leading a little girl in red, who was staring at her with big curious eyes.


Li luoran felt shy at first. The next second, he looked angrily at Lu Shaochen.

"You can sue me." Lu Shaochen raised his eyebrows.

Li luoran couldn't smile bitterly, "tell you what?"

Lu Shaochen hook lips, "tell me to kiss you."

“! @#Li luoran was ready to cry.

Lu Shaochen winked at her and walked away with her long legs in her eyes.

Li luoran looks at his figure in horror. When his figure disappears at the corner, his strength seems to be drained and he leans on the cold tree.


What a sin she did in her last life?

Otherwise, how could God arrange for her to meet Lu Shaochen in her life?


the cool, streamlined Rolls Royce stops at the side of the road.

Lu Shaochen has already got into the co driver's seat, but Chu Xingchen looks at him with strange eyes and refuses to start the car.

Lu Shaochen, "what are you waiting for?"

Chu Xing Chen pointed to the distant figure on the plane tree of France.

Lu Shaochen, "don't wait for her."

Chu Xingchen was stunned, "why?"

Lu Shaochen, "she needs to be alone."


I can't believe my ears.

What's the matter with you today?

In the past, no matter how busy he was, he had to take Chu Xingchen's car to pick up his sister-in-law before Li luoran left the cast. Today, he is leaving his sister-in-law alone?

"It's a painful process to accept failure." Lu Shaochen dipped the tip of his tongue slightly, but he still had the fragrance of Li luoran's lips. He looked at Li luoran in the distance for a moment,

"after the pain, he would learn a lesson, do you understand?"


What kind of genius can understand such profound words?

Chu Xingchen shook his head.

Meanwhile, the palm of his right hand covered Lu Shaochen's forehead.

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Lu Shaochen's face was as gloomy as a dark cloud, "what are you doing?"

"Hey, don't be angry, I'm just thinking about your health..." Chu Xingchen pulls back his hand in a hurry,

"hehe, I just feel that I'm abnormal today, so I'll verify if I have a fever."

Lu Shaochen eyes a deep color, "drive!"

"I understand. I decided not to wait for my sister-in-law. I want to leave my sister-in-law alone in pain. I'll drive! Drive

Chu Xingchen starts the car while reading.

The luxurious streamlined super run slowly drove away.

Li luoran in the rearview mirror gradually shrunk to a spot that was hard to see, but Lu Shaochen's vision still did not pull away from the spot.

Girl, will you remember this lesson?

Still want to divorce?


in this bustling metropolis, not to mention lovers kissing in the street, it's even common for couples to kiss in the car.

People don't watch Li luoran because they haven't seen lovers kissing, but because no one has seen such a handsome man as Lu Shaochen.

Otherwise, why didn't the onlookers all say that they were women? Moreover, after Lu Shaochen left, they immediately dispersed in a crowd?

The crowd gradually dispersed.

But Li luoran still leans on the tree and cannot return to God for a long time.

Until now, the lips are still hot pain, tongue tip is numb like electric shock, and the smell of blood can not be dissipated in the mouth.

Every time Lu Shaochen kisses her, and every time he shares a room with her, he leaves her an impression that she can't recover for a long time, which she remembers for a long timeIt's getting quiet around.

Li luoran thought of the encounter between him and Lu Shaochen.

Since Lu Shaochen broke into her world, her life trajectory has undergone earth shaking changes, and she seems to be completely controlled by Lu Shaochen. At the beginning, she could not help but marry Lu Shaochen. Now it is impossible to divorce Lu Shaochen.

The man named Lu Shaochen forcibly occupied her love!

And she was afraid that Lu Shaochen would occupy her whole life!

"I'm very sad because I know so much. Without you, I have to listen to the breath of the wind, but there's something called time, saying that it's OK, and finally we'll recover..."

Li luoran was so dazed that it took a long time for her cell phone to ring before she caught her attention.

It turned out to be Bai Qingwan's call. She picked it up.

"Li luoran, come and save Zhinian She She's going to jump Because of excessive tension and uneasiness, Bai Qingwan's voice was intermittent.

Li luoran's heart suddenly hung, "where is Zhinian?"

"Su's headquarters building, you come quickly!"


Su's headquarters building is only three blocks away from Li luoran's current location.

With the fastest speed, Li luoran sweeps the yard by the side of the road, opens a bike sharing car, and almost rushes all the way to the destination.

The street under Su's headquarters building has been blocked by ah sir. People on the third floor and the third floor are surrounded by the blockade circle, looking up at the roof -

because a girl wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans is standing on the edge of the roof, and the brilliant building surrounded by high-grade Navy Blue bulletproof glass is in such a sharp contrast with the girl's weak figure.

Li luoran couldn't take a breath. She left her bike at the entrance of Su's gate and ran all the way into the hall and into the elevator, regardless of the security.

A windy season.

On the roof of the building, the autumn wind blows, cutting people's skin like a blade.

Bai Zhinian was standing on the edge of the roof. Nearly half of her right foot was empty. The fierce wind made her black hair and sleeves fly. It seemed that as long as the wind was stronger, she would be blown downstairs.

Ah, sir and negotiators are standing aside, discussing countermeasures.

Bai Qingwan, who is standing behind Bai Zhinian, now ignores his grudge with Li luoran. When he sees Li luoran, he jumps up and hugs her arm,

"Ranran, I'm afraid only you can know now. You must save her, you save her!"

Li luoran was at a loss.

Just want to ask why even Bai Qingwan's sister can't save Zhinian, but only she can. Bai Qingwan, whose eyes are red and swollen, can't say a word,

"in order to revenge, Su Yan has been deceiving Zhinian. Zhinian is getting deeper and deeper into him. Just two hours ago, Su Yan called Zhinian to find him in his office. Zhinian pushed open the door of the president's office and found Su Yan's female secretary Sitting on his lap without any clothes... " Bai Qingwan gritted his teeth.

Li luoran was in a mess.

She could imagine what it was like.

She can also think that Su Yan doesn't really have anything to do with his female secretary. Maybe she just let her play with him for Bai Zhinian.

"Zhinian burst into tears on the spot. She reluctantly asked Su Yan what happened. Su Yan told her that he didn't love her at all. Su Yan said that his purpose of approaching Zhinian was to revenge me. She deserved that she was too stupid and naive. She was willing to be slept by him when she knew the grudge between him and me So Su Yan, that bastard So... "

The sobbing Bai Qingwan couldn't go on.

But Li luoran already understood what Bai Qingwan wanted to say.

So, in despair, Bai Zhinian had the idea of suicide, and ran to the top of Su's building.

In fact, when Li luoran learned that Bai Zhinian was pregnant with Su Yan's child, he thought that sooner or later, Su Yan would show his true face in front of Bai Zhinian.

But Li luoran didn't expect that everything would come so soon.

She did not expect that the situation would become so serious.

"Miss Li, she has been standing there like this for nearly an hour. How can we persuade her, she refuses to come down. Her posture is so dangerous that we dare not rush to rescue her."

An ah Sir sighed and pointed to Bai Zhinian's figure,

"she said that unless Su Yan came to make an end with her, it would be useless for anyone to persuade her, but But Alas

I'm afraid Bai Zhinian will hear it. Ah, sir lowers his voice,

"but Su always doesn't know where he's hiding. We call him and tell him the whole story, but he says he's very busy and has no time to care about these trivial things. Miss Bai says that you're the only one who can please Su Yan."

Li luoran understood the reason why Bai Qingwan asked her to come.

She dials the voice of Su Yannian and doesn't hear her.

The call was soon put through.

"Ranran, I welcome you to call me, but if you call to let me see Bai Zhinian, we don't need to talk about it."Su Yan's voice is cold.

Li luoran only felt cold all over, "Su Yan, I know you do this to revenge Bai Qingwan, I also know you don't want to know to read well, but in any case, know to read also don't need to set up their own life, she is only 17 years old, you still have a little conscience to come to save her."

“……” There was silence for nearly two seconds, when the voice sounded again, it was colder than before,

"what's the use of conscience? Can you bring my dad back from the dead? "

Li luoran was rejected.

Su Yan's voice continued to spread, "Ranran, don't call me again. You hate Bai Qingwan, don't you? I advise you to leave her alone and let Bai Zhinian live and die. "

Hang up decisively.

Li luoran dials it back, and the machine has been turned off at that end.


Li luoran, who was so angry that he trembled all over, threw his mobile phone to the ground in anger.

Holding his head in both hands, he squatted on the ground for a long time and then recovered a little calm.

Pick up the mobile phone that has broken the screen and walk back slowly to the location where Bai Zhinian is.

Bai Qingwan was the first to come up, "Ranran, how about it?"

Li luoran shook his head in despair.

Bai Qingwan's originally pale face became more bloodless.

Ah, sir is also very helpless, "Miss Li, since you are here, you go to persuade her, maybe she will listen to you?"


Li luoran took a deep breath and walked slowly to Bai Zhinian.

About five meters away from Bai Zhinian, Bai Zhinian looked back at her and said, "sister Ranran, don't go any further, or I will jump now."

Li luoran could only stop and was very upset, but he tried to smile calmly,

"Zhinian, I just called Su Yan. Although he is very busy now, he still said to come as soon as possible, which shows that he still can't let you go in his heart. He will come to see you soon. You are so dangerous by the side of the building. If you fall down accidentally, you won't see him. Come By my side, let's wait for him. "

Bai Zhinian smile desolate, "I saw him in his office, he was in love with his secretary, even now he is very busy, is busy sleeping his secretary?"

Li luoran's lips trembled and he was about to explain, but Bai Zhinian said,

"brother Su Yan has been in this building all the time. If he wanted to see me, he would have come long ago. Sister Ranran, I know you don't want me to die. At the moment when Su Yan told me the truth, I suddenly realized that everything you said to me in the hospital that day was true. I regret that I didn't believe you at that time But now, it's too late... "

The pretty girl, with her white hands caressing her slightly raised stomach, shed tears,

"our children are getting bigger and bigger, and I have given up my dream university for him. For him, I have given up all my best."

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