You,Under My Name

Chapter 234: 234

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Lu Shaochen is still in place like a sculpture, and the bright light hits his handsome face.

Accustomed to the sadness deeply hidden in the bottom of my heart, silent digestion, so at the moment, he seems indifferent as usual.

"Now that you've recovered your image in Chu Tong's mind."

From the right came this beautiful voice.

when Lu Shaochen came to xiaoshuiqian, he suspected that it was xiaoshuiqian who had come to her

After more than a year, Lu Shaochen was used to talking to Li luoran. Even if he was in a bad mood, he was still smiling.

And she seems to have become the antidote for all his negative emotions. As long as she looks at her, the things that made him feel heavy suddenly become less worried.

"All right!" Li luoran shrugged.

Although that woman is similar to Jin Xintong just now, Li luoran can still see the difference between her and Jin Xintong. Li luoran is sure that Jin Xintong was the one who acted with Xiao Qianhua in the break a year ago.

Li luoran also knows that in order to protect Jin Xintong, Xiao Qianhua takes all the responsibility to himself.

But Li luoran didn't say a word of the above.

First of all, the beautiful image of Jin Xintong is deeply rooted in Lu Shaochen's mind. Lu Shaochen will easily and naturally believe that Jin Xintong is "innocent" and will never believe that Li luoran "slanders" Jin Xintong.

Second, and most important.

Li luoran has wronged Lu Shaochen for a whole year. She has enough guilt and doesn't want to argue with him about Jin Xintong.

Jin Xintong is his first love after all.

Who doesn't want to have a good memory of their first love forever?

Besides, Jin Xintong saved his life.

He has always regarded jinxintong as a goddess, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Li luoran looks up at Lu Shaochen with her bright eyes, "do you have any plans next?"

Li luoran is half a head shorter than Lu Shaochen. Lu Shaochen slightly lowers his head and looks at her.

"a year ago, we were looking for our child. After Song Zilu died, all clues were broken. Now, everything shows that Xiao Qianhua knows the whereabouts of our child. I suspect that he was the mastermind who designed you to give birth to our child."

Li luoran rolled his lips, "yes."

It's hard to say why. When Li luoran learned that Xiao Qianhua ordered the murderer to kill song Zilu, he immediately thought that Xiao Qianhua was the culprit behind the scenes who had designed her and Lu Shaochen for a night and robbed her children four years ago.

But are women's unique sixth sense at work?

Or is it because the sinister and satanic feeling of Xiao Qian's paintings naturally gives people the feeling of "he is the villain" and "he is the culprit"?

Lu Shaochen said, "at the beginning, Xiao Qianhua had been hiding in the dark, which made me unable to find out the truth. Now the culprit has come to the surface. I believe that the truth will come to the surface soon with him. Do you believe me?"

Say words, fingers habitually light pinch liluoran's face.

Li luoran said with a smile in his tears, "believe it."


She should always believe in Lu Shaochen.

However, looking back on the past year, I wronged and ignored Lu Shaochen for only "seeing is believing". Last night, even Jin Qian had helped Lu Shaochen to prove her innocence. However, after she saw Lu Shaochen again at Jin Xintong's home, she immediately suspected that Lu Shaochen was coming

This is exactly what Jin Xintong hopes to see.

Li luoran thinks that if he firmly believes in Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong will not succeed.

Li luoran is secretly blaming himself.

Shu Xin as like as two peas, and walked slowly to her side.

, "dyed, dyed, I saw the man almost exactly the same as that of Shaw Chen. I could not help thinking that if I were the wife of Shaoxing, if I saw the man and Jin Xin Tong together, even if I believe in his character again, I will surely misunderstand him. So, Ranran, you don't have to blame yourself. I really don't blame you. I can only blame you for this strange thing. That man is really like Shaochen. "

The beautiful and intelligent woman, like a spirit who can read the mind, can always understand Li luoran's mind.

Li luoran looked at his "Idol" with emotion,

"thank you."

Three people speak, a tactful female voice came from afar, "Shaochen, I heard your voice in the upstairs, I thought I had an illusion, open the window to look downstairs, it's really you, you will come to my house to see me, I'm very happy."

Lu Shaochen, who had just spoken to Li luoran and was still warm and Confucious, became expressionless at this moment. "I didn't come here to see you."

“……” Jinxintong's beautiful face was embarrassed for a long time.

Jin Xintong is just pretending to be embarrassed. Knowing why Lu Shaochen came, she arranged for Xiao Qianhua to go downstairs to meet Lu Shaochen at the most appropriate time, and asked Xiao Qianhua to tell Lu Shaochen that "everything has nothing to do with Jin Xintong"Although Li luoran saw through everything, he didn't tear it down. He just watched the beauty perform like a play.

Standing beside Li luoran, Shu Xinshuang watched the change with the same mood as Li luoran.

Quickly gathered up the embarrassment, Jin Xintong smiles and looks at Li luoran, "sister Ranran, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding in my family."

"Oh?" Li luoran was quite surprised,

"I thought you would say that I didn't go to your house at all, or nothing happened during my stay in your house."

Jin Xintong's wronged biting pink lips makes people feel pity.

"sister Ranran, I know you hate me, and you want to destroy my image in Shaochen's mind, but there is a limit to people's tolerance. In the past, you always said bad things about me in front of Shaochen. I can not blame you, but please don't do that in the future, OK?"


Li luoran was shocked.

In any case, she never thought that Jin Xintong, who used to be polite to Li luoran in front of Lu Shaochen, would tear her face in front of Lu Shaochen.

Shu Xinshuang also accidentally widened his eyes.

However, if you think about it carefully, you will admire Jin Xintong even more -

If Jin Xintong is always friendly to Li luoran, for a long time, maybe Lu Shaochen will suspect that her friendliness is too fake. Jin Xintong will tear up her face with Li luoran at this moment. On the contrary, Lu Shaochen will feel that every frame up and injury made by Li luoran to Jin Xintong is true and always "kind" Jin Xintong is also forced by Li luoran, and she can't bear it


Jin Xintong's voice, which seemed very angry, could not help but improve a few points.

"last night, sister Ranran sent me a text message, said some strange words, and asked to meet me. Although I didn't know what she was going to do, I still agreed to meet her at my home at ten o'clock this morning. About a quarter of an hour later, sister Ranran came to my home. Coincidentally, Qianhua was a guest at my home, Ranran After seeing Qianhua, my sister fell and smashed in my house like crazy. I asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say a word. Finally, she broke the door and left my house in a mess. This is the picture I took of my home destroyed by her. "

When the mobile phone is up, a picture will appear in an instant.

Because the brightness of the screen has been adjusted to the highest, the picture is still clear and visible in the bright sun.

The photo shows the living room of Jin Xintong's family. The living room with an area of more than 50 square meters seems to have just been swept by a mob. Coffee is splashed on the snow-white wall, bookshelves are lying on the ground, and all kinds of books are scattered on the ground. Broken glasses can be seen everywhere. The 70 inch TV screen is full of cracks. It's conceivable that a chair and TV screen are close together It was the TV that broke the chair

Of course, Li luoran knows that Jin Xintong is setting himself up.

But she didn't care to explain anything.

Just a silent lips, ironically looking at this intelligence and acting skills are high to the explosion of the table "drama essence".

Just listen to Jin Xintong continue, "although my family was destroyed by sister Ranran, the servant has been cleaning up, but now it is still a mess, if you don't believe it, you can go to see it in person." Raise your hand and point upstairs.

Lu Shaochen, with a thin face,

"no, I'll pay for it."

Didn't you expect that Lu Shaochen would respond like this?

You are reading story You,Under My Name at

Why does he personally say that at this moment, Jin Xintong's heart is still as painful as being deeply cut?

Jin Xintong deeply covers the pain,

"I didn't want to let anyone pay for it. I took this picture to show you. I just want you to see the truth, not to let you continue to listen to sister Ranran's bad words about me. Ha ha, it's ironic. After sister Ranran slammed the door to my house, I was still thinking about her. I was still wondering if she mistook Qianhua for you It's crazy for you to be with me behind her back, so after seeing her, I apologized to her like a fool. As a result, what she gave me back was sarcasm and sarcasm! "

Jin Xintong's delicate body trembles, as if she is in agony,

"sister Ranran, you have successfully robbed Shaochen. You have won. Shaochen has refused me thousands of miles away for you. Don't you get enough? Now I only have the image in Shaochen's heart. Why do you always take the trouble to speak ill of me in front of him? Why are you so cruel as to destroy my only remaining position in his heart? "

Tears seemed to break the dike, and instantly covered the woman's extremely beautiful face.

Looking at Jin Xintong's pathetic appearance, Li luoran can hardly help helping her forward -

however, Li luoran knows Jin Xintong is acting.

Jinxintong said every word is a lie!

In the past, Li luoran had seen Bai Qingwan complain to Su Yan. Bai Qingwan's performance was not leaking. Li luoran always felt that there was no other person in the world who could be better at "complaining" than Bai Qingwan.

It's not until this moment that Li luoran is shocked to find that Bai Qingwan and Jin Xintong are nothing compared with each other.At this moment, people who do not know the truth will sympathize with and cherish Jin Xintong.

At the same time, he would hate liloran, the cruel executioner.

"Heartbroken" Jin Xintong is tottering in the wind, like a delicate petal that may be torn at any time in the storm.

Knowing that Jin Xintong is playing Shu Xinshuang, of course, he won't help her.

Although Lu Shaochen's heart is like a knife, because he takes Li luoran's feelings into consideration, he does not dare to help Jin Xintong in front of Li luoran's face, but coagulates his ink eyes in pain.

"Little sister Jin!"

when Bi Chen looks at her sister's broken heart, she feels that her sister is shaking? Why are you so cruel to her? "

Lu Shaochen's face was cold and painful.

Time seems to flow backwards.

It's like going back to the day when Jin Xintong was desperate to save herself. She was so angry that she fell into a pool of blood. He clenched her little hand stained with blood, and in tears, he vowed to be a husband and wife forever

Now, he gave her, but only failed.


Why did God arrange for him to meet her, but let him meet Li luoran?

Lu Shaochen's eyes are full of tears. He looks at Jin Xintong, who is standing opposite him crying.

Chu Xingchen angrily stares at Shaochen.

Li luoran and Shu Xinshuang with complicated emotions are like light bulbs.

"Ranran ~" Shu Xinshuang gently pulls Li luoran's right hand,

"let Shaochen and Xiaojin talk about it alone."

Li luoran doesn't want to see Jin Xintong's acting any more. He goes back to the car with Shu Xinshuang.

Sitting on the car for a moment, the whole body's strength seems to be evacuated, paralyzed like trapped in the car seat.

In fact, Lu Shaotong will take all the responsibilities in front of Luo Jin.

Li luoran also knew that Lu Shaochen would believe Jin Xintong.

She thought she was going to take it lightly.

Lu shaoran just saw the feeling in Luo Chen's heart.


She shouldn't be so mean.

She never hoped that Lu Shaochen would be merciless.

Lu Shaochen couldn't let Jin Xintong go, which shows that Lu Shaochen attached great importance to emotion and righteousness.

If Lu Shaochen can easily be indifferent to his first love and life-saving benefactor, he will also be indifferent to Li luoran in the future

She knows everything.

However, Li luoran was still jealous.

Maybe that's what girls are born with.

Perhaps, the deeper you love someone, the more irrational you will be. It's selfish to want to monopolize him

"Want to hear the story of Lu Shaochen and Jin Xintong?" Shuxinshuang's voice came from the left side.

Li luoran tried to squeeze out a smile at the corner of her mouth,

Shu Xinshuang looked at Lu Shaochen's figure through the light gray glass,

"speaking, Shaochen and Jin Xintong are in puppy love. They fell in love 11 years ago when they were a sophomore in senior high school. Their feelings are very deep. Shaochen's college entrance examination score is 53 points higher than Jin Xintong's, so Shaochen could have been better Point University, but in order to be together with jinxintong, and jinxintong entered the same university

Li luoran also experienced college entrance examination.

The vast majority of candidates hope to enter a better school. Li luoran can imagine that Lu Shaochen's application for a school that is 50 points lower than his college entrance examination score when filling in the application form will not only hurt him, but also be strongly opposed by his family.

So at that time, Lu Shaochen already loved Jin Xintong.

Shu Xinshuang continued, "nine years ago, Shaochen and Jin Xintong were both sophomores. At that time, many girls liked Shaochen. One of Shaochen's classmates was particularly obsessed with Shaochen. Although the girl knew that Shaochen had a girlfriend, she still pursued Shaochen.

"Of course, the girl who has the courage to chase Shaochen is also a very outstanding good girl. Many boys like such a good girl, but another boy is especially obsessed with the girl. The boy pursues the girl but repeatedly hits the wall. Finally, the boy puts his resentment on Shaochen. One night, the girl is very angry The boy hides a fruit knife in his schoolbag and waits in advance on the way Shaochen has to go back to his dormitory after self-study every night. When Shaochen and Jin Xintong pass by, he takes out a fruit knife and stabs Shaochen in the heart! "

“……” Although he knew that Lu Shaochen was safe, Li luoran was still in a cold sweat.

"Alas Shuxinshuang sighs,"Of course, Shaochen was not stabbed, otherwise he would have died that day. Jin Xintong, who is aware of the danger, desperately blocks Lu Shaochen and the boy. He stabbed Jin Xintong with the knife, and Jin Xintong almost died."

Li luoran can't help looking out of the window at Jin Xintong.

At the moment, Jin Xintong is supported by Chu Xingchen. I don't know what to say with Lu Shaochen standing opposite her.

Li luoran thought that if she saw Lu Shaochen in danger, she would not hesitate to block Lu Shaochen.

However, life is precious. If a person is willing to block a knife for another person, that person is more important to her than her own life.

"Dye..." Shu Xinshuang holds Li luoran's hand,

"when I tell you this, I just want you to know that Jin Xintong is a true love for Shaochen, and she is willing to do anything for Shaochen."

Li luoran nodded, "you don't have to say I know, I've seen it."

Looking back on the past, in order to separate her from Lu Shaochen, Jin Xintong not only scratched her bright skin, but also destroyed her innocence and conceived a child with a strange man. Then she risked her life and ran into Lu Shaochen's car, resulting in abortion

If a woman is not crazy about a man, she will never try to get him back at all costs.

Jin Xintong is very poor.

This is the reason why Li luoran can't hate Jin Xintong like Bai Qingwan.

Shu Xinshuang chuckles, "Ranran, don't get me wrong. I don't feel for jinxintong at all. Although she suffered a lot, Shaochen thought she was with you after she died. She didn't come back until you and Shaochen became husband and wife. Doesn't she want Shaochen to be a widow for her all her life? Shaochen didn't let her down. If you want to blame her, you can only blame fate. Since it's impossible for her and Shaochen, she should bury this love in her heart and silently wish her happiness instead of making Shaochen feel guilty and miserable. "

Li luoran's liking for Shu Xinshuang has risen to a new level.

Li luoran thinks that Shu Xinshuang may not be able to be selfless to the people he loves.

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